How to Save Money Living Paycheck to Paycheck (2024)

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Living paycheck to paycheck is no fun. Trying to save living paycheck to paycheck is no walk in the park either. But yet, the only way to defeat living in this abusive cycle is to get ahead to the best of your ability.

This is why it’s so incredibly important to take the first step and save your first dollar. Saving while living paycheck to paycheck shouldn’t be optional. It’s a given if you truly want to overcome it.

I’ve been listening to the people (you) and one of my most popular articles here at LAAB is How to Get a Month Ahead on Little Income. In this article, I’ve given you an example of how Terriwas able to get a month ahead, despite having little income.

Today I want to provide more helpful ways on how you can save money while living paycheck to paycheck. I understand this is no easy task, but again, this isn’t optional! Start small and take baby steps. Before you know it you’ll be ahead and living paycheck to paycheck will be a thing of yesterday.

How to Save Money Living Paycheck to Paycheck (1)

Start Budgeting

There is no way around budgeting! If you want to get your finances together, save more money, and overcome paycheck to paycheck living, it all starts with having a plan for your money. However, before you create your plan, you need to know what you’re spending your money on.

If you’ve never tracked expenses before, this is where you need to start. Tracking your expenses allows you to get an overall picture of your spending habits. It will help you learn what you need to cut back on and will tell you where you may actually need to spend more money.

Related Reading: The Ultimate Budgeting Series

Create a Savings Goal

Once you’ve tracked your expenses and created a budget, now it’s time to determine your savings goal. Let’s focus on one important savings goal that will help you defeat a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle – an emergency fund.

If you’re currently in debt, set a minimum savings goal of $1,000. I elected to save a minimum of $3,500. It’s best to have emergency savings to maintain a bare-bones budget in the event of a medical emergency or job loss.

So if your savings goal is $1,000, you simply need to divide this by the number of paychecks you will receive during any given timeframe.

Let’s say your goal is to save $1,000 in a year and you’re paid bi-weekly. Divide $1,000 by 26 (number of paychecks) and you will need to save roughly $40 per pay period.

Open an Online Savings Account

Why an online savings account? Discipline.

Many of us lack the discipline needed to keep our little fingers out of our emergency fund. See a sale at Macy’s this weekend on kid’s clothes and all of a sudden you think you’ve got yourself an emergency. Nah.Hands off, friends!

I like to keep my emergency fund with Capital One 360.

The interest rates are competitive and it takes 2 to 3 business days to transfer it to my checking account. By the time 2 to 3 days pass, the Macy’s emergency sale is long over and my money is still intact.

If looking for an account with no fees and one that rewards you for saving, I recommend Chime. With Chime, you will have your own spending account and savings account!

Also, if you sign up for auto-save, anytime you spend money, your purchases will be rounded up and you can save money. Plus, if you sign up for direct deposit, you will get your paycheck 2 days early! Learn more about the benefits of using Chime here.

More Money-Making Articles to Read:

Get a Discounted Prime Membership and Save Even More!

11 Things to Sell to Make Extra Money

12 Ways to Build Your Emergency Savings Fast

The TOP 13 Ways to Get FREE Gift Cards

Set up Automatic Deposit

After you’ve opened up your account with Capital One 360, get the routing and account number. Use these numbers to set up auto deposits from your paycheck.

Even if you can’t afford the amount required to meet whatever goal you have for yourself, setting up an auto-deposit of $5 is better than saving nothing at all.

Once your auto deposit is set up, create a goal in your new savings account and it will applaud you when you reach certain milestones (50 percent of goal saved, etc).

Related Reading: Automated Savings Challenge: Save $1,000 or More

Accelerate Your Savings – Earn More Money and Reduce Expenses

Now, if you can only afford the $5.00 a month, you can always accelerate your savings by hustling for some extra cash. Also, if you reduce your expenses while you’re hustling, you’ll achieve your desired end goal much faster. Here are some helpful tips:

1) Take surveys to earn extra cash.

They aren’t that bad and there are a lot of reputable companies that will pay you. I’ve been an avid survey taker for years to help reduce my expenses.

Here are a few to consider:

  • Pinecone Research (Hands down, one of my favorites! You receive $3 per survey!)
  • American Consumer Panel
  • Vindale Research
  • Swagbucks (Get a $5 sign-up bonus)
  • Earning Station
  • Opinion Outpost
  • Digital Voice
  • Product Report Card
  • Clear Voice
  • VIP Voice
  • Shop Tracker (This isn’t a survey, but I love it! You just download it to your device and each month give permission to access your Amazon shopping history. They pay you $3 for this)
  • Harris Poll Online.

