How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (2024)

Farmer Brandon Youst from Veg2Bowl(a farm-to-food truck operation) is joining us on the Upstart U blog! Brandon uses the Kratky method (using a stationary solution with no pump) to grow greens for his food truck.

In this post, Brandon is going to explain the personal criteria that led him to choose his farming model, how he uses the Kratky model, and the pros and cons of the method.

The New Farmer: Treating Decision Paralysis

New and aspiring farmers have a lot to consider when making the leap into a commercial farming venture. Before they can even begin to grow, they need to decide what to grow and their production technique. Since these choices have to be decided so early in the business creation process, decision paralysis can occur.

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (1)Aquaponics, hydroponics, or dirt? Rafts, Dutch buckets, NFT, or ZipGrow?If you’re new to commercial farming, it’s quite daunting to know that your approach to your market will affect your profitability. Given these early roadblocks, many never make the leap.

I know this because it’s where I nearly found myself.

It was a few years back when I was sitting in a cubicle, pondering my future. I knew I wanted out and wanted to become an ‘Urban Farmer’ of some sort, but not much else. I maintained gardens in the past, but that was usually a simple backyard, in-ground approach.

Build a Farm to Fit Personal & Professional Goals

When I told myself I’d no longer actively pursue an upward climb in my current career, and I would start my own business, I found myself spending hours each day on the internet consuming everything. The possibilities never seemed to end. After months of research, I was drawn to give aquaponics a try.

I built a small system to learn and practice with. It had about 20 goldfish in a 150-gallon tank. Over the course of a few months, I had success growing lettuce & herbs in a very small space. I learned the ins and outs of maintaining a well-balanced ecosystem via constant water testing. This was all great practice.

However, as time went on and after visiting a commercial aquaponic training course, the major risks started to show themselves. I saw that one electrical failure can lead to a total crop loss and loss of the fish population. Due to this, the system required constant monitoring. This lifestyle seemed just as restrictive as the job I was already in. Along with the high upfront capital requirements, this forced me to look elsewhere.

The more practical solution for my farm was hydroponics. Choosing a grow system from the dozens of techniques and variations just within hydroponics seemed to be an endless rabbit hole in itself.

At this point, I knew I didn’t want to How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (2)make any large investments and I preferred a flexible schedule. I wanted to be able to learn, test my market and see what I actually liked doing without committing myself with to an expensive system.

In came the Kratky method.

By this time, I had also started to formulate what my business would actually look like. I was thinking of starting a food truck around the same time, so my idea was to combine them both: a ‘farm-to-food truck’ concept.

Farm-to-Food Truck

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (3)

If I was going to be running a farm and a food truck by myself, I’d have to be very careful with time management. What I needed was an easy to learn and easy to maintain hydroponics approach, and that’s what Kratky is.

For those of you unfamiliar, the Kratky method (named after B.A. Kratky) is a passive growing method. This means that no pumps or electricity are needed during the growth cycle. A young seedling is placed onto a raft, similar to a standard hydroponic raft (DWC) system. The difference between this and a raft system is that in the Kratky method, the raft sits fixed atop a tank filled with water and nutrient solution which sits stagnant.

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (4)Throughout the growth cycle, the water level drops as the roots grow, creating a growing ‘air zone’ for the roots.

By the time the plant is ready for harvest, the nutrient water is nearly depleted. From here you can just replenish the water & nutrient solution and place fresh transplants on top of the tank. A spray down and vacuuming of the tank is needed after 3–5 cycles.

Unlike in recirculating hydroponic systems, Kratky growers calculate the amount of nutrient solution for each tank only once. The solution does not require additional adjustment.

This is a great benefit to a new grower who wants to keep things as simple as possible, just as I was looking for. I grow only leafy greens with Kratky, which gets a combination of an A and B solution. Solution A is a Chem-Grow lettuce formula + calcium nitrate, and Solution B is magnesium sulfate(Epsom salt), each mixed in with a specific amount of water. (Mixing instructions come with the fertilizers.)

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (5)To set up the system solution, growers can simply add solution A to a tank filled with water, mix, then add solution B. Place your rafts with transplants on it and you shouldn’t need to touch it again until it’s ready for harvest.

