Hoya Varieties: Popular Types And Species Of Hoyas (2024)

Many of us remember the thick leaves and star-shaped flowers of the Hoya plant sitting in a window at grandma’s house.

The most common Hoya varieties and the one most often seen and grown as a houseplant isHoya carnosaandHoya carnosa variegata.

Hoya Varieties: Popular Types And Species Of Hoyas (1)Pin

The thick, waxy oval-shaped leaves of green are rimmed with red and white. The waxen texture of the leaves earns it the nickname “variegated wax plant.”

Hoya Plant History

The popularity of the name “Hoya” hails from Thomas Hoy (17 – 1821), gardener to the Duke of Northumberland. Hoy was the first to bring this superb tropical plant into prominence.

Native to southern India, this plant is highly prized and the subject of legend.

Hoya plants are from the Asclepias (milkweed) family. They are found throughout eastern Asia and Australia.

The exact number of Hoya plant species is a mystery. Bailey’s Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture estimated 100 species. Listed at the end of the article are over 550 recognized species.

Hoya Flowers Exquisite Creations

In baskets or a sunny window, the foliage of Hoya plants is unusually decorative. Their late spring and summer porcelain and flowers are highly prized.

Some consider Hoya blooms among the most exquisite creations of nature. They appear fashioned from ivory or porcelain, with glimmering centers of ruby and amethyst. The new flowers of Hoya carnosa carry a barely noticeable, delicate, elusive, sweet fragrance.

The waxen ball of five-pointed double stars is geometrically perfect. This gives the Hoya plant bloom an artificial look. Those experiencing Hoya carnosa for the first time are pleasantly surprised to find it is real.

Unless they are in a hanging basket, it’s recommended to insert a trellis into their container, allowing the plants to climb and grow.

Commonly Grown Hoya “Species”

Hoya australis– has huge, waxen, deep-green waxy leaves measuring nearly four inches across, and speckled with silver. It is a vigorous, strong grower, the vining kind with distinctly fragrant flowers, pink with red crowns.

Hoya bandaensis– Sturdy plant with deep-green glossy leaves.

Hoya bella– is a handsome dwarf, small growing species with slender upright branches that droop down as they age; non-climber, small leaves are thick, dark green; flowers are white with purple centers. An old favorite.

Hoya carnosa– Old-timer with shiny dark-green oval-pointed leaves, spreading sprays of faint pink flowers centered with a red star-crown. This one climbs best by sinking its aerial roots into a porous support like a moss pole.

Hoya Varieties: Popular Types And Species Of Hoyas (2)Pin

Several variations of Hoya carnosa are available: the cultivar ‘Exotica,’ has light green leaves centered with cream, sometimes pink-tinged. Another isHoya Krimson Queen.

Hoya carnosa variegata,the leaves are irregularly edged with creamy white, touched with pink in sun.

Hoya Compacta– also known as Hoya carnosa compacta, features distinct, curling foliage setting it apart from thecarnosa plantfrom which it came.

Hoya coronaria– is a climber, not widely available, with waxy leaves that re-curve and are hairy beneath. It has pale lemon-yellow flowers with red spots.

Hoya curtisii– a slow-growing miniature succulent type, trailing perennial vine hoya hailing from the jungles of Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.

Hoya imperialis– Stems and leaves dusted with down, margins curled; large red flowers with creamy centers.

Hoya kentiana– has beautiful leaves and doesn’t bloom often, but when it does, the delicate, fragrant blossoms are well worth the wait.

Hoya Kerrii– Sweetheart Hoya, a slow-growing vine with heart-shaped leaves.

Hoya keysi– has thick, close-jointed stems and heavy, gray-green leaves covered with down, off-white flowers, a red base.

Hoya Krimson Queenor Krimson Princess – new leaves are pink or white. The waxy leaves are thick and fleshy with a rounded base.

Hoya lacunosa– blooms with a rich, cinnamon scent appearing from spring through fall.

Hoya latifolia (cinnamonum)– Egg-shaped coppery leaves with paler veins.

Hoya linearis– long tendrils covered with skinny, slightly furry leaves.

Hoya longifolia shepherdi (angustifolia)– Slender leaves indented at the center vein so they’re almost folded; delicate display of white flowers accented with bright wine.

Hoya macrophylla variegata– Creeping species with light-veined, copper-green leaves white flowers.

