I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (2024)

    Who would’ve thought? Not me.

    by Charis BargBuzzFeed Contributor

    A few years ago, I was living paycheck to paycheck without any clue about how to manage my finances.

    Gold Rush / Discovery Channel / Via Giphy / giphy.com

    I had a set income but just didn't know how to start paying down my debt. I felt like everything related to finances was way. Too. Complicated. It was easier for me to just ignore my situation and hope it'd magically work itself out.

    One fateful day, when I must've been feeling extra motivated for some reason, I randomly decided enough was enough. I made it my life goal to pay off my debt. All of it. And I wanted to do so fast.

    By slowly changing my lifestyle, I was able to see big results and eventually pay off my $46,500 debt.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (2)

    Charis Barg

    It didn't happen overnight; but after making just a few simple changes to the way I handled my finances, I finally started seeing progress. And ultimately, I was able to pay off all my debt in just two years.

    These changes, although small at the time, made a huge impact on my life. I'm still debt-free years later, managing finances is now a habit, and I generally don't feel anxious about money, regardless of whether I have an income or not. I even started a website where I write about the money-saving tips I've learned.

    Here are the 17 things I did that helped me get debt-free:

    And just one quick note before we jump in: Although implementing these changes helped me pay off debt, not all of them may work for you. You know yourself best, after all.

    1. Organized all my debt by writing everything down.

    Conan / Via Giphy / giphy.com

    When I thought about my debt, I knew I owed like tens of thousands of dollars, but I had no idea exactly how much. Not knowing the amount totally added to my anxiety.

    I told myself to calm down and forced myself to check all my accounts and write the numbers down. I wrote down the debt amount, the interest rate, and the minimum payment. For my student loans, I broke them down even further since I had a bunch of loans with different amounts and interest rates. The total amount ended up being $46,500.

    Surprisingly, the act of writing it all down made me feel less anxious. It's as if seeing it all on paper instead of hyping it up in my brain made it feel manageable. The brain surely works in mysterious ways.

    2. Focused on paying off one debt at a time.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (3)

    Charis Barg

    Once I had my debt written down, I saw what I owed more clearly. For me personally, I owed roughly:

    • Student loans = ~$30,000 (around individual 8 loans varying from $1,000–$6,000)

    • Car loan = ~$13,000

    • Three credit card debts of varying amounts = ~$500–$2,000

    Seeing it broken down actually made it super clear how I was gonna pay it off. I learned there are two common methods for paying down debt: debt snowball, which involves paying off your smallest debts first (to increase motivation), and debt avalanche, which focuses on paying off your debt with the highest interest first (to pay less interest).

    I basically used a combo of those two methods and ended up paying off my debt in the following order:

    1. Credit cards from lowest debt amount to highest debt amount

    2. Car loan

    3. Student loans

    3. I actually started tracking my expenses.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (4)

    Your Dollars Count / Charis Barg / Via play.google.com

    I never really used to know where all my money was going. It often felt like it was just disappearing into a black hole. Turns out, it was just going toward food. Like, way too much of it.

    So in order to be more conscious of my spending, I began using a super-simple phone app called Your Dollars Count (Android only; sorry iPhone users) to document my most frequent expenses, which for me were dining out, groceries, and Amazon — don't judge me. I just manually entered what I spent in each category, so I could easily see how much I'd spent compared to the amount I'd allocated in my budget. Then at the end of the month, I'd simply clear the info and start fresh.

    4. Calculated how much interest I'd have to pay.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (5)

    Charis Barg

    I knew I'd have to pay interest; I couldn't control that. But what I could control was how much interest I had to pay. I used a debt payoff calculator to figure out the amount of interest I'd end up paying if I only paid the minimum on my debts...and I was shocked to see how much of my hard-earned money would go to interest.

    That totally motivated me to pay off my debt as quickly as possible. After all, it's my money and I wanna keep as much of it as I can.

    5. Planned spending freezes.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (6)

    Charis Barg

    Near the tail end of my debt journey when I was SO CLOSE to being done, I implemented spending freezes. Basically, I spent money solely in a few predetermined categories:

    • Housing and utilities

    • Groceries

    • Car maintenance and gas

    • Medical (doctor's visits, prescriptions, etc.)

