How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (2024)

I owe all my money management success to sinking funds. Without them, there’s no way we could have paid off over $70,000 in debt, including our house.

I owe all my money management success to sinking funds. Without them, there’s no way we could have paid off over $70,000 in debt, including our house.

Sinking funds are mini emergency funds that hold a designated amount of money for expenses you know are coming. Settingaside money in each paycheck into a sinking fund is ideal for laying the groundwork for success when getting out of debt or preparing for future costs.

Want to know how some people never worry about money or bills? I am not talking about the uber-rich. I am talking about the everyday man and woman who have it all together.

I mean to have it all together. Not the people who LOOK like they have it all together. Not the “Jones’s.”

There are these mini emergency funds called sinking funds.

How To Use Sinking Funds

Each paycheck, we set aside an agreed-upon amount to put toward a significant expense — for example, my propane bill. Our propane company offers a prepaid plan at a discounted rate every year.

Instead of $1.97 a gallon, we prepay for whatever amount we choose and get propane for $1.47.

It usually takes us about $1200 for the winter. That includes our heat, hot water, dryer, and stove.

Because I will need $1200 at the end of March, I set aside $50 each pay period ($100 per month for several months), and preparing for that big bill will save us money in the long run.

These accounts avoid the panic that might set in about that time and have me scrambling around trying to find that $1200.

It’s about putting money aside for an expense you know is coming.

Also, if you have $200 set aside for clothes and that is all you have, it will stop you from making those unnecessary purchases because you are looking for that “feel good.” You know that $200 is all you have this season, and there is no credit card to put it on.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (1)

Sinking funds are just as significant as emergency funds, and they may save your emergency fund for an actual emergency!

They are separate savings accounts set aside for expenses you know are coming. This way, you can control impulse buying. It is a way not to spend money you don’t have.

You can save money – whatever amount that your family may need. But I have included the necessary sinking funds that are a must-have!

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (2)

What Is A Sinking Fund?

The term sinking fund is a set amount ofmoney for a billor life event you know is coming.

A specific amount of money is aside every paycheck in an envelope, cash box, or savings account, and when it comes time topay for that bill or lifeevent, you already have the money set aside, ready and waiting. No stressing.

Having the money set aside for large bills or life events takes all the stress and anxiety out of those things for me.

A sinking fund is just a plan with the purpose to set aside a little bit of money for an expense you know is coming. An emergency fund is strictly for the unexpected expenses or little surprises life throws at you.

According toDave Ramsey’s Every Dollarsite, the sinking fund definition is:

“A sinking fund is merely a strategicway to save moneyby setting aside a little bit each month.”

And with researchers reporting that the average American saves just 3.8% of the income they bring home each month, we can confidently assume many people aren’t aware of the magic of the sinking fund.

If a budget allows spending, a sinking fund encourages spending—and spending big”!

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (3)

How Much Do I Put In My Sinking Fund Account?

You could go old school and do the math yourself or use a sinking fund calculator. Depending on how much money you plan to spend on things will determine how much you put in each. Some sinking funds are discretionary, and some are variables.

A great way to decide is to look at your spending and monthly budget. From a one-time large expense that you can divide up into smaller monthly expenses to future expenses and big expenses like a newer car.

Sinking funds are for a specific purpose and the best way to be prepared.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (4)

Why Do You Need To Set Aside Money?

You need them because it is good adulting to have one! They cover many scenarios and help you prepare a significant money drop on what you need (or want). Seriously, it’s just a good idea.

There are expected expenses that will come up. And having those expenses set aside and ready will offer peace of mind. Plus, if you set aside the money already, you will not need to put it on your credit card.

Sinking fund categoriesrange from car insurance to tropical family getaways!

A sinking fund is a way to spread out a more significant payment over a certain number of months instead of coming up with a more considerable sum of money at once.

It is also a way to prepare for things that will arise anyway. For example, Car insurance is due on October 15. It costs you an extra $11 monthly if you go on their payment plan.

But if you set aside that additional $125 each month, you will save an extra $132 next October by paying in full!

Scout, the cat, will need to go to the vet. You know he goes for a checkup and shots once a year, but what happens if he gets a UTI and needs to go unexpectedly?

A vet visit like this could be an emergency, and you could take it out of the emergency fund, but you would be prepared and covered for a pet expense.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (5)

How To Create A Sinking Fund?

If you know the bill’s amount, you can do some simple math to figure that out. Say your water and sewer bill total amount is $500 annually, and you get paid twice a month. You are just starting your sinking fund account, and you have four months until that money is due.

Getting paid twice a month will give you eight paychecks to save for that bill. $62.50 goes into that fund. I suggest rounding up to make life easier. I would put in $65.

Or, you can divide that amount by the number of months before it is due and then budget by paycheck.

