International Financial Reporting Standard 1 - ppt download (2024)

Presentation on theme: "International Financial Reporting Standard 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Financial Reporting Standard 1
FIRST TIME ADOPTION SCRIPT BENEATH THE STORY -- ARVIND BETALA B.Com, ACA, CFC, CFP, CFE, Sox-Pro, Dip.CG, G.Dip IA, IFRS Implementer (CICA, Canada), Oracle financials - Skype – arvind.betala Linkedin:- SAI OM SAI Arvind Betala

2 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
Objective An entity’s first IFRS Financial Statement:- Is transparent and comparable over all period Provides a suitable starting point for accounting The cost does not exceed benefits The aim is to strike a balance between full retrospective application providing transparency and global comparability with the cost of application According to the market capitalization for 2005, 31% capitalized companies were using IFRS, 47% were using US GAAP, 11% were using Japanese GAAP and rest 11% were using their national GAAP. Though in Fortune 500, 40% were using IFRS, 35% were US GAAP, 16% were using Japanese GAAP and rest 9% their national GAAP. With these figures there was a need to create a common platform wherein the Industry, market, segment and other comparison are based on same footing. By 2011, nearly 135 countries will adopt IFRS, thus covering all the major economies. Arvind Betala

3 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
Application An entity shall apply this IFRS in:- Its first IFRS Financial statements Interim Finance report in accordance with IAS 34 These entities are known as “First Time Adaptors of IFRS”. IFRS 1 can be applied once in a lifetime of the company and that is with the First time adoption in Full IFRS Financial statements and in Interim statements in the transition year. Thus IFRS 1 with its’ list of exemptions and exceptions gives benefit to adapt it on or before the transition date. Arvind Betala

4 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 1 Identification of “First Time Adaptors” Prepared most recent F/S as per National GAAP Which are not consistence with IFRS; or Which are in consistence with IFRS only where national GAAP is silent; or Which are reconciling some amount as per IFRS; OR Prepared most recent F/S as per IFRSs But no compliance statement has been made in F/S; or But containing compliance statement with some IFRS; Prepared F/S as per IFRS for internal use only; or Prepared reporting package as per IFRS for consolidation purpose but not all the financial statements are prepared; or Did not prepare any financial statements in previous period. All the above companies can apply the provisions of IFRS 1. Arvind Betala

5 6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 1
Arvind Betala

6 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 1 Examples of First Time Adaptors:- Entity “A” had prepared F/S for previous year as per National GAAP and those F/S contained Compliance Statement with IFRS, Does IFRS1 applies to Entity A? The Answer is No. IFRS 1 does not apply to Entity “A” as para.3 is very specific on the statement of Compliance in F/S. Even if the auditor qualifies that previous year audit report in the year but since entity gives compliance statement, IFRS 1 can not be applied in current year on Entity “A”. Entity “B” has prepared previous F/S in accordance with some IFRS but not all. During the current year’s F/S, Entity “B” has given unreserved compliance statement. Are the current year’s F/S first time IFRS F/S as per IFRS 1? The Answer is Yes. IFRS 1 clearly mentions that F/S carries unreserved compliance statement are the first IFRS F/S. Major points in Step # 1: Making an unreserved compliance statement is a key factor F/S carrying this statement first time will be considered first IFRS under IFRS1 To be the first F/S under IFRS 1, F/S shall comply with all IFRS Arvind Betala

7 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 2 Starting Point A opening statement of Financial Position shall be prepared on the transition date. This statement shall be prepared based on the applicable IFRS on the date of Transition. Prior to the preparation of Statement of Financial Position, an entity should do GAP analysis between where it is in accordance with National GAAP and where it wants to be in accordance with IFRS. The date of transition is the starting point. It is explained as beginning of the earliest period for which an entity presents full comparative information under IFRSs. Example of Starting point as per IFRS 1.6 a. Entity “A” is presenting its first IFRS F/S in 2011 with reporting date of 31st December, As per the National GAAP, it shall present comparative for 1 year. In this case the transition date shall be 1st January, 2010 as it is the beginning of the earliest period where an entity presents full comparative information under IFRSs. Arvind Betala

