How to Pay Your Bills When You Lose Your Job (2024)

It's hard to tell when you might be out of work. Pandemics, recessions, bear markets, business failures, and various other crises have been responsible for layoffs and unemployment in the past. But the bills, of course, keep on coming. Filing for unemployment, credit cards, lines of credit, prioritizing bill payments, and finding state assistance programs are ways you can pay your bills when you're between incomes.

It helps to have a plan in place or know where you can turn for help to manage your finances until the crisis passes and you're back to work. Here's some advice on how to pay your bills and when you may be able to postpone paying them.

Key Takeaways

  • The first step is to file for unemployment with your state so that you have some money coming in.
  • If you're low on cash, a credit card or checking account line of credit can help in the short term.
  • The government has programs that can offer financial assistance.
  • Check to see if entities you owe are willing to help you by delaying or lowering payments for expenses like rent, mortgage payments, and insurance premiums.

Where to Turn for Money

Unemployment Insurance

When you find yourself out of work, the first step you should take is registering for unemployment. Each state has a different registration process, so you can contact your state's Department of Labor, Department of Commerce, or the department that handles unemployment insurance. If you're having trouble finding it, you can search for your state's information.

Credit Cards

Normally, the ideal way to handle credit cards is to pay your balance in full each month and avoid the often-exorbitant interest charges when possible.

So if cash is in short supply, running a balance on your credit card for a few months may be a practical option.If you have multiple credit cards, start with whichever has the lowest interest rate. If you reach your credit limit on that one, move on to another. But remember, we’re talking about necessities here—not a shelter-in-place shopping spree.

You should aim to pay at least the minimum balance due on your cards each month. If that’s a problem, some banks and credit unions allow customers to defer payments while waiving their customary penalties. So it’s worth checking your credit card issuers’ websites to find out what help they’re offering and how to apply. The best time to do that, and make the necessary arrangements, is before your next bill is due, not after.

Debit Cards and Checking Accounts

The amount you can charge to a debit card is typically limited to the balance in your checking account. However, you may have a credit line attached to your checking account that you can dip into once your balance hits $0.

Checking credit lines, or overdraft lines of credit as they’re often called, are generally small—$500 to $3,000, for example—and you’ll have to repay the money with interest. But it’s another source of cash in a pinch, and there's a chance your bank might increase your credit line if you ask.

Retirement Accounts

Raiding a 401(k) or similar retirement account before you retire is usually a bad idea. However, if that's where most of your savings are, it might be your only option. There are two ways to take money out of a 401(k)—loans and withdrawals. Each has pros and cons:

  • 401(k) Loans: You can normally borrow money from your 401(k) and pay it back over a specified period, typically five years. It's worth remembering that the money you borrow will no longer grow tax-deferred. And if you're unable to repay the loan when it comes due, you'll face additional penalties.
  • 401(k) Withdrawals: Simply withdrawing money from your 401(k) is another option, but it's usually worse than a loan. You'll owe income tax on whatever amount you withdraw and may be subject to a 10% penalty by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, there are exemption situations where the IRS waives the 10% penalty that an unemployed person experiencing hardship may qualify for.

Note that if you have money in an individual retirement account (IRA), the withdrawal rules are similar, but loans are not an option.

529 Plans

If you have money in a 529 college savings plan for yourself or a child, you can withdraw it for any reason. However, you’ll owe income tax plus a 10% tax penalty on the earnings portion unless you spend it on qualified educational expenses.

If student loan payments are on your current list of bills, note that, as of 2019, they count as qualified educational expenses, up to a $10,000 lifetime limit.

Prioritize Your Bills

If you’re facing a stack of bills without a corresponding stack of cash, it’s time to prioritize. Food is likely to be high on your list, along with shelter, which includes mortgage, rent, and utilities.


You’ll need ready cash or a debit or credit card for food. However, if your funds are low, you may qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) until you find employment.


If you are a renter scraping by to make your next payment, you may wonder how to keep that roof over your head. Consider chatting with your landlord about it as soon as possible. Your landlord may be willing to delay your rent or allow you to make partial payments. Bear in mind that your landlord may also have money troubles—especially if they’re a person and not a large company.

You might be able to find renter assistance in your state. Many of the renter assistance programs created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been sunsetted or run out of funds, but your state might still be taking applications or have other programs set up.

Mortgage Payments

If you have a mortgage on your home, contact your loan servicer. Many banks allow borrowers to postpone payments for a period or provide them with other types of relief. If your mortgage is federally backed, you may be eligible for forbearance, which will allow you to postpone payments for normally up to a year, and 18 months in some cases. There are also additional options for mortgage relief, such as your state's Homeowner's Assistance Fund program. Your state may also have a housing counselor you can talk to, to learn more about assistance.