    • "Fun money" (which I kept to a strict $100/month)

    Umm...and that’s actually it. So for a few months, if something didn't fall into one of these category, I didn't spend money on it.

    Maybe my memory is just foggy, but I felt like it wasn't actually that difficult. Granted, I only did this when I was super close to paying off debt and I just wanted that final push to the finish line.

    6. I accepted feeling uncomfortable (temporarily).

    Bachelor in Paradise / Via Giphy / giphy.com

    I remember times I wanted to add more decor to my apartment, I had furniture that broke and needed to be replaced, or I wanted to go to a nice new fancy restaurant. But I knew debt wouldn't be in my life forever, so my desire to pay it off was bigger than the slight discomfort of delaying experiences and purchases.

    Besides, once I paid off my debt, I celebrated by going to the restaurant I wanted to check out a few months earlier. And I redecorated my apartment. So I mean, win-win.

    7. Found cheaper alternatives to everything.

    Instagram: @choosefrugal / Via Choosefrugal

    I understand the concept of quality over being cheap (or as I'd like to say, frugal) but honestly, being cheap/frugal really hasn't done me wrong.

    I mean, my pair of knockoff Uggs cost $20, and even in negative-degree temps and walking in a foot of snow, they kept my toes nice and toasty. Plus, I've had them long enough to see them go out of style and back in style again. (But TBH I I'm not sure if they were ever "in style.")

    I also went to the dollar store a lot. More than I care to admit. But hey, I found some great stuff there.

    If you're looking for ways to cut back on spending, check out these everyday things I used to overspend on and the cheaper options I use now.

    8. Which included becoming more creative in gift giving.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (8)

    Charis Barg

    It’s easy for me to make it rain gift cards for friends and family. But if I'm spending $50–100 on gift cards for every event that can happen throughout the year, that adds up!

    I LOVE giving gifts so I'm not talking about being a miser. I know lots of people are happy to receive gift cards, but I've found it's more meaningful to try to get that perfect gift that shows I’ve been paying attention. Plus, gifts totally don't have to be expensive to be meaningful. I mean, I once gave my spouse a gift that involved asking friends and family to describe him with nice words. I put those words into a word cloud, printed it for free, and put it in a $10 frame. To this day, he still says it’s one of the most meaningful gifts he’s received.

    9. I did proper research on products before making any purchases.

    BBC Sherlock / Via Giphy / giphy.com

    If I needed something like an appliance, I rarely bought the first thing I saw. I’d read reviews, check out different models, and look at a variety of websites. (I'm making it sound like I wasted my life reading product descriptions, but I probably only spent like 20 minutes researching any given item.) Sometimes the impact was super small, like choosing a slow cooker with better reviews than another. Sometimes it made a huge difference, like figuring out a $30 mattress topper would help me sleep better instead of a having to spend $300 on a new mattress.

    As I started doing more research on products, it also had a great secondary benefit: It helped curb my impulse buys. If I saw something I wanted, spending the time to do a bit of research helped shift my perspective from "I have to have this NOW" to "lemme check and see if this is something that's actually useful for me."

    10. Used credit card rewards points to my advantage.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (9)

    Charis Barg

    Ironically, I think I used credit cards more than ever while paying down debt. Probably cause I stopped feeling controlled by the credit card and was able to start paying it off every month so it didn't accrue interest. It even became a sort of nerdy game for me to identify the credit card with the best perks.

    All my cards earn travel rewards; so by making my normal purchases, I could earn points and miles to put toward airfares. This saved me money on travel; since instead of paying $600–$800 for flights, they'd often be "free" — and who doesn’t like free?

    11. I started being a minimalist.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (10)

    Charis Barg

    When I say "minimalist," I don't mean I tried to fit all my clothes in a backpack and only used one fork and one bowl. For me, it was more about just decluttering my excess stuff and realizing how much I was holding onto things “just in case.” I had a whole drawer full of loose wires and screws that I had no idea what they were for but I was like, You never know??

    At the time I read Marie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. (BTW, for my personal bragging rights, I totally read it before the Netflix special came out.) That book and being more minimalist helped me shift from feeling like I always needed more to being content with what I had.

