How to Preserve Flowers (2024)


By: Contributors |Updated: May 19, 2021

Your beautiful flowers don't have to wilt once their season is done. Preserving flowers allows you to have beautiful, full bouquets well into the winter months. Drying flowers is an easy project that will let you keep your house colorful, without the hassle of changing water and throwing out dead flowers. Read the tips listed below and learn about how to preserve flowers.

  • Hanging The easiest way to preserve flowers is to hang them. Bunch the flowers up around the base of the stems. Hang them upside down in a dark, warm and dry room for one to three weeks. If you're drying several bouquets of flowers, place a fan in the room to circulate the air properly. Flowers that dry especially well using this method include hydrangeas, marigolds and Chinese lanterns [source: Gouin].
  • Glycerine A fantastic way to preserve flowers is to use glycerine. The flower absorbs the glycerine, replacing its water content with it. This keeps your flowers supple and bright. Simply place the stems of fresh flowers in a mixture of two parts lukewarm water to one part glycerine (car antifreeze is a good solution). Let the flowers to sit in the mixture for two to three weeks. If you notice that the flowers begin to wilt after you take them out of the mixture, hang the flowers upside down, so that the mixture reaches the wilted parts [source: Smith]. Flowers that dry especially well using this method include magnolias, bells of Ireland and forsythia [source: Gouin].
  • Chemical drying Create a mixture of equal parts borax and cornmeal or oatmeal. This mixture will allow open flowers to dry while retaining their shape and color. Place the flowers in a shallow box lined with newspaper. The box should be 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) off the floor. Punch holes in the bottom of the box and the newspaper so that you can feed the flower stems through. Sift the borax mixture on the top of the flowers and in between the petals until the flowers are lightly coated. Leave them in the box for 1 to 3 weeks, until they're dry [source: Gouin].


Originally Published: Jul 13, 2011

Preserve Flowers FAQ

How do you keep fresh flowers from dying?

Fresh flowers need to be in clean water to prevent them from wilting and eventually dying. But you can also extend their life by trimming their stems when you get them home. Adding a bit of plant food to the vase can also help your cut flowers last longer. Place them in a shaded and cool area with indirect sunlight, but away from any fruit (so ideally, not in the kitchen).

How do florists keep flowers fresh?

Florists use flower food to prolong the life and freshness of cut flowers. The solution generally have sugar and acid to keep the flower nourished and the pH level low. They also tend to store the flowers in a walk-in cooler to limit exposure to microorganisms and heat.

How long do glycerin preserved flowers last?

If you preserve a flower using glycerin, it will retain its shape and color for six to 12 months, though the color will darken slightly.

How long do pressed flowers last in a frame?

If the flowers have been properly dried and pressed, they can easily last upwards of ten years - even more if not shaken or handled - when framed.

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How to Preserve Flowers (2024)


How do you preserve flowers perfectly? ›

Hang them upside down in a dark, dry, well-ventilated area. Keeping the flowers out of direct sunlight will help them retain their color. The drying process will take about two to three weeks. Once dried, take down the flowers and spray with unscented hairspray for protection.

What can I put on my flowers to preserve them? ›

Some flower preservers prefer drying flowers with a desiccant, or drying agent, such as sand, borax or silica gel. Using these materials can help retain the color and shape of flowers better, and it will dry plants more quickly than air drying (think: a couple of days versus a few weeks).

How do you make a flower preserve? ›

2 tablespoons white vinegar plus 2 tablespoons sugar plus ½ teaspoon household bleach per quart of warm water. For all recipes, stir until the sugar dissolves, and let the water cool before adding the flowers. Dump the old solution and replace it with fresh solution every few days.

How do florists preserve flowers? ›

While the ingredients vary depending on the manufacturer, most contain sugar to feed the flowers, acid to maintain the pH levels of the water, and a bit of bleach to reduce the bacteria and fungi in the vase water. All three help extend the life of the flowers.

How do professionals preserve flowers? ›

Freeze Drying: Take your flowers to a professional freeze-drying company and get them frozen. Air Drying: Wrap your flowers up with rubber bands and hang them upside down on a hook in a well-ventilated area. Pressing: Use a heavy book and some absorbent paper and press the flowers.

What liquid preserves flowers forever? ›

Glycerine A fantastic way to preserve flowers is to use glycerine. The flower absorbs the glycerine, replacing its water content with it. This keeps your flowers supple and bright. Simply place the stems of fresh flowers in a mixture of two parts lukewarm water to one part glycerine (car antifreeze is a good solution).

Can I use hairspray to preserve flowers? ›

You can also use hairspray to preserve fragile dried flowers—especially bouquets with particular sentimental value. They will hold up better when moved around, and colors will fade less over time.

How do you preserve flowers so they don't mold? ›

Use string or dental floss to hang flowers upside down in a cool, dark, dry, indoor spot. To prevent mold, space out the blooms so that air circulates well around each bundle (a nearby fan on a low setting can help, too). When flowers are done drying, they will feel dry and stiff to the touch.

How long do preserved flowers last? ›

If cared for correctly, dried flowers can last an average of one year. However, if the flowers are bleached and dyed, they may last a little longer. How long do preserved flowers last? Preserved flowers can last for a year and, in some cases, up to 35 years if they are cared for correctly.

