Introducing Our Sustainable Investment Strategies • Wealth Insights • High Level Wealth Management (2024)

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July 24, 2022|Company News|

Today we are pleased to introduce two new investment strategies that incorporate sustainable investment principles into our portfolio construction process. Along with our Standard strategy, we will now be able to offer a range of investment options to better align client portfolios with client values. This article provides an overview of sustainable investment, outlines our approach to it in the context of our passive management philosophy, describes the key details of our new strategies, and compares relevant portfolio characteristics across all of our strategies.

What is Sustainable Investment?

Investment success has typically been measured in terms of the financial value created for shareholders (e.g. profits and dividends) or debtholders (e.g. cash flows and interest payments), but in recent years there has been increasing desire from a variety of stakeholders to expand this definition. Given the risks associated with issues like climate change and social injustice, some investors prefer more holistic measures of success that consider non-financial impacts on a broader range of stakeholders and the planet.

We define sustainable investment as the process of considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions, leading to increased longer-term investments into sustainable economic activities and projects. Sustainable investment is an umbrella term covering several different investment approaches that fall between conventional investing and philanthropy on the spectrum of social and financial investment:

Figure 1

The Spectrum of Social and Financial Investment

Awareness of sustainable investment principles and demand for sustainable investment products has increased rapidly over the past few years. According to Morningstar, Canadian assets invested in sustainable mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) grew to $33 billion by the end of March 2022, representing a year-over-year growth rate of 43%. Unfortunately, this rapid growth has also led to confusion among investors as new products proliferate without wide agreement on common terminology for how to describe them. For this reason, we have an obligation to clearly explain our approach to sustainable investment and the objectives that each of our new strategies will focus on.

Our Approach to Sustainable Investment

At High Level Wealth Management we strongly believe in the merits of passive investment management – using low-cost exchange-traded funds to track the performance of broadly diversified indices rather than attempting to “beat the market” through active security selection decisions or market timing. However, to the extent that sustainable investment involves making portfolio adjustments that differ from the broad market – underweighting certain industries or companies while overweighting others – we consider it a form of active management. While developing our new strategies, we therefore faced a trade-off between pursuing the potential benefits of sustainable investment and aligning with our passive management philosophy. To manage this friction, we kept the following passive management-inspired goals in mind while evaluating sustainable investment approaches and products:

Investment products should track sustainable investment indices with rules-based methodologies

By its nature, sustainable investment results in deviations from the broad market portfolio. Decisions on the types of adjustments to make and how to apply them should be based on a set of pre-established rules rather than left to the discretion of a portfolio manager.

Investment products should have broad market coverage and diversification

Historically, a small number of companies have accounted for a large portion of the total market return. All else being equal, the fewer holdings in a portfolio, the lower the probability that the portfolio will have exposure to the “next big thing.” Although sustainable investment reduces exposure to certain industries or companies, our preference is for funds that do so while attempting to preserve broad market coverage and diversification.

Product costs should be kept to a minimum

Investing in sustainable products typically involves higher costs compared to the broad market. Any evaluation must therefore take into account estimates of fund management fees, fund operating costs, and the bid-ask spread incurred when buying or selling products.

Evaluating the universe of sustainable investment products in the context of these goals, we quickly determined that one of the approaches to sustainable investment from Figure 1 – Impact Investing – would not be practical to implement. First, the objective of impact investing – targeting investments to generate positive social or environmental impacts – does not lend itself to a rules-based indexing methodology. Instead, impact investing requires the judgement of a skilled fund manager able to identify, often based on intangible/qualitative factors, the companies that best meet the impact fund’s objectives. Second, since impact funds tend to target a specific theme (e.g. renewable energy, clean water, or gender equality) they typically have quite concentrated portfolios. Third, given the reliance on human and technological resources to research and analyze individual companies and industries, impact funds tend to have high product costs.

While we decided against developing an impact investing strategy, we determined that the other two approaches to sustainable investment from Figure 1 – ESG Integration and Values-Based Investing – can be implemented in a manner that is consistent with our passive management-inspired goals. We describe our two new strategies next.

