Iris as cut flowers - Sunshine Iris Nursery (2024)

By Margie Habraken
on October 17, 2017

Iris as cut flowers - Sunshine Iris Nursery (1)

Whilst we love the look of our iris in the garden, they make spectacular cut flowers in a vase inside and keep for up to 2 weeks. Here a few handy tips to ensure you get the most out of your indoor iris displays.

  • Keep an eye on iris flowers in your garden, and pick them just as the top flower is starting to unfurl. It’s best to cut them using sharp secateurs or a knife in the early morning or evening,
  • Some people advise recutting your iris at an angle once they are inside, either under a running tap or underwater in a bucket.
  • Display your iris out of direct sunlight and breezes. Change the water every 3 days or when it becomes murky and recut the stems if necessary. Pinch off the wilted flowers as blooms emerge lower down the stem.
  • Occasionally an iris will drip a sap-like substance – place them on a non-porous surface just to be on the safe side.

For some interesting ideas on how to display your iris, google ikebana and iris. Ikebana is a Japanese form of flower arranging which turns cut flowers and foliage into works of art. Whatever your displays, enjoy your iris.

Iris as cut flowers - Sunshine Iris Nursery (2024)


Do iris make good cut flowers? ›

Iris Make Great Cut Flowers

For longer lasting flowers cut your Iris early in the day with the buds just opening. Place them in a bucket of tepid water and recut the stem end underwater at an angle one inch up. Display your Iris in a cool niche away from direct sun and drafts.

What are the best irises for cutting? ›

Bearded Iris are also an incredible cut flower. They have great staying power in a vase, and if you pick a stem with multiple blooms, the tight buds will slowly open as the older blooms begin to fade and shrivel. And they start out in bright vibrant colours, but then they start to fade into the loveliest muted shades.

How long will iris last in vase? ›

Iris flowers have an average vase life of 3-5 days.

Should you cut spent iris blooms? ›

Iris Care: Deadheading

After your irises have bloomed, remove the dead blossoms. This prevents the plants from using up their energy in ripening the seed heads. If your irises stop producing blooms, they may have become overcrowded. Dig up the bulbs in early fall and separate them before replanting.

Will irises keep in a vase? ›

Whilst we love the look of our iris in the garden, they make spectacular cut flowers in a vase inside and keep for up to 2 weeks. Here a few handy tips to ensure you get the most out of your indoor iris displays.

Will an iris open in a vase? ›

Most Iris will indeed bloom after they are cut and you will have greater success if you follow the instructions below: Cut iris stalks when flower buds show colour but are not yet open. Cuts should be made where the stem starts to turn green below the buds.

Do cut irises last long? ›

With the right care, iris should last for 5 to 7 days. Upon arriving home, follow a few simple steps to get the most out of your blooms: When you get home, stand the wrapped flowers in water so they can get a good drink while you're getting the vase ready.

What month do you cut back iris? ›

In August, each iris leaf is cut back by about half its length. This leaves a fan of trimmed leaves standing about a foot tall above the soil. These half-leaves stay on the iris plant until fall frost arrives and the plant is further cut back to just above the ground.

What is the most beautiful iris? ›

Iris 'Dauntless' (Bearded Iris)

Perfectly shaped flowers beautifully held on tall stems and lasting over a long season earned this Tall Bearded Iris the most prestigious award of the American Iris Society, the Dykes Medal in 1929.

How do you keep irises fresh in a vase? ›

Lukewarm water (about 100 degrees F), to which you should add a good flower preservative, is the best way to arrange fresh-cut iris. A commercial flower preservative, used as recommended, will provide additional days of vase life.

How long do irises last in water? ›

Irises as Cut Flowers

Cut flowers for arrangements when they are just showing color. Vase life is 3 to 7 days.

How do you keep iris blooming all summer? ›

Summer Care for Your Iris bed
  1. Prune. Grab your best pruning shears, and cut back the spent flower stalks near the plant's base. ...
  2. Fertilize. Light fertilization in the summer bodes well for your iris plants' health. ...
  3. Weed. Weeds and grasses, left unchecked, will overwhelm your iris beds in little time.
Jun 30, 2016

How do you harvest iris for cut flowers? ›

The flowers are harvested by pulling the plants up bulb and all. Irises sometimes produce leaves that are too long or have withered, yellowish-brown leaf tips. These should be removed because they reduce ornamental value. Leaf tipping is easiest to do after bunching.