Helpful Tip: If these companies pay out in the form of gift cards, simply use the gift card to purchase normal household items you would normally buy and put the cash you would spend into your savings account.

2) Save money on grocery shopping by using Ibotta.

I’ve written a detailed review here if you want to read it, but the short story is you can save on items like bread, milk, and eggs. Just unlock the rebates on the Ibotta app and save.

Plus, if you’re a new user, you can score a $10.00 just for trying the app using this link.Once you reach $20, you can cash out using PayPal or via gift card.

3) No Spend Days.

Each week, designate a few days where you will spend no money. No dining out, no nothing! It doesn’t matter if you have money in the budget for eating out.

If eating out happens to fall on one of your designated no spend days, don’t go!

Find something in the house to eat and take the money you would have spent on dining out and put that cash into your savings account. Don’t cry, there’s always next week:)

4) Meal Plan.

Ain’t gonna lie, I hate grocery shopping and I hate meal planning. However, they are two necessary evils.

If you don’t want to save time so you can focus on earning more money, I highly recommend checking out $5 Meal Plans.

It’s a service that will do your meal planning for you and save you a bunch of time and money. You can try them FREE for 14 days with this link.

More Money-Saving Posts to Read:

How You and Your Family Can Eat Healthy on a Budget

22 Meatless Meals on a Budget (That You’ll Actually Enjoy!)

How to Break an Eating Out Habit

11 Easy Ways to Save Money on Groceries Without Coupons

The Best Guide to Meal Planning on a Budget

23 Quick and Cheap Meals To Feed The Family For Under $6

5) Get some new insurance.

If you’ve been with that local auto insurance dealer for the last 6 years, don’t you think it’s time to do a little shopping around? A lot can change in 6 years!

Folks earn points back toward their license. Driving records improve. You get older and insurance rates change right along with your age. Insurance companies reward older and wiser drivers.

A good tool to use to use is Policy Genius. You can get great competitive quotes and lower your insurance today, so check out Policy Genius and find more affordable insurance today!

6) Call and negotiate better deals or rates on subscriptions or monthly bills.

I’ll do you one even better – cancel some of those subscriptions. For example, cable! Cable is so 90’s.

Yeah, I said it (lol). Seriously, we’ve been without cable for 5 years and you won’t miss it and your bank account will smile.

Besides, it’s only temporary until you get your finances in order. If you’re an OWN, Showtime, or sports fan, life will carry on. (And for all of you Power fanatics, did you know that you can get a Showtime subscription if you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber?)

If you’re interested in ending your relationship with Time Warner Cable, Comcast, or whoever, you do still have options for entertainment.

You can use the following to keep up with the good stuff on television: adigital antenna, an Amazon Firestick, and a Roku device. Once you’ve scored those devices, subscribe to Hulu and Netflix and you’re all set.

If you subscribe to Amazon Prime, you can forgo Netflix altogether (since they are practically the same thing). That is unless you’re an Orange is The New Black junkie like your’s truly.Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free TrialHow to Save Money Living Paycheck to Paycheck (2)

  • Sidenote: Did you know that you may qualify for the Amazon Prime Discounted program? Prime is just $5.99 per month for qualifying customers in select U.S. government assistance programs, such as holders of an EBT card. If you receive assistance,sign up using this link for the free trialand more info on how to receive the discount and start saving on your online shopping.

While you’re at it, consider switching to a cheaper cell phone service like Republic Wireless. With Republic Wireless, you can get a cell phone plan starting at $15 per month. You can learn more about Republic Wireless here.

Further Reading: 12 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Saving More Money

You Can Defeat The Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle!

Punching the paycheck to paycheck cycle in the throat won’t be easy, but it’s possible and you’re going to get through this! Just follow the steps above and get ready to see the magic happen.

Your budget is going to tell you where to send your money. Your savings goal is going to give you a vision and your new savings account is going to hold all of your coins.

Accelerate your savings goals using some of the tactics mentioned and get ready to enjoy what it feels like to finally get ahead financially.

How to Save Money Living Paycheck to Paycheck (3)

How to Save Money Living Paycheck to Paycheck (2024)


How to Save Money Living Paycheck to Paycheck? ›

Cut Back on Non-Essential Expenses

Finally, cutting back on non-essential expenses is a fundamental strategy to save more money when living paycheck to paycheck. Consider cutting down on eating out, online shopping, and entertainment expenses, among others, without completely eliminating them.

How can I save when I live paycheck to paycheck? ›

Cut Back on Non-Essential Expenses

Finally, cutting back on non-essential expenses is a fundamental strategy to save more money when living paycheck to paycheck. Consider cutting down on eating out, online shopping, and entertainment expenses, among others, without completely eliminating them.

