How To Save More Than $100,000 A Year Pre-Tax: Open A SEP-IRA Or Solo 401k (2024)

How To Save More Than $100,000 A Year Pre-Tax: Open A SEP-IRA Or Solo 401k (1)

One big goal on Financial Samurai is to highlight to readers what is financially possible. Once you know what is possible, you minimize your limiting beliefs and tend to strive much farther. You can actually save more than $100,000 in your pre-tax retirement accounts per year! Let me explain with some basics first.

The 401k maximum contribution for 2021 is $19,500 and $20,500 for 2022. The increases will likely continue by $500 increments every year or two to keep up with inflation. Contributing the maximum pre-tax a year for 30+ years will most likely make you a 401k millionaire by the time you retire.

Unfortunately, $3 million is the new $1 million, and in 30 years, $7 million will likely be the new $1 million if we assume a 3% annual inflation rate!

The 401k is not enough for most people to retire on. Sure, we potentially have Social Security to help us when we reach, at the earliest, 62 years of age. But I wouldn't count on the government to properly manage our money until then. Beyond maxing out a 401k every year, I encourage everyone to also invest at least 20% of their after-tax, after-401k moneyinto a diversified investment portfolio.

As a contractor over the past year, I've discovered something that will really supercharge one'spre-tax retirement savings. The discovery still seems too good to be true, but it is true. The research I've done is based off the IRS website, my own experience, and speaking to Fidelity's small business retirement department where I have a rollover IRA, SEP-IRA, and Solo 401k.

How To Save Big In Your Pre-Tax Retirement Savings Plans

Let's say you've got a cushy job paying $212,000 a year. You contribute $19,500 to your 401k and get a nice 4% match.

Furthermore, you can’t contribute to a traditional IRA because you make too much. Therefore, what is a retirement super saver supposed to do if s/he wants to save more than $19,500?


1) Find a better employer who willcontribute more to your pre-tax retirement savings account(s). $57,000 max 401k contribution for 2021 (employer profit sharing + $19,500 by employee)


2)Be an employee and a contractor/business owner! Max is $114,000.

The first thing I did when I left my old job of 11 years was roll over my 401k into an IRA. There are many benefits to a rollover IRA, including more investment options and lower costs.

The only issue with my rollover IRA is that I can no longer contribute pre-tax to the investment account. Its growth mainly comes from asset and dividend growth. I don't bother contributing $5,500 in after-tax money because of the two other retirement accounts I get to contribute pre-tax.

As an employee of an online media company, I get to participate in the company'sSEP-IRA plan. Any self-employed individual or business owner with or without employees can open up a SEP-IRA. The funds are completely funded by the employer.

The employer can contribute up to 25% of compensation, up to a maximum of $57,000 in 2021. Doing simple math to discover how much income you need in order to save $57,000 usinga 25% contribution rate =$57,000 / 25% = $228,000.IRS link on SEP.

Making $228,000 is not exactly a piece of cake as an employee.You've probably got to pay your dues over many years to get to such a level or more, but it's possible.

If you do manage to make $228,000 in income, you've still got to pay Federal tax, State tax (if you are not living in a no income tax state), andFICA tax (6.2% Social Security + 1.45%) on that income. After you make $228,000 or more, you've got to then convince your employer to contribute 25% of your income to your SEP-IRA.

As an independent contractor, I've opened a Solo401k (aka KEOGH 401k, Self-Employed 401k, One-Participant 401k), which is meant for a business owner with no employees.

My duties as an employee for an online media business is different from mycontracting business. The online business makes money mainly through advertisem*nt. My contracting business makes money by me consulting with other companies mainly ontheir content marketing initiatives.

The Solo 401K has the same contribution limits of up to 25% of compensation, to a maximum of $57,000. So in other words, I can try and make $228,000 as an independent contractor to contribute $57,000 pre-tax in my Solo401k as well.

The grand result is that a ~$440,000 combined income can ultimately save a total$114,000 in retirement accounts tax deferred. The combined adjusted gross income (AGI) is therefore $440,000 – $114,000 = $326,000, which is taxed at a 35% marginal Federal tax bracket.