8 6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 2
Arvind Betala

9 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 2 Starting Point Conversion to IFRS means a robust change in the way an entity’s financial being read. It will give major changes in ratio analysis, Foreign exchange and hedging activities, Corporate income taxes, management reporting and so on The Methodology for the conversion should be treating the conversion as a project. The project should have a project leader, team members not only from accounts and finance but from other sphere within the Organization as well. The project team should inform the board and audit committee on regular basis on its plan and progress. The project should began with Impact assessment Diagnostic activity; and Scoping exercise. Arvind Betala

10 6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 2

11 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 3 Accounting Policies The general rule of IFRS 1 is, to develop first F/S that conforms with the IFRSs effective as on 1st IFRS statement, and throughout all the periods presented. The impact of the general rule is, transition from Local GAAP to IFRS requires a complete, retrospective restatement of assets, liabilities and equity in conformity with IFRSs. Adjustments required during transition Recognize all assets and liabilities whose recognition is required by IFRSs Some possible adjustments may include IAS 37 requires recognition of provision as liabilities IAS 19 requires an employer to recognize its liabilities under defined benefit plan Arvind Betala

12 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 3 Adjustments required during transition (Cont..) Not recognize items as assets or liabilities if IFRSs do not permit such recognition Some possible adjustment may include IAS 38 does not recognize expenditure on certain items as an intangible assets e.g. research, training, advertising and promotion etc. Deferred tax assets, when recovery is not probable is derecognized Reclassify the recognition of Assets, Liabilities and equity between National GAAP to IFRSs Treasury stock if allowed as asset in National GAAP, it should be reclassify as part of Equity under IFRSs Apply IFRSs in measuring all recognized assets and liabilities Financial instruments are valued at Fair value or amortized cost under IAS 39 Provisions are calculated using the best estimates as per IAS 37 In other words, in the absence of specific exception and exemptions, First time Opening statement of Financial Position is prepared as if it had always been applying IFRSs. Arvind Betala

13 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 3 Some other important considerations Certain IFRS provides their own transition provisions, but if an entity is First time Adapter of IFRSs, than the transition provision of IFRS1 supersedes other IFRSs’ transition provisions Some exemptions - Insurance contract, Leases, borrowing costs etc It is possible that on transition date, there are some IFRSs having standard and revised version applicable from some later date. In such a case, If that particular standard allows early application of revise version, that it can be applied In the case of Interim reports, the application of IFRS is based on the dates of that particular Interim report. During the preparation of Opening statement of Financial position, there will be some restatement of assets, liabilities and equity as per the transition provisions. The difference arising out of these restatement shall be adjusted in retained earning or any other form of equity directly and not in that particular period’s Comprehensive income or Profit and loss account. Arvind Betala

14 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 4 Mandatory Exception from retrospective Application Estimates – An entity shall be consistent with the estimates made for the same date in accordance with previous GAAP. Departure from this Mandatory exemption is available only if entity has objective evidence that those estimates were made in error. If IFRS existing at the date of transition requires to make some estimate in addition to the estimates as required by previous GAAP, such estimates shall be made in accordance with IAS 10 based on the conditions as existed on the date of transition. The entity treats the later information as non-adjusting event and adjust the same in the period in which entity has received information. Example:- If as per previous GAAP, entity makes estimate on undiscounted basis, The entity shall maintain the estimate which was made as per previous GAAP, but the same will be adjusted on discounted basis in accordance with IFRS. Arvind Betala

15 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 4 Mandatory Exception from retrospective Application Derecognizing of financial assets and liabilities- An entity recognizes all financial assets and financials liabilities, including derivatives, that qualifies for recognition as per IAS 39. IFRS1.B2 exempts the retrospective derecognizing for the assets and liabilities recognized before 1st January, However if the entity has all the available information which need to be there for the application of derecognizing of financial assets and financial liability, an Entity can choose the period. Example – an entity which does not apply IFRS1.B3, does not recognized assets transferred in a securitization arrangement that occurred before 1st January, 2004 Reason - It could be costly and complex affair to gather all the previous year’s detail and the effect this transaction will be diminishing with the passage of time. Arvind Betala