How do you preserve roses for keepsake? ›

Remove all of the leaves since they can retain moisture and prevent your roses from drying completely. Tie a string around the stems, making sure to not bend them. You can also use a rubber band. Hang your roses upside down in a dark and dry — but well-ventilated — location for a minimum of two weeks.

What kind of hairspray do you use to preserve flowers? ›

Spray the rose with hairspray

Using hairspray to keep the rose in mint condition is a less common method in preserving the flower. Using a can of ordinary hairspray, you simply work your way around the rose covering the petals, stem and leaves with the liquid.

How do you preserve flowers before gifting? ›

Apple Cider Vinegar & Sugar – Keeping your cut flowers in vinegar and sugar for the next 8 hours until you leave for the occasion sounds a good idea. A mixture of vinegar and sugar will preserve the stems from withering while making them look freshly filled with life.

What is the most expensive way to preserve fresh flowers? ›

Silica gel is one of the most expensive methods to start out with, but since the gel can be recharged the costs diminish over time. If you are drying a lot of flowers and require bulk silica gel it could be cost-prohibitive.

What powder preserves flowers? ›

ACTIVA Silica Gel for Flower Drying

It is a granular compound that offers the best method of preserving flowers as it actually absorbs the moisture of the flower with little damage to the flower's color and form.

How do you preserve flowers forever with hairspray? ›

Using hairspray is an effective and easy way to preserve flowers. Select fresh, blooming flowers, and tie them to a hanger so they can dry. Leave them in a well-ventilated, dark room for 2-3 weeks. When the flowers are completely dry, spray 3 even layers of aerosol hairspray over all of the flowers.

Do you put hairspray before or after drying flowers? ›

You can use them to create a wreath or an indoor bouquet. Of course, you'll need to preserve them first, which involves the use of a bottle of hairspray. Before you put hairspray on flowers, dry the flowers well first.

How do you preserve flowers with Modge podge? ›

Gently add a layer of Mod Podge to the top of the dried flowers. You can spounce a layer on first (this is a spouncer). Let dry and then apply a second coat of Mod Podge. Let dry.

What is flower sealant? ›

A dried flower preserving spray works as a sealant to prevent the petals on dried flowers from rotting. These products let you preserve a significant bouquet or prolong the beauty of your favorite flowers. Several types of sealants are available, and each has its pros and cons.

What is the easiest way to preserve flowers at home? ›

Simply put a couple of centimetres of silica sand in a bowl. Add the flower you'd like to preserve, and cover with more sand. You can leave this for a week, and it will dry out. Or, if you'd like to dry your flower faster, pop the bowl in the microwave next to another container filled with hot water.

When should I start preserving my flowers? ›

Wait until your flowers partially or fully open before drying and preserving them. Drying works best for more robust flowers or whole bouquets (such as roses) while pressing is the best method for preserving smaller, more delicate flowers (like lavender sprigs or daisies).

Are preserved flowers more expensive than fresh flowers? ›

They really cost cheaper than fresh flower bouquets.

An average price of a preserved flower jar starts from $79 but it can last you the entire year and even longer. That boils down to just a few cents a day!

Can dried flowers be kept forever? ›

Dried flowers are often referred to as “everlasting”, but the truth is dried flowers don't last forever.

Does sugar help flowers last longer? ›

Sugar increases fresh weight of the flowers and prolongs the vase life. Use 0.5 - 1% Floralife (concentration of sugar not specified). 2% sugar solution doubles the vase life of the cut inflorescence. Some sugar in the vase solution increases the number and size of open flowers as well as prolongs the vase life.

Does vinegar make flowers last longer? ›

The vinegar helps inhibit the growth of bacteria and keeps your flowers fresher longer. If you don't have vinegar and/or sugar, lemon-lime soda mixed with the water will do the same thing.

Does baking soda make flowers last longer? ›

Any of the fungicide products (bleach, baking soda, vodka) combined with soda or sugar and some form of acid do a good job of keeping flowers fresh.

How do you preserve roses in a jar forever? ›

How to do it:
  1. Start the process by trimming the stem from each flower.
  2. Next, you want to pour a layer of silica gel into your Tupperware. ...
  3. Place your flower. ...
  4. Pour in more silica gel. ...
  5. Leave the roses inside the container for about two to three weeks.
Jan 11, 2022

How do you preserve a rose in a Mason jar? ›

Leave the flower in the silica sand for a day.

In order to completely dry out, leave the flower in the silica sand for at least 24 hours. Once the flowers are completely dry, you can place them in a jar to display them.

Can you permanently preserve flowers? ›

Those flowers may have looked good when you first received them, but despite your best efforts, you can't keep them fresh forever. If you really want to preserve your blooms, you need to remove their moisture with a process like air-drying, pressing, or nuking them in the microwave.

What can I spray on dried flowers to preserve them? ›

But here's another lesser-known trick: Spraying hairspray on fresh (or dried) flowers will prolong their lives and keep them upright even longer.

How do you preserve flowers without silica gel? ›

Hang the flowers upside down in a dark dry place that receives good air circulation. Make sure that your bunches are not too close together. Hang the bunch of flowers in a cool dark place to dry out. Try to keep them out of the sunlight to retain some of their vivid colours.

Can you use Mod Podge spray on dried flowers? ›

Mod Podge is best for preserving dried flowers so that no moisture reaches them and they won't fall apart. Mod Podge does not keep fresh flowers from losing their color.

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