What happens if you don't cut back irises? ›

Pruning or trimming the foliage protects the plant from fungal and bacterial diseases caused by too much moisture on the leaves. Irises are vulnerable to blight, leaf spot and soft rot. Left to overwinter, they are also vulnerable to a major iris pest-the iris borer.

Can irises sit in water? ›

True water irises grow best with water over their crown year round. They are semi-aquatic plants often referred to as bog or marginal aquatic plants. They flourish in water all year round. Most will also grow in wet soil alongside a pond or stream, or even in a moist garden spot.

Should iris be watered after blooming? ›

Fertilize your iris with an organic fertilizer in the spring. Water deeply once a week if it hasn't rained. Frequent splashing of automatic irrigation systems can cause leaf-spot on these plants, especially on the bearded varieties.

Can you touch iris flowers? ›

Symptoms: All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the roots. Symptoms can include a burning sensation of the mouth and throat, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhoea. Skin contact with the seeds, leaves (sap) or roots may cause dermatitis. Warning: Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

Can I put an iris bulb in water? ›

These hardy bulbs flower in late spring or early summer outdoors, but you can force them inside in water for bright winter color. Water forcing eliminates the need for soil and pots. Irises grow well with this method if the main bulb remains dry.

How often do irises need to be divided? ›

These plants need to be divided every few years, when flowering declines or the clump becomes crowded. This may occur in as little as two years or as many as five. Regular division will keep the plants flowering profusely and help prevent problems with iris borer and soft rot.

How long can irises stay out of the ground? ›

It will not damage the prepared rhizomes to remain out of the ground for two weeks. Select a planting location with good drainage that receives a minimum of 5 to 6 hours of sun every day or that is in full sun. Iris may be planted in a bed or as clumps between other plants.

Can iris be cut back in fall? ›

Since the eggs overwinter on the foliage, it's critical that you cut back irises in the fall. Trim off the leaves all the way back to the rhizomes, and toss them in the trash or bury them. If you come across a soft, rotten rhizome, dig it out and throw it away.

Can you divide iris every year? ›

When bloom production slows, about every three to five years, it is necessary to divide by removing and replanting the small rhizomes. Divide at the right time of year, after flowering, when irises become dormant during late summer, reducing the chance of bacterial soft rot.

Should I divide iris in fall or spring? ›

The plant spreads through underground rhizomes which form clumps that need to be divided when they get large. Dividing and transplanting irises in the fall or late summer is the ideal time, and will result in healthy blooms the next spring.

What is the rarest iris flower color? ›

The black iris is one of the rarest flowers in the world, and displays a very unique mix of colours, it is characterised by a dark purple almost black colour' with a mesmerizing Lilac hue and a white spot in the middle of the flower.

Why is iris so expensive? ›

Why is iris so expensive? The roots of Iris plants are carefully kept on the field for 4 to 5 years or more to develop the bulbs and then it takes another 3 to 6 years to dry the root bulbs before the actual distillation process. Only 2% of dried roots transform into iris butter.

Do irises prefer sun or shade? ›

Sun or Shade: Iris flower best in full sun, though most can also be grown in dappled shade. Zone: Iris reticulata and Dutch iris are hardy in zones 5-9.

Does putting a penny in a vase help flowers? ›

The reason pennies are considered a smart way to keep flowers alive longer is because copper is a fungicide, so it naturally kills off those pesky bacteria and fungi that are trying to camp out in your flowers' vase and shorten the life span of your stems.

How do I keep my iris from rotting? ›

To avoid rhizome rot, be sure to plant your Bearded Iris in an area with good drainage. If you don't have any beds with good drainage, consider building a raised bed or adding peat moss to your soil. Overcrowding can also cause rhizome rot so make sure to start your Bearded iris out with plenty of room to grow.

Why put cut flowers in boiling water? ›

The hot water forces the oxygen out of the stem and you'll see the tiny bubbles popping up. Once the bubbles taper off you can plunge the flowers straight into fresh water to keep them healthy. They'll be able to drink up perfectly!

How do you winterize irises? ›

How to Winterize a Dutch Iris
  • Cut back the flower stalk close to the base of the plant when the flowers begin to fade. ...
  • Allow foliage to grow until it yellows or is killed by the frost in the fall. ...
  • Cover the Dutch iris plants with a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch, such as straw or leaves, in late fall.

