IRA Distribution Rules | Windward Private Wealth Management (2024)

Distributions from Traditional IRAs: Prior to Age 59½

In general

IRA Distribution Rules | Windward Private Wealth Management (1)

A withdrawal from an IRA is generally referred to as a distribution. If you receive a distribution from your traditional IRA before you reach the age of 59½, the federal government considers this a premature distribution.

Like all distributions from traditional IRAs, premature distributions are generally taxable. You will pay federal (and possibly state) income tax on the portion of the distribution that represents tax-deductible contributions, any pre-tax funds that were rolled over into the IRA from an employer-sponsored retirement plan, and investment earnings.

In addition to regular income tax, distributions taken prior to age 59½ may be subject to a 10% federal penalty tax (and possibly a state penalty) on the taxable portion of the distribution. You can avoid this federal penalty (known as the premature distribution tax) only if you are age 59½ or older at the time of the distribution, or if you meet one of the exceptions allowed by the IRS (see below).

You’re probably wondering why your age at the time of distribution should matter and possibly result in a penalty on the distribution. The purpose of IRAs and retirement plans is to provide income to help fund your retirement years, and the federal government wants to make sure you use the money for that purpose. To accomplish this goal, the government imposes a penalty tax on taxable distributions taken before age 59½.

The penalty tax encourages you (and other IRA owners and plan participants) to leave your money in the IRA or plan until that age or later. This, in turn, reduces the risk that you will deplete your funds prematurely and run out of money at some point in retirement. The assumption is that by the time you reach age 59½, you are either already retired or near retirement and can safely begin using your retirement money.

Caution: This discussion pertains primarily to distributions from traditional IRAs. Qualified distributions from Roth IRAs are tax-free. EvenRoth IRA distributions that don’t qualify for tax-free treatment are tax free to the extent of your own contributions to the Roth IRA.

Only after you’ve recovered all of your contributions are distributions considered to consist of taxable earnings. Further, special rules apply to distributions taken from Roth IRAs that have funds rolled over or converted from traditional IRAs.

Caution: This article applies to distributions to IRA owners. Special rules apply to distributions to IRA beneficiaries.

Caution: Special rules apply to distributions to qualified individuals impacted by certain natural disasters and to qualified reservist distributions.

Example showing the effect of taxes and penalties

Income taxes on IRA and retirement plan distributions can really add up. When a distribution is also subject to the 10% federal penalty, theportion of the distribution that goes into your pocket obviously dwindles even further. To illustrate the possible effect of taking a distribution before age 59½, consider the following scenario.

Example(s): Joe retired on his 59th birthday. On that day, he withdrew the entire balance in his traditional IRA valued at $100,000. The entire distribution was taxable. Because Joe also had considerable income from working that year, the IRAdistribution was taxed in the maximum 37% federal income tax bracket. That came to $37,000 in federal income tax (assumingno other variables).

Joe was in the 9.3 percent state income tax bracket, so that meant another $9,300 in state income tax. Since Joe was under age 59½ and no exception to the premature distribution tax applied to him, he had to pay $10,000 in federal penalties (the 10% federal penalty tax), plus another $2,500 in state penalties (due to a 2.5% state penalty). He ended up paying $58,800 in taxes and penalties, leaving only $41,200 for his own use.

Example(s): If Joe had waited until he was 59½ or older to take his distribution, he would have avoided the federal and state penalties and saved $12,500. Also, if he had waited two months until the next year (when he had no taxable income from working), the distribution might have been taxed in a lower income tax bracket. It would definitely have paid for Joe to get tax advice before taking that distribution from his traditional IRA.

Example(s): Of course, if Joe had ever made any nondeductible contributions to his traditional IRA, the portion of his distribution that represented nondeductible contributions would not have been taxable because those contributions had already been subject to tax. That portion of his distribution would not have been subject to the 10% federal penalty either, since the penalty applies only to the taxable portion of a premature distribution.

If you are close to age 59½ and wish to take a distribution from your traditional IRA, check the calendar carefully to avoid a potentially costly mistake.

Exceptions to the premature distribution tax

Remember, only the taxable portion of a premature distribution is subject to the 10% federal penalty. This means that if you ever made any nondeductible (after-tax) contributions to your traditional IRA, a portion of your distribution may not be subject to tax or penalty.