16 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 4 Mandatory Exception from retrospective Application Hedge Accounting – In accordance with IAS 39, as entity shall Measure all derivatives at fair value; and Eliminate all deferred losses and gains arising on derivatives that were reported in accordance with previous GAAP as if they are assets and liabilities However IFRS 1 permits to adopt hedge accounting for relationship That have been designated as hedges under previous GAAP; and Which also qualify for hedge accounting under IAS 39 Hedge accounting is than applied from the date, the hedging relationship is fully designated and fully documented as per IAS 39 and not from the date of transition. Also if any transaction is recognized as Hedge under pervious GAAP but not following the definition as Hedge transaction as per IAS 39, has to be de-resignated as per IAS 39. This de-resignated has to be applied on the date of transition. Arvind Betala

17 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 4 Mandatory Exception from retrospective Application Non-Controlling Interests – The provision of prospective application of NCI comes in effect due to the changes made in IAS 27 which is applicable effective 30th June, 2010 annual period. The proposed changes suggest:- To attribute the total comprehensive income between Owner and NCI even though NCI have deficit balance; Requirement for accounting for changes in the parents’ ownership interest that do not result in a loss of control; and Requirement for accounting for a loss of control of subsidiary. The above requirements as mandated by IAS 27 is supposed to be applied prospectively. The basic assumption made herein is the early adoption of IAS27 amendments. However if an entity elects to apply IFRS 3 retrospectively to past business combinations, it shall also need to apply amended IAS 27 and this exemption is not applicable in that case. Arvind Betala

18 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Past Business Combination– Broadly this exemption allows entity to either opt IFRS3 restatement or Follow the statement as made under previous GAAP but with some adjustment. The inclusion of this exemption is having a major impact on transition as in most cases it is very difficult to have all the necessary information related to past business combination. There are 2 types of business combination that do not fall under IFRS 3R, thus taking out from the virtue of this exemption:- The formation of a joint venture Combination of entities and business under common control In principal Entities have following option under this exemption:- Apply IFRS 3 retrospectively Apply IFRS 3 from a particular business combination and there after on all Not to apply IFRS 3 for the application of IFRS 1 However any business combination after IFRS 1 adoption need to be account as per IFRS 3 and 3R. Arvind Betala

19 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Past Business Combination (Cont..)– In case of an entity availing this exemption, following will be the impact on that Business Combination:- The classification will remain same as per NGAAP An entity shall recognize al assets and liability as per NGAAP, other than:- Some financial assets and financial liabilities derecognized in NGAAP Assets including goodwill and liability which does not qualify to be recognize as per NGAAP and as per current IFRS also can not be qualify Any resulting change shall effect in the retained earning unless the change result in the recognition of intangible asset subsumed in Goodwill previously The carrying amount of the assets and liability shall become the deemed cost and for later year will be used in the same manner under cost based approach. The goodwill as assumed under NGAAP will be adjusted only by:- Any adjustment in the recognition of intangible asset subsumed in Goodwill previously; and Under IAS 36 under the impairment loss on the date of transition and recognizing any impairment loss in retained earnings Arvind Betala

20 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Past Business Combination (Cont..)– EXAMPLE An entity has acquired 75% of subsidiary S. In complying with NGAAP entity has recognized an intangible asset of CU1000 that would not have qualified for recognition in accordance with IAS 38, Intangible Assets. The tax base of this intangible asset was NIL thus giving rise to deferred tax liability of CU300 (Assumed rate of 30%). On the date of transition the carrying amount of the intangible asset in accordance with NGAAP was CU 800 and the carrying amount of deferred tax liability of CU 240. APPLICATION:- Because the intangible asset do not qualify for recognition as separate asset, entity has to transfer the asset to goodwill along with deferred tax liability and Non controlling interest. Thus increasing the goodwill by CU 360 (CU 800 – 25% NCI – Deferred tax liability CU 240). Arvind Betala

21 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs IFRS 2 – Share based Payments IFRS 2 applies to the transaction where in entity uses equity to purchase goods and services. This exemption provide option to the application for IFRS 2; Grant Date Vested Date Application On or before 7th November, 2002 It is not required though encouraged to apply the provisions of IFRS 2. After 7th November, 2002 before 1st Jan. 2005 It is not required though encouraged to apply the provisions of IFRS 2. Though if an entity wish to apply IFRS 2 it can do so only if the fair value of these equity instrument has been publicly disclosed After 1st Jan. 2005 It is mandatory to apply the provisions of IFRS2. Arvind Betala

