How to Organize Your Life and Get More Done - Live Love Health & Wealth (2024)

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How do you organize your life in a world where there’s so many things to keep a track of?

Maybe you’re someone that doesn’t have a lot of time or look at organization as an uphill task!

Whatever the case, organizing your entire life will not only help you to become more productive but will also make sure you don’t get stuck in a rut!

More now than ever, people want to know how to organize their life to get more done in the day.

A few years back I remember the absolute mess that was my daily routine. Nothing about my day was organized. I was winging it throughout the day and not accomplishing anything!

In order to change your life for the better, you need to organize your mind, as well as your environment. The most important thing is to take action now!

Many people find themselves reading about how to become more productive, more organized and overall live a better life.

However a small percentage of those people actually take action.

If you feel overwhelmed with the amount of tasks you need to complete or all of the responsibilities in your life, this is the post for you!

The majority of people out there were not born organized people, but by implementing small habits you’ll be able to organize your entire life fast!

Need to organize your life? Here are 13 incredible things you can start now, to help you stay organized..

Remember, Take it one day at a time..

If you want to organize your life, trust me the last thing you want to do is rush in full force and start doing everything on your to do list all at once.

Slow it right down..

Not only will this overwhelm you, but it will also almost guarantee you don’t get anything done!

Take each day as it comes and start with the task that has highest priority. You can even break that task down into smaller chunks to make it more manageable.

Write things down on note paper or onto a day planner. I have a great FREE day planner that will help you get organized day by day.

Once you’ve accomplished several daily goals, you can move on to the bigger ones.

Now, let’s get you organized for 2023..

1. Declutter Your Environment

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Having a cluttered, messy and unorganized environment is extremely de-motivating.

Do you feel like taking on the world in a room full of mess?

No. Neither do I!

Before I start any task, I always make sure I’ve cleared my environment of any mess.

Keep things clean regularly, so that you can start any task fresh and give it the best possible start.

Don’t feel like you need to tackle decluttering all at once!

Decluttering is a process and can sometimes take longer that you think.

Start with one room or one section at a time.

Before you buy anything else, have a look around and see if there is anything you can get rid of or give away.

Once you’ve decluttered the key here is to KEEP IT CLEAN!

It will surely get messy from time to time, however, this will only be small things that don’t require a huge decluttering project.

The places you use the most should always be kept clean.

Don’t let things get so messy and disorganized that you find it hard to keep on top of.

2. Get a planner

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In theory this should probably be #1 on my list, but having a planner/organizer is an essential tool.

Like I mentioned above, we cannot simply rely on our brains to remember everything.

The brain doesn’t usually have a structure or plan for our lives like a well organized planner would.

A good life planner will focus on the next year of your life (at the very least 6 months).

I created my digital planner because I wanted to get more organized, have somewhere to dump all of my ideas and plan my entire week, month, day ahead! All in one place, which just happens to be on my iPad.

I love it and don’t think I’ll ever go back to using a paper planner. I even use it for my shopping list every week.

Check it out here..

Everyone is different, so if you prefer a paper planner, get one that has all the templates you need in one place!

You will have space in there for details such as:

  • Contacts and addresses
  • Goals and visions (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
  • Notes
  • Ideas
  • To do lists
  • Birthdays
  • Plan of actions
  • Password list (to help you log all passwords in one place)
  • Gratitude journal
  • Brain dumps

Look for or create a planner that include details like the ones listed above.

Start to use it consistently and you’ll definitely start to see how organized you become.

3. Have a brain dump daily

Similar to decluttering your environment, you must also declutter your mind.

Too many thoughts and ideas on the various tasks and responsibilities you need to complete only hinders your progress.

Have a daily brain dump – get it all out

Dump everything out on paper, on file, online, whatever suits you!

We naturally overthink things when they remain in our heads, thus making them bigger than they actually are.

Start the week with a huge brain dump and then perform mini dumps daily 🙂

Holding on to information is often how it gets lost, so practising this daily really helps.

4. Set goals

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Goals create structure.

If you don’t have specific goals in place, then how can you organize your life effectively.

You should always have a vision for where you want to be in 6 months, 1 year and beyond.

This will help to give your life a focus and you end up scheduling specific tasks to reach your goals.

There should be moments of spontaneity and you don’t need to plan every moment of your life.

However your life should always have an agenda or bigger goal.

Create something in life to look forward to and work towards.

Define what you want and take the steps necessary to get there.

Top Tip:

Write down your biggest goal and start working backwards. For example, if your goal is to get to $5,000/month in a year, start to plan the actions you’ll need to take to get to that point.

I find planning 1 month, 3month, 6month and 1 year ahead really helps me to stay organized.

Read more about creating and achieving your goals this year!

5. Take your Budget seriously!

Have set budgets for all of your monthly outgoings.

That way you know how much money you have to spend on certain items.

When you go out on a night out, have a limit of how much you are going to spend and stick to it.

Use apps and budget planners to help you organize your financial life.

This Budget Planner has over 145 Pages full of budgeting templates and stickers to help you manage your finances.

Start working on your finances now, build those financial foundations and take control of your money with this Digital Budget Planner.

Mint is a budget tracker and planner app that takes your budget seriously and keeps your money all in one place.

When you are going over your budget they’ll send you alerts.

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Related Post: 26 Hacks to save money and stop being poor!

6. Give your brain the day off

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Our minds are amazing things.

They give us our ideas and take in information at rapid speeds.

However, we just cannot possibly remember every bit of information given to us on a daily basis (or at least it’s very hard to).

I have Google drive set up on my computer, phone and tablet.

Chances are through the day I have at least one of those things around me, so whenever I need to make a note of something or have an idea, I open it up and write it down immediately.

