How to Track Income and Expenses for a Home Business (2024)

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When you’re your own boss starting out, you don’t have the luxury of a payroll department to handle your financial paperwork. So, you’ve got to do it yourself. To help, here’s a look at how to track income and expenses for your home business.

But first, let’s get something important out of the way:

I’m not an accountant. Or a CPA. I literally have no professional training in these areas. So what I’m sharing isn’t financial advice. It’s simple a look at how I do things for my home business. <=disclaimer

Whew. Now that we got that taken care of, let’s dive into record keeping for your home business.

How to Track Income and Expenses for a Home Business (1)

How to Track Your Income for Your Home Business

I’m guessing one of the reasons you started your home business was to make money. But, if you don’t track your income as it comes in, you’ll never know if you’re profitable or not.

You’ll also have a hard time filing your taxes when April rolls around, since you’ll have to got back and calculate everything then. It’s much better to do a little paperwork each week so it doesn’t get overwhelming.

So, how do you track your income?

You need an income tracker of some sort. If you don’t have one yet, here’s an Excel income tracker that my husband made for me a couple of years ago. It’s what I still use to track my income and expenses. It’s only $2.50, so if you have Excel pick up your copy today. You’ll also get step-by-step directions to help you set it up and put it to use.

Now that you have your income tracker, it’s time to track your home business income. For each bit of money that comes into your account, record the following information:

  • Source of money (company or client name)
  • Description of how you earned it (blog post, VA services, white paper, etc.)
  • How much money you earned
  • The date the money made it to your account

If you have multiple streams of income, it’s also a good idea to record what type of income this was. For instance, I have writing, virtual assistant, coaching, products, and affiliate payments on mine.

When you separate them like this, you can easily check your progress and see which was your most profitable category. This can help you make decisions about the future of your business.

Note: There are two main accounting methods out there. I use cash accounting. This means I count my income the day it enters my account, instead of when I send the invoice. Likewise, I count my expenses the day I pay for them, even if they clear the bank several days later.

How to Track Expenses for Your Home Business

Income isn’t the only thing you need to track. You also need to document your expenses. This way, you can see if your business was profitable. Having a record of your business expenses also makes tax time easier. You can typically write off most business expenses, so keep track of them.

How to Track Income and Expenses for a Home Business (2)

For each thing you purchase for your business, you need to record some information. This includes:

  • What company you purchased from
  • What you bought
  • The price you paid
  • The date you purchased

This way you can easily see where your money is going, and make sure you’re sticking to your business budget.

Additionally, you should track which category this expense falls into. This makes it super simple when tax-time rolls around, since you can sort your expenses by category when it’s time to report them. You’ll want to look at your taxes to help you with this part, but some basic categories are:

  • Supplies
  • Postage/Shipping
  • Training
  • Marketing
  • Equipment

When you review your expenses from last year, you’ll get a better idea of the type of categories you need to include. Then you can simply mark each expense and at the end of the year you can see how much you spent in each category. This makes it easy to look for areas you can cut if you need to increase your profit margins.

How Often to Track Income and Expenses

As a small business owner, your business finances are your responsibility. And if you put off doing your paperwork, pretty soon you’ll feel buried under the weight of it. So it’s much better to make bookkeeping a regular part of your routine.

I can’t tell you how often you need to update your income and expense tracker. I typically do it once a month, though during some seasons of life I’ve done it as frequently as once a week.

Find a routine that works for you, and then stick to it. Don’t keep putting it off, or it’ll take you hours to accomplish what you could have done in fifteen minutes if you’d done it sooner.

What Do You Need to Reference to Track Income and Expenses?

To track your income and expenses, you need an income tracker. (Pick up the one I use for $2.50.)

You’ll need to open it in Excel on a computer, so you’ll need Excel. If you don’t have this program, you can find different income and expense trackers online that use Google Sheets or other programs.

Once you have your income and expense tracker open, you need access to a few more things. These include:

  • Your online business bank account
  • A record of the invoices you sent and their payment information (I use Wave)
  • PayPal records (if you use PayPal to collect money or purchase things)
  • Receipts for any business purchases (Digital versions are fine)
  • Access to any other app you use for business finances

Typically, I start by updating my income. I look through my Wave records, and add any new invoices to my tracker. And since I use the cash method, I don’t enter the income until the money has actually reached my account. This typically happens 2-3 days after a client pays through Wave.

