Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (2024)

Teething was the bane of my life. Jake started to show teething signs at 6 weeks of age and started to cut them at 5 months. People may tell you they are too young but this isn’t true, did you know that a baby can be born with teeth?! His earliest teething symptoms were the typical dribbling and chewing but as each new tooth rumbled we began to identify others, some of which were a little bizarre. I talk about 22 teething symptoms in my book but for this article, I have picked just a selection which should help you to identify and learn how to deal with the ones you may well be seeing in your baby.

The Main Teething Symptoms Seen In A Baby:


Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (1)

This is one of the most obvious teething symptoms and most babies will show pain at some point during the teething process. It is usually displayed through crying, tugging at the ears and chewing profusely. It may start long before you see a tooth due to the ‘rumbling’ going on below the gum line. The teeth move in the jaw prior to eruption and can often be seen peeking up to the gums as a white lump and then reducing back down to nothing again. We can’t see what our poor little mites are going through but we can look for these signals and react in time in order to provide some pain relief. Infant paracetamol and Ibuprofen will both help to reduce pain, bring down a fever and calm a baby. As long as you are following the dosage rates please don’t worry about giving a medicine during the teething development. I have heard parents say it was a last resort before –why should it be? If you had an ache or pain you would take some tablets so do think of easing theirs before it increases. Other remedies for pain include amber jewellery, teething gels, teething granules, teething toys to help soften the gums and distraction techniques.

Flushed Cheeks

This is a classic sight in a teething baby and is caused by the inflammation of the gums. This will clear once the tooth appears but you can provide teething granules to help calm the symptom down. Always keep a close eye on your baby’s temperature, though, and if you are concerned follow the instructions in the next category.


Feeling that the skin is hot is not an indication of a fever. Teething may bring flushed cheeks and a warmer baby due to pain but in order to check for a fever, you need to use a thermometer. The NHS guidelines are that a fever is over 37.5° and you should seek medical advice if this increases above 39°. You should always remove clothing first to try to reduce their body temperature. Take a layer off at a time and see if it helps. Do not completely strip them down or attempt to reduce their fever with a cold flannel as this will cause their body to go into shock. Infant paracetamol and Nurofen will also help in reducing their fever.

Dribbling and Dribble Rash

Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (2)

Babies do naturally dribble a lot due to the salivary glands increasing in activity from 3 months of age but once teething begins this will become more excessive. And of course, with this, they are at a higher risk of developing an uncomfortable dribble rash. You need to tackle this teething symptom by ensuring you are keeping clothing dry or changing their clothes more often when it becomes too wet. It can be so tempting to keep on wiping the dribble away but this can often aggravate the rash further. Your best tool would be a dribble bib to keep your baby’s clothes dry and dabbing the dribble away with a clean, soft muslin (do not use wipes). Then apply a barrier cream to protect the skin. Make sure you also check in the folds of skin babies have under their chin. It is easy for the dribble to linger here and get missed – a perfect breeding place for germs! We used an Amber anklet once Jake’s molars started to cause him issues and we noticed a considerable improvement in his dribbling. He also became calmer and slept better.


Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (3)

This is clearly seen by your baby pulling and rubbing their ears. As the mouth, nose, throat and ears are all linked it is only natural that teething pains will manifest themselves in other areas. The pain from the jaw often shoots up the face to the ear which can cause your baby to scream out and be difficult to put down to sleep. You need to keep on top of your pain relievers – Infant Paracetamol and Ibuprofen – which you can alternate throughout the day. You may also find that they will sleep much more happily on your chest or slightly raised up as laying flat increases the pain. I found that a reflux cushion helped with my son’s sleeping at night. If they are in a lot of pain and seem more distressed than usual please seek medical advice in case of an ear infection.

Loose Stools

The excess saliva can go on and have further effects on their little bodies. One of the most common is loose stools. As the saliva works its way into the stomach it causes an acidic build-up which affects their bowels. This can often lead to nappy leaks and an increase in the movements. I would definitely recommend taking a change of clothes, plenty of nappies and wipes (we used reusable the second time around and saw a huge improvement in containment) plus lots of nappy bags/wet bags to pop dirty clothing into every time you go out –you don’t wanna get caught out!

