How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (2024)

Are you thinking about selling original art online? With more people purchasing art online, it is possible to sell paintings and make money online.

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Thousands of new art and handmade crafts are published online, from fine art artists to crafters.

Art collectors search for oil paintings, watercolor paintings, pastel paintings, pen and ink drawings, pencil drawings, colored pencil drawings, and even mixed media art every day.

Buyers can easily find high-priced art to affordable niche crafts online.

Over the past few years, artists have decided to control their art business, and the internet has made it possible.

The problem artists face today is the multiple tools they have to start an online art business.

There are so many selling tools available for every genre of art.

This post will cover all of the basics you must know to sell paintings and make money online.

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money

How exciting would it be to make some money selling the art and crafts you create?

How would you feel knowing someone purchased and displayed your original artwork in their home?

Just taking a minute to think that someone around the world is enjoying my graphite drawings, pastel paintings, commissioned acrylic paintings, or wood burnings in their home is exhilarating.

It might feel out of reach and intimidating when you start to take the next step in your art journey.

But once you start, you will feel like you are on top of the world.

You spent your entire life dreaming about selling your art online, and now the time is here to learn how to get started.

You might be asking yourself, “Can I do this?” I want to tell you, YOU CAN! If you don’t believe me, look online and see how many paintings are for sale.

All you have to do is type into Google’s search:

  • Artwork for sale
  • Oil paintings for sale
  • Art prints for sale
  • Canvas art for sale
  • Original art for sale
  • Paintings for sale
How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (1)

I searched on Google for “paintings for sale” in 2020.

There 76,500,000 results. Think about that for one minute.

There are over 75 million posts that relate to paintings for sale online.

Just taking a few minutes to see how many people are successfully selling their artwork online is motivating.

You can sell your paintings online.

If other artists can do it, so can you.

Where To Sell Art Online

Are you new to selling art online or having difficulty driving traffic to your art website?

You will want to visit Sell Art Online Startup Plan if you are. In this article, I cover everything you want to focus on to create a solid foundation for your online art business.

Before you can make money selling paintings online, you will need a platform to showcase your art and collect money for sale.

Below are some popular platforms artists use to generate an income selling art and crafts online.

Best Platforms Used For Selling Art Online:

Own a Website(WordPress)

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (2)

I highly recommend owning a WordPress website if you plan to sell paintings for the long haul.

I have tried many options in the past, and nothing compares to owning your website. And to be honest, it is cheaper than the alternatives.

For WordPress tutorials, visit Art Business – Art Marketing and scroll down to the WordPress Section.

Hosting services for website owners and bloggers:

You will have to invest in a domain name and hosting for your WordPress website.

I have recently switched hosting services to SiteGround.

The other hosting service could not handle the traffic I received, and my site became slower.

My site is super fast, and SiteGround is cheaper than I used in the past.

I wish I had known this years ago.

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (3)

Below are a few more popular hosting services you will want to consider before deciding.

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (4)


Below is a list of what HostGator offers:

  • Unmetered disk space and bandwidth
  • Free website builder and 4,500 templates
  • Easy-to-use control panel
  • Unlimited email addresses
  • 24/7/365 technical support
  • 45-day money-back guarantee
  • WordPress blogging tools
How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (5)


Below is a list of what BlueHost offers:

  • #1 recommended web hosting by Every account features a 1-click WordPress installation.
  • 24/7 support
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Easy-to-use control panel
  • Unlimited emails accounts

Sell Paintings On Etsy

As I mentioned, you can use various platforms to sell paintings and make money.

Etsy is an excellent platform for artists and crafters just starting, and they do not know if building a website is best for them.

Etsy was founded in 2005 and was created for people to purchase unique handmade crafts and art they could not find elsewhere.

Starting an Etsy shop is free, and the listing and selling fees are very reasonable.

However, you will not be able to brand your Etsy shop like you would be able to with a WordPress site. If you sell a large number of paintings, you will discover that it will be cheaper to own a website than to pay all of the selling and listing fees associated with an Etsy Shop.

Would I recommend Etsy?

I would recommend starting on Etsy if you are not sure selling paintings is something you will be doing for years to come.

Take my step-by-step video tutorial on HOW TO OPEN AN ETSY STORE TUTORIAL to get started on ETSY.

Related Post: 22 Creative Things To Sell On Etsy

Art Website Builders and Third-party sites

New website builders and third-party platforms are being launched every year.

Website builders and third-party platforms make it easy to get started, but many have hefty monthly fees and terms and conditions you must be aware of.