Car Loans and Leases

Contact your lender or leasing company if you have a car loan or lease. Many auto companies and other lenders have emergency programs that will let you defer payments for a month or more.

Car Insurance

Some insurers allow customers to put off paying premiums for a period without canceling their coverage. Check with yours to see what options are available to you. Make sure you don’t take the risk of going uninsured.

Student Loans

Student loan borrowers have some help if they are low on funds. The Saving on a Valuable Education plan offers help to anyone with federal student loan debt and an income of less than $15 per hour. If you qualify, you will not need to make payments on a federal student loan.

The Biden administration began accepting applications for the SAVE plan on Aug. 22, 2023.

The Department of Education released an updated income-driven repayment (IDR) plan, which goes into effect on July 1, 2024. In this IDR plan, single borrowers with incomes of less than $32,805 per year ($67,500 for a family of four) will not need to make payments. If you were enrolled on the REPAYE plan, you're automatically enrolled in the SAVE plan. Once the regulation goes into effect in July 2024, all federal student loan borrowers will fall under its repayment requirements.

Keep in mind that these provisions only apply to federal student loans. This means if you owe money on private student loans and have trouble making payments, contact the lender or loan servicer to find out if it has a similar program or other kinds of assistance.


Check your gas, electric, water, phone, and internet providers' websites to see whether they offer special payment plans to help you conserve cash.

Making at least the minimum required payment on your credit cards and other accounts will help protect your credit score.

Protect Your Credit Rating

Now may not be the time to fret unduly about your credit score. However, there are some steps you can take to make sure it doesn’t take too big a hit. For starters, try to make at least the required minimum payments on your credit accounts and do so by their due dates.

If your mortgage lender agrees to a deferment or forbearance of your loan payments, it should not report your payments to the credit bureaus as being late.

When the Crisis Is Behind You

You’ll need to re-prioritize once you’re back at work. In addition to abiding by whatever repayment agreements you reached with your creditors, aim to pay down any credit card balances you’ve accumulated, starting with the highest-interest ones first.

Debt consolidation loans are a cost-effective way to pay off the debts you could be left with after a period of unemployment. Make sure you use a bank or other financial institution you trust to avoid being taken advantage of.

This is also an opportune time to start an emergency fund or replenish it if you had one and depleted it. Generally, it's smart to set aside at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in a liquid account, such as a bank savings account or money market mutual fund, that you can draw on as needed.

What Should You Do if You Cannot Pay You Bills?

You should contact whoever you owe money to, explain the situation, and ask about payment options.

What To Do When You Lose Your Job and Have Debt?

If possible, make the minimum payments and contact your creditors. You can also talk to your bank about debt consolidation loans.

What To Do When You're Broke and Unemployed?

If you need money and a job, you might be eligible for unemployment insurance. Once you've signed up for unemployment, look for jobs advertising "Urgently Hiring" or "Immediate Hire" and be willing to accept any job you can get until you find the one you want. Temporary and part-time positions are also good ways to earn in the short term.

The Bottom Line

Many people go through periods where they are between jobs, searching for ways to pay important bills and living expenses. Most of the entities you make payments to are willing to work with you until you get back on your feet financially, especially if you've been consistent with your payments in the past.

While federal and state governments have programs designed to help you between jobs, the best thing to do is save as much as possible in an emergency fund. Also, use the resources discussed here to create a plan for covering expenses for the times you're operating under a reduced income.

How to Pay Your Bills When You Lose Your Job (2024)


How to Pay Your Bills When You Lose Your Job? ›

Filing for unemployment, credit cards, lines of credit, prioritizing bill payments, and state assistance programs are just some of the options available that can help you manage your bills while you're between incomes.

How to pay bills if you lost your job? ›

Finding financial relief
  1. Government disability insurance programs. ...
  2. Disability and income replacement benefits through your employer. ...
  3. Create a barebones budget. ...
  4. Use coupons and consider store brands. ...
  5. Evaluate and eliminate some nonessential expenses. ...
  6. Prioritize credit card payments. ...
  7. Apply for government programs.

How do you survive financially after losing a job? ›

Financial Survival After a Job Loss
  1. Plan Ahead. If you haven't been laid off, it's a good idea to plan ahead for that possibility. ...
  2. Prepare a Survival Budget. ...
  3. If You Lose Your Job, Find Some Income. ...
  4. Reduce Your Expenses. ...
  5. Talk With Your Creditors. ...
  6. Increase Your Income. ...
  7. If You're Really Strapped. ...
  8. If All Else Fails.