The ESG Optimized Strategy

Our ESG Optimized strategy aligns with the ESG Integration approach from Figure 1, with an objective of assessing financial risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance issues as a core component of building a portfolio. The ESG Optimized strategy provides exposure to companies with high ESG ratings while maintaining market-like risk and return characteristics, making it ideal for investors seeking some consideration of ESG factors in their portfolio without deviating too far from the broad market portfolio.

The majority of the ESG Optimized strategy’s underlying exchange-traded funds currently track the MSCI Extended ESG Focus Indices (for equity) and the Bloomberg MSCI ESG Focus Indices (for fixed income). The securities selected for inclusion in these indices are determined using the following rules-based methodology:

  • 1. Exclusions
  • 2. Controversies
  • 3. Constraints
  • 4. Optimize
  • 5. Rebalance
  • 1. Exclusions

The ESG Optimized strategy eliminates exposure to securities with business involvement in certain industries. Exclusions are determined by filtering/screening a list of potential investments to identify companies with the following business involvements:

  • civilian firearms
  • controversial military weapons
  • tobacco

Outside of Canada, the following industries are also excluded:

  • thermal coal
  • oil sands
  • 2. Controversies

The indices tracked by the ESG Optimized strategy have mechanisms in place to track and measure business controversies, which are events that cause reputational damage and highlight a firm’s lack of preparedness and/or inability to manage emerging events and risks.

The ESG Optimized strategy currently screens out any securities with a Controversy Score of 0 (i.e. Very Severe Controversy).

Securities without an ESG rating or controversy score are also screened out.

  • 3. Constraints

To ensure that the portfolio characteristics and investment returns of the ESG Optimized strategy do not deviate too dramatically from the broad market, a set of constraints are put in place. The constraints limit the degree of overweighting or underweighting applied to individual sectors, countries, or constituents relative to their weighting in the broad market.

Equity Constraints:

Return deviation target: +/- 1% per year vs. broad market
Sector/country weights: +/- 5% vs. broad market
Individual constituent weight: +/- 2% vs. broad market

Fixed Income Constaints:

Return deviation target: +/- 0.1% per year vs. broad market
Sector/country weights: +/- 2% vs. broad market
Individual constituent weight: +/- 1% vs. broad market

  • 4. Optimize

Once securities subject to exclusions and controversies have been screened out, the indices tracked by the ESG Optimized strategy are constructed using portfolio optimization software. The optimization process aims to maximize exposure to higher ESG scores subject to meeting the index optimization constraints mentioned in the previous step and with consideration for the amount of portfolio turnover that will be generated.

  • 5. Rebalance

The indices tracked by the ESG Optimized strategy will typically rebalance their portfolio weightings on a quarterly basis. During each rebalancing, changes to the ESG data of each security are reviewed and the portfolio optimization process is repeated.

Given the sector-, country-, and constituent-level constraints applied by the index methodologies, it is important to understand that the ESG Optimized strategy doesn’t exclude entire industries and will have exposure to securities that don’t meet the typical definition of sustainable. For example, the ESG Optimized strategy mainstains exposure to the energy and utility sectors including oil sands producers and pipeline operators; however, the ESG Optimized strategy should result in an overall portfolio that is tilted toward companies with higher ESG ratingscompared to our Standard strategy.

If you would prefer to more closely align your investments with your values by excluding entire industries from your portfolio, our second sustainable investment strategy may be more appropriate.

The Socially Responsible Strategy

Our Socially Responsible strategy aligns with the Values-Based approach from Figure 1, with an objective of aligning investments to ethical values by expressing preferences for specific industries and companies. The Socially Responsible strategy provides exposure to companies with high ESG ratings while extensively screening out controversial industries that may pose elevated headline and ESG risks, making it ideal for investors with very high conviction on ESG risks/opportunities or investors with a strong focus on climate-related risks.