Thousands of artists and photographers are using them, which you will want to look further into before you decide.

For a list of website builders and third-party platforms, visit – Sell Art Online – 16 Websites And Website Builders For Artists.

How To Make Money Selling Art Online

Successful artists who decide to sell art online take the time to learn everything they can about:

  • How to sell paintings on Etsy?
  • How to sell paintings for a living?
  • How to sell paintings online?
  • How to make a living as an artist online
  • How to make money as an artist
  • How to sell paintings to galleries
  • How to sell art prints
  • How to make prints of watercolor paintings

I want to touch on the questions above for a moment.

If you are serious about selling your art, it is imperative to have the right mindset.

Let me ask you a few questions.

  • Do you believe in yourself?
  • Are you willing to put in the work?
  • Are you willing to put in the time to learn how to market and promote yourself?
  • Are you willing to learn from your mistakes?
  • Are you good at troubleshooting problems?
  • Are you patient?

If you can answer yes to the questions above, you will be able to achieve your goals.

Are you ready to learn how to build a solid foundation for your online art gallery business?

Here is an outline of what we will be covering in this post.

  • Believe In Yourself
  • Goals
  • Just Start
  • Where to Sell Your Paintings
  • How to Price Your Paintings
  • How to Ship Your Paintings
  • You’re in Business

The topics I am about to cover will build a solid foundation for your art business.

After building a solid foundation, you will experiment with different marketing strategies to further build your online art business.
But first, let’s talk about the basics.

But first, let’s talk about the basics.

Believe In Yourself

Before you can accomplish anything, you must first believe in yourself.

Look at anyone successful. They all believed in their ability to achieve their dreams.

Some people feel they cannot be successful because they compare themselves to those already successful.

They do not see all the failed attempts and hard work before the person reaches their goals. They only see the success of a person. Everyone starts at the same place. The people who succeed are the ones who do not quit.

It would be best if you believed you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

There will be struggles and plenty of failures along the way. The struggles and failures you encounter will give you the knowledge and experience you need to reach the finish line.

Matt Mayberry, a Speaker, Maximum Performance Strategist, and CEO of Matt Mayberry Enterprises, wrote a great article about the power of believing called, The Incredible Power of Believing in Yourself.

There is one point Matt shared that I believe to be so true:

“As human beings, we naturally have the tendency to get stuck on the negative and think about all of our losses for the day, instead of counting our wins and finding all of the good that took place.”

Everything that you do is a step closer to the finish line.

Every step forward is a victory.

Every failed attempt is a learning experience.

Reward your efforts and enjoy your wins at the end of every day.

Here is an excellent book you might be interested in reading by John C. Maxwell, How Successful People Think – John C. Maxwell.

John’s bookis motivating and covers eleven keys to more effective thinking. This is a great book to go back to when you find it difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I would like to end this section with some of my favorite quotes:

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” ~ Gail Devers

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale

“I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.” ~ Marla Gibbs


You might have read this study in my post, Sell Art Online Basics Setting Goals.

A study from Harvard showed some eye-opening results.

A group of people was asked if they had set goals. They were also asked if they had written goals and plans to accomplish their vision.

After a ten-year study, the results showed that 13 percent of the people had goals but did not have them written down. Those people earned twice the amount of money than the people who did not set goals.

The people who had written their goals down earned ten times the amount of money than the people who did not set goals as well as the people who had goals but did not write them down. Only three percent of the people had written goals.

Please reread the study if you are not motivated to write down your goal.

I talked about how it is essential to believe in yourself when operating an art business. This is the first step. The second step is knowing where you want to go and how you will get there.

Stop reading this post for five minutes and write your goals.

You do not have to spend much time writing your goals at this point. You need a vision of what you want to start developing strategies that will guide you to where you would like to be in a year or two.

Here are some questions you can answer to help get you started:

  • Would you like to sell original art online?
  • Would you like to sell art prints online?
  • Is your main priority only selling paintings, or would you like to sell other products?
  • How much revenue would you like to generate from your sales?
  • Are you offering other services like tutoring, one-on-one classes, or video courses?

Answering these questions will help you decide what actions you will want to take next.

For help on writing goals you can achieve, visit:

  • How to Write Goals You Can Achieve Workbook
  • How to Write Goals Video Course

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money By Learning

It is important to take some time to learn about how to start and operate an online business.

A good place to get startedis by visiting

You will find answers to all your business questions at U.S. Small Business Administration and helpful tips for starting your business.