I originally thought the total pre-tax retirement contribution was $57,000 across all accounts. But when I called the Fidelity retirement department for small businesses, they verified with me that I can indeed contribute $114,000 total if I have two separate accounts as an employee (with no ownership) and independent contractor.

The idea is to open a SEP-IRA as an independent contractor/business owner if your employer has a 401k program, and vice versa. If you open up a solo 401k while already contributing to an employer 401k, then the max you can contribute is $57,000 combined.

The Ideal Retirement Income / Savings Scenario

Given there is a progressive tax system in America (see chart), making $500,000 a year in combined income might not be the best move to avoid the marriage tax penalty, which has almost all but gone away after Trump's 2018 Tax Reform plan.

How To Save More Than $100,000 A Year Pre-Tax: Open A SEP-IRA Or Solo 401k (2)

If you decide that you want to make $500,000 a year in income to contribute ~$120,000 in pre-tax retirement money, then you must make $500,000 as an employee and as a contractor/business owner.

Remember, there's only one type of main retirement account per business entity, and that one retirement account limit is $57,000 a year or 25% of income, whichever is less. In other words, if you make $425,000 in your business alone, you can't contribute $425,000 X 25% = $108,000. You can only contribute $54,000 to your SEP.

The solution is to therefore try and earn as close as possible to $220,000 in income as an employee for the SEP-IRA, and another $212,000 as an independent contractor for your Solo 401k.

Pay Attention To Government Policies

Remember, the government sets these pre-tax contribution rules, not you or I. President Obama made it clear when he was debating Mitt Romney that any individual or married couple making over $200,000/$250,000 is considered rich, and will be targeted for increased taxes and deduction/credit phaseouts. The compromise in the House was made for increasing taxes on income over $413,200 a year.

Now, Joe Bide says he plans to raise taxes on anybody making over $400,000 a year. That's much more reasonable than the $200,000/$250,000, especially due to inflation and residents in higher cost of living areas.

How To Save More Than $100,000 A Year Pre-Tax: Open A SEP-IRA Or Solo 401k (3)

The above chart highlights five different scenarios that encapsulates most people. The first two scenarios in blue are for people who are employees only. Most people don't take full advantage of their pre-tax retirement contributions (scenario 1), but some people do(scenario 2) and will really accumulate a health financial nut over time.

The three other scenarios in red are employee plus contractor scenarios, which enables one to save way beyond the typical amounts due to the opening of a SEP-IRA or Solo 401k as a contractor, whichever your employer doesn't have.

Here are the fivehurdles one must overcome to get into scenarios 3-5:

1) Youremployer might not agree to let you start your own business or work as an independent contractor.The solution is to join a company that provides you the flexibility to consult after hours. Maybe you become an employee of a relative, a good friend, or simply a progressive company that allows for greater freedom.

2) Your employer might not value you enough to pay you $212,000+ in salary.

3) Even if your employer pays you a $212,000+ salary, they might not be willing to then provide profit sharing up to the maximum limit a year via a SEP-IRA or 401k plan. It is more common for larger corporations to offer 401ks over SEP-IRAs because once a business says they will contribute X % to an employee's SEP-IRA, they have to contribute X % to all employee's SEP-IRA. You can see how the cost to the business can get very cumbersome. With a 401k plan, a company allows the employee to choose their own contribution, and then offer usually a much smaller employee match.

4) You must not have common ownership in any of the employers you work for. As soon as you have common ownership because you started the company or you and your wife started the company, the IRS has new limitations of contribution for you. The IRS doesn't want you to open up 10 different companies, spread out your millions in income, and defer $550,000 ($55,000 X10) in tax free earnings in your retirement.

5) You've got to remove your limiting beliefs about how much you can make as a sole proprietor. If you think making $220,000+ as an employee is difficult, wait until you try making $220,000+ with your own two hands from nothing! But like anything that is done over a long enough period of time, things get better due to experience, expertise, and higher rates.