How much of a $1,000 paycheck should I save? ›

Earmark 20% For Your Savings Plans

For example, if your paycheck amounts to $1,000, then you would dedicate $200 to savings. You can even use direct deposits to transfer this percentage of your paycheck into a high-yield savings account or a brokerage.

Is living paycheck to paycheck normal? ›

A majority, 65%, say they live paycheck to paycheck, according to CNBC and SurveyMonkey's recent Your Money International Financial Security Survey, which polled 498 U.S. adults. That's a slight increase from last year's results, which found that 58% of Americans considered themselves to be living paycheck to paycheck.

How to pay down debt when living paycheck to paycheck? ›

Tips for Getting Out of Debt When You're Living Paycheck to Paycheck
  1. Tip #1: Don't wait. ...
  2. Tip #2: Pay close attention to your budget. ...
  3. Tip #3: Increase your income. ...
  4. Tip #4: Start an emergency fund – even if it's just pennies. ...
  5. Tip #5: Be patient.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How can I save 5000 Fast? ›

Here are eight ways to save $5,000 in a year with small, manageable steps.
  1. “Chunk” Your Savings. ...
  2. Automate Your Savings. ...
  3. Save in a High-Yield Saving Account. ...
  4. Track Your Cash Flow. ...
  5. Boost Your Earnings. ...
  6. Declutter for Cash. ...
  7. Evaluate Your Subscriptions. ...
  8. Challenge Yourself.
May 3, 2024

Is saving $600 a month good? ›

But when it comes to what they need to be saving, it depends. So, if we're starting with a 30-year-old, they should be probably saving close to $580, $600, at least, a month. And that's if they're going to earn a high rate of return. So it depends on how aggressive and risky that they're looking to be.

Is $1000 a month expensive? ›

Bottom Line. Living on $1,000 per month is a challenge. From the high costs of housing, transportation and food, plus trying to keep your bills to a minimum, it would be difficult for anyone living alone to make this work. But with some creativity, roommates and strategy, you might be able to pull it off.

How many Americans have no savings? ›

As of May 2023, more than 1 in 5 Americans have no emergency savings. Nearly one in three (30 percent) people in 2023 had some emergency savings, but not enough to cover three months of expenses. This is up from 27 percent of people in 2022. Note: Not all percentages total 100 due to rounding.

Are you poor if you live paycheck to paycheck? ›

People living paycheck to paycheck are sometimes referred to as the working poor. Living paycheck to paycheck can occur at all different income levels. The working poor are often low-wage earners with limited skills but can include those with advanced degrees and skills.

How many rich people live paycheck to paycheck? ›

Even so, Americans are still finding themselves feeling crunched after a period where wealth-building proved difficult. A separate study from PYMNTS of more than 4,200 consumers found that 62% of total consumers and 36% of those making more than $200,000 feel like they're living paycheck to paycheck.

How do I get past my living paycheck to my paycheck? ›

7 Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
  1. Start by Creating a Budget. If you don't already have a budget, now is the perfect time to create one! ...
  2. Cut Expenses and Increase Income. ...
  3. Build an Emergency Fund. ...
  4. Stop Accruing Debt. ...
  5. Open a High-Yield Savings Account. ...
  6. Join a Credit Union. ...
  7. Use Free Financial Wellness Resources.

What is the best option when you live paycheck to paycheck? ›

Automate your bills. As much as possible, try to get your bills to be paid through automatic deduction. For those that can't, use your bank's online check system to make regular automatic payments. This way, all of your regular expenses in your budget are taken care of.

How many Americans live paycheck to paycheck? ›

How Many Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck? A 2023 survey conducted by highlighted that 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, a 6% increase from the previous year. In other words, more than three-quarters of Americans struggle to save or invest after paying for their monthly expenses.

How much of my paycheck should I save if I live at home? ›

At least 20% of your income should go towards savings. Meanwhile, another 50% (maximum) should go toward necessities, while 30% goes toward discretionary items.

What percent of people who make $100,000 live paycheck to paycheck? ›

According to PYMNTS Intelligence, 62% of U.S. consumers now live paycheck to paycheck, and that includes 48% of consumers earning more than $100,000 annually.

How to budget paycheck to paycheck? ›

Try the 50/30/20 rule as a simple budgeting framework. Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

What is the best amount to save per paycheck? ›

Key takeaways
  • You should save 20% of your paycheck every month.
  • If you can't save 20% of your income, save as much as you can, even if it's only $20.
  • Prioritize saving for an emergency fund to cover at least six months of living expenses.
  • A portion of your savings should go toward retirement and personal financial goals.
May 23, 2024

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.