Teething granules will help to settle their little tummies as they contain chamomile which is soothing on their systems.

Nappy Rash

Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (4)

The inevitable happens from all those loose bowel movements and little red, sore, rashy bottoms are seen during the teething process. The urine will also become more acidic from the saliva being swallowed which will add to nappy rash issues. The best remedy for this is nappy free time to allow the area to dry out and heal. Just watch out for any accidents! I would recommend using warm water and cotton wool or reusable wipes if the rash is very raw and ditching the disposable wipes for the time being. A barrier cream, vaseline or olive oil will provide a waterproof barrier between the wet nappy and the skin. I used to dab my son’s bottom dry with a soft cloth before applying anything to ensure the rash was completely dry. The doctor can prescribe creams if the rash becomes severe.

Lack of Appetite

There could be several reasons as to why a baby may lose their appetite during teething. The first being that the painful and swollen gums mean they don’t feel like eating. They may feel sick from the extra acidity in their stomachs (caused by the excess saliva) or what you are offering may be too hard or hot for their aching mouth. At this time you need to listen to their needs and ensure they are still eating what they can manage so they don’t start to lose weight or wake up hungry in the night. It is easy to alter meals for just a few days when their pain is higher. Yoghurts, soups or purees are popular choices. You must ensure they are taking in enough fluids if they are off their food –you don’t want a dehydrated baby. Homemade ice lollies will help with encouraging them to eat and will also soothe their gums. Teething granules will ease any tummy pains and help to calm your distressed baby.

Some of the more unusual teething symptoms we saw with Jake was increased ear wax, coughing, hiccups, sickness, eczema and irritability. Of course, the one we all have to endure is the lack of sleep and this can only be dealt with in the best way which suits your family. You may choose to co-sleep, try amber jewellery, drive around until they doze off or rock them until you burn all that baby weight off! Whatever your methods, you should always do what is best for your own baby. Take others advice but don’t feel you have to follow it, ignore any negative comments and don’t let anybody else judge you. Only you know what the situation is and in our case, teething was the worst stage we have gone through. It was stressful, exhausting and worrying. All I wanted to do was help my baby and to be able to take all his discomfort and upset away. We all have our different ways of parenting and coping and that is fine. Teething can last until a child is three years old so you need to learn how to listen to their needs and meet them whilst trying to maintain your normal life routines. It is a long, slow process but I can ensure you that there is a light at the end of that tunnel.

Good luck with tackling those teething symptoms and if you need more advice please do leave me a comment or come and follow me on social media.

And if you would like to learn more about the teething process and teething symptoms you can purchase my book ‘Your Teething Baby, from one parent to another’ on Amazon.

Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (5)

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Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (6)

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Identifying Teething Symptoms and Learning How To Cope With Them – Emma Reed (2024)


What are some signs and symptoms of teething? ›

Here are the main symptoms that have been proven:
  • Drooling. Increased spit and drooling.
  • Rash. Face rash from drooling. The drool contains little bits of food that are irritating to the skin.
  • Chewing. Increased need to chew on things.
  • Gum Pain. Gum pain is mild and not always present.
Dec 30, 2022

How do babies cope with teething? ›

The most effective treatments include pressure, using cold items, and giving your baby something safe to chew. It's really tough to see your baby start teething and experiencing constant pain, so try these methods to help ease the discomfort.

How long do babies show signs of teething before the tooth breaks through? ›

Don't be alarmed, teething isn't constant from five to 33 months. In fact, each tooth or pair of teeth should only cause your little one pain for just over a week. In other words, for five days ahead of an appearance – 'eruption day' – and three days afterwards (Macknin et al, 2000).

What does the AAP recommend for teething? ›

Gently rub your baby's gums with clean fingers or a wet cloth. Give your baby a solid (not liquid-filled) teething ring. Offer your baby a cold, damp washcloth to chew on. Give your baby a pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (one brand name is Tylenol) or ibuprofen (2 brand names are Advil and Motrin).