Hoya motoskei– Free-flowering vine (considered the true Hoya carnosa) has elliptical leaves of lighter green unevenly speckled with silver, with clusters of pinkish-white flowers with maroon centers.

Hoya multiflora– a stout, climbing plant with large leathery leaves and pale yellow centers; ‘Silver Leaf’ is a variety of multiflora with dark green leaves blotched with silvery pink.; red stems; hairy flowers the color of vintage wine, with a crown of silver-pink stars.

Hoya obovata– lovely star-shaped blooms are white to pale purple with pink or red centers.

Hoya publicalyx– A fast-growing, rambling vine with long, narrow, glossy leaves. The common name ‘Pink Silver’ comes from the production of a protective pigment called Anthocyanin.

Hoya wayetii– attractive foliage that produces sweet-smelling clusters of mauve flowers in spring.

Hoya Plant Care: Questions and Answers

Question:Is The Hoya Plant Poisonous To Humans?

Answer:Read our article –Are Hoya Plants Toxic?

Related:Hoyas are one of the House Plants Safe for Cats?

What To Do When Your Hoya Plant Is Not Blooming?

Question:I have an 8-year-old HoyaHindu rope plantvine, growing long climbing vines but never flowers. What can I do to make it produce flowers?HB, Minnesota

Answer:Many home Hoya growers cannot get their sweetheart plant to bloom. Hoya plants flourish best in bright indirect light, in humid air, with ample moisture at the roots. But Hoya plants need a break.

More on:Hoya lighting needs here.

During winter, keep the plants cool, 50° degrees Fahrenheit, and rather dry. Continued high temperature, fertilizer (liquid), and moisture promote leaf and stem growth and prevent the formation of flower buds.

After the buds are set, you can increase the temperature again slightly.

Hoya Plant In Soil Not Flowering, Long Cutting Growing in Water Does Flower – Why?

Question:I have two plants of Hoya motosekei. The original plant is growing in soil. I took a long cutting and rooted it in a glass of water. It is still growing in the water, sitting on the window sill.

The plant in the glass of water blooms. The one in the soil does not. Do you have any idea why?

Answer:The first important item to remember is that the Hoya flower only “shows up” on long shoots. Secondly, the wax plant flower will do best when placed next to the glass on the window sill as well.

Personally, I would pot up the blooming plant in well-draining soil like an African violet potting medium. Place both plants in the window, keep them well watered, and next spring, you should see more blooms.

Full List Of Hoya Species

Below is a list of 557 Hoya plant types of hoyas species, subspecies, and varieties recognized by The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families atKewas of September 1, 2017.

