How to sell anything to anybody and make money (2024)

Selling is a subject that often gets a bad name. Some people even look down on those who choose to make their living by selling.

However, we’re all trying to sell something all of the time. Even if it’s just the skills we have or a service we can provide, if we’re to make a living then we must sell something, wouldn’t you agree dear reader?

Learning the art of successful selling is actually very important and everyone should seek to improve their selling skills if only to ensure that they can sell themselves effectively.

Selling is a process and by learning a few simple techniques you can improve your ability to sell.

So what are these techniques?

1. Know your product:

Ultimately, it’s all about the product.

If you want to sell anything successfully then you need to know your product really well and you need to believe in your product too.

That product has to be something that you would buy yourself.

You need to know the product in detail, all the features and all the benefits; all the advantages and all the disadvantages.

Then you need to know all about your competitors’ products that your customers could buy as an alternative to your own.

This is important if you are to position your product against that of the competition and to counter any reasons given by your customer as to why they might be reluctant to buy from you.

You really do need to be able to talk about your product favourably, relative to any other options that may be available to your customer.

2. Know the problem your product solves:

Ultimately, every product must solve a problem for the customer. A product must make the customer’s life easier in some way.

If a product doesn’t solve a problem for the target customer, why would they buy it? Why would any customer part with good money unless the product made their life easier?

So it’s simple really. You must have a good understanding of the problem or problems for which your product can be an excellent solution.

And you must be able to explain this in simple, straightforward language.

3. Capture buying intent:

Cold-calling is the most inefficient and soul-destroying sales approach there could possibly be. Phoning or door-stepping people and saying, “Want to buy this?” will have a low success rate.

The key to successful selling is capturing warm sales leads. In other words, you must capture buying intent.

If a customer walks into a shirt shop then you know they’re looking for a shirt and therefore you have a very good chance of selling them one.

So find ways to engage people who are actively looking for something like the product you are selling.

To do this you’ll need to ensure that your customers and potential customers have visibility of your product.

You must raise awareness of the product, as well as the features and benefits and the value it offers. You must create desirability too.

4. Know the customer’s needs:

Your product should have a target customer. You must know the sort of person for whom the product offers an ideal solution.

In other words, you must know who the product is aimed at and what their needs are likely to be.

To understand the customer’s needs you may need to ask some questions first.

For instance, using the shirt-selling example again, a customer may be looking for something to wear for a formal occasion or perhaps they’re looking for something more casual. You want to ensure that the shirt you sell them is right for their needs.

So you must identify the ways in which your product will satisfy the customer’s needs because, if you make a sale, you want the customer to feel they’ve got exactly what they wanted.

You want to ensure that they get a good buying experience. You certainly don’t want them to feel like they’ve been cheated in some way.

5. Build trust with the customer:

Trust matters, particularly when selling big-ticket items.

Customers need to feel that they can trust you to deliver a quality product and provide excellent after-sales service.

Far too often people pay good money only to be let down. So naturally, they’re wary of salespeople, particularly when high-value products and services are involved.

Take the time to build trust with customers and reassure them that they will get what they’re paying for and, should there be any problems at all, you will be there to ensure any such problems are resolved quickly and efficiently and at no cost to the customer.

Building trust with customers will pay dividends.

6. Sell the benefits:

You don’t sell the product to the customer, you sell the benefits and the problem that it solves.

In what ways will your product improve the customer’s life? In what ways will your product potentially be an answer to the customer’s prayers?

In what ways does your product offer good value for money?

You don’t have to be the cheapest on the market but you do need to be able to convince a customer that it makes sense to buy your product rather than simply going for the cheapest product on the market.

Customers won’t part with good money unless they believe your product will add value to them somehow.

7. Know why your product is their best option:

Now dear reader, if you’re in business, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that it’s a highly competitive world out there.

Put simply, today’s customers have plenty of options.

You must be able to convince a customer as to why your product is their best option.

If you’ve got a good story to tell about your product then you can stimulate the customer’s interest.

And once you’ve got the customer interested then you can gently apply pressure to close the sale.

And don’t be shy when it comes to applying pressure gradually.

Business is business and if you don’t close the sale you can be sure that someone else will.

There’s an art to knowing how much pressure to apply of course.

You shouldn’t push too hard because that can result in a negative reaction from the customer.

It can also leave customers feeling like they’ve been sold something they didn’t really need.

If that happens, you’ve made a sale but lost a customer. That’s counter-productive.

The last thing you want is an unhappy customer because they’re likely to tell a lot of people about a bad experience.

Bad publicity and customers bad-mouthing you can really hurt your business if you’re not careful, needless to say, I’m sure.


No business or individual can succeed without making sales.

If it’s your job to sell then you really have got to sell. And if you don’t sell, you’ve failed. Simple!

If you don’t make sales and meet your targets, then the result is likely to be that you’ll lose your job very quickly.

Business can be an unforgiving environment, as I’m sure you’re only too well aware dear reader.

No company can afford the luxury of having people on the payroll who don’t deliver the results for which they are paid.

And let’s face it, we’re all paid to deliver results.

In order to sell, the question to which you must have the perfect answer is, “Why should the customer buy my product?

If you’ve got a good answer and you’ve targeted the right customer, with buying intent, then you’ve got a good chance of making a sale.

You also want to be confident that you can leave the customer feeling that in exchange for the money they’ve spent, they’ve received good value and a good buying experience.

So learn the art of successful selling. It will pay you a handsome dividend.

Further reading:

Now there are plenty of good books and excellent authors on the subject of selling.

