Investors Alley Review - Scam Or Legit? - BEASTPRENEUR (2024)

Today, we’re going to talk about the Investors Alley online platform. Find out in this Investors Alley review if this is a worthy investment.

If you’re a stock market trader, or someone who’s very familiar with the stock market, you should be aware of just how volatile it can be.

It’s not just something that, after you invested your money in it, you’ll just set it and forget it. If you’rereally serious about earning the maximum amount of profits from stock trading, you have to keep a close eye on it every time you can.

Usually, you’ll do this by watching the news that’s related to businesses, or even current events. But most of the time, a well-written newsletter about the stock market could be all you need to give you that much-needed trading advice and strategy.

One of those newsletters that are well-known right now is the Investors Alley. But should you also avail of this newsletter? How can this be? And finally, is stock market trading the right method for you to earn money?

Before you you decide to spend money on this, it’s better if you read this Investors Alley review first. So that you can determine for yourself if this is worth buying, or not.

As a disclaimer, this is a fully-independent Investors Alley review first. And it’s based on publicly-available information, as well as my own thoughts and opinions.

As such, I’m not affiliated with Investors Alley or its creators, in any way or form whatsoever.

While you’re here reading this Investors Alley review, why don’t you also check out my #1 recommendation to making money online after reviewing 300+ online companies, apps, and courses.

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Table of Contents

Investors Alley Review: Quick Details

  • Name: Investors Academy
  • Owner(s): Tim Melvin, Tim Plaehn, Jay Soloff, Serge Berger, Rick Rouse, Tony Daltario.
  • Website:
  • Type: Newsletter
  • Price: Depends on subscribed newsletter
  • Niche: Stock Market Trading
  • Recommended?: Unless you’re a hardcore stock market trader who wants to see the latest updates on the stock market as much as possible, I don’t think it’s not worth spending on most of them (except one, which I’ll discuss later). Besides, stock market trading is highly unreliable, regardless of the tools you use. I suggest going for other business methods to earn money online.

What Is Investors Alley?

Investors Alley Review - Scam Or Legit? - BEASTPRENEUR (1)

Investors Alley is a publishing company that offers various newsletters and services related to the stock market. It gives reports on specific events in the stock market in a given time frame, and some advice on what certain stocks you should invest in for dividends later on.

What they do is that they offer insights into what is happening in the market based on current events. As such, each of the articles they deliver in their newsletters usually focuses on different companies on how well are they doing as a company, which can affect the value of their stock.

Unlike other newsletter services such as Ian King’s Strategic Fortunes, they seem to have no particular focus on their stock recommendations. Though usually, companies that belong to the tech sector are those that you should invest in because they have a huge potential for growth.

Investors Alley also usually recommends these tech stocks as a must to invest in, but their scope seemingly isn’t limited to those in the tech sector.

One thing I noticed about the newsletters included in Investors Alley is that they tend to focus on trading stock with the aim of getting a good amount of dividends from them. Thus, if you’re someone who prefers to buy stock with the intent of holding onto them for a long time, then Investors Alley is something that may interest you.

Regardless, I’ll say this time and again. That relying on these newsletters is not a foolproof way that you’ll gain money via stock trading. Remember, always invest at your own risk.

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My Favorite Program

The People Behind Investors Alley

The team behind Investors Alley is run by a team of editors who regularly contribute to the newsletters. Each of them seems to bring a different kind of stock market expertise to the table.

Here’s a list of the Investors Alley editors and a few insights about them

Tim Melvin

Tim Melvin is the chief editor of Underground Income and The 20% Letter. According to him, he is a veteran in the financial markets with 30 years worth of experience, and was Vice President for a firm called Ferris Baker Watts.

This is kind of worrying, as back in November 2010, Ferris Baker Watts was involved in a case in which FINRA ordered them to pay an amount of $700,000 for improper sales of reverse convertible notes (RCN). Though it’s still unsure if Tim was already VP of the company when it happened.