22 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Insurance Contracts – IFRS 4 deals in Insurance contracts. This exemption allows Para 9 which restrict the transitional provisions of other IFRS shall not be applicable. Like IFRS 1, IFRS 4 also restrict the application of transitional provisions of other IFRS including IFRS 1. Fair value or revaluation as Deemed cost – This exemption is available for Property, plant and equipment, Investment property (if carried on under cost model) and intangible assets that meet the recognition and revaluation criteria in IAS 38. Under cost model, an item of PPE is carried forward on cost less accu. Depreciation less impairment loss. Under revaluation model an item is revalued every year. Under this exemption an entity may elect to use previous NGAAP value or specific event value e.g. IPO, as revaluation if the revaluation is broadly compared with either the cost model OR fair value. Even if an entity declares higher value under this exemption the same will be nullified under the impairment provision vide IAS 36. Arvind Betala

23 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Leases – IFRIC 4, Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease, applies at the inception of the agreement but vide this exemption IFRS 1 allows the application of IFRIC 4 at the date of transition to determine whether an arrangement falls under the definition of lease based on the circ*mstances on the date of transition. Employee Benefits – IAS 19, Employees Benefit, allows the use of a corridor approach that leaves some actuarial gains or losses unrecognized. Under IFRS 1 an entity is allows to recognize all gains or losses as at the date of transition even if corridor approach is used for subsequent gains and losses. If this election is applied, it should be applied to all plans. Arvind Betala

24 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Cumulative translation differences – IAS 21, The effects of changes in Foreign exchange rates, requires the translation difference to be shown separately as a component of equity for each foreign operation. On disposal, to reclassify the cumulative translation difference from equity to profit and loss as part of gain or loss from disposal. IFRS 1 exempts entities to comply with these requirement that exist at the date of transition. However if the entity adopts this exemption:- The cumulative translation difference are deemed to be ZERO; and The gain or loss on a subsequent disposal shall exclude difference that arose before the transition date but include the later differences. Compound Financial Instrument – As per IAS 32, Compound financial instrument needs to be bifurcated between equity and liability. IFRS 1 provides exemption from such requirement provided the liability does not exist at the date of transition. Where the liability does exist at the date of transition, an entity need to separate equity and liability retrospectively as if the same was always been followed under IFRS. Arvind Betala

25 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities and associates–This exemption is relevant for 1st time adopter that is A parent or investor; and Present separate financial statements In accordance with IAS 27, the carrying cost of such investment should be either Cost or value as derived by IAS 39. IFRS 1 gives exemption in determining carrying cost. Cost of investments At Cost In accordance with IAS 39 Deemed Cost NGAAP carrying amount Fair Value Arvind Betala

26 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Assets / Liabilities of subsidiaries, associates and joint venture – Entities in the same group may adopt IFRS at different date based on the country conditions they are working in, regional conditions or early adoption. They can 2 scenarios:- A subsidiary adopts IFRS1 later than its parent A parent adopts IFRS 1 later its subsidiary Accounting for the assets / liability under scenario # 1 The carrying would remain same as included in parent F/S based on transition; OR The carrying amount as per IFRS 1 based on subsidiaries adoption. It requires independent adoption of IFRS 1 by subsidiary. Considerations for option # 1:- It implies using all the options adopted by parent; It needs adjustment due to the fact of difference in accounting policies; and Option is useful as it suggests single set of policies if basic assumptions are same Arvind Betala

27 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Assets / Liabilities of subsidiaries, associates and joint venture (Cont..)–- A parent adopts IFRS 1 later than its subsidiary – The group shall measure the assets / Liabilities of the subsidiary at the same carrying amount of Subsidiary after making necessary adjustment for consolidation and equity accounting. The principle is once a part of the group moved to IFRS and comply with the IFRS the parent can not elect to change amount. The amounts are based on subsidiaries date of transition. This rule are not in fact optional exemption. The parent must use the subsidiaries amount however the parent still need to apply the retrospective exception as mentioned in Step # 4. Arvind Betala

28 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Designation of previously recognized financial instruments–- The fundamental of IFRS 1 is, an entity shall recognize its assets and liabilities as if IFRS had always been applied. However IAS 39 allows that financial assets and financial liabilities can be designated at the time of initial recognition as fair value through profit and loss. IAS 32 states that such designation is irrevocable. IFRS 1 allows such designation to be made at the date of transition. An entity shall disclose the fair value of financial assets and financial liability designated into each category and their carrying amount. Any adjustment in the carrying amount shall be treated as transition adjustment. Fair value measurement of Financial assets and financial liabilities at initial recognition can either be at Prospectively to transactions entered into after 25th October, 2002; OR Prospectively to transactions entered into after 1st January, 2004 Arvind Betala

