How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (2024)

Is it possible to learn how to survive without a meal plan in college?

Let’s be real: college meal plans are the worst. My first year of college, my school forced me to purchase a $5,000 meal plan which included three meals a day. Did I use it? Of course not.

Yes, it was useful for lunches on campus, and brunch on the weekends (when I wasn’t working), but it ended up costing me more money than it saved. Not to mention the food was notoriously gross 🤢

As soon as I moved off campus, I had the option to choose between having a modified meal plan or to go without altogether. I chose the latter.

It sounded great! I was going to be in control of my own meals? No more crappy dining hall food? What could be better?! It only took me about a week and one very expensive trip to the grocery store to figure out this wasn’t going to be easy.

First of all, groceries are expensive! I mean, really expensive💰 I was spending over $150 each trip I made! What’s worse is I realized I had no idea how to grocery shop for myself. Still, I wasn’t going to just cave and get a meal plan the next semester, no way! I had to figure out how to survive without a meal plan and how to survive on my limited budget.

In this guide, I’ll share how to survive without a meal plan in college. It takes a bit of dedication and habit-setting, but it’s such a good way to prepare for the dreaded “real world.”

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1. Don’t Eat Out (All the Time)

First, I have to admit that I have the horrible habit of buying food at the grocery storeand then still continuing to go out anyway. I mean, why cook when there are so many walkable taco places, right?

Who doesn’t love buying fancy $8 coffee to “treat yourself” after staying awake through Shakespeare? How can you avoid the 2 am milkshake cravings?

These quick meals add up fast, and they can be really expensive compared to cooking your own meals. Is it really hard to bring your own coffee to class? Not really. Is it really hard to have some go-to snacks on hand for when the late night munchies kick in? Nope.

Pretend you’re in grade school again and start packing your own lunches. I won’t judge you if you pack yourself a lunchable (actually I’ll be really jealous). Here are some ideas to inspire you to end your eating out addiction!

Also, I highly recommend How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (1)buying a cute lunch bag or lunch box. This makes packing lunch so much more fun (and they’re really practical). I personally love bento boxes, but here are some recommendations that are easy to clean and fit in a small backpack. A “hard” container is more durable, in my opinion, and it won’t get smooshed with all your textbooks 😂

How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (2)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (3) How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (4)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (5). How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (6)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (7)

✨ Related: Start your own profitable college blog!

2. Create a Food Budget That Works for You

When I first moved off campus, I didn’t know to include food in my monthly budgets. This was a big mistake because I often found I was too stretched for cash which is important when it comes to eating, obviously. I’ll be honest, I definitely relied on credit cards way more than I should have.

Allotting myself a certain amount of money for food helped me feel more secure and responsible. I only allow myself to eat out once or twicea week, and this limitation helps me keep expenses in check. I’ve also started using apps to get the most out of my grocery budget. Here are the best ones to try:

  • Ibotta: This app gives you rebates for stuff you already buy, so it’s basically free money. Using Ibotta, I’ve made over $40 in just a few weeks, so I swear by this app.
  • Fetch: I love Fetch because it automates savings, especially if you grocery shop online or use a store savings card. There are so many grocery deals on here! Sign up with my link and you’ll get 100 points when you snap your first receipt.

Another idea is to use a budget or life journal to keep your finances in check. Making money in college isn’t always easy, so that’s why you’re trying to survive without a meal plan in college in the first place. These journals are a great option to keep all of your money in check 💸

How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (8)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (9) How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (10)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (11) How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (12)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (13)

3. Always Make a List

Next, the grocery store can be a dangerous place for someone without a list! (Another pro tip is to never go grocery shopping while hungry.)

I always create a list on my phone beforehand and mark things off electronically. Veggies and meats make up the largest percentage of purchases, whereas if I have anything left over I use those funds on snacks.