In addition, the IRS grants certain exceptions to the 10% federal penalty on distributions taken before age 59½. Premature distributions taken from a traditional IRA under the following circ*mstances will not be subject to the penalty:

  • Your beneficiary (or estate) is receiving the funds after your death, regardless of your beneficiary’s age or your age at the time of your death
  • You are receiving the funds due to your qualifying disability (IRS definition of disability must be met)
  • You are taking the distributions under one of the three annuity formulas approved by the IRS (often referred to as substantially equal periodic payments)
  • You are paying unreimbursed medical expenses in excess of 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) for the year
  • You are paying health insurance premiums for you, your spouse, or your dependents during a year in which you collected unemployment benefits for more than 12 consecutive weeks
  • You make a qualifying, nontaxable rollover (or direct transfer)
  • You are using the funds for the qualified higher education expenses of yourself, your spouse, your children, your spouse’s children, your grandchildren, or your spouse’s grandchildren
  • You are using the funds to pay the first-time homebuyer expenses of yourself, your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, or an ancestor of your spouse or you ($10,000 lifetime limit)
  • The IRS is levying on your IRA to cover your unpaid federal income tax liability
  • Your distribution is a qualified reservist distribution

How do you pay the premature distribution tax?

The 10% federal penalty on premature distributions is reported and paid on your federal income tax return for the year in which you received the distribution. You must complete and attach Form5329, titled Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts. If you receive a premature distribution but qualify for one of the exceptions described above, see Form 5329 for instructions.

Should you take distributions from your traditional IRA before age 59½?

You are allowed to take distributions from your traditional IRA whenever you like and in any amount you choose. That does not mean, however, that you should take distributions. As a general rule, it is not advisable to take distributions from a traditional IRA before age 59½ (or for that matter, at any age prior to your retirement).

First, as illustrated above, the portion of the distribution that goes to the federal government for taxes can be substantial — not to mention state taxes and penalties. This is especially true if the entire distribution will be taxable, and if none of the exceptions to the premature distribution tax apply to you.

In addition, even if all or some of the distribution will not be taxed or penalized, taking IRA distributions before age 59½ is still generally not wise. By dipping into your IRA funds at a relatively young age, you run the risk of depleting those funds sooner than you had anticipated.

This could jeopardize your retirement goals and financial security later in life. Funds removed from an IRA may also be missing out on several years or more of potential tax-deferred growth, depending on investment performance.

However, the decision of whether to tap into your IRA nest egg ultimately depends on your individual circ*mstances. Perhaps you have urgent expenses, and withdrawing from your IRA is the only way you can pay them. It is also possible that you have accumulated large balances in your IRAs and other retirement accounts, so that withdrawing from your IRAs now will not pose a risk to your future financial security. In these cases, taking distributions before age 59½ is not necessarily ill-advised. Whatever your situation, though, you should consult a tax professional before taking a distribution.

IRA rollovers and transfers

In general

In general, there are two ways to transfer assets between IRAs — indirect rollovers and trustee-to-trustee transfers (also known as “direct rollovers”). With an indirect rollover, you receive funds from the distributing IRA and then complete the rollover by depositing the funds into the receiving IRA within 60 days.

A trustee-to-trustee transfer is a transaction directly between IRA trustees and custodians. If properly completed, rollovers and trustee-to-trustee transfers are not subject to income tax or the 10% premature distribution tax.

Tip: You are still allowed to make your regular IRA contribution in a year when you have a rollover or trustee-to-trustee transfer.

Tip: You can roll over (or transfer) funds from a traditional IRA to another traditional IRA or from a Roth IRA to another Roth IRA. Special rules apply to converting or rolling over funds from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. You may also be able to roll over (or transfer) taxable funds from an IRA to an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

60-day rollover: you receive the funds and reinvest them

With an indirect rollover, you receive a distribution from your IRA and then, to complete the rollover, you deposit all or part of the amount distributed into the receiving IRA within 60 days of the date the funds are released from the distributing account.

Example(s): On January 2, you withdraw your IRA funds from a maturing bank CD and choose to have no income tax withheld. The bank cuts a check payable to you for the full balance of the account. You plan to move the money into an IRA account at a competing bank. Fifteen days later, you go to the new bank and deposit the full amount of your IRA distribution into your new rollover IRA CD. Your rollover is complete.