Come retirement time, we'll still have to pay taxes on all our pre-tax contributions when it's time to withdraw funds. By then, we'll surely be able to tactfully withdraw money in a way that gets taxed the least. Chances are higher that when we're in our 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond, we won't be making as much money as when we were workinganyway.

Historical 401k Contribution Limits

2021 401k limit contribution is the same as 2020. Hopefully the 401(k) maximum contribution limit goes up to $20,500 in 2022.

How To Save More Than $100,000 A Year Pre-Tax: Open A SEP-IRA Or Solo 401k (4)

Note: I'm not a tax accountant. It's always worth speaking to a tax advisor about such things. 1099 income for an independent contractor/sole proprietor is tricky and you would have to make closer to ~$260,000 income to get to max out at $56,000 (for 2019) due to taxes and adjustments for a SEP-IRA.

The biggest confusion people have is thinking $56,000 is the limit across all accounts. I thought the same thing too. $56,000 for 2019 is the maximum you, the individual/sole proprietor/owner of your business can contribute. But if you are somehow an amazing person who can get employers to hire you, pay you lots of money, and contribute the max $56,000 a year, then it's the individual company's choice to contribute to your retirement up to the maximum if they wish.It helps to think like an employer when it comes to such dynamics.

Diversify Your Investments Into Real Estate

Stocks are very volatile compared to real estate. Therefore, if you want to dampen volatility and build wealth at the same time, invest in real estate. Real estate is my favorite asset class to build wealth.

The combination of rising rents and rising capital values is a very powerful wealth-builder. Further, investing in real estate is very tax efficient. Depreciation is a non-cash expense that lowers your taxable rental income. Further, you get to sell a property $250,000/$500,000 tax-free if you live in it two out of your last five years!

In 2016, I starteddiversifying into heartland real estateto take advantage of lower valuations and higher cap rates. I did so by investing $810,000 withreal estate crowdfunding platforms. With interest rates down, the value of cash flow is up. Further, the pandemic has made working from home more common.

Take a look at my two favorite real estate crowdfunding platforms. Both are free to sign up and explore.

Fundrise: A way for accredited and non-accredited investors to diversify into real estate through private eFunds. Fundrise has been around since 2012 and has consistently generated steady returns, no matter what the stock market is doing. For most people, investing in a diversified eREIT is the easiest way to gain real estate exposure.

CrowdStreet: A way for accredited investors to invest in individual real estate opportunities mostly in 18-hour cities. 18-hour cities are secondary cities with lower valuations, higher rental yields, and potentially higher growth due to job growth and demographic trends. If you have a lot more capital, you can build you own diversified real estate portfolio.

I recommend signing up for Personal Capital, the best free financial management tool online. It helps you track your net worth, analyze your investments for excessive fees, and manage your cash flow. I ran my 401k through their 401k Fee Analyzer and found out I was paying $1,700 a year in fees I had no idea I was paying!

Personal Capital has an incredible Retirement Planning Calculator that uses your linked accounts to run a Monte Carlo simulation to figure out your financial future. You can input various income and expense variables to see the outcomes.

How To Save More Than $100,000 A Year Pre-Tax: Open A SEP-IRA Or Solo 401k (2024)


Which is better, Solo 401k or SEP IRA? ›

With similar annual contribution limits, the solo 401(k) and SEP IRA might seem similar, but the 401(k) may be the better option for single freelancers. The solo 401(k) allows you to save at a much faster rate in the account, though it's viable only for single-person businesses (or with a spouse in the business).

Can a sole proprietor have a Solo 401k and a SEP IRA? ›

If both a 401(k) plan and a SEP IRA are offered by the same business, business owners can contribute to both plans simultaneously, however contributions between the two plans are limited to the maximum of 25 percent of compensation or up to $66,000 (whichever is lesser).

Can I contribute to a SEP IRA and a 401k in the same year? ›

Yes – As long as the SEP IRA plan and the 401(k) plan are offered by separate companies.

What is the downside of a Solo 401k? ›

Drawbacks to the solo 401(k)

The solo 401(k) has the same drawbacks of typical 401(k) plans, plus a couple others that are specific to itself. Like other 401(k) plans, the solo 401(k) will hit you with taxes and penalties if you withdraw the money before retirement age, currently set at 59½.