The Socially Responsible strategy’s underlying exchange-traded funds currently track a variety of indices including the MSCI Choice ESG Screened Indices, the FTSE US All Cap Choice Index, the MSCI ACWI Climate Paris Aligned Index, and the Bloomberg MSCI Choice ESG Screened Indices. While the security selection process used by each index varies, they all utilize rules-based methodologies that can be generalized as follows:

  • 1. Exclusions
  • 2. Controversies
  • 3. ESG Ratings
  • 4. Rebalance
  • 1. Exclusions

The Socially Responsible strategy eliminates exposure to securities with business involvement in a broader range of industries. While the specific list of excluded industries varies by index, common exclusions include:

  • adult entertainment
  • alcohol
  • gambling
  • tobacco and cannabis
  • genetic engineering
  • civilian firearms
  • controversial military weapons
  • conventional military weapons
  • nuclear weapons
  • for-profit prisons
  • predatory lending
  • palm oil
  • nuclear power

The Socially Responsible strategy also screens out securities with an industry tie to fossil fuels (e.g. thermal coal, oil and gas, oil sands).

  • 2. Controversies

The indices tracked by the Socially Responsible strategy have mechanisms in place to track and measure business controversies, which are events that cause reputational damage and highlight a firm’s lack of preparedness and/or inability to manage emerging events and risks.

Individual index methodologies differ, but will generally evaluate whether companies are involved in serious ESG controversies consistent with international norms represented by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Global Compact Principles.

  • 3. ESG Ratings

MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s management of financially relevant ESG risks and opportunities. They use a rules-based methodology to identify industry leaders and laggards according to their exposure to ESG risks and how well they manage those risks relative to peers. ESG ratings range from leader (AAA, AA), to average (A, BBB, BB) to laggard (B, CCC).

While the indices tracked by the Socially Responsible strategy have various methodologies, many include a minimum ESG rating requirement (e.g. ESG rating of BBB or higher). Securities with ESG ratings below the minimum, or securities without an ESG rating, are excluded from the index.

  • 4. Rebalance

The indices tracked by the Socially Responsible strategy typically rebalance their portfolio weightings on a quarterly basis, based on constituent market capitalizations. This differs from the ESG Optimized strategy which relies on portfolio optimization software to set portfolio weightings in a way that maximizes ESG score subject to a set of constraints.

To improve portfolio diversification, some indices tracked by the Socially Responsible strategy will also place a cap (e.g. 5% or 10%) on the maximum weight for individual constituents.

Unlike the ESG Optimized strategy, the Socially Responsible strategy does not generally constrain portfolio adjustments applied at the sector-, country-, or constituent-level, which may result in more concentrated portfolios with larger return deviations from the broad market portfolio. This is a necessary trade-off when applying more extensive screening to better align the investment portfolio with investor values, so it is up to each investor to decide if they are comfortable with the possibility of larger return deviations (also referred to as “tracking error”).

Comparing Investment Strategies

With a general understanding of our sustainable investment strategies you may now be wondering how they compare to each other and our Standard strategy. The following tables and charts present characteristics for our three investment strategies using our Risk 6 model portfolio (60% equity / 40% fixed income) as a representative example.


While capitalism has proven to be an effective system for allocating scarce financial resources to investment opportunities, it has not been particularly well-suited for addressing issues linked to environmental, social, and governance factors. As such, we don’t view sustainable investment as a panacea for solving the many complex issues currently facing society, but rather a small step in the right direction. By considering more than just profits when constructing investment portfolios, our new sustainable strategies allow investors to broaden their definition of investment success and to better align their investments with their values.

If you are interested in the topic of sustainable investment, we encourage you to discuss your preferences with your advisor and complete our new investment values questionnaire. Over the course of the next year, we will be discussing sustainable investment with each of our clients during suitability assessment review meetings, but if this topic is something you are passionate about, we would be happy to have a discussion with you sooner.

Additional Resources

For those that are interested in learning more about the topic of sustainable investment, the following list of resources may be helpful:

Introducing Our Sustainable Investment Strategies • Wealth Insights • High Level Wealth Management (2024)


What are sustainable investment strategies? ›

According to US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), sustainable finance, also called ESG finance, refers to investments that consider environmental, social, and/or governance factors.

