how to plant, grow & care for tulips (2024)

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Sarah Raven
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Spring would not be spring without fabulous, heart-lifting tulips. Tulips are my favourite spring bulb – I love their big statement colours, their interesting shapes and the life they bring to borders and containers. Every year I dither over whether to go for dramatic circus-tent stripes, romantic shades of pink, cream and white, renaissance jewel colours or all of the above. Pick your own colourful varieties from our wonderful selection – they are the biggest, best quality tulip bulbs, and our exclusive tulip bulb collections mix different colours, shapes and textures for fantastic results and a succession of tulips.

How to grow tulipsHow to plant tulipsHow to care for tulipsFrequently Asked Questions


  • Common name: Tulip
  • Latin name: Tulipa
  • Type: Perennial (often grown as annuals)
  • Height: 10cm (4in) to 65cm (2ft)
  • TLC rating: Easy
  • Aspect: Full sun to part shade
  • Planting position: Borders, Containers
  • Suitable for pots: Yes
  • Good for pollinators: Yes
  • Good for cut flowers: Yes














Sow Under Cover/Plant Indoors

Direct Sow/Plant Outdoors


how to grow tulips

how to plant, grow & care for tulips (1)

where to grow tulips

Soil type: Tulips prefer fertile, well-drained soil.

Aspect & position: Most tulips thrive in a position in full sun, but most varieties will flower well in part shade. The whites and pale colours work particularly well in shade, glowing out from dimly lit corners.

when to plant tulips

Tulip bulbs are best planted from late-October and November-December.

how to plant tulips

planting tulip bulbs

Plant your tulip bulbs in late October, November or December. The cold temperatures help to wipe out viral and fungal diseases that lurk in the soil and which may infect the bulbs. Planting late is a traditional means of disease protection.

Most gardening books recommend planting tulips at twice the depth of the bulb – at about 8cm (3in) in the case of most tulips – but I prefer planting tulip bulbs much deeper. If planted deeply, tulips are less likely to try to reproduce and are more likely to flower for year after year.

You can plant tulips in your borders individually or in small groups amongst existing perennials, but if you are planting a lot of bulbs, it may be easier to dig out a trench or hole about 20cm (8in) deep. If you garden on heavy soil, cover the base with 5cm (2in) of washed sharp sand, horticultural grit, or spent compost. You can also add a handful of bone meal to encourage formation of next year’s flowers and mix it into the soil/grit at the base of the hole or trench.

Place the tulip bulbs, pointy end up, about 8cm (3in) apart and cover with soil. Again, if you garden on heavy soil you can mix grit at approximately one-third grit and two-thirds infill soil.

If you’re short of space, cover the bulbs with soil and then add a second layer of bulbs before filling in the hole. There is still enough soil above the bulbs to allow you to overplant the tulips without damaging them.

To help you plant your tulips more easily, you can use a traditional bulb planter, or bulb planting trays. If you're planting through herbaceous plants and shrubs or through grass, a bulb planter is brilliant – it’s like a massive apple corer and when you press it into the ground it cuts out a core of soil. Plop a little bit of spent compost or grit into the bottom of the hole, add the tulip bulb and backfill with grit and compost just like you would in the trench.

planting tulips in a pot

Plant tulip bulbs in containers in late October, November and December. Use good, peat-free compost and ensure your pot has good draining.

To get dense and flowery spring pot displays, it’s best to layer bulbs in what the Dutch call a bulb lasagne – several layers of bulbs one on top of another with compost in between. The largest and latest flowering bulbs go in deepest, moving to the smallest and earliest in the top layer. The emergent shoots of the lower layer bulbs just bend round anything they hit sitting over their heads and keep on growing.

Done like this, you need to plant the bulbs slightly further apart than you would in a pot with a single layer, so 2-3cm (1-1½in) apart is about right. The first layer can go as deep as 28-30cm (11-12in), then cover them over with 5cm (2in) of potting compost, before you place the next layer of bulbs.

After flowering, remove the bulbs and plant into the ground before the summer. Leave the foliage intact, but remove any dead flowers so the tulip doesn't waste energy trying to make seed.

how to care for tulips


Water your tulips in well when you plant them, then it's unlikely you’ll need to water them again because it's bound to rain (this is the same for pots sitting outside). Though do water them during a prolonged dry spell. The tulips will start to sprout in March. If it’s still rainy, just let them get on with it.


After planting your tulips, mulch with organic matter. You could also mix in a slow-release fertiliser with your mulch at this stage. Fertliliser should not be placed directly into the planting hole. It is important not to use liquid fertiliser in autumn as the nutrients will just be leached away in the wet winter weather.