29 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 5 Optional Exemptions from Other IFRSs Decommissioning liabilities included in the cost of PPE– IFRIC 1 requires that any specified changes in decommissioning, restoration or similar liability has to be added to or deducted from the cost of assets. IFRS 1 provides exemption from IFRIC 1. However if this exemption is being availed, the entity shall:- Measure the liability at the date of transition; If the liability is within the scope of IFRIC1, back into the amount by discounting the liability over the intervening period; and Calculate the depreciation on that amount as at the transition date IFRS 1 allows the exemption from Para. 9 to adopt the transitional provision of IFRIC 12 IFRS 1 allows the exemption from Para. 9 to adopt the transition provision of IAS 23, Borrowing cost. In applying this exemption, entity may Capitalize borrowing cost for all qualifying assets for which the commencement date for capitalization is or after 1st July, 2009 Or date of transition whichever is later OR Designate an earlier date as effective date Arvind Betala

30 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 6 Presentation and Disclosure To comply with IAS 1R, an entity should present minimum below statement as part of its first IFRS F/S:- 3 Statement of Financial Position 3 statement of Financial position means, 1st statement of comparatives at the date of transition, 2nd statement at the date of transition and 3rd statement at the date of adoption of IFRS 2 Statement of other IFRS primary statement This means that 2 statements each of Comprehensive income, Other comprehensive income, cash flow and changes in equity Related notes Notes related to the explicit and unreserved statement of compliance, accounting policies adopted out of the options provided with in IFRS, disclosure requirements as provided in other IFRS. Also the terms specifically been used as “Related notes”, which may be interpreted to include notes on the 3rd additional statement of financial position which is the comparative at the date of transition. Arvind Betala

31 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 6 Presentation and Disclosure (Cont…) A first time adopter shall explain the transition and shall include some reconciliation statements Reconciliation of its equity in accordance with NGAAP as compare to IFRS. This reconciliation needs to be presented for (i) the date of transition to IFRS; and (ii) The end of latest period presented in accordance with NGAAP; Reconciliation of total comprehensive income in accordance with IFRS as compare to NGAAP The starting point for such reconciliation shall be total comprehensive income in accordance with NGAAP if the F/S would have been prepared under NGAAP Reconciliation of Cash flow in accordance with IFRS as compare to NGAAP if the F/S would have been prepared under NGAAP Also if entity discover some error made under NGAAP, it shall be disclosed separately other than change in A/c policies Though there is no format prescribed for such reconciliation but IFRS 1IG contain an example which can be used to decide the format. However such reconciliation shall provide sufficient detail for users to understand the material adjustment during transition. Arvind Betala

32 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
6 step process in first time adoption – Step # 6 Presentation and Disclosure (Cont…) Other Consideration in Presentation and Disclosure IFRS 1 does not provide exemption from the disclosure requirement of other IFRSs If entity is also presenting non IFRS comparatives and historical summaries These summaries are outside the purview of IFRS These summaries shall be labeled as previous NGAAP information prominently Disclose the nature of main adjustment to make it comply with IFRS IAS 8, changes in Accounting policies does not apply for first time adopter hence the disclosure requirements of IAS 8 are not applicable. Interim Financial Reports – Besides the disclosure requirements of IAS 34, an entity shall include reconciliations to explain the material adjustments from NGAAP to IFRSs An entity can disclose some of the adjustment information in other documents but in that case, it need to specifically disclose and cross referred such document in Interim Financial reports. This is based on the assumption that the users have access to other documents as mentioned in Interim Financial reports. Arvind Betala

33 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
Defined Terms Date of transition to IFRS- The beginning of the earliest period for which an entity presents full comparative information under IFRSs in its First IFRS financial statements i.e. for the transition date of 2011, it will be the comparative of 2010. Deemed Cost – An amount used as a surrogate for cost or depreciated cost at a given date Fair value – The amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. IFRSs – Standards and interpretations adopted by IASB i.e.:- International Financial Reporting Standards; International Accounting Standards; and Interpretation by International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee (IFRIC) and the former Standing Interpretation Committee (SIC) As of July, 2009 there are 65 IFRS as per above definition. Previous GAAP – The basis of accounting that a first time adopter used immediately before adopting IFRSs. (I have used it as National GAAP or NGAAP or NG interchangeably) Arvind Betala