Sometimes, you don’t know how much you will need. If you are looking at a vacation fund, that will require some added research and math.

You may have to check hotel and plane costs, admittance into parks, entertainment, and other activities, plus account for all additional fees (parking and gratuities).

Add in food, car rental, and gas. Then, once you get to your number, add 20%! Because you never know what will go up and what you may have underestimated.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (6)

Where Do You Keep Your Money Stockpile?

Jordan from Fun, Cheap, Or Free talks about having seven separate savings accounts for each of her categories. Some people keep it in one bank account and have a spreadsheet to keep track of individual sinking funds.

You could also use an app like Mint or Every Dollar to do the same. The problem is that you will have to do a little more work to get your funds. And if they are needed quickly, then it might be a challenge.

Some people choose to keep their sinking funds handy at home, safe, or in another hidden spot.

The tricky part about keeping the money at home is the threat of someone breaking in and taking it or some disaster happening (flood or fire), and then all that money might be gone. For you, this may or may not be a good idea.

Making proper precautions in either of these scenarios is the best bet. Finding the perfect home for your sinking funds will be a personal choice. There are no wrong answers.

Where Do You Keep Your Money Stockpile?

Jordan fromFun, Cheap, Or Freetalks about having a separate account (or seven separate bank accounts) for each of her categories. Some people keep it in one checking account and have a spreadsheet to keep track of individual sinking funds.

You could also use an app like Mintor Every Dollarto do the same. The problem is that you must do a little more work to get your funds. And if they are needed quickly, then it might be a challenge.

Some people choose to keep their sinking funds handy at home, safe, or in another hidden spot.

The tricky part about keeping the money at home is the threat of someone breaking in and taking it or some disaster happening (flood or fire), and then all that money might be gone. For you, this may or may not be a good idea.

Making proper precautions in either of these scenarios is the best bet. Finding the perfect home for your sinking funds will be a personal choice. There are no wrong answers.

When To Start Creating Essential Savings?

My answer would have to be yesterday. Maybe at the beginning of the year, when you read aboutfinancial goals for the new year.

But that won’t work for you, so start today. Just jump in where you are. Even if you can’t get your taxes sinking fund fully funded in time, every little bit will help when that bill comes due. Savings goals, no matter how small, will help in the end.

Start creating a sinking fund for that car repair right away. If you can get $200 set aside toward your car repair, that is bound to happen; that is less money you will have to scramble around to try and come up with at the last minute.

That should relieve a little bit of stress off your shoulders.

Then, after you have an amount you are comfortable with, start immediately creating that sinking fund for next year. Because you know, those car repairs will need to be paid again next year.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (7)

What If You Don’t Have The Money For These Funds?

Start small. Put $10 away for Christmas each week. Find that big bill that stresses you out the most and fund that. Andcreate a budget.

Starting small will give you the knowledge that you need to tell your money where to go before it is already gone. Do not stress more than you already are right now.

The purpose of essential sinking funds is to alleviate some of the stress you already feel.

They can help you through this season of life and give you some tools to dig out of this spot.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (8)

What Are Sinking Funds Exactly?

Dave Ramseycoined the phrase years ago while developing Financial Peace University. It stems from those expenses that would sink your budget if you had not prepared.

Our house has two types of sinking funds: Essential Sinking Funds and Sub Sinking Funds. Essential Sinking Funds are the primary and most critical sinking funds to have.

The Sub Sinking Funds are the smaller sinking fund categories under each essential sinking fund. They can have their own envelopes, or you can combine them into just one account or envelope.

Is A Sinking Fund An Emergency Fund?

Sinking funds are not really emergency savings. Emergency funds are for the unexpected, while sinking funds are for things you know will happen anyway. An upcoming expense like quarterly water bills or insurance renewals.

I have nine different sinking funds for my household. It’s part of personal finances and a non-negotiable. Your emergency fund should be kept in a separate high-yield savings account or an easily accessible money market account.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (9)

9 Essential Sinking Fund Categories

Home Fund

The Home Sinking Fund is the first essential sinking fund. Anything that has to happen in or to the home will fall under this fund.

As a renter or owner, you know that things will happen to the place where you spend most of your time. Prepare financially by putting aside needs for the home and wants.

When you want to spruce up your home with a new rocking chair for the porch, fresh paint for the bathroom, or a new comforter for your daughter’s r, don’t forget those pesky home repairs like leaky faucets or a patched bedroom wall.

You could even use this as a savings for a down payment on a new home (putting any extra money you can to build it faster).

Sub Categories

  • Maintenance and Home Repairs
  • Home/Life Insurance
  • Taxes
  • Quarterly Utility Bills
  • New furniture/ appliances/decor
  • Outside decor/flowers/furniture

Car Sinking Fund

Anything that has to do with your vehicle comes from this necessary sinking fund. From insurance to oil changes and car washes to new car fund, this is where it happens.