  • Hoya– 1810
  • Hoya acanthominima– 2013
  • Hoya acicularis– 2003
  • Hoya acuminata– 1883
  • Hoya aeschynanthoides– 1908
  • Hoya affinis– 1892
  • Hoya alagensis– 1990
  • Hoya albida– 2013
  • Hoya albiflora– 1895
  • Hoya aldrichii– 1890
  • Hoya alexicaca– 1824
  • Hoya alwitriana– 2012
  • Hoya amboinensis– 1907
  • Hoya amoena– 1950
  • Hoya amoenasubsp.amoena
  • Hoya amoenasubsp.bogorensis– 2014
  • Hoya amorosoae– 2014
  • Hoya amrita– 2011
  • Hoya andalensis– 2005
  • Hoya anncajanoae– 2008
  • Hoya anulata– 1905
  • Hoya apoda– 1916
  • Hoya apoensis– 2011
  • Hoya apoensissubsp.apoensis
  • Hoya apoensissubsp.sagittaria– 2013
  • Hoya archboldiana– 1937
  • Hoya arnottiana– 1834
  • Hoya attenuata– 1935
  • Hoya aurantiaca– 2009
  • Hoya aurigueana– 2012 publ. 2013
  • Hoya australis– 1830
  • Hoya australissubsp.australis
  • Hoya australissubsp.melanesica– 2008
  • Hoya australissubsp.nathalieae– 2012
  • Hoya australissubsp.oramicola– 1991
  • Hoya australissubsp.rupicola– 1991
  • Hoya australissubsp.sana– 1988
  • Hoya australissubsp.tenuipes– 1991
  • Hoya bacunganensis– 2014
  • Hoya baishaensis– 2009
  • Hoya bakoensis– 2015
  • Hoya balaensis– 2007
  • Hoya balansae– 1912
  • Hoya bandaensis– 1908
  • Hoya bandongii– 2011
  • Hoya barbonii– 2014
  • Hoya bawanglingensis– 2009
  • Hoya bebsguevarrae– 2013
  • Hoya beccarii– 2013
  • Hoya bella– 1848
  • Hoya benchaii– 2014
  • Hoya benguetensis– 1906
  • Hoya benitotanii– 2010
  • Hoya benstoneana– 2012 publ. 2013
  • Hoya benvergarae– 2008
  • Hoya betchei– 1978
  • Hoya bhutanica– 1979
  • Hoya bicknellii– 1999
  • Hoya bicolensis– 2012 publ. 2013
  • Hoya bicolor– 2003
  • Hoya bifunda– 2013
  • Hoya bifundasubsp.bifunda
  • Hoya bifundasubsp.integra– 2013
  • Hoya bilobata– 1906
  • Hoya blashernaezii– 1999
  • Hoya blashernaeziisubsp.blashernaezii
  • Hoya blashernaeziisubsp.siariae– 2014
  • Hoya blashernaeziisubsp.valmayoriana– 2014
  • Hoya bonii– 1912
  • Hoya bordenii– 1906
  • Hoya brevialata– 2001
  • Hoya brittonii– 1992
  • Hoya brooksii– 1925
  • Hoya buotii– 2003
  • Hoya burmanica– 1920
  • Hoya burtoniae– 1990
  • Hoya buruensis– 1869
  • Hoya butleriana– 2013
  • Hoya cagayanensis– 1987
  • Hoya callistophylla– 2000
  • Hoya calycina– 1913
  • Hoya calycinasubsp.calycina
  • Hoya calycinasubsp.glabrifolia– 1992
  • Hoya campanulata– 1827
  • Hoya camphorifolia– 1904
  • Hoya capotoanensis– 2015
  • Hoya carandangiana– 2015
  • Hoya cardiophylla– 1920 publ. 1921
  • Hoya carmelae– 2010
  • Hoya carnosa– 1810
  • Hoya caudata– 1883
  • Hoya celata– 2013
  • Hoya celsa– 2013
  • Hoya cembra– 1990
  • Hoya chewiorum– 2014
  • Hoya chiekoae– 2013
  • Hoya chinghungensis– 1995
  • Hoya chlorantha– 1908
  • Hoya chloroleuca– 1913
  • Hoya chunii– 1984
  • Hoya ciliata– 1988
  • Hoya cinnamomifolia– 1848
  • Hoya clemensiorum– 2001
  • Hoya collettii– 1914
  • Hoya collina– 1913
  • Hoya columna– 2015
  • Hoya cominsii– 1891
  • Hoya commutata– 1995
  • Hoya concava– 2014
  • Hoya corazoniae– 2010
  • Hoya cordata– 1985