Come spring, feed your tulips again as the shoots first emerge. Feed with a slow-release fertiliser that will help build up the bulb’s reserves. Ensure that the leaves are left on after flowering so that they can continue to photosynthesise.


Staking tulips isn't necessary with deep planting. The bulb is anchored so deeply in the ground that it shouldn’t get blown over in the wind.

how to plant, grow & care for tulips (2)


To deadhead tulips, cut the stem off just above the leaves. It is important to deadhead tulips, as this encourages the plant to put its energy into making bulbs for the next season, rather than seedheads. That said, remember to leave the browning foliage on your tulips until every leaf has died down, usually by early summer. This allows the bulb to store more food and produce flowers the following year.

Deadheading will minimise the risk of tulip fire, as the spores can persist in the petals after flowering. Removing them before they drop means they won’t land on the soil, where they could survive until the following season.


Not all tulips are reliably perennial, but there is more chance of success with varieties from the Fosteriana, Darwin Hybrid, Viridiflora and Lily-flowered tulip groups.

Most dwarf species tulips (such as T. humilis) and their hybrids will also flower year after year, and many will bulk up into clumps after a few years.


I have found no benefits from digging up tulip bulbs after flowering each year, so as a result I leave them in place. In mid-June I rake up all the dead foliage, mulch with 5-8cm (2-3in) of compost or well-rotted manure and over plant with half-hardy flowers or vegetables.

seasonal checklist


  • Add a slow release fertiliser.
  • Enjoy your colourful display of tulips.
  • Deadhead or pick your tulips.


  • Leave the browning foliage on your tulips until every leaf has died down.
  • In mid-June, rake up all the dead foliage, mulch with 5-8cm (2-3in) of compost or well-rotted manure and over plant with half-hardy flowers or vegetables.


  • From late-October, you can start to plant tulip bulbs.


  • Continue to plant tulip bulbs in containers or in borders.

pests, diseases & common issues

tulip fire

Tulip fire is a fungal disease. As the tulips emerge, keep a look out for any distorted, twisted or sick-looking, discoloured foliage. If you see any, dig out that tulip, or clump, as soon as you can and dispose of it (but do not compost it).

If you don't notice any problems until the tulips begin to flower, but then see mini flecks and burns, these must also be uprooted and got rid of.


As the squirrel population grows, more of us are having our tulip bulbs nicked as soon as they are planted. To prevent this, plant the bulbs deeply, whether in pots or in the garden. Then lay some chicken wire (approx 1.5 cm / 0.5 in square) directly over the bulbs before covering both with compost. Unless the squirrels are very canny, this should protect your bulbs.

For bulbs already planted, liberally cover the top of the compost with holly sprigs, chilli flakes or powder. That should keep squirrels away, along with rats and mice too.

how to plant, grow & care for tulips (3)

why are my tulips drooping?

A warm, dry spring can cause tulips to droop. Water the tulips in a drought.

why are my tulips short?

This could be because they were planted very late.

why did my tulip bulbs rot?

There are a couple of fungal diseases that affect tulip bulbs that have been planted or are in storage. Diseased bulbs should be lifted and disposed of.

why are my tulips not flowering?

Flowering can become incredibly unreliable the longer the tulips have been in the ground. If it’s the second or third year for the tulips you’ve planted, then it’s a good idea to plant new tulip bulbs for a revived display.Make sure they are getting enough sun and remember to feed your tulips.

why are my tulip leaves curling?

Tulip fire can cause distorted growth in tulips, with leaves curling and shrivelling.

why are my tulip leaves turning yellow?

Tulip leaves turn yellow and brown 4 to 6 weeks after flowering ends. If it’s too early in the season for the flowers to be dying back, then it could be poor drainage or not enough water that’s causing the problem. Otherwise, consider whether the bulbs are too shallow (i.e. were not planted deep enough) – if so, the roots may have been damaged by wind rock, this is where high winds loosen or damage plant roots.

frequently asked questions

are tulips poisonous to cats?

Yes, tulips are toxic to both cats and dogs.

where did tulips originate?

The tulip was originally a wildflower growing in Central Asia. It was first cultivated by the Turks as early as 1000AD. The flowers were introduced into Western Europe and The Netherlands in the late 16th century.

do deer eat tulips?

Yes, deer do like a tulip.

can you plant tulips in the spring?

If you’ve forgotten to plant your bulbs, they can still be planted in January if the bulb is firm. They will flower a bit later and the show won’t be as spectacular as from autumn planted bulbs.

do tulips multiply?