Be sure to become familiar with these articles:

  • How to Start a Business
  • Write Your Business Plan
  • Choose Your Business Structure
  • Choose and Register Your Business
  • Choose Your Business Location and Equipment
  • Business and Licenses & Permits
  • Learn About Business Laws
  • Business Financials
  • Finance Your Business
  • Filing and Paying Taxes
  • Hire & Retain Employees

All articles listed above can be found atU.S. Small Business Administration.

This might seem overwhelming at first.

Take one article at a time and accomplish any tasks related to your goals.

You do not have to do them all at once, but you will want to become familiar with them.

You can always get help with additional help by calling your Town Office or asking other people you know who are self-employed.

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money – Start

Did you ever wonder why some people achieve great things while others dream?

People achieve great things because they have a vision, write goals and get to work.

They do not ask, “Is my art good enough to sell?” Instead, they spend time learning how to make money as artists and take action.

If you wish for something, want something, or dream of something, go for it. The only thing that is holding you back is you.

Start planning and put your art marketing plan into action. You will stumble, hit roadblocks, and maybe even pull a few hairs out, but you will get to your destination if you start and do not give up.

How To Sell Art Online Strategy

Here is a quick overview of how to get started selling original artwork online.

  • Have a clear vision of what you would like to achieve

To learn more about developing a vision and mission for your art business, visitArtist Vision and Mission – Online Business.

  • Set Goals

Create attainable goals withHow to Write Goals You Can Achieve Workbook.

  • Create a brand

Create a brand that will separate you from the other artists selling original paintings withCreate an Artist Brand Workbook.

  • Decide on what platform you will use to showcase and sell your art

For more information on different platforms, you can use to sell your art, visit15 Places to Sell Art Online and Make Money

  • Start blogging

Blogging will be the fuel that drives traffic to your paintings. Learn how to build a successful blog with28 Day Blogging Challenge for Visual Artists eBook.

  • Create social media accounts

For more information about social media marketing, visit7 Effective Social Media Tips for Growing Your Artist Brand.

  • Create a Pinterest Business account

Learn how to sell your art on Pinterest by visitingHow to Start Selling Art on Pinterest.

  • Build an email list

Learn how to build an email list by visitingUltimate Email Marketing Guide for Selling Art Online.

OptinMonstermakes collecting emails easy. Add OptinMonster to your WordPress artist blog and watch your email list grow.

Where To Sell Your Paintings

There are many ways you can start selling your paintings. You will want to consider what would be best for you and your business.

Here are some ideas to help get you started:

  • Local Craft Shows
  • Local Family-Owned Businesses
  • Galleries
  • Fairs
  • Open House Studio
  • Online

Outlined above are the most common places to sell your artwork. If you think outside the box, you will be surprised by how many ways you can start selling your paintings.

For example, you might want to become friends with a Real Estate Agent or a home decorator. The options are endless!

Join my free weekly newsletter. I will send you valuable information on starting and growing your online art business.

How To Write Art Descriptions

As an artist, one of the ways you can communicate your vision and sell your work is by writing a well-written art description. An art description should not only include the basic who, what, when, and where, but also WHY. Why is this piece important to you? What does it represent? What feeling are you trying to evoke? A good art description will give the reader a snapshot of the piece and provide enough information to whet their appetite. Here are a few tips on how to write a well-written art description:

  1. Keep it short and sweet. You don’t need to write an essay – a few sentences will do.
  2. Be clear and concise. Use strong verbs and active language.
  3. Use sensory language. Describe how the piece looks, feels, sounds, etc.
  4. Be specific. Which colors did you use? What medium did you employ?
  5. Tell a story. What inspired you to create this piece? What does it represent for you?

By following these tips, you can write a well-written art description that will capture your readers’ imagination and help them connect with your work on a deeper level.

How To Price Your Paintings

To know how to sell paintings and make money, you must learn about pricing your artwork.

Your art prices will be one key factor determining if you land a sale and how much profit you will make.

Many artists price their artwork through their emotions the piece.

This is the wrong way to go about pricing your artwork.

You might have a special connection to the art you create, but the value is only worth what someone is willing to pay.

Get familiar with the market and how other artists are pricing their artwork. Make sure you are comparing your work to similar work.

For more information on pricing your paintings visit Art Pricing Guide – How to Price Art to Sell eBook

How To Ship Your Paintings

There is more than just knowing how to sell paintings and make money.

You have to know how you will ship your paintings after selling them.

Shipping your painting will be the last time you will be handling your artwork. It is critical to your business’s reputation and future sales to take extra special care in packaging your artwork.