  • Hoya coriacea– 1827
  • Hoya coriaceasubsp.coriacea
  • Hoya coriaceasubsp.philippinensis– 2013
  • Hoya coronaria– 1827
  • Hoya corymbosa– 2013 publ. 2014
  • Hoya crassicaulis– 1995
  • Hoya crassicaulissubsp.capazensis– 2016
  • Hoya crassicaulissubsp.crassicaulis
  • Hoya crassior– 1936
  • Hoya cumingiana– 1844
  • Hoya cupula– 2013
  • Hoya curtisii– 1908
  • Hoya cutis-porcelana– 2013
  • Hoya daimenglongensis– 2012
  • Hoya danumensis– 2009
  • Hoya dasyantha– 1936
  • Hoya davidcummingii– 1995
  • Hoya dennisii– 1993
  • Hoya densifolia– 1848
  • Hoya desvoeuxensis– 2011
  • Hoya devogelii– 2011
  • Hoya deykei– 2000
  • Hoya dickasoniana– 1994
  • Hoya dictyoneura– 1905
  • Hoya dimorpha– 1898
  • Hoya diptera– 1866
  • Hoya dischorensis– 1913
  • Hoya diversifolia– 1827
  • Hoya diversifoliavar.diversifolia
  • Hoya diversifoliasubsp.el-nidicus– 2001
  • Hoya dolichosparte– 1916
  • Hoya eburnea– 2013
  • Hoya edanoi– 1993
  • Hoya edeni– 1883
  • Hoya eitapensis– 1913
  • Hoya elegans– 1834
  • Hoya elliptica– 1883
  • Hoya elmeri– 1929
  • Hoya endauensis– 1989
  • Hoya engleriana– 1907
  • Hoya epedunculata– 1913
  • Hoya erythrina– 1978
  • Hoya erythrostemma– 1939
  • Hoya espaldoniana– 2014
  • Hoya estrellaensis– 2012
  • Hoya excavata– 1863
  • Hoya exilis– 1913
  • Hoya faoensis– 2008
  • Hoya fauziana– 2015
  • Hoya ferrerasii– 2010
  • Hoya fetuana– 2003
  • Hoya filiformis– 1908
  • Hoya finlaysonii– 1834
  • Hoya fischeriana– 1904
  • Hoya fitchii– 2009
  • Hoya fitoensis– 2015
  • Hoya flavescens– 1913
  • Hoya flavida– 1993
  • Hoya forbesii– 1908
  • Hoya foxii– 2014
  • Hoya fraterna– 1849
  • Hoya fungii– 1934
  • Hoya fusca– 1830
  • Hoya fuscomarginata– 1910
  • Hoya galeraensis– 2015
  • Hoya gelba– 2013
  • Hoya gigantanganensis– 1992
  • Hoya gigas– 1913
  • Hoya gildingii– 2002
  • Hoya glabra– 1908
  • Hoya globulifera– 1849
  • Hoya globulosa– 1882
  • Hoya golamcoana– 1991
  • Hoya gracilipes– 1905
  • Hoya gracilis– 1908
  • Hoya graveolens– 1939
  • Hoya greenii– 1995
  • Hoya griffithii– 1883
  • Hoya guppyi– 1887
  • Hoya halconensis– 1990
  • Hoya halophila– 1913
  • Hoya hamiltoniorum– 2014
  • Hoya hanhiae– 2014
  • Hoya hernaezii– 2016
  • Hoya heuschkeliana– 1989
  • Hoya heuschkelianasubsp.cajanoae– 2007
  • Hoya heuschkelianasubsp.heuschkeliana
  • Hoya heuschkelianasubsp.marionii– 2014
  • Hoya histora– 2015
  • Hoya hypolasia– 1913
  • Hoya ignorata– 2011
  • Hoya ilagiorum– 2011
  • Hoya imbricata– 1844
  • Hoya imbricatasubsp.imbricata
  • Hoya imbricatasubsp.megapollinia– 2014
  • Hoya imperialis– 1846
  • Hoya inconspicua– 1894
  • Hoya incrassata– 1904
  • Hoya incurvula– 1916
  • Hoya inflata– 2007
  • Hoya irisiae– 2014
  • Hoya isabelaensis– 2011
  • Hoya isabelchanae– 2016
  • Hoya ischnopus– 1913
  • Hoya jianfenglingensis– 2011
  • Hoya jiewhoeana– 2016
  • Hoya josetteae– 2016
  • Hoya juannguoana– 2002
  • Hoya kanlaonensis– 2010
  • Hoya kanyakumariana– 1978 publ. 1979
  • Hoya kastbergii– 2003
  • Hoya kenejiana– 1913