If I encounter something not on my list, I force myself to think about whether I really need it. If it wasn’t on my list, odds are I don’t, but I do occasionally find unexpected deals too good to pass up. Avoid the urge to walk through all aisles, stick to your list and get in and out. Here’s my healthy college grocery list to get you started.

Pro grocery shopping tip: Use the calculator app on your phone to constantly add in the price as you add things to your cart. This is a great way to actually recognize the cost of everything in your cart, and weigh the value of your purchases.

4. Stop Ordering Pizza

This is mostly a tip just for me, because pizza is my biggest weakness.

Pizza is the number one killer of college students bank accounts. My college town had the most glorious pizza place called 5 Star Pizza which delivered EVERY DAY until 3 AM! What a beautiful business model! They even had an infamous “Piezilla” pizza which was so huge it didn’t fit through the front door and needed to be turned on its side.

Save yourself the trouble and try to adhere to a pizza schedule. For instance, instead of splurging for pizza twice a week, try to keep it to every other week. Balance your pizza addiction with healthier foods, or make your own healthy pizza at home.Click here for more ideas on healthy eating in college.

5. Learn How to Cook

I’m a serial food burner. If I could burn water, I would. It doesn’t matter if I’m using the microwave or the oven, something gets burned inevitably. I swear the kitchen can smell fear.

That being said, even I am capable of making a couple of dishes for myself. Even if you’re still living in a dorm room there are so many things that can be prepared in the microwave all you need is a little creativity. You don’t need to be a chef to make good food. Keep your ingredients simple and just try not to get burned.

Also, don’t underestimate the power of a slow cooker. These are some in-dorm cooking tools I absolutely swear by because they’re foolproof 👩🏼‍🍳

How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (14)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (15) How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (16)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (17) How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (18)How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (19)

Survive College Without a Meal Plan

Being a college student isn’t easy! College dining hall food might not be great, but there’s no denying it’s easier. However, with some work and a balanced budget, you can navigate without a meal plan!

Happy grocery shopping! How do you survive without a meal plan in college? What are your favorite things to cook?

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How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (20)
How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (21)
How to Survive Without A Meal Plan in College [Money-Saving Tips] (2024)


How to survive college with no meal plan? ›

How to Survive in College Without a Meal Plan
  1. Learn how to cook. PIN IT. ...
  2. Buy foods that you eat often in bulk. PIN IT. ...
  3. Eating a sandwich for lunch everyday is not that bad. PIN IT. ...
  4. Stock up on healthy (nonperishable) snacks. PIN IT. ...
  5. Get your groceries delivered to you. PIN IT. ...
  6. Save money when eating at restaurants. PIN IT.

How to survive in college with no money? ›

Key takeaways

Some options to help with paying for college include applying for scholarships and grants, looking into work-study options, cutting costs and applying for loans. You can still look into saving for future education with 529 plans, which allow contributions through investments.

What are tips for saving money when planning meals or buying food? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

Is it cheaper to not get a meal plan in college? ›

Most students can probably save money by declining the meal plan and making most of their meals at home. Off-campus dining can add up quickly, however. If you tend to eat out a lot and don't enjoy cooking, a campus meal plan can save you money. Some schools require undergrads in the dorms to pay for meal plans.

How to eat as a poor college student? ›

These meal ideas are perfect for college students living on a budget who don't have much time to cook.
  1. 10 Cheap Meals for College Students. ...
  2. Chicken and Veggie Baking Sheet. ...
  3. Tater Tot Casserole. ...
  4. Ramen. ...
  5. Mac and Cheese. ...
  6. Two Scrambled Eggs and Toast. ...
  7. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup. ...
  8. Baked Ravioli.
Jul 8, 2022

How to survive college broke? ›

That being said, here are some tips for getting the most out of college without going broke.
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Take Advantage of Student Discounts. ...
  3. Make Shopping Lists (and don't shop when you're hungry) ...
  4. Keep Snacks With You During the Day. ...
  5. Going out? ...
  6. Get Involved with Campus Activities. ...
  7. Carpool.