Once I have my Wave invoices inserted, I scroll through my bank records and PayPal looking for deposits. I have a few clients who pay through ACH, using a different invoicing system. I also have several affiliate payments come in through PayPal.

When I enter my income, I use the next line of my tracker to document any fees. For instance, Wave and PayPal both have fees that I pay. This means I don’t get the full amount of the payment received. I mark these as Fees on the expense category.

Once all of my income since the last time I updated my tracker is recorded, I begin working on expenses. I look through my bank records and PayPal, and get everything updated.

A few of my recurring expenses are:

  • Canva Pro (annual)
  • Microsoft Office (annual)
  • SendOwl (monthly)
  • Adobe Creative Cloud (monthly)
  • ConvertKit (monthly)
  • FastComet (annual)s
  • Editing fees (as needed)
  • Content Creation (as needed)
  • Google Suite Email (monthly)

Other one-time business expenses include:

Your list of business expenses will likely look much different from mine. The important thing is to keep track of ALL of your expenses.

This way, you don’t pay more in taxes than you need to. Keeping close track of what you spend also helps you stick to your budget and make sure your business is profitable.

How to Track Income and Expenses: Final Tips

Now that you know more about how to track your income and expenses for your home business, here are a few more tips to help you do it successfully:

  • Find a method that works for you and stick with it. Otherwise you’ll be double entering things to move from one system to another.
  • Keep it simple. Paperwork doesn’t have to be burdensome, so if you feel overwhelmed, take it slow and evaluate what can change.
  • Find help if you need it. Bookkeeping isn’t for everyone. And while I believe you should have a basic idea of where your money is going and how much you’re bringing in, it doesn’t mean YOU have to be the one doing all the data entry. There are some great bookkeepers out there who’ll happily do it for you in exchange for some of your money.
  • Make it enjoyable. Put on some music, sip some tea, set the mood for working. Keeping track of your income and expenses doesn’t have to be miserable.
  • Do it when your kids are in bed. There are some tasks I do when my kids are awake. I even have them help me with some. But bookkeeping is different. I need to focus to make sure I enter numbers correctly. So to minimize interruptions, I do it after I put the kids to bed.
  • Do it regularly. As in weekly or monthly. Otherwise it’ll take forever to get caught up.

You Can Track Your Income and Expenses for Your Home Business

If you haven’t been tracking your income regularly, don’t put it off any longer. Each day that you avoid diving into your business finances is one more day that you have to deal with later.

Stop putting it off and get it done. It’ll be a huge relief when you get done.

To help, remember to grab your copy of my Excel income and expense tracker for small businesses. It’ll have you managing your finances in no time.

Author profile

Lisa Tanner


Lisa Tanner is a former teacher turned homeschooling mom with 11 kids. She's also a successful freelance writer. Lisa enjoys helping other busy moms find time to start and grow a side hustle of their own.


How to Track Income and Expenses for a Home Business (2024)


How to Track Income and Expenses for a Home Business? ›

This summary is ordinarily made in your business books (for example, accounting journals and ledgers). Your books must show your gross income, as well as your deductions and credits. For most small businesses, the business checking account is the main source for entries in the business books.

How can I keep track of my income and expenses for small business? ›

How to track your small business expenses
  1. Step 1: Open a business bank account. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose an appropriate accounting system. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose cash or accrual accounting. ...
  4. Step 4: Connect your financial institutions. ...
  5. Step 5: Begin managing receipts properly. ...
  6. Step 6: Record all expenses promptly.
May 10, 2024

How do small businesses show income and expenses? ›

This summary is ordinarily made in your business books (for example, accounting journals and ledgers). Your books must show your gross income, as well as your deductions and credits. For most small businesses, the business checking account is the main source for entries in the business books.

How can income and expenses be tracked? ›

How to Track Expenses in 4 Simple Steps
  1. Step 1: Create a Budget. You won't be able to track expenses without one. ...
  2. Step 2: If You Make Money, Track It. When your regular paycheck comes in, enter that amount in the income part of your budget. ...
  3. Step 3: If You Spend Money, Track It. ...
  4. Step 4: Set a Regular Rhythm for Tracking.
Apr 17, 2024

How to keep track of income when self-employed? ›

Some ways to prove self-employment income include:
  1. Annual Tax Return (Form 1040) This is the most credible and straightforward way to demonstrate your income over the last year since it's an official legal document recognized by the IRS. ...
  2. 1099 Forms. ...
  3. Bank Statements. ...
  4. Profit/Loss Statements. ...
  5. Self-Employed Pay Stubs.