  • Hoya kentiana– 1991
  • Hoya kerrii– 1911 (Sweetheart Hoya)
  • Hoya kingdonwardii– 1994
  • Hoya kipandiensis– 2014
  • Hoya kloppenburgii– 2001
  • Hoya klossii– 1916
  • Hoya krohniana– 2009
  • Hoya kuhlii– 1912
  • Hoya kuhliivar.hasseltii– 1949
  • Hoya kuhliivar.kuhlii
  • Hoya lactea– 1914
  • Hoya lacunosa– 1827
  • Hoya lagunaensis– 2014
  • Hoya lambii– 2000
  • Hoya lambioae– 2015
  • Hoya lamingtoniae– 1898
  • Hoya lanceolaria– 1916
  • Hoya lanceolata– 1825
  • Hoya landgrantensis– 2009
  • Hoya lanotooensis– 2015
  • Hoya larrycahilogii– 2016
  • Hoya lasiantha– 1849
  • Hoya lasiogynostegia– 1984
  • Hoya latifolia– 1837
  • Hoya laurifolia– 1838
  • Hoya laurifoliopsis– 1936
  • Hoya lauterbachii– 1896
  • Hoya leembruggeniana– 1911
  • Hoya leucantha– 1916
  • Hoya leucorhoda– 1913
  • Hoya leytensis– 1988
  • Hoya liangii– 1936
  • Hoya limoniaca– 1921
  • Hoya linavergarae– 2006
  • Hoya lindaueana– 1911
  • Hoya linearis– 1825
  • Hoya linusii– 2014
  • Hoya lipoensis– 1985
  • Hoya lithophytica– 2012
  • Hoya lobbii– 1883
  • Hoya lockii– 2012
  • Hoya loheri– 1991
  • Hoya loherisubsp.loheri
  • Hoya loherisubsp.tanawanensis– 2015
  • Hoya longifolia– 1834
  • Hoya longipedunculata– 2012
  • Hoya lucardenasiana– 2009
  • Hoya lucyae– 2006
  • Hoya lutea– 1834
  • Hoya lyi– 1907
  • Hoya macgillivrayi– 1914
  • Hoya macrophylla– 1827
  • Hoya madulidii– 1990
  • Hoya magnifica– 1992
  • Hoya magniflora– 1984
  • Hoya mahaweeensis– 2015
  • Hoya maingayi– 1883
  • Hoya mappigera– 2012
  • Hoya marananiae– 2015
  • Hoya marginata– 1905
  • Hoya mariae– 2011
  • Hoya martinii– 2015
  • Hoya marvinii– 2013
  • Hoya mata-ole-afiensis– 2015
  • Hoya matavanuensis– 2011
  • Hoya maxima– 1863
  • Hoya maximowayetii– 2015
  • Hoya mcgregorii– 1906
  • Hoya medinillifolia– 2011
  • Hoya megalantha– 1915
  • Hoya megalaster– 1900
  • Hoya meliflua– 1918
  • Hoya melifluasubsp.escobinae– 2016
  • Hoya melifluasubsp.meliflua
  • Hoya memoria– 2004
  • Hoya mengtzeensis– 1974
  • Hoya meredithii– 1988
  • Hoya merrillii– 1904
  • Hoya micrantha– 1883
  • Hoya microphylla– 1913
  • Hoya microstemma– 1913
  • Hoya minahassae– 1916
  • Hoya mindorensis– 1906
  • Hoya mindorensissubsp.mindorensis
  • Hoya mindorensissubsp.sarawakensis– 2016
  • Hoya minima– 1912
  • Hoya minutiflora– 2010
  • Hoya mirabilis– 2012
  • Hoya mitrata– 1940
  • Hoya monetteae– 2004
  • Hoya moninae– 2014
  • Hoya montana– 1913
  • Hoya mucronulata– 1906
  • Hoya multiflora– 1823
  • Hoya myanmarica– 1994
  • Hoya myrmecopa– 2001
  • Hoya myrmecopasubsp.kapatalanensis– 2013
  • Hoya myrmecopasubsp.myrmecopa
  • Hoya nabawanensis– 2002
  • Hoya nakarensis– 2013
  • Hoya naumannii– 1908
  • Hoya navicula– 2015
  • Hoya neocaledonica– 1906
  • Hoya neoebudica– 1937
  • Hoya neoguineensis– 1886
  • Hoya nervosa– 1974
  • Hoya nicobarica– 1830
  • Hoya nummularia– 1883
  • Hoya nummularioides– 1912
  • Hoya nuttiana– 2013
  • Hoya nuuuliensis– 2008
  • Hoya nyhuusiae– 2003
  • Hoya obcordata– 1883
  • Hoya oblanceolata– 1883