What is the downside of SEP IRA? ›

If you set up a SEP, all employees must be included if they meet certain IRS-defined eligibility requirements. Equal contributions. Each employee must receive the same contribution as a percentage of salary. If you have more than a few employees, this may limit your ability to make large contributions for yourself.

Why choose SEP IRA over solo 401k? ›

Unlike a traditional 401(k) plan, SEP IRAs have little to no administrative overhead. Companies with only a single employee can take advantage of SEP IRAs, meaning they can be a good choice for solo entrepreneurs or gig workers. Most importantly, SEP IRAs offer more generous tax breaks than personal IRAs.

What is the best retirement plan for self-employed people? ›

A Traditional IRA or Roth IRA are best for individuals with relatively low self-employment income. SEP IRAs work best for self-employed individuals who don't plan on having employees in the future and who want to maximize their retirement contributions.

What is the solo 401k limit for 2024? ›

The total solo 401(k) contribution limit is up to $69,000 in 2024. There is a catch-up contribution of an extra $7,500 for those 50 or older. To understand solo 401(k) contribution rules, you want to think of yourself as two people: an employer (of yourself) and an employee (yes, also of yourself).

Can a business owner open a SEP IRA for themselves? ›

Any employer - including a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation and nonprofit organization - with one or more employees may establish a SEP plan. This includes a self-employed business owner, regardless of whether he or she is the only employee of the business.

Can I contribute to a SEP IRA if I have W-2 income? ›

If you are not a business owner or a self-employed person earning contract-based income, then you can't independently establish a SEP IRA or make contributions to one. Business owners and self-employed people who establish SEP IRAs are making contributions as an employer, even if they are the only employee.

How much can a sole proprietor contribute to a SEP IRA? ›

Contribution limits

SEP-IRA holders are limited to contributing 25% of earned income. Earned income is calculated by taking the net profit of the business and deducting both one-half of the self-employment tax assessed on it as well as any tax-deductible contributions made to the SEP-IRA for the account holder.

Can you have two SEP IRAs? ›

There is no limit on the number of IRAs you can have. You can even own multiples of the same kind of IRA, meaning you can have multiple Roth IRAs, SEP IRAs and traditional IRAs. That said, increasing your number of IRAs doesn't necessarily increase the amount you can contribute annually.

Can I contribute 100% of my salary to my solo 401k? ›

Compliance Officer from San Diego, California. No, you cannot contribute 100% of your salary to a Solo 401k.

When should I set up a solo 401k? ›

Deadline to Establish Solo 401k plan

As per IRS Publication 560, your Solo 401k must be established by December 31st of the given year in order to make contributions to the plan.

Does a solo 401k need an EIN? ›

Therefore, not only does the solo 401k require its own separate EIN (i.e., you can't use your business EIN for your SSN), just one EIN applies to the solo 401k plan.

Is SEP IRA best for self-employed? ›

A Traditional IRA or Roth IRA are best for individuals with relatively low self-employment income. SEP IRAs work best for self-employed individuals who don't plan on having employees in the future and who want to maximize their retirement contributions.

Does SEP IRA reduce self-employment tax? ›

Does a SEP IRA Reduce Self-Employment Tax? If you are a self-employed person who contributes to a SEP-IRA, you will see a reduction in your self-employment tax as the contribution will lift business expenses, lowering net profit, and therefore reducing the self-employment tax and income tax.

Does SEP IRA reduce taxable income? ›

Employers can claim a tax deduction for contributions they make to their employees' SEP IRAs. Additionally, the contributions don't count as income for the employees and aren't subject to payroll taxes. The money grows tax-deferred in the account, but employees will pay income taxes on distributions during retirement.

What is a key advantage of an SEP IRA? ›

Advantages of a SEP

Generally, you do not have to file any documents with the government. Sole proprietors, partnerships, and corporations, including S corporations, can set up SEPs. You may be eligible for a tax credit of up to $500 per year for the first 3 years for the cost of starting the plan.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.