34 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
CHECKLIST FOR PROJECT RELATED CONVERSION S.NO GENERAL REQUIREMENT YES/NO 1. Is transition being supported from the senior management? 2. Has a project team formed with specific Terms of Reference for the project from top management which should include clear terms of deliverables and deadlines? 3. Has the project team member include organization wide representation 4. Is the Project Team Leader has strong leadership skills even though he is not an expert in IFRSs 5. Is at least one member of Project team having expert knowledge of IFRSs 6. Is the project team given enough authority to manage the project affairs and to deal with the transaction level employees 7. Has a budget been approved for project team 8. Has necessary training being arranged for all the team members which at least should include expert training in their respective field i.e. IAS 19 Employee benefits to HR team 9. Has an issue resolution process being implemented to understand and resolve the issues arising from the transition on the organization Arvind Betala

35 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
CHECKLIST FOR PROJECT RELATED CONVERSION S.NO GENERAL REQUIREMENT YES/NO 10. Does the process been set to have a regular meet-ups with the senior management and steering committee with project team to explain, understand and provide guidance on the changeover and impact arising out of IFRS transition 11. Does the change management team been updated with the IFRS transition 12. Is the system in place to manage the impact of transition on transaction level employee 13. Is communication to stakeholder being enacted about the transition 14. The transition will change the way organization’s financial position been looked into so far as there will be changes which may change the ratios. Is the communication with Banks and Shareholders being established and provided with the necessary information 15. Is any expert IT member being part of the project team and has he been explained about the data which need to checked and cross referred from archive Arvind Betala

36 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption

37 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
Robust Project Methodology Accounting and Reporting:- Mapping each line of F/S, notes and MD & A to the applicable IFRS Conducting a systematic GAP analysis between IFRS and NGAAP Weighing the pros and cons on the IFRS 1 elective exemptions Understanding the accounting, measurement and presentation options available under IFRS and making a choice for the adoption of the same Collecting the data for the requirement of IFRS and its transition After conducting GAP analysis, understanding the Impact of such GAP and adopting the practice to account the GAP Systems and Processes:- Understanding the current IT Project priority and make assessment if any project needs to be deferred or revised Addressing the level of flexibility from current level of accounting system Assessing the impact of current data gathering process in which additional information is required Determining the impact on internal control certification process Business and People:- Providing training to the people Investigating impact on normal business and financial contracts Setting up the communication with stakeholders for the projected changes Arvind Betala

38 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
ALTERNATES AND OPTIONS IFRS by its very nature provide necessary provisions in respect of:- Accounting treatments; Measurement; and Disclosures Through out the IFRS there are areas where in some options being provided. These options are provided as some country position in terms of Legal, Economy, Political and/ or business practice may differ from other and IFRS may not be apply with equal force globally. The attached word file provides a outline of the different options available in IFRS. Arvind Betala

39 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
DIFFERENCES January 2010 and April 2010 is the transition line for 2 major economies in G 20 Group namely Canada and India as well as for Japan to crease out the differences between NGAAP and IFRS by 2011. The attached file explain the differences in the NGAAP (India & Canada) and IFRS India GAAP – IFRS comparison has been taken from the project carried out by PWC comparing IFRS, US GAAP and Indian GAAP. Arvind Betala

40 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
EXAMPLE Entity A presented its f/s under Canadian GAAP until It adopted IFRS from 1st January, 2010 and is required to present an opening IFRS. The differences between IFRS and Canadian GAAP are as under:- Proposed dividend has been classified as a current liability – CU 100 Consultant fees paid to bring the building to be capitalized – CU 50 Fixed and variable production overhead of CU 100 should be included in inventories Retirement benefit liability of CU 50 should be recognized Tax rate is assumed to be 30% RETAINED EARNINGS CU '000 Proposed Dividend 100 Consultants Fees 50 Inventory Retirement Benefit -50 200 Tax effects - 30% -60 140 The example used is based on simple adjustments. On ground, the transition F/S may not be that simple and straight forward. Arvind Betala

41 IFRS 1– First Time Adoption
Arvind Betala

42 Arvind Betala

Download ppt "International Financial Reporting Standard 1"

International Financial Reporting Standard 1 -  ppt download (2024)


What is the difference between GAAP and IFRS PPT? ›

GAAP tends to be more rules-based, while IFRS tends to be more principles-based. Under GAAP, companies may have industry-specific rules and guidelines to follow, while IFRS has principles that require judgment and interpretation to determine how they are to be applied in a given situation.