Note: If you’re interested in learning the details on raft construction and the proper amount of nutrients, the best source is from the University of Hawaii in the following paper- A Suspended Net-Pot, Non-Circulating Hydroponic Method for Commercial Production of Leafy, Romaine, and Semi-Head Lettuce.

As my business grew, all I had to do was build additional rafts. Each 4’x8′ raft fitting up to 60 heads of lettuce can be built in about 20 minutes using a few screws, plastic liner and (4) 2″x6″x8′ pieces of lumber (described in detail in the link above). This gave me peace of mind knowing I didn’t have to commit any significant financial investment to grow a bit bigger. I still could incorporate another grow style should I have the need or want to really ramp up production.

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (6)

I can harvest the lettuce from the rafts in the morning, and by lunch, I can have them prepared into salads & smoothies. Because Kratky has no moving parts, it allows me a disaster-proof assuredness that other hydroponic methods don’t offer. Additionally, I can be away from the farm for hours or days, and I don’t have to worry about technology failing.

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (7)I’m not confident any other hydroponic approach would work for me in my current situation without the need for additional help. I prefer to run this business as a solo operation, so this also has an effect on the decision to go with Kratky as well.

Challenges and Considerations of the Kratky Method

Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about using Kratky on a commercial scale:

1) It’s Harder to Control Variables.

You need to make sure your source water’s pH and nutrient solution are on target before you fill a tank with it.

If you don’t do this, you’ll have to test the EC and pH of each tank individually, and then have to adjust each tank individually. This represents significant labor time!

I use a few IBC gallon totes as water storage, which I then test and adjust before using them to fill the tanks.

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (8)Temperature can also be harder to manage since the water sits in place. I’ve seen Kratky set ups that are up on blocks.

Take caution with this approach if using a passive greenhouse as I do, because your plants might not like drastic temperature swings at night.

I keep my rafts on the ground, using the earth’s stable temperature to keep the water as consistent as I can. I also utilize roll-up sidewalls for ventilation and shade cloth in the summertime.

2) The Bigger You Get, the Less time Efficient it Becomes.

It’s not too cumbersome to clean out 20 tanks every few months, but cleaning 100 tanks individually would be a tedious waste of timeunless you could hire it out and justify the expense of the labor.

3) Little Annoyances & Inconsistencies Will Occur.

If the ground underneath is not level or the plastic liner is not installed neatly, you will grow an inconsistent product. If the ground is uneven, the starting point of the water level in relation to the raft will be uneven.

Too shallow on one end and the roots may not be immersed in the water, and you’ll find a dead seedling a few days later. Too high on the other end and you’ll find higher bottom rotted leaves since the young transplant was then likely over saturated.How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (9)

Also, since the raft sits on top of the tank, you’ll have to make sure a fresh raft doesn’t blow away. I put a brick or rock on each raft to hold it down.

4) Occasional Surprises Will Happen in a Passive Design.

This is just my experience in my location of Eastern North Carolina, but in my passive greenhouse design that works well for Kratky, I find many frogs, grasshoppers, crickets, and spiders are attracted to the raft area. The rafts being low to the ground with open sidewalls, nature finds its way in. This can be seen as good thing, as they are a form of natural pest control, but they can also freak you out a bit when they jump out at you when you’re not expecting it.

5) Covering & Quality Raft Material are Essential.

You’ll need a greenhouse or some other covering to protect your system from the elements. I’ve mentioned the issues with wind, but you’ll also need to make sure rainwater doesn’t get into the tanks. If the water level increases too much during the growth cycle, you might drown your plants.

Regarding raft material: the most cost-efficient and sufficiently durable is 3/4″ thick foam board. I bought 1/2″ and find that it is brittle and warps a bit over time. 1″ thick might be too much as young shallow roots benefit from that initial small air zone, and it’s a bit more expensive.

Is Kratky Right for You?

Those are the drawbacks. Only your situation and goals will determine whether Kratky is a good idea for you. If you are new to hydroponics and want to test it out, I’d say give Kratky a try.

If you want to grow way more than you need for family and friends quickly, cheaply and easily, this will also work great for you. If you’re looking to sell a large quantity of a few select items to restaurants and grocery stores, you might find that this is not the most practical solution.