  • Hoya oblongacutifolia– 1912
  • Hoya obovata– 1844
  • Hoya obscura– 1986
  • Hoya obtusifolia– 1834
  • Hoya occlusa– 1912
  • Hoya odetteae– 1998
  • Hoya odorata– 1906
  • Hoya odoratasubsp.antoinsensis– 2015
  • Hoya odoratasubsp.garciae– 2015
  • Hoya odoratasubsp.odorata
  • Hoya odoratasubsp.taytayensis– 2015
  • Hoya ofuensis– 2015
  • Hoya oleoides– 1913
  • Hoya oligantha– 1913
  • Hoya omlorii– 2011
  • Hoya onychoides– 1995
  • Hoya opposita– 1837
  • Hoya oreogena– 1939
  • Hoya oreostemma– 1913
  • Hoya orientalis– 1984
  • Hoya ormocensis– 2014
  • Hoya ottolanderi– 1911
  • Hoya ovalifolia– 1834
  • Hoya oxycoccoides– 1916
  • Hoya pachyclada– 1939
  • Hoya pachyphylla– 1900
  • Hoya pachypus– 1914
  • Hoya padangensis– 1916
  • Hoya palawanensis– 2015
  • Hoya palawanensissubsp.minor– 2015
  • Hoya palawanensissubsp.palawanensis
  • Hoya palawanica– 1990
  • Hoya pallilimba– 2001
  • Hoya panayensis– 2009
  • Hoya pandurata– 1939
  • Hoya papaschonii– 2014
  • Hoya papillantha– 1898
  • Hoya papuana– 1913
  • Hoya parasitica– 1834
  • Hoya parvapollinia– 2015
  • Hoya parviflora– 1834
  • Hoya parvifolia– 1908
  • Hoya patella– 1913
  • Hoya pauciflora– 1848
  • Hoya paulshirleyi– 2010
  • Hoya paziae– 1990
  • Hoya pedunculata– 1913
  • Hoya peekelii– 1927
  • Hoya pentaphlebia– 1918
  • Hoya perakensis– 1911
  • Hoya persicina– 2012 publ. 2013
  • Hoya persicinasubsp.persicina
  • Hoya persicinasubsp.rosea– 2013
  • Hoya persicinicoronaria– 2009
  • Hoya phuwuaensis– 2016
  • Hoya phyllura– 1931
  • Hoya piestolepis– 1913
  • Hoya pimenteliana– 1999
  • Hoya platycaulis– 2009
  • Hoya plicata– 1908
  • Hoya polilloensis– 2013
  • Hoya polyneura– 1883
  • Hoya pottsii– 1829
  • Hoya pruinosa– 1857
  • Hoya pseudoleytensis– 2013
  • Hoya pubens– 1912
  • Hoya puber– 1827
  • Hoya pubicalyx– 1918
  • Hoya pubicenta– 2014
  • Hoya pubicorolla– 2013
  • Hoya pubicorollasubsp.anthracina– 2013
  • Hoya pubicorollasubsp.pubicorolla
  • Hoya pulchella– 1913
  • Hoya purpurea– 1849
  • Hoya purpureofusca– 1850
  • Hoya pusilla– 1978
  • Hoya pusilliflora– 1916
  • Hoya pycnophylla– 1908
  • Hoya querinoensis– 2007
  • Hoya quinquenervia– 1904
  • Hoya quisumbingii– 1992
  • Hoya radicalis– 1974
  • Hoya ralphdavisiana– 2014
  • Hoya ramosii– 2007
  • Hoya ranauensis– 2014
  • Hoya recurvula– 2000
  • Hoya recurvulasubsp.bokorensis– 2010
  • Hoya recurvulasubsp.recurvula
  • Hoya reticulata– 1824
  • Hoya retrorsa– 2014
  • Hoya retusa– 1852
  • Hoya revolubilis– 1974
  • Hoya revoluta– 1883
  • Hoya reyesii– 2016
  • Hoya rhodostele– 1923
  • Hoya rhodostemma– 1913
  • Hoya rigida– 1939
  • Hoya rima– 2014
  • Hoya rintzii– 2014
  • Hoya rizaliana– 1991
  • Hoya rosarioae– 2015
  • Hoya rosea– 1905
  • Hoya rostellata– 2015
  • Hoya rotundiflora– 2011
  • Hoya rubida– 1905
  • Hoya rumphii– 1827
  • Hoya rundumensis– 2013
  • Hoya ruthiae– 2015
  • Hoya salmonea– 2013
  • Hoya salmoneasubsp.pallida– 2013
  • Hoya salmoneasubsp.salmonea
  • Hoya salweenica– 1974
  • Hoya samarensis– 2012