Investors Alley Review - Scam Or Legit? - BEASTPRENEUR (2)

Additionally, Tim previously ran a different newsletter service called “Thunderclap Research”, and describes himself as a “deep value investor”.

Tim Plaehn

Tim is the lead investment research analyst for income and dividend investing at Investors Alley. He is also the editor for The Dividend Hunter, which is known as one of the more popular newsletter services here in Investors Alley (more on that later on).

Additionally, he’s also the editor of Weekly Income Accelerator, and has also launched a service for Investors alley calledMonthly Dividend Multiplier.

He previously worked in truck sales and was an F-16 fighter pilot as well. He claims that he’s an experienced stock broker, but not really much is known about him at all.

Jay Soloff

Jay is the Options Portfolio Manager at Investors Alley. He is also the editor for Options for Income, and is a co-editor ofWeekly Income Accelerator (alongside Tim Plaehn) as well as the recently launched Profit Wheel 360.

Prior to his work with Investors Alley, Jay was a professional options market maker on the floor of the CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange). However, checking his LinkedIn profile shows that he worked many different finance jobs since 1998 but never seemed to stay at a company for more than 2 years.

Serge Berger

Serge Berger is the brains behind 11-Day Trader and the portfolio manager and chief investment officer at Blue Marlin Advisors LLC. Previously, he was the contributor to a publisher known as InvestorPlace, which is one of those publishers that are owned by larger companies.

He claims to be an active trader since 1998, and has worked at JP Morgan before. Currently, he also runs another investing publisher called The Steady Trader.

Rick Rouse

Rick Rouse is the lead trader for 30-Day Double Up, an options trading service, and is also the second guy other than Serge Berger who used to write forInvestorPlace.

According to others, he apparently stays away from TV cameras and likes to live a quiet life. Hence, the lack of information about him.

Tony Daltorio

Tony Daltorio is known as one of the senior editors of Investors Alley, having joined the company since 2016. He is currentlythe editor for Premium Digest.

He previously worked at Charles Schwab for 18 years before becoming a freelance writer at many different investment media companies.

Investors Alley: Pricing And Inclusions

The newsletters offered in Investors Alley can be classified into two types: Free, and Premium. The free reports can easily be accessed by just clicking on the link and then entering your e-mail.

Do take note, however, that most of the really useful content that’s inside the free reports is locked behind a paywall. Therefore, in order for you to see the “really meaty stuff”, you need to subscribe to the paid reports.

The paid newsletters, also known as the premium ones, are the main offering of Investors Alley. They are written by the editors themselves, and contain a whole lot more information and trading strategies than the paid reports.

Here’s a complete overview of both the free and paid reports that Investors Alley offers, along with their prices.

Free Reports

  • Buy and Hold This Dividend Stock Forever
  • The Monthly Dividend Stock Paying Up To A 35% Yield
  • These 2 Dividend Stocks Pay You Every Week
  • My Top 5 Stocks For Trading Options

The 20% Letter ($79 for the first year, $99 for every succeeding year)

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The 20% Letter is a newsletter publication by Tim Melvin. According to them, it’s aptly named the 20% letter because it aims to provide you with stocks that through a combination of dividend payouts and share price growth, they can deliver 20% of annual total returns.

It’s quite unclear as to how the investment strategy of this newsletter works. But based on its sales pages, it seems to involve investing in several small and local banks and letting you earn dividends from them.

The 20% Letter seems to tell you about these small banks based on their research, so you can capitalize on their potential growth.

Underground Income ($595 per year)

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The Underground Income is another one of Tim Melvin’s newsletters in the Investors Alley. According to the sales page, this newsletter focuses on how can buy shares of stocks, for a discounted price.

This newsletter is actually focused on how you can buy closed-end funds. Closed-end funds are actively managed funds that focus on a single sector or market.

Basically, the shares that are issued on close-ended funds are fixed through a single IPO (Initial Public Offering). They can still be traded like normal stocks, but no new shares will be created after the IPO and no new money will flow into the fund.

This is in contrast to open-ended funds, such as most mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which accept a constant flow of new investment capital. Thus, issuing new shares at a given time.