Here are some I really like and which I’ve found very useful for improving my own sales skills. I recommend them to you, dear reader:-

  1. The Psychology of Selling – By Brian Tracy
  2. The Art of Closing the Sale – By Brian Tracy
  3. How to Master the Art of Selling – by Tom Hopkins

All of these books are available on Amazon and you can check them out further by clicking on the links above.

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How to sell anything to anybody and make money (2024)


How to sell anything to anybody and make money? ›

Use Urgency to Push Customers to Buy Your Products

You don't need to resort to aggressive marketing and high-pressure sales tactics. One way for a gentle push is to offer short-term deals and discounts. Creating the feeling of scarcity is also very impactful to increase the urgency even more.

How to make anyone buy anything? ›

Use Urgency to Push Customers to Buy Your Products

You don't need to resort to aggressive marketing and high-pressure sales tactics. One way for a gentle push is to offer short-term deals and discounts. Creating the feeling of scarcity is also very impactful to increase the urgency even more.

How to sell anything to anybody Joe Girard summary? ›

Girard shares his selling techniques in a short, easy-to-understand, step-by-step book that has helped thousands of people increase their sales since it was first published in 1977. You'll learn how to make cold calls, build customer profiles and client lists, bring in prospects and close the deal.

How can I sell more of anything? ›

These 10 methods can help you improve your sales skills in any situation:
  1. Research your buyer. ...
  2. Learn about your customer's needs. ...
  3. Know what your product or service offers. ...
  4. Sell yourself. ...
  5. Establish a rapport before selling. ...
  6. Present yourself as an expert. ...
  7. Listen actively. ...
  8. Offer customer service.
Oct 22, 2023

What do people buy the most? ›

Consumer Spending

A subcategory of consumer goods, consumer staples are products individuals consider essential and buy the most. These products include beverages, food, household items, and tobacco. Other consumer goods that people buy regularly are cleaning products, personal hygiene items, and clothing.

How do you sell when no one wants to buy? ›

How do you market stuff no one wants?
  1. Focus on the emotion: 99% of the time people don't want to buy what you sell is because of the emotions attached to the purchase. ...
  2. Go with a prevention message: One of the best ads for a funeral home I ever saw was an ad with an anti drunk driving theme.

How to sell online for free? ›

Yes, several platforms allow you to start selling online for free, such as Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay. You can also create your website using free e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce or Shopify Lite.

How to sell things online? ›

Make More Money With Your Online Sales
  1. Add keywords to your posts. This is important! ...
  2. Use bright, clear pictures. You don't need a fancy camera to take good pictures of stuff you're selling. ...
  3. Include a good description. ...
  4. Decide how you'll get paid. ...
  5. Price pieces to sell. ...
  6. Remember customer service. ...
  7. Be ready to negotiate.
Mar 5, 2024

What is the most profitable thing to sell? ›

30 Low Cost Products With High Profit Margins
  1. Jewelry. As far as unisex products go, jewelry is at the top. ...
  2. TV Accessories. ...
  3. Beauty Products. ...
  4. DVDs. ...
  5. Kids Toys. ...
  6. Video Games. ...
  7. Women's Boutique Apparel. ...
  8. Designer & Fashion Sunglasses.

How do you sell in tough times? ›

When you're selling in tough times, things that worked before ( when things were better ) may not work now. You can't just collect the order, you'll need to shape a business case for your products and services. You need to be clear and confident in your value proposition and why people should buy from you.

How to sell on what not? ›

You can either sell on our marketplace or by going live. In order to be a live seller, you must submit an application to our team. You can apply to sell here or directly within the app. Once you are approved, you gain access to sell via livestream or you can create buy-it-now listings on our marketplace!

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The three rules
  • People do not like the idea of being sold.
  • People buy things for emotional, not rational reasons.
  • Once sold, people need to satisfy their emotional decisions with logic.
Dec 14, 2020

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What to Sell to Make Money Fast? Some popular and easy things to make and sell online are soaps, t-shirts, handmade apparel, and sweets. However, you may find other items that are easier to produce depending on your skills and market knowledge.

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7 Psychological Triggers That Win Sales and Influence Customers
  1. Offer Something to Get Something Bigger in Return.
  2. Surprise Them Just for the Heck of It.
  3. Get Buyers to Like You.
  4. Make it a No-Brainer to Buy From You.
  5. Position Yourself as a Voice of Authority.
  6. Create a Sense of Urgency.
  7. Create a Sense of Belonging.
Feb 6, 2024

How to psychologically make someone buy something? ›

12 sales psychology tricks to make people buy from you
  1. Foot-in-door technique. Think back to the image of a 1950s or 60s door-to-door salesman. ...
  2. Mimicry. ...
  3. Visual cues. ...
  4. 4.Pay what you want pricing. ...
  5. Pricing and tipping. ...
  6. Pricing and perceived quality. ...
  7. Bundle pricing and sales. ...
  8. Reviews sell.
Aug 6, 2021

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6 Ways to Influence Customers and Grow Sales
  1. Make them feel uniquely special. Smile and truly welcome your customer. ...
  2. Offer lots of information. ...
  3. Customers need to be involved in the decision. ...
  4. Tell the story. ...
  5. Make realistic promises. ...
  6. Provide a high level of service.

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10 Ways to Persuade Customers to Buy Even as Prices Are Rising
  • Help the Customer See Your Product as Necessary. ...
  • Prove Value With Tangible Metrics. ...
  • Build Relationships With Customers. ...
  • Support a Cause Important to Customers. ...
  • Craft a Tailored Marketing Message. ...
  • Try New Ways of Communicating.
Mar 15, 2023

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.