    12. I decreased my contribution to retirement.

    The retirement age needs to be lowered to 25. I’ve had enough

    13. And temporarily stopped contributing to savings (controversial, I know!).

    The Simpsons / FOX / Via Giphy / giphy.com

    Maybe this is more blasphemous than cutting back on contributing to retirement, but this strategy worked out really well for me. Personally, I didn't like the concept of saving money and paying off debt at the same time because I liked seeing bigger chunks of money go toward debt.

    So I made sure I had a buffer of around $1,000, and then I just didn’t contribute to savings again until after becoming debt-free. This approach might not work for everyone, but I was willing to take the risk of not having a ton of savings. I figured hey, once I’m done paying down debt, I’ll have more money available to put back into my savings.

    14. I checked my credit card statements frequently to make sure I was charged correctly.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (12)

    Charis Barg

    When paying off debt, I became slightly anal with checking my bank account and credit card statements. I made sure that I knew what was going in and out of my account at least every other day.

    Constantly seeing the charges helped me be super aware of my spending. It also meant I could catch subscriptions that didn’t get canceled in time or make sure refunds made it into my account. I wrote everything down so I wouldn't forget to check back on it later.

    15. I cooked. Like, a lot.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (13)

    Charis Barg

    Ahh meal planning. Cooking isn't my thing, but I have to admit it's a total game changer when it comes to paying down debt. I managed to stretch my money a lot further at the grocery store than I could've if I was going out to eat all the time.

    I planned out my meals and bought groceries once a week from cheaper grocery stores like Aldi or Walmart. Then, I make big-batch meals to avoid having to cook every day. If you want some inspo, see how I made a $25 grocery budget last an entire week.

    16. And started mending old clothes instead of buying new ones.

    Charis Barg

    I was 100% the type of person that if I saw even the tiniest hole in my shirt, I’d throw out the entire thing. It didn't even register for me to think, Oh maybe I can fix that? Once I started being more minimalist, I only kept clothes I genuinely liked, which meant I wanted to actually keep them in good condition.

    I *gasp* bought a sewing kit and started making minor repairs to my clothes if needed. Nothing too difficult, but I felt proud of myself :').

    I also got Shoe Goo to help patch up shoes when the heels peeled away from the rest of the shoe. Sometimes my clothes and shoes were still in relatively good condition and just needed some TLC for a second chance at life.

    17. Finally, I rediscovered the library and started borrowing books instead of buying them.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (14)

    Charis Barg

    I used to go to the library every day as a kid. Why did I stop going as an adult?!

    Rather than automatically buying books that often just ended up collected dust on my bookshelf, I got myself a library card and started borrowing them from the library instead. If the book turned out to be amazing, I'd buy a copy so I could keep it.

    Another great thing about the library: They have regular books, e-books, and audiobooks, so I can get the info in any format I want. Plus, some libraries offer helpful research on things how to prep for interviews or resources for businesses!

    By incorporating these changes into my life, I achieved debt freedom in two years!

    CBS / Via giphy.com

    Paying down the debt wasn't an overnight process. Sometimes it felt like I was going two steps forward, one step back — especially when the unexpected life things got in the way. But I'm grateful to my past self for not giving up, especially in the beginning when the learning curve was the steepest.

    I have to say, making the decision to get serious about paying down debt was definitely been worth it and probably the best decision I've made for myself.

    What are your tips for paying off debt? Let us know in the comments below! And don't forget to, check out more of our personal finance posts.

    I Went From Owing $46,500 To Being Completely Debt-Free In Two Years By Making These 17 Small Changes To My Life (2024)


    Is it possible to live completely debt free? ›

    So, when you hear about people who have absolutely no debt, live on less than they make, and have a stash of cash for emergencies, you might think they're . . . weird. But living a debt-free life isn't only for a special group of people. It's something anyone can do with hard work and some special characteristics.

    How to be debt free in 2 years? ›

    Dave Ramsey says most people get out of debt in two years using the debt snowball method. With the debt snowball, you prioritize paying off your smallest debts first. The debt snowball is a good option, but if you have a high credit score, debt consolidation will save you more money.