Can irises get too much sun? ›

Irises are known for their large, vibrant flowers, but extremely hot weather might fade flowers in bloom or delay flowering. Although irises typically need six to eight hours of sun daily to perform well, you can plant them in light shade in hot climates.

Do irises thrive in the rain? ›

Blue flag irises prefer to grow in damp conditions, beside a pond, or in a rain garden. But they will grow anywhere where the soil stays moist and can even be grown in containers.

What causes iris blooms to fall over? ›

Flopping iris indicate it's time to divide the clump, especially if this has not been done within the past three years. Iris also will fall over if they are growing in too much shade or if they have been over-fertilized with a high-nitrogen mix that will spur foliar growth at the expense of flower development.

How do I get my iris to bloom twice? ›

Reblooming Bearded Iris are heavy feeders, requiring more water and fertilizer for the extra boost to flower again. Be sure to deadhead faded flower spikes promptly after the first bloom, so plants will have time to form new flowers.

Why do my irises have buds but not blooming? ›

Shade and overcrowding are the most common culprits when irises won't bloom. If your irises aren't in full sun, move them to a brighter spot. If that's not the problem, you many need to dig up and divide your plants. The best time to do this is 6 to 8 weeks after they've finished flowering (or should have flowered).

What do you do with an iris after the flower dies? ›

Split the irises every year, after flowering has ended during June. At this point the early summer leaves and flower stems have started to die back, and the late summer leaves have started to grow. 2. Split individual plants by cleaving the rhizomes with a spade, leaving the part to be retained undisturbed in the soil.

Can you cut irises down to the ground after they bloom? ›

A: After your irises have bloomed, you can indeed cut down the flower stalk; this process is known as "deadheading". You can use a clean knife or pair of utility scissors for this process, if they are too thick to snap off by hand.

Is it better to cut back irises when separating and transplanting? ›

Trim the leaves back to 8 inches before transplanting iris. Replant the smaller, younger rhizomes so that the top of the rhizome sits at or slightly above the soil line. Do not bury rhizomes too deeply or you risk having them rot.

Is iris a funeral flower? ›

Irises at a funeral can signify faith, wisdom, valour and hope. Additionally, their blade-shaped foliage can also symbolise piercing the heart, indicating your deep sorrow and grief.

What is special about the iris flower? ›

Iris flowers have an unusual structure and appearance. The petals resemble a classic fleur-de-lis symbol, with some petals rising up while others cascade down. The center petals stand upright and are known botanically as standards. These tall petals stand like signal flags, waving in potential pollinators.

What is the biblical meaning of iris flower? ›

Irises (Iris spp.)

One of the most popular flowers at the Getty—due to Vincent van Gogh's famous painting—irises also have Christian symbolism. They are associated with the Passion of Christ and the Resurrection, probably because the flower blooms in spring around Easter.

What does iris flower mean in wedding? ›

Delicate white irises symbolise purity. This makes them a popular choice when it comes to wedding bouquets and decor. And, they're perfect to include in bouquets that you might send for a new baby gift.

How do you take care of iris flowers in a vase? ›

Iris are thirsty flowers, so check the water frequently and add fresh water to fill the vase. Change the water if it starts looking cloudy, rinse the stems clean. You may also want to recut the stems under water to help the flower uptake water.

How do florists keep flowers fresh? ›

While the ingredients vary depending on the manufacturer, most contain sugar to feed the flowers, acid to maintain the pH levels of the water, and a bit of bleach to reduce the bacteria and fungi in the vase water. All three help extend the life of the flowers.

How far down do you cut iris back? ›

Iris plants are best cut back in the fall. Spent flower stalks can be removed in spring after the plants finish blooming, but the foliage should be left standing through summertime. In mid-autumn, cut the leaves back to about 3″ long above the soil line (here's a video showing how).

When should you cut iris? ›

'You should begin cutting irises back after flowering and the blooms have all begun to fade. The remainder of the plant's foliage should be left until the first signs of frost, however.

What is the most beautiful flower in the world? ›

Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it's called the “queen of the garden.” It's one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors. Also, they're very common throughout the world.

What is the most popular iris flower? ›

Iris 'Jesse's Song' (Reblooming Bearded Iris)

Putting on two fabulous shows in spring and early fall, multiple award-winning Iris 'Jesse's Song' is an incredibly beautiful Tall Bearded Iris consistently ranked among the top favorite irises worldwide.

What are the three types of iris flowers? ›

Classifications. According to the American Iris Society (AIS), plants fall into three main groups: Bearded, Aril, and Beardless.

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