How to Plant, Grow and Care for Hyacinth Flowers (2024)

Hyacinths smell like spring. Their intense fragrance hangs in the air, signaling that winter's gone and spring has arrived. Like tulips and daffodils, hyacinths are an iconic spring flower. Their showy spikes of blooms in shades of blue, purple, white, pink, apricot and red pop up at the end of winter when you're really excited to see flowers. Best of all, hyacinth blooms last for two weeks or more, longer than other spring bulbs.

Hyacinths are native to Turkey, Syria and Lebanon. Introduced to Europe in the 16th century, hyacinth became so popular that the Dutch — those lovers of bulb flowers — had bred more than 2,000 cultivars by the 18th century.

Hyacinths are perennials, so you can plant them once and they'll come back every spring. Hyacinths are easier to grow than other spring bulbs, and they can be forced indoors in pots or a bulb vase. Most hyacinths need a chill to bloom, so they do best in areas where winter temperatures are consistently in the 30s. If you live in an area with warmer winters, buy pre-chilled bulbs and treat them as annuals.

Grape Hyacinths vs. Hyacinths

Grape hyacinths (Muscari) are a different plant from true hyacinths (Hyacinthus). They're smaller, hardier, and native to Europe and Asia. Grape hyacinths belong to the same botanical family and require similar growing conditions as true hyacinths, so for this article we're calling both Muscari and Hyacinthus plants "hyacinths."

Botanical Name: Hyacinthus orientalis (true hyacinths) or Muscari armeniacum (grape hyacinths)
Common Name: Hyacinth
Bloom Time: Spring
Hardiness Zones: 3 to 8

Planting Hyacinth

  • Plant hyacinth bulbs in the late summer to early fall. Don't plant any later than about a month before the first frost. Your bulb needs time to establish itself before the coming of the cold.
  • Choose a spot that gets at least four house of sun per day. Hyacinths do best in full to part sun.
  • Make sure the soil is loose and loamy. Hyacinth bulbs tend to rot in heavy soils that hold a lot of moisture. If your soil is heavy, improve its drainage by mixing in compost, shredded pine bark, or aged manure.

    Pro Tip: If you soil is heavy clay, plant hyacinth in raised beds to improve drainage.

  • Plant hyacinth bulbs at least 4 inches below the surface and 3 inches apart. Grape hyacinth bulbs should be planted 2 to 3 inches deep.

    Pro Tip: Plant hyacinth bulbs in masses to maximize their sweet scent.

  • Set the bulb in the hole pointy end up. The pointy end is where the shoots of the plant will emerge in the spring. Plant the bulb upside down, and you'll get no hyacinths in the spring.

    Cover with soil and water thoroughly. Although there are no signs of life above the ground, the bulb will begin sending out roots soon after you plant it. Water them only if rainfall is scarce. Too much moisture is death for hyacinths.

  • Fertilize the bulbs with bulb food after planting to help them get established and grow strong new roots.

Caring for Hyacinth

  • Don't overwater. Excess water is the hyacinth's enemy and will cause rot. If you hit a drought spell, though, give them an inch of water per week.
  • Fertilize them with bulb food in the spring when the leaves emerge and then again in the early fall.
  • Add compost to the soil after they bloom. This will give them the nutrients to come back next year.
  • Allow the leaves to stay on the plant for six weeks after they bloom. Those leaves make nutrients for the bulb to store for next year's flowers. Strip those leaves off as soon the tulip is done blooming, and you won't see another flower from that bulb.
  • Cold isn't a problem unless your garden doesn't get any. If that's the case, dig up the bulbs after the foliage dies down in the spring, store bulbs in a dry, cool place all summer, refrigerate them for a couple of months and replant them in the fall.

How to Force a Hyacinth

You can trick (or force) a hyacinth bulb to bloom indoors, in the winter, when you really, really need a fragrant flower to boost your spirits. Here's how to do it:

How to Plant, Grow and Care for Hyacinth Flowers (1)

Dutch Hyacinths In Forcing Jars

Beat the winter blues by forcing hyacinths in a vase.

Photo by: Wouter Koppen for

Wouter Koppen for

Beat the winter blues by forcing hyacinths in a vase.


  • Plant the bulbs in a pot of soil with their tips just peeking out of the dirt. Don't plant them as deeply as you would outdoors. You're going for speed of bloom, not cold weather protection.
  • Put the pot full of bulbs in a dark, cool place for at least 10 weeks. The bulbs need temperatures between 40 degrees and 45 degrees. The refrigerator works. Don't have room for a potful of bulbs in the fridge? Buy pre-chilled bulbs.
  • When the bulbs have an inch-long shoot, bring them out of their dark, cool place. Put the pot in a sunny, warm spot for a few hours a day, gradually leaving them out longer and longer until they're accustomed to their new sunny digs.
  • Water carefully. The soil should be moist, not wet.
  • After they flower, you can transplant them to the garden. With proper care, they'll bloom again the following spring.