What is the largest sustainable investment strategy? ›

The largest sustainable investment strategy globally is ESG integra- tion, as shown in Figure 6, with a combined USD25. 2 trillion in assets under management employing an ESG integration approach, also being the most commonly reported strategy in most regions.

What are the concepts of wealth management? ›

In general, wealth management entails coordinating all the moving parts of a client's financial situation into a comprehensive wealth plan. This might include the client's tax situation, investments and retirement planning.

What is the importance of sustainable investments? ›

While traditional investment strategies might focus purely on profit and returns, sustainable finance looks at a holistic range of additional priorities, such as helping to build a better world, reducing damage to the environment and society, and creating long term sustainable opportunities for all.

What are the 4 sustainable strategies? ›

The term sustainability is broadly used to indicate programs, initiatives and actions aimed at the preservation of a particular resource. However, it actually refers to four distinct areas: human, social, economic and environmental – known as the four pillars of sustainability.

What are the 5 pillars of sustainable finance? ›

Pillar 1: Definition: Use of proceeds. Pillar 2: Selection: Process for project evaluation. Pillar 3: Traceability: Management of proceeds. Pillar 4: Transparency: Monitoring and reporting.

What is the difference between ESG and sustainable investing? ›

ESG refers to a set of criteria used to assess a company's environmental, social, and governance impact. In contrast, sustainability is the capacity to maintain or endure, focusing on the interplay of environmental, social, and economic factors.

Is sustainable investing the same as ESG? ›

The most common types of sustainable investing are socially responsible investing (SRI), which excludes companies based on certain criteria, and ESG, a more broad-based approach focused on protecting a portfolio from operational or reputational risk.

What is the difference between ESG investing and sustainable investing? ›

And herein lies the core difference between an ESG portfolio and a truly sustainable portfolio – a positive, inclusive bias. ESG is about making portfolios “less bad.” A sustainable portfolio is about intentionally including companies that are making a positive difference in the world.

What are the 5 steps of wealth management? ›

The steps involved in wealth management are asset management, risk management, wealth accumulation, wise positioning of your assets, and eventual wealth distribution. Long-term wealth generation is the main goal of wealth management, which has a broader reach.

What is the primary goal of wealth management? ›

Wealth managers use numerous financial and investment strategies to help their clients meet their financial goals. These professionals are responsible for developing tailored strategies to maintain as well as increase their client's net worth, protect the assets, and reduce taxes and financial risks.

How much do top wealth managers make? ›

Wealth Manager Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$100,000$8,333
75th Percentile$68,500$5,708
25th Percentile$42,000$3,500

What is an example of sustainable investing? ›

Numerous strategies exist for investing sustainably. There are various ways to invest in a sustainable way, such as buying stock in a firm that makes solar panels or biofuels or contributing to a community lending fund. The desire to use money to promote social change and good is at the heart of it.

What are the key elements of sustainable investing? ›

The key principles of sustainable investing include long-term value creation, active ownership, transparency, and stakeholder engagement. These principles encourage investors to consider the broader implications of their investments and promote responsible corporate behavior.

How does sustainability attract investors? ›

Access to capital and investment

According to a study by Harvard Business Review, companies prioritising sustainability have better financial performance and lower cost of capital, attracting more investors.

What is an example of a sustainable investment? ›

One great example of green investment is investing in renewable energy projects such as solar power plants or wind farms. But did you know that your banking choices can also contribute to sustainable finance?

What are the three sustainable strategies? ›

Read on to learn about the three pillars of a corporate sustainability strategy: the environmental pillar, the social responsibility pillar, and the economic pillar. They are referred to as pillars because, together, they support sustainable goals.

What are sustainability strategies? ›

What is a sustainable business strategy? A sustainable business strategy is a set of actionable steps that a company takes to improve their impact on the community and the environment. Sustainable strategies can take time to implement, but when done correctly, they should benefit the company and its employees as well.

What are the three types of investment strategies? ›

At a high level, the most common strategies for investing are:
  • Growth investing. Growth investing focuses on selecting companies which are expected to grow at an above-average rate in the long term, even if the share price appears high. ...
  • Value investing. ...
  • Quality investing. ...
  • Index investing. ...
  • Buy and hold investing.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.