What are the four stages of teething? ›

Stage 2: (6 months) The first teeth to erupt are the upper and lower front teeth, the incisors. Stage 3: (10-14 months) Primary Molars erupt. Stage 4: (16-22 months) Canine teeth (between incisors and molars on top and bottom) will erupt. Stage 5: (25-33 months) Large molars erupt.

What is the best natural remedy for baby teething pain? ›

Anything cold will help to numb the pain for teething babies. Wet a washcloth, tie it in a knot, and freeze it for your baby to hold. You can also refrigerate their pacifier for relief as a natural remedy for the pain. Avoid gel-filled teething rings that you place in a freezer.

What is the most painful stage of teething? ›

Stage 5: (25-33 months) Revenge of the molars! These are the largest teeth, and some children will find this to be the most painful time of teething.

What does teething cry sound like? ›

In terms of sound, a teething baby crying sounds high-pitched, though maybe not as intense as a baby with colic. They may also be more fussy than usual more generally, even when they aren't actively crying.

How to comfort a teething baby at night? ›

In that scenario, you should speak with your child's pediatrician.
  1. Give a gum massage. ...
  2. Offer a cooling treat. ...
  3. Become your baby's chew toy. ...
  4. Apply some pressure. ...
  5. Wipe and repeat. ...
  6. Try a little white noise. ...
  7. Consider medicine. ...
  8. Maintain baby's regular bedtime routine.
Jan 28, 2021

What does teething poop look like? ›

Teething babies aren't only cranky — symptoms may include mucus in their stool. The presence of excess saliva and the pain from teething can irritate the intestines, resulting in excess mucus in the stool.

Do babies sleep more when teething? ›

Although anecdotally, some parents say that their babies have slept more while teething — almost as if they were under the weather and needed more rest — experts say that, for the most part, this isn't the case. Often, the opposite is true: Most parents find that their teething baby won't sleep.

What does a teething rash look like? ›

A teething rash can develop on the cheeks, chin, neck and chest, and look like chapped skin or small red bumps. Teething should not cause a rash on the baby's arms, legs or back, so any rashes that appear in these areas should always be looked at by a paediatrician.

What not to use for teething babies? ›

Amber teething necklaces should also be avoided. These are sometimes sold with claims that the amber releases a pain-relieving chemical that is absorbed through the baby's skin. However, there is no scientific evidence that they actually soothe pain, and they pose a potential risk for both strangulation and choking.

Why not use baby Orajel? ›

When some babies are given products that contain benzocaine, a local anesthetic, they can develop a rare but serious condition called methemoglobinemia. The FDA even issued a warning about the risk for babies under 24 months.

Which is the most appropriate recommendation for relief of teething pain? ›

Teething may cause mild discomfort and fussiness. “A cold, solid-rubber teether and even a frozen washcloth to chew on can be soothing.” You can also talk with your pediatrician about trying a weight-appropriate dose of acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) if they're older than 6 months.

What are 3 normal signs of teething? ›

Signs that your baby is teething can include:
  • Being cranky or crying a lot.
  • Disrupted sleep.
  • Drooling more than usual.
  • Chewing or gnawing on an object.
  • Tender, red gums where the tooth is coming through.
Oct 29, 2019

Are you sick when teething? ›

There is currently not good evidence to show that teething directly causes vomiting, though it may occur during the same period, as your child will go through the teething process many times.

Can teething cause cold symptoms? ›

Teething does not cause colds, diarrhea, or high fever, but it can make a baby uncomfortable. If your baby becomes sick around the same time teeth are coming in, it is important to evaluate the symptoms of that illness independently of the teething. Call your child's physician for advice if your baby is sick.

Does teething cause a stuffy nose? ›

So, do babies get stuffy noses while they're teething? Usually not. Teething can sometimes be related to a runny nose due to inflammation of the mouth and gums, but if what you're seeing in your infant is nasal congestion, it's likely the common cold.

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