  • Get a bulb forcing vase.
  • Fill with water.
  • Place pre-chilled bulb, root down, into the vase so the bottom of the bulb is touching the water.
  • Place the vase in a spot that gets bright, indirect light.
  • Make sure the water level is at the base of the bulb.
  • Change the water once every two weeks.
  • Watch it grow!

Pests and Diseases

Hyacinths can be vulnerable to:

  • Gray Mold (botrytis), a fungus caused by too much moisture. Infected plants will have white spots on leaves that turn gray and then brown, eventually covering the leaf and causing it to wilt. Eventually the whole plant will be covered by a fuzzy, gray growth. To control gray mold, remove infected plants and throw them in the trash. Spray remaining plants with a fungicide.
  • Bulb Rot, caused by overwatering or poorly drained soil.

Recommended Hyacinth Varieties

'Carnegie' grows 12 inches tall and has snow-white flowers in early spring.

'China Pink' has pale pink blooms with streak of hot pink on the petals.

'City of Haarlem' has soft yellow blooms.

How to Plant, Grow and Care for Hyacinth Flowers (2)

Hyacinthus Orientalis Hollyhock

'Hollyhock' Hyacinth

Photo by: Image courtesy of Felicia Feaster

Image courtesy of Felicia Feaster

'Hollyhock' Hyacinth

'Hollyhock' has exceptional fragrance and double blooms in hot pink.

'Peter Stuyvesant' is an early spring bloomer with deep blue-purple flowers.

'Gypsy Queen' is an heirloom variety dating to 1927 that has salmon pink blooms.

'Woodstock' has deep maroon flowers on 12-inch stems.

How to Plant, Grow and Care for Hyacinth Flowers (3)

Grape hyacinth flowers

'Viper Bow' is a type of grape hyacinth.

Photo by: Aleksandar Milutinovic

Aleksandar Milutinovic

'Viper Bow' is a type of grape hyacinth.

'Viper Bow' is a grape hyacinth (Muscari) that's a good choice for naturalizing. It has deep blue blooms on plants that are 4 to 6 inches tall.

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How to Plant, Grow and Care for Hyacinth Flowers (2024)


Do hyacinths come back every year? ›

Hyacinths bloom just once per year (in the spring), but they will happily bloom again in subsequent years if provided with the proper care. They are a perennial plant. Bulbs are prone to gray mold and bulb rot when kept too wet.

When should hyacinths be planted? ›

When to Plant: Hyacinth bulbs should be planted in mid to late fall, any time after the first frost and before the ground freezes. Depth and Spacing: Plant hyacinth bulbs 4 to 6” deep and 5 to 6” apart on center. You may plant the bulbs individually or dig out a larger area and plant 5 or more bulbs at the same time.

Are hyacinths easy to grow? ›

Modern hyacinths are some of the easiest-to-grow perennial spring bulbs. Hyacinths will come back every year, though their flowers will diminish in vigor after a few seasons. They are best planted in the fall and have a moderate growth rate.

How do you take care of an outdoor hyacinth? ›

Care for Hyacinths Outdoors

Water after installation if no precipitation is expected. Feed bulbs every spring with bulb food. Scratch it into the soil around the bulbs and water in. Once flowers are finished blooming, cut off the flower stalk but leave the foliage.

Do hyacinths multiply? ›

Propagation: Hyacinth bulbs will spread and multiply if left in the ground to return the next year; however, they will generally only last 3 or 4 years.

Where do hyacinths grow best? ›

Hyacinths perform best in moderately fertile soil. They enjoy good drainage, and a full to part-sun location. To enjoy their brilliant colors and fragrance, hyacinths need to be planted in the fall.

Can hyacinths be planted in pots? ›

In late September or early October, fill half of a well-draining pot with soil and place the hyacinth bulbs on top, with their pointy ends up. Then add more soil till only the tops of the bulbs are sticking out. Plant as many bulbs in the pot as you want, as long as they don't touch the side or each other.

How long does a hyacinth bloom last? ›

Their showy spikes of blooms in shades of blue, purple, white, pink, apricot and red pop up at the end of winter when you're really excited to see flowers. Best of all, hyacinth blooms last for two weeks or more, longer than other spring bulbs.