This service gives you access to Tim’s favorite closed-end fund and you get new closed-end funds to invest once to twice a month. Tim claims his strategy of buying these close-ended funds let him beat the market by more than 4X, even showing his backtesting results.

However, you should still be wary of the results. Most of the time, these backtested results shown on the market don’t reflect the actual profit that you can receive when in a real-life trading situation. So it could be higher, or it could be much lower than expected.

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My Favorite Program

Profit Wheel 360 ($1,497 per year)

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The Profit Wheel 30 is a newsletter service that deals with trading stock options. Its main editor is Jay Soloff.

For those who are not familiar, stock options (or “option” for short) are a form of contract between two parties that gives the buyer the right to buy or sell underlying stocks at a predetermined price and within a specified time period. You can think of it as an “insurance” for your stock portfolio that protects you from losing your investment money, in case a certain stock’s price drops.

You can also trade options in the same way you can trade stocks.

Here, Jay will teach you an options trading strategy that he calls “the wheel”. He claims that this strategy allows him (and you) to profit from one trade in four different ways.

With this program you get:

  • 3 to 4 trades a month
  • Details on how to make the trades
  • Bi-weekly video rounds ups where Jay will update you on the positions
  • Mailbag where you can ask questions
  • Training videos

30-Day Double Up ($197 per month)

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This is another options trading service offered by Investors Alley. This time, it’s run by Rick Rouse.

It’s called the30-Day Double Up because it claims that, with this service, you’ll be able to double-up your trade profits every 30 days. The goal here is to find one trade that will hit 100% returns every month.

You get the following with this product:

  • 6 to 8 trade alerts every month
  • 4-part training series that teaches Rick’s strategy
  • Monthly roundup and overview of the previous month’s trades
  • Model portfolio to track trades
  • Daily market run down in the morning
  • Rick’s top 3 stocks to trade options on

Options For Income PRO (Currently Closed)

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This is the second of Jay Soloff’s options trading services here in Investors Alley. And this service also aims to teach beginners how they can get more profits in options trading.

There seems to be no specific strategy being taught here this time. However, as of the moment, it’s closed for new members, and there’s no telling on when it will open again.

Options Trading Mastery ($297)

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And yet again, this is another options trading service by Jay Soloff. As the name suggests, this is where you’ll be taught everything you need to know to get started on trading options.

Here, you’ll learn about Jay’s 7 strategies that he uses in options trading. And you can learn all of that in as little as 5 hours.

11-Day Trader ($197)

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This is a newsletter service, and it features Serge Berger as the main editor. This one is based on the idea of using swing trading strategies to win 80% of the trades made, in just 11 days.

This also kind of works like a trading alerts service, in that you’ll get alerts on when to buy and sell, delivered to you.

The Dividend Hunter ($49 per quarter)

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This newsletter service is run by Tim Plaehn. Some say that this is currently the most popular product of Investors Alley. And in my own opinion, I think it’s justified as to why.

As the name states, The Dividend Hunter focuses on finding the best stocks in the market today, that are capable of paying certain amounts of dividends back at a certain amount of time. Whether it’s cash or stock dividend, The Dividend Hunter will help you find the best stock to invest on for this purpose.

The Dividend Hunter also comes with software that lets you track the dividend payouts that you acquired.

Monthly Dividend Multiplier ($595 per year)

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This is another dividend newsletter service by Tim Plaehn. However, this one seems to be targeted at the more serious investors that already have $50,000 in retirement money.

You get the following with this service:

  • Top 3 dividends
  • Monthly newsletter with new investment ideas and portfolio updates
  • Monthly strategy calls

Weekly Income Accelerator ($1497 one-time payment)

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Finally, we have the Weekly Income Accelerator, a newsletter service that is the result of a collaboration between Tim Plaehn and Jay Soloff.

Tim is an expert at finding dividend stocks, and Jay is an expert at options trading. By combining their expertise, this newsletter aims to generate instant extra cash income from stocks you own.