If you don’t complete the rollover transaction or miss the 60-day deadline, your distribution is taxable to you. However, there are several ways to seek waiver of the 60-day deadline, including an automatic waiver in some cases, self-certification if you missed the deadline due to one of eleven specified reasons, or by seeking a private letter ruling from the IRS.

Example(s): Assume the same scenario as the first example, except that when you receive your check from the first bank, you cash the check and loan the money to your brother-in-law, who promises to repay you in 30 days. As it turns out, he doesn’t pay back the loan until March 5 (the 62nd day after your withdrawal).

You deposit the full sum into the IRA account at the new bank. However, because you didn’t complete your rollover within the 60-day time period, the January 2 distribution will be taxable (excluding any nondeductible contributions, as described above).

Caution: Under recent IRS guidance, you can make only one tax-free, 60 day, rollover from one IRA to another IRA in any one-year period no matter how many IRAs (traditional, Roth, SEP, and SIMPLE) you own. This does not apply to direct rollovers (trustee-to-trustee transfers), or Roth IRA conversions.

If you roll over part, but not all, of your distribution within the 60-day period, then only the portion not rolled over is treated as a taxable distribution.

When you take a distribution from your traditional IRA, your IRA trustee or custodian will generally withhold 10% for federal income tax (and possibly additional amounts for state tax and penalties) unless you instruct them not to. If tax is withheld and you then wish to roll over the distribution, you have to make up the amount withheld out of your own pocket.

Otherwise, the rollover is not considered complete, and the shortfall is treated as a taxable distribution. The best way to avoid this outcome is to instruct your IRA trustee or custodian not to withhold any tax. Unlike distributions from qualified plans, IRA distributions are not subject to a mandatory withholding requirement.

Example(s): You take a $1,000 distribution (all of which would be taxable) from your traditional IRA that you want to roll over into a new IRA. One hundred dollars is withheld for federal income taxes, so you actually receive only $900.

If you roll over only the $900, you are treated as having received a $100 taxable distribution. To roll over the entire $1,000, you will have to deposit in the new IRA the $900 that you actually received, plus an additional $100. (The $100 withheld will be claimed as part of your credit for federal income tax withheld on your federal income tax return.)

Trustee-to-trustee transfer

A trustee-to-trustee transfer (also known as a “direct” rollover) occurs directly between the trustee or custodian of your old IRA and the trustee or custodian of your new IRA. You never actually receive the funds or have control of them, so a trustee-to-trustee transfer is not treated as a distribution (and therefore the issue of tax withholding does not apply). Further, trustee-to-trustee transfers are not subject to the 60-day deadline, or the “once-per-12-month” limitation.

Example(s): You have an IRA invested in a bank CD with a maturity date of January 2. In December, you provide your bank with instructions to close your CD on the maturity date and transfer the funds to another bank that is paying a higher CD rate. On January 2, your bank issues a check payable to the new bank (as trustee for your IRA) and sends it to the new bank. The new bank deposits the IRA check into your new CD account, and your trustee-to-trustee transfer is complete.

Trustee-to-trustee transfers avoid the danger of missing the 60-day deadline, and are generally the safest, most efficient way to move IRA funds. Taking a distribution yourself and rolling it over only makes sense if you need to use the funds temporarily, and are certain you can roll over the full amount within 60 days.

Converting or rolling over traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs

Have you done a comparison and decided that a Roth IRA is a better savings tool for you than a traditional IRA? If so, you may be able to convert or roll over an existing traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. However, be aware that you will have to pay income tax on all or part of the traditional IRA funds that you move to a Roth IRA.

It is important to weigh these tax consequences against the perceived advantages of the Roth IRA. This is a complicated decision, so it may make sense to seek professional assistance.

Tip: When you convert or roll over a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA prior to age 59½, the taxable portion of the funds is not subject to the premature distribution tax. However, special rules may apply if you make a nonqualified withdrawal from the Roth IRA within five years of the conversion or rollover. For more information, consult a tax advisor.

Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2018

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IRA Distribution Rules | Windward Private Wealth Management (2024)


What is the 10-year RMD rule? ›

Generally, a designated beneficiary is required to liquidate the account by the end of the 10th year following the year of death of the IRA owner (this is known as the 10-year rule). An RMD may be required in years 1-9 when the decedent had already begun taking RMDs.