  • Hoya samarensissubsp.gutierrezii– 2014
  • Hoya samarensissubsp.samarensis
  • Hoya sammannaniana– 2014
  • Hoya samoensis– 1866
  • Hoya santafeensis– 2015
  • Hoya santiagoi– 2011
  • Hoya santiagoisubsp.mandozae– 2013
  • Hoya santiagoisubsp.santiagoi
  • Hoya sapaensis– 2011
  • Hoya sarcophylla– 1917
  • Hoya savaiiensis– 2009
  • Hoya savaiiensissubsp.falealupoensis– 2015
  • Hoya savaiiensissubsp.savaiiensis
  • Hoya schallertiae– 1982
  • Hoya schneei– 1921
  • Hoya scortechinii– 1908
  • Hoya seanwhistleriana– 2015
  • Hoya serpens– 1883
  • Hoya shepherdii– 1861
  • Hoya siamica– 1911
  • Hoya sigillatis– 2004
  • Hoya sigillatissubsp.paitanensis– 2014
  • Hoya silvatica– 1974
  • Hoya sipitangensis– 2002
  • Hoya smithii– 2009
  • Hoya soidaoensis– 2013
  • Hoya solaniflora– 1913
  • Hoya soligamiana– 2009
  • Hoya somadeeae– 2012
  • Hoya sororia– 1905
  • Hoya spartioides– 2001
  • Hoya stenophylla– 1913
  • Hoya stoneana– 2006
  • Hoya subcalva– 1901
  • Hoya subglabra– 1913
  • Hoya subquaterna– 1857
  • Hoya subquintuplinervis– 1869
  • Hoya sulitii– 2015
  • Hoya surigaoensis– 2010
  • Hoya sussuela– 1917
  • Hoya tamaleaaea– 2008
  • Hoya tamdaoensis– 2015
  • Hoya tangerina– 2014
  • Hoya tannaensis– 2011
  • Hoya tauensis– 2011
  • Hoya taytayensis– 2013
  • Hoya telosmoides– 1996
  • Hoya tenggerensis– 1950
  • Hoya teretifolia– 1883
  • Hoya thailandica– 2001
  • Hoya thomsonii– 1883
  • Hoya thuathienhuensis– 2012
  • Hoya tiatuilaensis– 2013
  • Hoya tjadasmalangensis– 1950
  • Hoya tjampeaensis– 1936
  • Hoya tomataensis– 2004
  • Hoya torricellensis– 1913
  • Hoya trigonolobos– 1905
  • Hoya trukensis– 1937
  • Hoya tsangii– 1988
  • Hoya tsiangiana– 1984
  • Hoya × tuafanua– 2002
  • Hoya ubudensis– 2010
  • Hoya uncinata– 1863
  • Hoya undulata– 2015
  • Hoya unica– 2013
  • Hoya unruhiana– 2013
  • Hoya uplandgrantensis– 2015
  • Hoya upoluensis– 1898
  • Hoya vacciniiflora– 1931
  • Hoya vaccinioides– 1883
  • Hoya vangviengiensis– 2012
  • Hoya vanuatensis– 2006
  • Hoya variifolia– 1926
  • Hoya velasioi– 2015
  • Hoya velasioisubsp.grandiora– 2015
  • Hoya velasioisubsp.velasioi
  • Hoya venusta– 1913
  • Hoya verticillata– 1837
  • Hoya verticillatavar.citrina– 1996
  • Hoya verticillatavar.hendersonii– 1996
  • Hoya verticillatavar.verticillata
  • Hoya vicencioana– 2012 publ. 2013
  • Hoya vicencioanasubsp.quezonensis– 2015
  • Hoya vicencioanasubsp.vicencioana
  • Hoya villosa– 1912
  • Hoya vitellina– 1849
  • Hoya vitellinoides– 1950
  • Hoya vitiensis– 1915
  • Hoya wallichii– 1996
  • Hoya walliniana– 2003
  • Hoya wariana– 1913
  • Hoya wayetii– 1993
  • Hoya waymaniae– 1995
  • Hoya weebella– 2005
  • Hoya whistleri– 2002
  • Hoya wibergiae– 2001
  • Hoya wibergiaesubsp.alba– 2015
  • Hoya wibergiaesubsp.wibergiae
  • Hoya wightii– 1883
  • Hoya wightiisubsp.palniensis– 1992
  • Hoya wightiisubsp.wightii
  • Hoya williamsiana– 2013
  • Hoya wongii– 2011
  • Hoya wrayi– 1908
  • Hoya yapiana– 2010
  • Hoya yingjiangensis– 2015
  • Hoya yuennanensis– 1936