This product gives you 7 covered call trade alerts per month.

Other Trading Reviews I have written are as below…

  • the Daily Trader Review
  • A1 trading Review
  • Stock Navigators Review

Investors Alley Review: Final Verdict

After taking a look at the product itself in this Investors Alley review, allow me to make some final words and lay down my verdict.

What I like about Investors Alley is the background of the editors themselves. They established themselves as experts in the stock market industry, so their advice has some credibility to it. But some of them could be exaggerated, so keep that in mind.

At first glance, the free reports offered by Investors Alley may seem useful. However, most of the crucial information presented inside is locked by a paywall, so eventually, you’re going to have to pay to see all of the content.

Is it worth the price, however? If you’re someone who’s an active investor in the stock market, then the newsletters by Investors Alley may prove to be useful for you.

However, don’t expect to immediately earn from your investments, especially if you’re just starting out. Even Investor Alley has a disclaimer at the bottom of their website that none of them are actually licensed to provide any investment advice or broker any deal based on the information they give to you.

Everything that they post is just for “educational purposes” and they can’t be liable for any losses made in trading and investing. So if you think that investing in the stock market is a surefire way for you to make lots of money, retired or not, then you want to step back and evaluate it.

My suggestion is to just learn a bit about the stock market and start out small, to build your experience. Don’t rely on stock trading too much to make money, but rather just invest in a few, and if possible, hold it for a long time (until the situation calls for it to be sold).

If you want my advice, there’s still a better way to make money online out there. And most of the time, it only involves little monetary capital, and some knowledge.

If you want to find out more about it, keep on reading beyond this Investors Alley review.

Find A Great Money Opportunity, Right Here, Right Now

Thank you for reading this Investors Alley review.

Now, I’m going to introduce to you my #1 personal recommendation on how you can make money online.

This opportunity is a good one, and it’s guaranteed to give you great results.

Before you think it’s just another scam, why don’t you try it for yourself? I guarantee you. This really works!

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See you on the other side.

My #1 Recommendation

Investors Alley Review - Scam Or Legit? - BEASTPRENEUR (2024)


Is dividend hunter worth it? ›

A quick, valuable read, even if one already knows about stocks and investing. I LEARNED A LOT, I WILL USE THE MATERIAL IN THE BOOK AND USE IT FOR REFERENCE.

Which is the best dividend paying company? ›

Which are the top dividend yield stocks in India? Some of the highest dividend paying stocks in India are Vedanta Ltd., Hindustan Zinc Ltd, Coal India Ltd, T.V. Today Network Ltd, Bhansali Engineering Polymers Ltd, Balmer Lawrie Investment Ltd, Coal India Ltd.

What is the best dividend company to invest in? ›

10 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy
  • Verizon Communications VZ.
  • Johnson & Johnson JNJ.
  • Altria Group MO.
  • Comcast CMCSA.
  • Medtronic MDT.
  • Duke Energy DUK.
  • PNC Financial Services PNC.
  • Kinder Morgan KMI.
May 3, 2024

What is the downside of dividend ETF? ›

Cons. No guarantee of future dividends. Stock price declines may offset yield. Dividends are taxed in the year they are distributed to shareholders.

Is there a downside to dividend investing? ›

The Risks to Dividends

Despite their storied histories, they cut their dividends. 9 In other words, dividends are not guaranteed and are subject to macroeconomic and company-specific risks. Another downside to dividend-paying stocks is that companies that pay dividends are not usually high-growth leaders.

Can you make money with dividend capture strategy? ›

A dividend capture strategy can pay off when stock markets are rising. Of course, any strategy that leads you to buy can pay off when stock markets are rising. However, you have to pay a brokerage commission to buy the shares and a commission to sell. The commissions can eat up much of the dividend income.

What are the cons of dividend yield? ›

The following are the disadvantages: In case the dividend data is old or is based on erroneous information, the evaluation of a stock based on this information is incorrect. Sometimes high yield can be misleading since it may indicate a falling stock price instead of an increase in dividend payment.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.