I do not wash my car in the winter. It would just freeze my doors shut. But, when it is nice weather, I like to have it cleaned at least once (more like twice) a month.

That includes inside and out. Also, driver’s license renewal, inspections, and everything for recreational vehicles hang out in this car sinking fund. Saving a little bit each month also allows you to save for big purchases.

Sub Categories

  • Insurance
  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Licenses and Registrations
  • New Tires
  • Fees for boats/ campers/ snowmobiles/ motorcycles
  • New Cars

Gift Fund

I love to give. I am a giver. This essential sinking fund category allows me to share without the money coming from someplace else.

Having this gift fund gives me peace of mind to pick up that adorable personalized baby blanket for my friend Lindsey, who just had a beautiful baby girl, without taking it from the emergency fund.

Sub Categories

  • Birthdays
  • Weddings
  • Anniversaries
  • Showers
  • Other Holidays (Easter, Valentine’s Day, Groundhog Day???)

Kid Fund

Indeed, this is optional. You don’t need this essential sinking fund if you don’t have children. But if you do, you know this is a must.

Kids can be expensive, especially if they are involved in many sports and activities, not so much if they are introverts and like to read.

Having a subcategory for miscellaneous things for kids is always good, especially as they get older and need class rings, graduation gowns, and prom flowers!

Sub Categories

  • School tuition
  • Fees for sports
  • Activities/field trips
  • Back-to-school supplies
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Misc.
How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (10)


Whether you have great, mediocre, or no insurance, an essential sinking fund for medical is necessary.

Nobody will get through life without needing something. Keep some money aside for Nyquil when your husband comes down with a cold or new glasses for yourself. It will help alleviate the pain.

Sub Categories

  • Copays
  • Over the counter medicines
  • Prescriptions
  • Dentist visits
  • Eye doctor/ glasses/ contacts
How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (11)


The other sinking fund category is optional. But if you do have a pet, I strongly urge you to consider a well-padded sinking fund for yourfur baby.

If a loved pet gets sick, they are not cheap to make better. Show some love to that baby and set up a particular account to take care of her.

Sub Categories

  • Food
  • Medical
  • Toys
  • Spa Day/ daycare/ boarding


The personal category is everything else that pertains to you personally. This essential sinking fund would pay for things you need, want, or enjoy.

You know the one. The phone costs $1,000!!!! Saving for it and paying cash is better than financing it! It will also keep you from financing that new iPhone X that you want because it takes the best pictures.

  • Clothes
  • Subscriptions
  • Memberships
  • Electronics
  • Hair cuts

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (12)


This one is HUGE for me. As a Finance Coach and a frugalista, I see this every year. People panic because they haven’t finished (or started) their Christmas shopping yet, and Christmas is next week.

They won’t pay the electric or phone bills in November or December because they don’t have the money to shop for Christmas AND pay bills.

People, I say this with the utmost love in my heart…EVERY. YEAR. SAME. TIME. SAME. PLACE!!!

Imagine if you were to put $100 per month in a sinking fund. That is $1200 a year toward Christmas gifts you don’t have to pull out of your ear at the last minute! How great would that be for your Christmas spirit?!?!

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (13)


Whether you plan a cruise for the entire family during spring break, send your son to Europe on a school trip, or go camping a few times in the summer, you might want a sinking fund.

Putting aside money in the vital sinking fund for travel will stop any last-minute cancelations due to the LACK of Funds! And it will allow you to enjoy your time away.

If you separated these into individual sinking fund categories, there would be over 38 funds. That is a lot. And if you are the kind of person who enjoys micromanaging, I say go for it.

But if you don’t mind putting a little work in upfront and then passively managing your money, then this is the system for you.

I honestly am somewhere in between. Some of these categories combine into one essential sinking fund, and others separate into individual categories.

My Personal Sinking Fund Categories

After researching this article, there is a good chance I may have to rethink some of my Sinking Fund categories. I feel like I am missing some things on my list.

  1. Bella – she is our dog and deserves her sinking fund
  2. Camp – we have a family camp where we must pay taxes, fees, and maintenance.
  3. Car – anything automotive, from car to camper, boat, snowmobile, etc., goes into this category.
  4. Christmas
  5. Clothes
  6. Gifts that aren’t holiday or Christmas-related. But anything else falls into this sinking fund category.
  7. Haircuts
  8. Holidays – any other holiday from birthdays to Easter!
  9. House- all household related to the house, from new sheets to a new water heater.
  10. Miscellaneous
  11. Propane – we prebuy our propane, and it’s one large payment.
  12. Prescriptions
  13. Summer – I like to have a separate sinking fund category for Summers, including everything from new patio cushions to flowers to camping and vacations.
How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (14)

Final Thoughts On How To Use Sinking Funds For Beginners

Those are my tips for sinking funds and personal finance. These mini savings accounts with money set aside will lead to bigger savings goals and less reliance on credit cards. In the long run, they will benefit you in your debt-free journey.