How do you keep hyacinths blooming? ›

Be careful not to break or bend the leaves, as this can prevent the plant from storing up much needed energy for its next blooming cycle. Feed your plant with a good indoor plant fertilizer to build up even more of this energy. Don't overwater, though. Hyacinth bulbs are prone to bulb rot if watered too vigorously.

Do hyacinths grow back if you cut them? ›

In many cases, hyacinths will come back and bloom again when foliage has been left to die back and yellow naturally (just like daffodils).

Do hyacinths need a lot of water? ›

Your hyacinths may need water once a week or every few days, depending on where you live. Hyacinths don't need daily water unless temperatures are very hot. Water hyacinths when soil is dry to a depth of 3 inches (7.5 cm). Water hyacinths until the soil is wet to a depth of 1 inch (2.5 cm).

How many times a year do hyacinths bloom? ›

Hyacinths Only Bloom Once Per Year

Now that you have read all about the hyacinth life cycle, it should be easier to tell that hyacinth plants only bloom once per year. You're going to be able to enjoy that glorious blooming cycle that lasts between eight and twelve weeks to the fullest.

Can hyacinths be left outside? ›

Soil type: Hyacinths are generally tolerant of most soil types but do prefer well-drained soil. Aspect & position: Outdoors, plant your hyacinths in full sun or part shade in the border, under trees or in pots outside. Hyacinths can also be forced for winter flowering in pots indoors.

Are hyacinths indoor or outdoor plants? ›

Hyacinths make wonderful indoor plants in the dark days of winter or at the beginning of spring, and can be planted outside once finished flowering.

Should I cut the dead flowers off my hyacinth? ›

You can expect the bloom to shrivel and die, at which point you'll want to remove the dead flower stalk at the base of the bulb. Cut back only the dying flower stem but leave the healthy foliage. The leaves provide photosynthesis--turning sunlight into food and energy for the bulb.

Do hyacinths only flower once? ›

Will prepared hyacinths flower the next year if I keep them? Yes, but only if you look after them. The common belief is that preparation treatment weakens the bulb, but there is no reason why they should not grow normally the following year.

Can hyacinths be planted in soil? ›

Prepare the soil.

Hyacinths prefer loamy, well-draining soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Hyacinths like fertile soil, so if you have low-nutrient soil then you'll need to amend it with a few inches of mature compost. Before planting, loosen the first 12 inches of soil to make room for the bulbs.

How long do hyacinths take to grow? ›

When to plant hyacinths. Plant bulbs outdoors in borders and containers in early autumn for flowering in March and April. Prepared bulbs should be planted in September if you want blooms for Christmas flowering, as they require 10-12 weeks for good root and shoot development.

What do I do with hyacinth bulbs after flowering? ›

After your hyacinths have bloomed, remove the faded flower spikes and allow the foliage to die back. Dig up the bulbs, discard any damaged or diseased ones, and then dry them and store in paper sacks before replanting in the fall.

How deep do hyacinths need to be planted? ›

Follow the rule of thumb when planting bulbs and give the bulbs at least 2 times their height of soil above them. Dig a 6-8 inch deep hole, drop the bulb into it and cover with soil. Regarding the spacing between bulbs, if planting in beds, leave approx 3 inches between each cluster of bulb.

How often should you water potted hyacinths? ›

"Check back every two to three weeks to provide a little extra water if the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch," he suggests. At this point, you'll finally start to see shoots sprouting from the soil—meaning you can bring your blooms indoors.

Do potted hyacinths come back? ›

Although these plants are intended for growing indoors, they will grow perfectly well outside, flowering in March and early April and cheerfully reappearing year after year.

Can I grow hyacinths indoors? ›

Enjoy Glorious Color and Fragrance In The Winter By Growing Hyacinths Indoors. hyacinths: plant them in pots to brighten your home through the dark winter days. Hyacinths are one of the most popular spring flower bulbs for growing indoors.

Do you pull up hyacinth bulbs every year? ›

Hyacinth prefers to be lifted and replanted each year. After the leaves have died off, carefully lift the bulbs from the soil or take them out of the pot, clean them up and allow them to dry out of the sun for a few days.

How do you stop hyacinths from flopping? ›

To prevent hyacinths from flopping, push a thin bamboo stake into the soil right next to the flowering stem. Insert it only a few inches so that you don't pierce the bulb. Tie the stake to the stem just below the flower.

What is the best fertilizer for hyacinths? ›

We recommend using a slow-release fertilizer formulated especially for bulbs, such as a granular Daffodil fertilizer. It's an easy matter to apply the fertilizer to the surface of the soil above the bulbs after planting and then every fall thereafter. We do not recommend using bone meal.