    How does debt free life insurance work? ›

    How does Debt Free Life® work? For individuals who are paying their bills on time and contribute to a savings or retirement account, Debt Free Life is a modern way to pay off your debt using the cash value of a specialized whole life insurance policy. Extra funds are redirected into the cash value of your policy.

    Is it worth it to be debt free? ›

    Conclusion. Having no debt has many advantages, including financial stability, increased flexibility, and a significant sense of accomplishment. But it's important to remember debt isn't always bad, and in some cases, you can leverage debt to reach your financial goals more quickly.

    How many people are 100% debt free? ›

    Around 23% of Americans are debt free, according to the most recent data available from the Federal Reserve. That figure factors in every type of debt, from credit card balances and student loans to mortgages, car loans and more. The exact definition of debt free can vary, though, depending on whom you ask.

    What percentage of Americans live debt free? ›

    The study found that six in 10 people could not cover three-plus months of expenses. Thirty-one percent said they had no emergency fund. It's no wonder just 23% of Americans say they live debt free, according to the Federal Reserve.

    Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

    While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds. The biggest grant the government offers may be housing vouchers for those who qualify.

    What is the best age to be debt free? ›

    “Shark Tank” investor Kevin O'Leary has said the ideal age to be debt-free is 45, especially if you want to retire by age 60. Being debt-free — including paying off your mortgage — by your mid-40s puts you on the early path toward success, O'Leary argued.

    What are the disadvantages of being debt free? ›

    Cons of Living Debt-Free
    • Negative credit impact: Experts often recommend making regular on-time payments on your credit accounts to improve your credit score. ...
    • Might sacrifice opportunities: Naturally, living debt-free is preferable to taking on debt, but sometimes debt is necessary to pursue goals and dreams.
    Oct 22, 2022

    Can life insurance be used to pay off debt after death? ›

    Even if no one is responsible for your debts after you die, you may still want coverage. A life insurance payout can help your beneficiaries pay off the debt so the money in your estate can go to your heirs.

    What happens when you are debt free? ›

    Without any debts to worry about, your monthly expenses will drop, freeing up your personal cash flow and allowing you to focus on savings and daily living expenses. Few people understand just how free you can feel when you're no longer beholden to a slew of banks and lenders.

    Do life insurance companies really pay out? ›

    The vast majority of life insurance policies pay out

    That's why by the end of 2020 life insurance coverage in the United States totaled $20.4 trillion1. That year, life insurance companies paid more than $314 billion in benefits2.

    Is it better to be debt free or have cash? ›

    While paying down high-interest debt will help you reduce the amount of interest you owe, not having an emergency fund can put you deeper in the red when you have to cover an unexpected expense. “Regardless of [your] debt amount, it's critical that you have money set aside for a rainy day,” Griffin said.

    Does being debt free hurt your credit? ›

    It's possible that you could see your credit scores drop after fulfilling your payment obligations on a loan or credit card debt. Paying off debt might lower your credit scores if removing the debt affects certain factors like your credit mix, the length of your credit history or your credit utilization ratio.

    Is it better to be debt free or have a mortgage? ›

    Debt that creates opportunities can actually work for you. If it's also low cost and has tax advantages, so much the better. For instance, with mortgages or home equity lines of credit, you're borrowing to own a potentially appreciating asset. On top of that, home loans may be tax-deductible.

    At what age are people debt free? ›

    The Standard Route is what credit companies and lenders recommend. If this is the graduate's choice, he or she will be debt free around the age of 58. It will take a total of 36 years to complete. It's a whole lot of time but it's the standard for a lot of people.

    At what age should I be debt free? ›

    “Shark Tank” investor Kevin O'Leary has said the ideal age to be debt-free is 45, especially if you want to retire by age 60. Being debt-free — including paying off your mortgage — by your mid-40s puts you on the early path toward success, O'Leary argued.

    Are debt free people happier? ›

    Over time, paying down debt has the potential to significantly improve your health and overall quality of life. No matter how small, any step toward becoming debt-free is a positive move in the right direction.

    Is it possible to not be in debt? ›

    It's possible to make use of financial products that can get you rewards and grow your credit, yet still stay out of debt. Stick to your spending plan and pay off monthly credit card balances in full, and you'll have taken the first and potentially most important steps toward lasting debt freedom.

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    Name: Jerrold Considine

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    Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.