Interested in Learning More About Growing Techniques?

Explore the primary hydroponic and aquaponic methods in the “Choosing Your Production Methods” course.

Topics Include:

  • DWC
  • NFT
  • Media beds & Bato buckets
  • ZipGrow
  • Aeroponics

Brandon Youst utilizes Kratky hydroponics for the production of leafy greens forVeg2Bowl and their Farm-to-Food Truck Model in Eastern NC.

*This post was originally published in March 2017 and has been edited and updated for republishing.

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (10)

How To Start Growing With The Kratky Method - Upstart University (2024)


How often do you change water in the Kratky method? ›

The Kratky method is a form of passive hydroponics.

There's no need to change out the water, nor is there a concern about rejuvenating oxygen for the plants. As the plant grows, the water level drops, creating air space for the roots. When the plant is ready for harvest, the nutrient-filled water is nearly used up.

Is NFT better than Kratky? ›

Understanding the Nutrient Film Technique

Unlike passive systems like Kratky, NFT requires more understanding, investment, and commitment but rewards with precision control and scalability.

Is DWC better than Kratky? ›

DWC is used heavily by commercial hydroponic farmers, and this method most definitely gives much better yeilds, compared to Dr Kratky's methods.

What causes root rot in Kratky? ›

Problems arise when the root system doesn't receive sufficient levels of oxygen, typically when using the Deep Water Culture system or The Kratky Method. Either the water isn't aerated enough, there's no direct exposure of the roots to the air or a combination of the two.

What is the best medium for Kratky Method? ›

Growing medium—perlite, vermiculite, and coco coir work best in Kratky systems.

What are the disadvantages of Kratky? ›

Drawbacks of the kratky system:
  • Plants are often susceptible to root rot and similar diseases due to stagnant water.
  • Not at all suitable for plants with high water and nutrient requirements.
  • Since the nutrient solution is not replenished over time, it might lead to nutrient deficiencies affecting plant growth.
Jan 9, 2024

Can you use tap water for hydroponics? ›

So to answer the question “is tap water safe for hydroponics?” The short answer is, yes.

What are the pros of the Kratky Method? ›

The Kratky Method is a version of hydroponics that does not require a pump, an aerator, or any form of electricity. All you need is a container for the seeds and growing medium, a container to hold water and seeds, and a sunny location! You can even scale it down and use mason jars.

What is the most efficient hydroponic method? ›


The efficiency of water use in aeroponics comes from the misting method, which minimizes evaporation and runoff. In fact, aeroponics uses up to 98% less water than traditional farming and about 40% less than other forms of hydroponics.

What is the best container for Kratky lettuce? ›

There are a variety of containers that can be used for the Kratky method, but the best options are those that are large enough to accommodate the plant's root system, have good drainage, and are made of inert materials. Glass, plastic, and ceramic containers are all good choices.

What is the most profitable thing to grow hydroponically? ›

Hydroponically grown leafy greens and microgreens have the highest profit margins at 40%.

What is the fastest growing plant in hydroponics? ›

Leafy greens, including lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, are excellent choices for hydroponics due to their rapid growth rates and high nutritional value. Here are some specific requirements for successfully growing these plants: Lighting: Leafy greens require approximately 12-16 hours of light per day.

What should the water level be for Kratky Method? ›

2. Be careful about the starting level. Another critical issue for a Kratky system is to make sure that the water level just barely touches the bottom of the receptacle where the seedling is placed or germinated.

Can you start seeds in Kratky method? ›

Start seed in a moist starter plug, inside a humidome. Keep the plug consistently moist, misting if it gets dry. Once you have a sprout (~5 days,) you may remove the dome and continue misting the plug as required to maintain moisture.

What is the first step in hydroponics? ›

The first step to starting your first hydroponic garden is choosing a suitable system. There are many different types of Hydroponic system. These systems can be either active or passive. By active, the nutrient solutions are moved, usually by a pump.

How much water does lettuce need when a Kratky? ›

With the Kraty method of non-circulating hydroponics it's important to remember that one gallon of nutrient water per plant is an optimal ratio when growing lettuce... so with the under the bed storage box I used, I drilled eight, evenly distributed, holes in the lid using the two inch hole saw.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.