How does a business owner track income and expenses? ›

Businesses can use one of two systems to track financial transactions: single-entry or double-entry bookkeeping. Most small businesses choose single-entry bookkeeping when they start out, for its ease of use. Single-entry bookkeeping uses cash-basis accounting.

What is the best way to keep track of household expenses? ›

There are many tools available to help you track your spending. One popular option is using a budgeting app. You can also use a spreadsheet or get to basics by using a pen and paper. Whatever method you choose, make sure it's something you'll stick to and is easily accessible.

What is the $75 receipt rule? ›

You need receipts for all expenses, regardless of amount, except expenditures that are less than $75 for1. · entertainment, · overnight travel, and.

How do you show proof of income when you own your own business? ›

Some forms of proof include; pay stubs, bank statements, tax returns and financial statements. By staying organized, you'll be able to avoid any fines or legal burdens that may emerge if you can't provide legitimate documents of your income.

Does IRS require receipts for expenses? ›

You generally must have documentary evidence, such as receipts, canceled checks, or bills, to support your expenses. Additional evidence is required for travel, entertainment, gifts, and auto expenses.

How to record home expenses? ›

The Envelope Method (tracking by keeping bills and receipts)

This works well if there are multiple people in your household spending money. Keep any grocery receipts, utility bills, sales receipts or credit card slips. Find a common place in the house (file folder, drawer, etc.) where everyone can put receipts.

What to keep track of for a small business? ›

Most businesses should keep track of the money they're spending on travel, meals and lodging while conducting business. If you're a self-employed worker, there are also additional expenses that you can track and then deduct from your taxes.

How do you record daily expenses and income? ›

The most active approach: Carry around a notebook and pen wherever you go, writing each transaction as you spend. Logging your spending in the moment helps you be attentive to how often your spend, and it may encourage you to think carefully about each purchase that you make.

How much income can a small business make without paying taxes? ›

You must file a return if you earn $400 or more in net earnings from your business. Net earnings equal taxable business income minus allowable business deductions.

How to prove income without pay stubs? ›

Here are options for showing proof:
  1. Employment verification letter. ...
  2. Signed offer letter. ...
  3. W-2s, 1099s, and tax returns. ...
  4. Official statement/letter from a CPA or trust manager. ...
  5. Bank statements. ...
  6. College financial aid documents. ...
  7. Guarantor.
Jun 26, 2022

How to prove income if paid in cash? ›

10 Ways to Show Proof of Income If Paid in Cash
  1. Create A Paystub. One practical solution is to create your own paystub. ...
  2. Keep An Updated Spreadsheet. ...
  3. Bookkeeping Software. ...
  4. Always Deposit The Payment And Print Bank Records. ...
  5. Put It In Writing. ...
  6. Create Your Own Receipts. ...
  7. Utilize Your Tax Documents. ...
  8. Use An App.
Dec 27, 2023

How do small businesses record expenses? ›

How to track business expenses
  1. Open a bank account for business. The first step in tracking business expenses involves opening a bank account specifically for business-related transactions. ...
  2. Select an accounting system. ...
  3. Categorize each expense using software. ...
  4. Connect the bank account to the software. ...
  5. Manage your receipts.
Feb 3, 2023

How to record income and expenses? ›

As with assets and liability items, items of income and expense are recorded in nominal ledger accounts according to set rules. Expenses are always recorded as debit entries in expense accounts and income items are always recorded as credit entries in income accounts.

How to keep track of business expenses and income Google Sheets? ›

How to Create Expense Reports in Google Docs
  1. Make a Copy of the Google Docs Simple Expense Tracker Template. ...
  2. Enter the Reporting Details. ...
  3. Enter the Submittable Information. ...
  4. Enter the Expense Details. ...
  5. Add the Columns of Each Category. ...
  6. Print the Google Doc Expense Sheet, Attach Receipts, and Sign It.

Is QuickBooks good for small business? ›

QuickBooks is one of the best accounting software to choose if you're looking for an easy way to manage payments, invoicing and expense tracking for your business. The accounting software is accessible on any device, but you need to set it up properly to enjoy its benefits.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.