How do you manage debt when you lose your job? ›

Avoid using credit cards when you're unemployed and accumulating debt you can't afford to repay. Contact with lenders to work out payment plans for your debts to avoid foreclosure or repossession. Debt settlement may be able to help resolve your situation, but it's important to find a reputable debt settlement company.

How do I pay off debt when unemployed? ›

Contact your credit card company

Your credit card company likely offers a financial hardship program that may include assistance like reduced minimum payments, reduced APR, waived fees or even credit card forbearance. This can remove some of your financial burden while you sort out unemployment benefits.

Should I tell my credit card company I lost my job? ›

Communicate with your creditors

If you realize you might not be able to make the minimum payment on your credit card, call your issuer. The sooner you do this, the better.

How to survive a layoff with no savings? ›

Steps to Take to Prepare for a Layoff
  1. Start an Emergency Fund. ...
  2. Budget, Budget, Budget. ...
  3. File Unemployment Benefits. ...
  4. Ask About Severance Packages. ...
  5. Use Credit Cards Only for Emergencies. ...
  6. Make Sure Emergency Funds Are in Order. ...
  7. Get Back on LinkedIn and Start Networking. ...
  8. Prioritize and Negotiate Any Debts if Needed.
Feb 1, 2024

How much money should you have saved if you lose your job? ›

Ideally, aim to have between three and six months of your living expenses saved in an easy-access, high-interest bank or building society account. Even a smaller amount will be useful. It's always good to have some cash in the bank, and this will help you manage until you find a new job.

What to do when you are financially ruined? ›

If you're currently wading through a financial crisis, take the following steps.
  1. Minimize the damage. ...
  2. Document the damage. ...
  3. Cut back on expenses. ...
  4. Use other people's money before your own. ...
  5. Assess your savings. ...
  6. Examine your bills closely. ...
  7. Develop a new budget that focuses on financial recovery.
Sep 14, 2023

How can my debt be forgiven? ›

Debt forgiveness can happen in various ways, such as negotiated settlements, repayment plans or government programs. The goal is to help people manage their debts and financial stability.

What is a hardship on a credit card? ›

A credit card hardship program may allow you to pause or make smaller payments on your credit card debt with more preferred terms and waived fees. Many credit card issuers offer credit card hardship programs you may qualify for.

How to pay off credit card debt when you have no money? ›

  1. Using a balance transfer credit card. ...
  2. Consolidating debt with a personal loan. ...
  3. Borrowing money from family or friends. ...
  4. Paying off high-interest debt first. ...
  5. Paying off the smallest balance first. ...
  6. Bottom line.

How can I pay off 5000 in debt fast? ›

Credit card refinancing can help you pay off $5,000 in credit card debt much faster because a personal loan comes with a predetermined end date. Debt consolidation loans allow you to combine multiple debts into one loan. Some lenders will even send your loan funds directly to your former creditors.

What is someone who doesn't pay their bills? ›

Names or nicknames for a person who doesn't pay his bills: DEADBEAT.

How to get money fast? ›

How to make money fast
  1. Test user experiences. ...
  2. Take surveys online. ...
  3. Sell stock photos. ...
  4. Sell other stuff you already own. ...
  5. Become a dog walker. ...
  6. Try pet sitting or animal care. ...
  7. Consider house sitting. ...
  8. Drive for a rideshare company.
Dec 13, 2023

What if I can't find a job and I'm in debt? ›

Summary: If you are in debt with no money, no job, you still have options: credit card hardship programs, budgeting and cutting expenses, seeking roommates or negotiating rent, saving on utilities, eating at home, applying for government assistance, carefully managing credit card use, considering withdrawal from ...

What happens if you lose your job and can't pay car payment? ›

Request a loan deferment

If your financial difficulties are temporary, you may be able to request a pause on your car loan payments. For example, if you lost your job and need time to find a new one or were off work for a medical emergency, your lender may be willing to work with you.

What happens if I lose my job and can't pay credit cards? ›

Enroll in Creditor Hardship Programs

Seeking this kind of relief is typically a last resort, but worth considering if you can't afford minimum payment. Mortgage lenders and auto lenders often have hardship programs as well. You can sometimes learn about which lenders offer hardship programs through online research.

What happens if you lose your job and can't pay a mortgage? ›

Mortgage forbearance is an option that allows borrowers to pause or lower their mortgage payments while dealing with a short-term crisis, such as a job loss, illness or other financial setback. This can help protect struggling borrowers from becoming delinquent with payments, as well as avoid foreclosure.

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