Common Name:Wax Flower Plants
Origin:Indonesia, New Guinea
Light:Medium light, no direct sunlight, Bright light (some variety)
Temperature:60° – 80° degrees Fahrenheit. Can tolerate 55° degrees Fahrenheit without damage.
Water:Allow the surface of the potting mixture to dry out between waterings
Humidity:High Humidity (ideally around 60%)
Fertilizer:Apply liquid houseplant fertilizer every 2 months during the growing season
Soil:Potting medium with good drainage
Pests:Mealybugs, Aphids, Plant Scale, Spider Mites – use Neem oil for control

Hoya Varieties: Popular Types And Species Of Hoyas (2024)


What is the most popular Hoya plant? ›

Hoya carnosa is the most common and popular type of hoya for indoor growing. It can be found at most nurseries and indoor plant shops and is characterized by long vines covered with thick oblong leaves that are sometimes flecked with white.

How many varieties of Hoyas are there? ›

The Hoya genus has around 500 different species and are native to areas in Asia, Australia and Fiji. Hoya plants are a semi succulent plant and are epiphytes (growing on other plants and trees in a non parasitic way) and are also lithophytes (growing on rocks).

What is the most expensive Hoya plant? ›

Hoya carnosa 'compacta' ($40 to $6500)

Another plant with unique variegation, a Hoya carnosa compacta 'Hindu Rope' became the most expensive houseplant ever sold on Trade Me in June 2020. The site's member sold it for $6500. This established plant had a cream/yellow variegation on the inside of the leaf.

What is the best smelling Hoya? ›

One of the most richly fragrant Hoyas, Hoya nummularioides is an epiphytic perennial vine. It flowers once or twice a year under local conditions, namely after a short dry rest, often with the entire vine covered with tiny clusters of flowers.

Which Hoya plant is easiest to grow? ›

Hoya Kerrii, sometimes referred to as the "Sweetheart Plant", is a very fun and easy to care for Hoya. The leaves are thick and succulent, making watering these very easy. If you can feel that the leaf is on the thinner side, simply water it and watch it plump back up!

What Hoya plant has the largest blooms? ›

Hoya lauterbachii is one of the largest Hoyas in existence and is phenomenal in its color, form and fragrance. Each individual bloom measures three inches across, the size of a small coffee cup.

What is the most beautiful Hoya? ›

Some of the most beautiful Hoya carnosa species include Hoya carnosa 'Nova Ghost', Hoya 'Krinkle 8', and Hoya Carnosa 'Wilbur Graves'.

What is so special about Hoyas? ›

Many Hoyas are succulent because they have adapted to seasonal droughts, like Hoya carnosa. Withholding water for a few weeks in the spring is an easy way to help Hoya carnosa bloom. Hoyas feature waxy, porcelain-like flower clusters. And there you have it.

Which Hoya has pink flowers? ›

Hoya Krimson Princess Pink Plant.

Is Hoya Lisa rare? ›

Considered a fairly uncommon plant, the Hoya australis 'Lisa' dons spectacular colors of dark green, lime green, creamy yellow, ruby red, and soft peach.

What is the lifespan of Hoya? ›

Move your plant closer to more light or, if growing indoors, give your plant a fluorescent grow light. How long is a hoya plant's lifespan? Hoyas can live up to 30 years indoors with proper care and managing its environmental conditions, such as lighting, water, fertilizer, soil, and humidity.

Is Hoya Chelsea rare? ›

The Hoya Carnosa "Chelsea" is a delightful and rare hoya variety that will add a touch of beauty to your indoor or outdoor space. Its thick, succulent, heart-shaped leaves in a luscious shade of green make it a stunning addition to any plant collection.

Which Hoya has purple flowers? ›

Hoya lacunosa (purple flowers)

Do Hoyas like to be sprayed? ›

Hoyas need their roots to be wet to bloom, but too much water can damage the plant. Additionally, spray your plant frequently and aim to maintain a humidity level of at least 40%. This will help encourage blooming.

Do Hoyas like to be misted? ›

Hoya are tropical plants that thrive in humid conditions. Use a humidifier to bring the humidity levels up, especially in winter when indoor air tends to be dry. A saucer with gravel and water also provides humidity as the water evaporates. Misting with room-temperature water also helps but avoid spraying the flowers.

What is the most beautiful Hoya leaf? ›

Hoya diversifolia

This Hoya has beautiful, variegated leaves and produces small, delicate flowers with a sweet fragrance. It is an easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for beginners. Hoya diversifolia is a stunning species of Hoya known for its attractive foliage and vibrant flowers.

Do Hoyas prefer to climb or hang? ›

Hoyas love to climb.

Where is the best place to put a Hoya plant? ›

They prefer indirect light but can tolerate low light levels, making them ideal for apartments or office settings. Hoyas are also relatively drought-tolerant, so you won't need to water them too often.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.