The shipping companies will not handle your package as you will. It is your responsibility to reduce any shipping and handling issues.

Please take some time and read these shipping articles:

  • Shipping Tips for Artists
  • Order Shipping Supplies Online
  • How Shipping Costs Affect Art Sales

You’re In Business

Most artists want to spend their time in the studio. It makes sense; creating art is their passion and how they communicate with the world.

However, if you sell your artwork, you are a business person. You need to learn all about running a business and marketing your business if you want any success.

Here are a couple of my favorite business and marketing books:

Final Thoughts On How To Sell Paintings And Make Mone

Learning how to sell paintings and make money is easy as long as you know where to start.

The good news is that it doesn’t matter if you sell abstract art, watercolor painting, modern art, or oil painting. The strategies are similar.

How to Sell Paintings and Make Money Overview:

  • Believe
  • Goals
  • Just Start
  • Where to Sell Your Paintings
  • How to Price Your Paintings
  • How to Ship Your Paintings
  • You’re in Business

Now that you know the basics of selling art and making money, it is time to take action. Start today by writing out your goals.

More Related Sell Paings Posts

  • How To Build A Successful Art Blog By Believing In Yourself
  • How To Make Money With Art Skills
  • How To Sell Drawings Online – Complete Guide
  • How To Start An Art Business That Thrives
  • 7 Best Watercolor Printing Services
  • How To Print On Acrylic

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (6)

How To Sell Paintings And Make Money (2024)


Can you make money selling paintings? ›

Sell your original paintings and copies (prints) online. This is the most obvious and easily realized way. It doesn't require having your own store or a large audience. Thanks to the internet, you can sell your art online through different platforms.

Is selling painting profitable? ›

Yes, selling art online can be profitable if you're intentional about your pricing and marketing strategies.

Is selling art a good side hustle? ›

Creating and selling art as a side-hustle can be a great way to pursue your passion while also earning some extra income. In this challenging economy, many people are looking for new and improved ways to supplement their current income.

How do most artists sell their art? ›

How To Sell Your Art. Many artists sell art out of their studio, online, at co-operative galleries, or even at one of the thousands of art fairs that are so popular. But just because you're an artist, doesn't mean that you know how to sell your work.

What type of art makes the most money? ›

Paintings. Although paintings are not new, their age and widespread popularity make them the most commonly practiced form of art, which also makes them among the top works of art that sell. The fact that most people can appreciate a good painting makes them an ideal item for any artist, or art collector.

Where can I sell my beginners paintings? ›

Make estimating web design costs easy
  • Top 13 Websites for Selling Art.
  • Saatchi Art.
  • EBay.
  • Etsy.
  • Society6.
  • ArtPal.
  • Artfinder.
  • Singulart.

What painting sells the most money? ›

The most expensive painting ever sold is the Salvator Mundi, the Saviour of the World in English, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. It was painted in the 1500s and sold for $450.3 million in 2017. The painting was acquired by Mohamed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.

How to sell art as a beginner? ›

One way to ease into the business of selling art is to list your work on sites like Etsy, Big Cartel and the Fine Art Department on Amazon. This approach is less hands-on than adding a shopping cart to your website. These marketplaces collect the money and leave the pricing, packing and shipping to you.

How do you price a painting? ›

Multiply the length of the piece by the width of the piece in inches to arrive at the total number of square inches. If your oil painting is 12 inches by 12 inches, that's 12 x 12, or 144 total square inches. Set a price per square inch; for example $3.

Can you be a millionaire by selling art? ›

Yes, it is possible to become a billionaire by selling paintings. There have been many artists who have become extremely wealthy by selling their works of art. Some of the most famous and financially successful painters include Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, and Leonardo da Vinci.

Do painting artists make money? ›

In today's digital age, there are many online platforms where artists can sell their artwork. Websites like Etsy, Society6, and Redbubble allow artists to upload their designs and earn money from each sale. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook also offer a marketplace for artists to sell their work.

How much can you sell paintings for? ›

Price Your Artwork with this Formula. Multiply the painting's width by its length to arrive at the total size, in square inches. Then multiply that number by a set dollar amount that's appropriate for your reputation. I currently use $6 per square inch for oil paintings.

Is art paintings a good investment? ›

Conclusion. Art is a great investment for anyone looking to add value to their portfolio, by setting clear goals, doing your research and seeking the help of a professional you will be well on your way to acquiring a desirable work of art, adding value to your estate for generations to come.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.