Should I soak hyacinth bulbs before planting? ›

Should you soak spring bulbs before planting? There's no need to soak them before planting. However, if you are late getting them into the ground, then soaking them for 12-24 hours can speed up the rooting process.

How do you plant a potted hyacinth outside? ›

Grow hyacinths in moist but well-drained soil in full sun between September and November. Plant hyacinth bulbs 10cm deep and 8cm apart. Water when the soil is dry. Plant hyacinth bulbs for pot displays more shallowly and closer together, as long as they're not touching.

What flowers go well with hyacinth? ›

Best Companion Plants

Lofty daffodils and tulips are good planting companions. Most hyacinths bloom in early spring. For a hyacinth bloom show that coincides with daffodils and tulips, be sure to select tulip and daffodils varieties that also bloom early in the spring season.

What does a purple hyacinth mean? ›

Purple Hyacinth meaning: Sorrow, I am sorry. Please forgive me. Red Hyacinth meaning: Play. White Hyacinth meaning: I'll pray for you. Loveliness.

What do hyacinth flowers symbolize? ›

Give hyacinths as a welcome gift, to symbolize a fresh start, or to offer well wishes and hope for good things to come!

What do you do with hyacinths after they've bloomed? ›

After your hyacinths have bloomed, remove the faded flower spikes and allow the foliage to die back. Dig up the bulbs, discard any damaged or diseased ones, and then dry them and store in paper sacks before replanting in the fall.

What do you do with hyacinth bulbs after they have flowered? ›

After Your Hyacinth is Done Blooming

While you should have kept their leaves intact as long as possible, it's now safe to trim them back to just the bulb and roots. Cut back dead foliage to the base of the bulb and store the whole pot in a cool, dry, and dark space for some beauty sleep. Do not water or feed the plant.

Can hyacinths survive winter outside? ›

They are fully hardy in the ground, but can be frost tender in containers in cold gardens and sever winters.

How do you keep hyacinths over winter? ›

Place the hyacinth pots in a refrigerator or unheated porch where they will be undisturbed for a minimum of 10 weeks. The temperature around the hyacinths should remain at a constant 40 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit through the chilling period.

Can you dig up and replant hyacinth? ›

Hyacinths require a certain period of cold before they will send up new leaves and flowers. So after the leaves die, trim them back to the top of the bulb. Although you can transplant the hyacinths right after the last frost date in spring, the bulbs will perform better when replanted in fall.

Can you leave hyacinth bulbs in pots? ›

Plant as many bulbs in the pot as you want, as long as they don't touch the side or each other. Water the bulbs to settle the soil, then bring the pots to a cool, dark place where it won't get warmer than 45F, like a shed or an unheated basem*nt or garage.

Do hyacinths bloom more than once? ›

But like all bulb plants, hyacinths have an awkward post-bloom period, and then they fade away. You can get the bulbs to bloom again the following spring, though, if you treat them right.

Can hyacinth grow indoors? ›

Enjoy Glorious Color and Fragrance In The Winter By Growing Hyacinths Indoors. hyacinths: plant them in pots to brighten your home through the dark winter days. Hyacinths are one of the most popular spring flower bulbs for growing indoors.

How do you take care of a potted hyacinth? ›

Be careful not to break or bend the leaves, as this can prevent the plant from storing up much needed energy for its next blooming cycle. Feed your plant with a good indoor plant fertilizer to build up even more of this energy. Don't overwater, though. Hyacinth bulbs are prone to bulb rot if watered too vigorously.

What temperature kills hyacinth? ›

Water hyacinths can tolerate environmental temperatures from 12°C (54°F) to 35°C (95°F), but both frost and water temperatures over 34°C (93°F) will kill the plant.

How long do hyacinths last? ›

Like tulips and daffodils, hyacinths are an iconic spring flower. Their showy spikes of blooms in shades of blue, purple, white, pink, apricot and red pop up at the end of winter when you're really excited to see flowers. Best of all, hyacinth blooms last for two weeks or more, longer than other spring bulbs.

How long do hyacinths last outdoors? ›

The hyacinth blooms will last 1-2 weeks depending on the weather. Unseasonably warm temperatures above 65 degrees often cause the blooms to fade quicker. However, with average to cool spring temperatures, the blooms should last at least one week.

Should hyacinths be planted outside? ›

Growing outdoor hyacinths:

Plant the bulbs in autumn, ideally in a sunny spot in moist but well-drained soil. Prepare the soil by removing weeds and dig to reduce compaction if necessary, then add organic matter such as well-rotted animal manure or compost. Plant the bulbs at a depth of around 10cm, and 8cm apart.

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