What is the IAS 1 presentation of financial statements? ›

Overview. IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements sets out the overall requirements for financial statements, including how they should be structured, the minimum requirements for their content and overriding concepts such as going concern, the accrual basis of accounting and the current/non-current distinction.

What is the IFRS 1 summary? ›

IFRS 1 provides guidance for entities adopting IFRS for the first time. The standard requires an entity in this position to comply with IFRSs effective at the end of its first IFRS accounting period in terms of the recognition and measurement of assets and liabilities.

What is the difference between Ipsas 1 and IAS 1? ›

IAS 1 uses the term income, which is not used in IPSAS 1. IPSAS 1 uses revenue, which corresponds to income in the IASs/IFRSs. The term income is broader than revenue, encompassing gains in addition to revenue.

What is the biggest difference between IFRS and GAAP? ›

The primary difference between the two systems is that GAAP is rules-based and IFRS is principles-based. This difference appears in specific details and interpretations. IFRS guidelines provide much less overall detail than GAAP.

What are the four basic principles of GAAP? ›

What Are The 4 GAAP Principles?
  • The Cost Principle. The first principle of GAAP is 'cost'. ...
  • The Revenues Principle. The second principle of GAAP is 'revenues'. ...
  • The Matching Principle. The third principle of GAAP is 'matching'. ...
  • The Disclosure Principle. ...
  • Why are GAAP Principles important?
Sep 10, 2021

What replaced the IAS 1? ›

IASB issues new standard on presentation and disclosures in financial statements. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has published its new standard IFRS 18 'Presentation and Disclosures in Financial Statements' that will replace IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements'.

How many IFRS standards are there in a PDF? ›

IFRS guidance is currently comprised of 38 standards and 26 interpretations.

What is the difference between IFRS and IAS? ›

Rules-based: IFRS is more principles-based than IAS, which means that it provides more general principles and concepts rather than specific rules. IFRS allows more flexibility in how companies report their financial information, while IAS provides more prescriptive guidance.

What is IFRS in layman's terms? ›

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of accounting rules for the financial statements of public companies that are intended to make them consistent, transparent, and easily comparable around the world. The IFRS is issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

What is IFRS short answer? ›

What is IFRS? IFRS stands for international financial reporting standards. It's a set of accounting rules and standards that determine how accounting events should be reported in your business's financial statements.

What are the four principles of IFRS? ›

IFRS insists on four key principles for preparing financial statements: clarity, relevance, reliability, and comparability. Clarity means making financial statements easy to read and understand.

What is IPSAS 1 summary? ›

IPSAS 1 specifies minimum line items to be presented on the face of the statement of financial position, statement of financial performance, and statement of changes in net assets/equity, and includes guidance for identifying additional line items, headings, and subtotals.

Is IFRS 1 and IAS 1 the same? ›

The IAS was a set of standards that was developed by the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). They were originally launched in 1973 but have since been replaced by the IFRS. IFRS is a set of standards that was developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

What are 5 elements of financial statements? ›

The major elements of the financial statements (i.e., assets, liabilities, fund balance/net assets, revenues, expenditures, and expenses) are discussed below, including the proper accounting treatments and disclosure requirements.

How do IFRS and US GAAP compare? ›

However, US GAAP does provide limited exemptions from consolidation in certain specialized industries. required only for the preceding period. Unlike IFRS, there is no requirement to present a statement of financial position as at the beginning of the earliest comparative period under any circ*mstances.

What is the difference between IFRS and US GAAP chart of accounts? ›

While IFRS focuses on disclosure and reporting, national GAAP concentrates on accounting procedure. While IFRS does not prescribe (or even discuss) a chart of accounts, national GAAP prescribes one, making unauthorized deviations from this COA punishable by law.

What is the biggest difference between IFRS and US GAAP quizlet? ›

IFRS: use method that matches the actual flow of goods. LIFO is prohibited. US GAAP: use method that most clearly reflects periodic income.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.