How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners} (2024)


How To Use Sinking Funds {A Guide For Beginners}? ›

To set up a sinking fund, you'll first need to identify which specific expense or goal you want to save for. Estimate how much you'll need to save and how long you need to save up for it. Then calculate how much you'll need to save each month to reach your goal.

How do I get started with sinking funds? ›

To set up a sinking fund, you'll first need to identify which specific expense or goal you want to save for. Estimate how much you'll need to save and how long you need to save up for it. Then calculate how much you'll need to save each month to reach your goal.

What is a sinking fund for dummies? ›

A sinking fund is an account containing money set aside to pay off a debt or bond. Sinking funds may help pay off the debt at maturity or assist in buying back bonds on the open market.

How do you utilize a sinking fund? ›

A sinking fund can be used as a budgeting tool to help you save for specific future expenses that you know are coming. Using a sinking fund, you can save for the expense gradually over time rather than needing to use a credit card or use money from your emergency fund once you need to pay for that expense.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

Where is the best place to keep sinking funds? ›

You could keep envelopes of money in your safe, but that can still be a little risky. Plus, liquid cash doesn't earn any interest. In many cases, it makes more sense to consider keeping your sinking funds in a high-yield savings account instead. Open a high-yield savings account now to earn more interest as you save.

What is the best way to organize sinking funds? ›

You might set up a savings account for each goal, or you can have one sinking fund account for multiple goals. Just track how much is earmarked for each aim. You can even automate your savings by utilizing these tips to digitally move money toward your monthly goal.

How much money should be in a sinking fund? ›

To determine the amount to keep in a sinking fund, identify and list the anticipated expenses and their estimated costs. “Then, divide each expense by the number of months until it's due,” Rose said. “For example, if a $300 expense is six months away, allocate $50 per month to your sinking fund.

What are the disadvantages of a sinking fund? ›

Disadvantages of a Sinking Fund

Here are some more disadvantages: Opportunity Cost: The funds set aside in a sinking fund could earn a higher return if invested elsewhere. Over-funding: There's a risk of setting aside more money than necessary, which might affect the cash flow.

Is a sinking fund risky? ›

A sinking fund is maintained by companies for bond issues, and is money set aside or saved to pay off a debt or bond. Bonds issued with sinking funds are lower risk since they are backed by the collateral in the fund, and therefore carry lower yields.

What is the biggest benefit to a sinking fund? ›

Get ahead of debt.

Having sinking funds can help you achieve greater financial flexibility and freedom! When you're well-prepared for future purchases, you'll avoid the need to take on new debt, which could slow your debt repayment progres​s.

What is sinking fund with an example? ›

A sinking fund is a fund that includes funds set aside or borrowed to pay off a loan or debt. A business that issues debt will have to pay off the debt in the future, and the sinking fund helps ease the burden of a significant revenue outlay.

What is the correct order of priorities for your money? ›

Every household should prioritize creating an emergency fund in case of job losses, unexpected medical expenses, or any other unforeseen monetary cost. If an emergency fund is used, a household should focus first on replenishing it. Saving for retirement is also a critical step as individuals are living longer.

How to budget $5000 a month? ›

Consider an individual who takes home $5,000 a month. Applying the 50/30/20 rule would give them a monthly budget of: 50% for mandatory expenses = $2,500. 20% to savings and debt repayment = $1,000.

How to budget $4000 a month? ›

How To Budget Using the 50/30/20 Rule
  1. 50% for mandatory expenses = $2,000 (0.50 X 4,000 = $2,000)
  2. 30% for wants and discretionary spending = $1,200 (0.30 X 4,000 = $1,200)
  3. 20% for savings and debt repayment = $800 (0.20 X 4,000 = $800)
Oct 26, 2023

How much should a 30 year old have saved? ›

Fidelity suggests 1x your income

So the average 30-year-old should have $50,000 to $60,000 saved by Fidelity's standards. Assuming that your income stays at $50,000 over time, here are financial milestones by decade. These goals aren't set in stone. Other financial planners suggest slightly different targets.

What is the best bank account for a sinking fund? ›

So with that in mind, the best option for sinking funds tends to be a high-yield savings account, like LendingClub High-Yield Savings or UFB Secure Savings.

What is a reasonable sinking fund? ›

A sinking fund can also be set up by private landlords; simply by putting aside a certain amount of the rent received each month. When calculating the amount to be contributed, it is common for landlords to put aside anywhere in the region of five to ten percent of the rental income to allow to be used.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.