Is it better to take RMD monthly or annually? ›

In most cases we can recommend framing the issue this way: Your money has the most potential for growth if you take your entire minimum distribution at the end of each calendar year. However, personal budgeting may be easiest if you take your minimum distribution in 12 monthly portions.

How do RMDs work with self-directed IRA? ›

Are Self-Directed IRAs Subject to RMDs? RMDs apply to traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs, whether they are self-directed or not. Roth IRAs (self-directed or otherwise) do not require RMDs until the death of the owner.

What are the new rules for inherited IRA distributions? ›

The 10-year rule requires that all assets in the inherited IRA must be fully withdrawn by the end of the 10th year following the original IRA owner's death. (If the death occurred in 2019 or earlier, the 10-year rule was a five-year rule.)

Is it better to take RMD at end of year? ›

Different rules apply to other types of retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s. If you need or want more income sooner rather than later: Taking only the RMD and doing so at the end of the year is usually the most tax-efficient choice.

Does 10-year rule require RMD? ›

[From 2023: IRS provides limited RMD relief]

The 10-year rule requires the entire inherited IRA balance to be withdrawn by the end of the 10th year after death. The law did make an exception, though, for eligible designated beneficiaries, who still qualify for the stretch IRA and aren't subject to the 10-year rule.

What is the biggest RMD mistake? ›

#2: Not Taking an RMD at All

Missing an RMD is a huge mistake and will result in a 50% penalty on any part of the RMD that is not withdrawn. If you've made this mistake, there's still hope! You can file an exception and many times the IRS will be lenient in making you not have to pay that 50% penalty.

Do RMDs affect social security? ›

RMDs generally increase an account owner's taxable income. Certain Social Security and Medicare calculations can be impacted. For example, a portion of Social Security benefits can be taxed for those whose RMDs push them above certain income thresholds.

What is the disadvantage of RMD? ›

Drawbacks of required minimum distributions

The downside of RMDs is that once you reach 70 1/2, you have no choice but to start taking withdrawals. But since those withdrawals are treated as ordinary income, they automatically increase your tax burden.

Does IRA RMD count as income? ›

How are RMDs taxed? If all your IRA contributions were tax-deductible when you made them, the full amount of the RMD will be treated as ordinary income for the year in which you take it. If you also made nondeductible contributions to your IRAs, some of the amount won't be subject to income taxes.

Can I roll my IRA into a self-directed IRA? ›

To roll over your 401(k) or do an IRA Transfer to a self-directed IRA, you'll need a copy of your ID to open an account and a recent statement for the account you are moving.

Can you cash out a self-directed IRA? ›

Whether you've just made it to retirement or you are drawing up your long-term goals, eventually, you will be able to take distributions from your self-directed IRA.

How do I avoid paying taxes on my inherited IRA? ›

If the original owner was your spouse, you can simply take ownership of the IRA. Then, just as if you were the original owner, you can wait until age 72 (or age 73 if you turn 72 in 2023 or later) to start taking any required minimum distributions (RMDs) and paying any taxes due on them.

How much tax will I pay if I cash out an inherited IRA? ›

If you inherit a Roth IRA, you're free of taxes. But with a traditional IRA, any amount you withdraw is subject to ordinary income taxes. For estates subject to the estate tax, inheritors of an IRA will get an income-tax deduction for the estate taxes paid on the account.

When did the 10-year RMD rule go into effect? ›

Beneficiaries following the 10-year RMD rule must drain the account entirely by the end of the 10th year after inheriting the account. This legislation went into effect on December 20, 2019, and dictates what happens to IRAs inherited in 2020 and beyond.

When did the 10-year RMD rule start? ›

The 10-year rule applies to those who have inherited an IRA on or after Jan. 1, 2020. The inherited IRA 10-year rule changed the way this type of account is handled when it passes from one account holder to another. It came into effect by way of the SECURE Act, which passed in December 2019 and became law as of Jan.

Which life expectancy table to use for RMD? ›

Table I (Single Life Expectancy) is used for beneficiaries who are not the spouse of the IRA owner. Table II (Joint Life and Last Survivor Expectancy) is used for owners whose spouses are more than 10 years younger and are the IRA's sole beneficiaries.

What is RMD the year of death? ›

If an IRA owner dies before satisfying his RMD for the year, the beneficiary must take the remaining RMD amount by December 31 in the year of death.

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