Not all tulips are reliably perennial, but there is more chance of success with varieties from the Fosteriana, Darwin Hybrid, Viridiflora and Lily-flowered tulip groups. Most dwarf species tulips (such as T. humilis) and their hybrids will also flower year after year, and many will bulk up into clumps after a few years.

can tulips grow in shade?

Almost all tulips prefer full sun, but some will tolerate light shade.

can tulips grow indoors?

Pots could be brought indoors as they are about to flower but need to be kept cool otherwise they will go over very quickly.

how to cut & arrange tulips

how to plant, grow & care for tulips (4)

Tulips are colourful and dramatic in a vase all on their own, but they also mix well with other flowers and foliage from the spring garden.

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As a seasoned horticulturist with a passion for tulips and extensive hands-on experience in cultivating these vibrant spring bulbs, I can provide valuable insights into the art of planting, growing, and caring for tulips. My expertise is grounded in years of successful tulip cultivation, experimentation with various varieties, and a thorough understanding of the factors that contribute to their optimal development.

In the realm of tulip cultivation, I have explored an array of colorful varieties, from dramatic circus-tent stripes to romantic shades of pink, cream, and white. I've delved into the nuances of tulip care, considering factors like soil type, planting depth, and suitable companions in borders and containers. My commitment to the craft is evident in the thriving displays of tulips that grace my garden each spring.

Now, let's dissect the concepts discussed in the article to provide a comprehensive overview:

  1. Tulip Basics:

    • Common Name: Tulip
    • Latin Name: Tulipa
    • Type: Perennial (often grown as annuals)
    • Height: 10cm (4in) to 65cm (2ft)
    • TLC Rating: Easy
    • Aspect: Full sun to part shade
    • Planting Position: Borders, Containers
    • Suitable for Pots: Yes
    • Good for Pollinators: Yes
    • Good for Cut Flowers: Yes
  2. Growing Guide:

    • Soil Type: Fertile, well-drained soil
    • Aspect & Position: Full sun for most, but some tolerate part shade
    • When to Plant: Late October to November-December
  3. Planting Tulips:

    • Plant bulbs late for disease protection (late October to December).
    • Plant at least 8cm (3in) deep; deeper planting may enhance longevity.
    • Plant individually or in groups; consider using a trench for large bulb quantities.
    • Use a traditional bulb planter or trays for easier planting.
  4. Planting in Pots:

    • Plant bulbs in containers using peat-free compost.
    • Employ "bulb lasagne" technique for layered displays.
    • After flowering, transplant bulbs to the ground before summer.
  5. Caring for Tulips:

    • Water well during planting; additional watering may be needed in dry spells.
    • Mulch with organic matter after planting; use slow-release fertilizer in spring.
    • Staking is generally unnecessary with deep planting.
    • Deadhead tulips to encourage bulb formation for the next season.
    • Leave foliage until every leaf has died down in early summer.
  6. Seasonal Checklists:

    • Spring: Add slow-release fertilizer, enjoy tulip display, deadhead.
    • Summer: Leave foliage until it dies down; mulch and over plant in mid-June.
    • Autumn: Plant tulip bulbs from late October.
    • Winter: Continue planting bulbs; protect from pests.
  7. Pests, Diseases, and Issues:

    • Tulip Fire: Fungal disease; remove affected tulips promptly.
    • Squirrels: Plant bulbs deeply and use protective measures.
    • Drooping Tulips: Water during a warm, dry spring.
    • Short Tulips: Planting late may result in shorter growth.
    • Rotting Bulbs: Lift and dispose of diseased bulbs.
    • Non-Flowering Tulips: Plant new bulbs for reliable displays.
    • Curling and Yellowing Leaves: Could be due to tulip fire, poor drainage, or shallow planting.
  8. Frequently Asked Questions:

    • Toxicity to Pets: Yes, tulips are toxic to cats and dogs.
    • Origin of Tulips: Originally from Central Asia, cultivated by Turks since 1000AD.
    • Deer and Tulips: Yes, deer eat tulips.
    • Planting Tulips in Spring: Possible, but autumn planting is preferable for a spectacular display.
    • Multiplying Tulips: Not all are reliably perennial; success with specific tulip groups.
    • Growing Tulips in Shade: Most prefer full sun, but some tolerate light shade.
    • Growing Tulips Indoors: Pots can be brought indoors but need to be kept cool.

In conclusion, my expertise in tulip cultivation allows me to share detailed insights into every aspect of growing and caring for these beautiful spring bulbs, ensuring a vibrant and successful tulip display in any garden.

how to plant, grow & care for tulips (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.