How to afford college when you're broke? ›

So, if you're feeling anxious about the best ways to pay for college without student loans, let's look at the options.
  1. Pay cash for your degree. ...
  2. Apply for aid. ...
  3. Choose an affordable school. ...
  4. Go to community college first. ...
  5. Consider directional schools. ...
  6. Explore trade schools. ...
  7. Apply for scholarships. ...
  8. Get grants.
Nov 21, 2023

How to survive being a broke college student? ›

Broke College Student: 7 Ways to Get Through
  1. Take advantage of free things.
  2. If it's not free, use your student discounts.
  3. Participate in paid online surveys.
  4. Switch to your “broke college student” mode.
  5. Get healthcare and housing allowances.
  6. Create a student budget (and stick to it)
  7. Don't be broke in college... Get a job!
Jan 18, 2024

What are 3 tips for saving money on food? ›

How to Save Money on Groceries
  • Redefine dinner. ...
  • Crunch some numbers while you shop. ...
  • Round up your grocery cost estimates. ...
  • Raid your pantry. ...
  • Think before you buy in bulk. ...
  • Know when to shop. ...
  • Start freezing and storing meals now. ...
  • Pay with cash.
Jan 18, 2024

How can a student save money? ›

Living in a shared apartment or student accommodation that lets you share rather than living alone is one of the best money saving tips. You will save a lot of money each month if you split your rent with a group instead of paying it all by yourself. Furthermore, you can split the bills for utility or shared furniture.

What should I save money for in college? ›

How to Save Money as a College Student
  • Create a Budget. ...
  • Buy Used Textbooks. ...
  • Cook Your Own Meals. ...
  • Take Advantage of Student Discounts. ...
  • Use Public Transportation. ...
  • Avoid Credit Card Debt. ...
  • Find a Part-Time Job. ...
  • Save on Entertainment.
May 15, 2023

How can I save money by not wasting food? ›

Follow these simple tips to help reduce food waste, be more environmentally friendly and save money.
  1. Adopt a healthier and more sustainable diet: ...
  2. Buy only what is needed: ...
  3. Pick “ugly” fruit and vegetables: ...
  4. Store food wisely: ...
  5. Eat Smart: ...
  6. Put your food waste to use: ...
  7. Support local food producers: ...
  8. Share and give away:

How can I spend less on food? ›

Here's 8 ideas to help you spend less money on food.
  1. 1 – Try online shopping. ...
  2. 2 – Consider freezing foods. ...
  3. 3 – Stock up on canned foods. ...
  4. 4 – Swap from processed foods to whole foods. ...
  5. 5 – Swap to buying foods in bulk. ...
  6. 6 – Swap to meal prepping. ...
  7. 7 – Swap meat to other types of protein. ...
  8. 8 – Swap from throwing it out to using it.

Can a college force you to have a meal plan? ›

Dining Services Accommodations

There are several areas in which campus food services can be problematic for people with food allergies. Some schools require students living on campus to purchase a meal plan, regardless of whether the on-campus facilities can safely serve all students.

Is it worth getting a meal plan in college? ›

Even if you are not required, it may be cheaper to buy a meal plan than to pay cash for your meals. Most sources of financial aid and tax-advantaged college savings plans consider meals a legitimate education-related expense.

What percent of college students don't eat enough? ›

According to a 2020 survey of more than 195,000 students across the country, conducted by the Hope Center at Temple University, nearly 30% of students at four-year colleges reported experiencing food insecurity. For those at two-year colleges, the number was even higher – almost 40%.

How many college students go without food? ›

Only recently, the California Student Aid Commission published a revealing report on the state of food insecurity among college students. The 2022-2023 survey findings showed a staggering 66% of students experiencing food insecurity, a substantial rise from the 39% reported in the 2018-2019 academic year.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.