Let you brain have the day off and invest in a system that remembers the things we can’t.

That way I take the pressure off my brain to remember everything and I keep my mind decluttered.

Win, win!

Make sure the note taking system is easily accessible and has amazing filing systems so that you can organize all of your notes and ideas into folders.

Related Post: 10 steps to becoming more productive and crush your goals!

7. Set daily time blocks

Make sure you set time blocks throughout the day to carry out specific tasks.

This is especially helpful if you plan this out the day before!

For example, each morning at 10am after you’ve had a coffee and meditated for 30mins, you could sit down and answer any emails you have.

Waking up in the morning and just winging it, isn’t going to make you any more organized.

In fact, not having a specific plan for the day will decrease your productivity rate and you won’t get as much of the important stuff done!

Be sure the allow extra time in your schedule for things that’ll come up at the last minute.

There’s always something that comes up, that will not be a part of your schedule – Make sure you’re prepared!

If you allow the time in advance chances are you won’t be caught off guard.

8. Create a schedule then a routine

This step differs to planning because scheduling requires you to make notes of the things you do every day and week and developing them into a routine.

It might seem silly to schedule in every bit of your life, but it really does help to get things done and will make you more organized.

Disorganized people are always being caught of guard by the dependencies in their life.

By creating a schedule or a plan for all of your dependencies in advance, you will eliminate the possibility of getting distracted when one of them comes knocking.

Create strong habits from the start!

With habits, the more you do it, the more it will seep into your subconscious and you’ll start doing without noticing.

Related Post

12 Steps to The Perfect Morning Routine

The first step towards forming this type of mental pattern is to sit down and consciously list out your mental dependencies; health, diet, friends, family, bills.

Creating a mental schedule take times to build.

Eventually instead of setting constant reminders for your regular everyday tasks, forgetting to do something or getting distracted, your mind will run on a loop sending you subconscious alerts.

Read more about How to build strong habits that stick and achieve your goals!

9. Meal prep EVERY Sunday

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Figuring out what to eat every day is stressful, trust me I’ve been there.

Not only is putting together several meals throughout the day pure stress but it can also be extremely time consuming and often money wasting.

Set a day in the week to shop for groceries and prepare your meals for the week.

You’ll be surprised how easy this is to do.

Just watch some of the videos on meal prep here.

It will instantly take the pressure off and make you a super organized meal prepping ninja!

10. Label everything!

Just trust me on this one, labels will be your best friend!

Especially when you are storing things away for a while.

You may have the most amazing memory now, but imagine in 3 years when you come across the item you stored away and have no idea why you stored the item away or what purpose it solves.

Label makers make your life sooo much easier

The label can contain information such as the name of the item, what you plan to do with it, where it’s going etc etc.

Get a label maker, little stickers, bags with labels on them; whatever it is just make things easier for yourself.

11. Give everything a home

Everything in your environment deserves a home, a place where it belongs.

To become more organized, you must create a place for everything in your environment.

Remembering to put the item back in its special place is also a key organisation rule.

That way, when you go to find it, it is always there.

Set up your work environment is set up properlybefore you start anything.

If doing this every time you use something becomes to hectic or you have a huge home that’s hard to manage, create a “drop zone” in an easily accessible part of the home.

This is a place in the home where you can ‘drop’ all of the items that were taken out or used throughout the day.

The drop zone is a huge trend in home organisation.

You can then spend time at the end of every day, putting every item in this ‘drop zone’ back in its original spot.


12. Have a back up for everything

You should always have a backup for the things that matter most or the things you do on a daily basis.

Don’t leave yourself short and find yourself scrambling.

Organized people have back ups of the things they use on a daily basis.

If running out of something disrupts your day and allows you to be thrown off track, make sure you have a backup of it.

This way you are able to resort to your backup and move on with your day.

13. Surround yourself with things of value

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The things or people in your life should always serve a purpose.

Be deliberate about the things you have around you.

Do not purchase or invest time in anything that doesn’t benefit your life.

Habits of the really organized include only keeping what they need or really want.

You could buy a dress in the shop that makes you smile whenever you wear it or have a friend that always makes you laugh every time you see them.

These are great examples of things or people that bring value to your life.

One of the keys to having an organized life is to surround yourself with these things and not store things that clutter your space.

Bitesize tips to Organize your Life this year..

Find what works for you

The steps above should be taken very generally.

Everybody works differently, so find the schedule or plan that works best for you.

Raise your vibrations

Spend time each morning to reflect and raise your positive vibrations.

One of the best ways to do this is by meditating and practising affirmations.

Starting the day with mindfulness goes a long way to becoming more organized.

Plan a list of activities in advance

We all have those days when we get bored and are desperately trying to think of things to do.

Creating a list of activities or tasks to do in advance can help you to get more done.

You’ll realize, over time, just how effective the above steps are.

Soon you’ll become a more organized person and be living a happier, healthier, and more successful life.


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How to Organize Your Life and Get More Done - Live Love Health & Wealth (2024)


How do you organize yourself? ›

Success is a result of long-term planning and daily action.
  1. Focus on what's important. Remind yourself of your long-term goals and revise them when necessary. ...
  2. Make lists. ...
  3. Manage your time well. ...
  4. Use calendars and planners. ...
  5. Delegate tasks. ...
  6. Manage your mail and phone calls. ...
  7. Reduce clutter. ...
  8. Stay organized.

How to declutter your life? ›

Here are some ideas:
  1. One in, two out. Make it a rule: for every new item that comes into your life, you need to remove two. ...
  2. Limited storage. ...
  3. Clear floors and flat surfaces. ...
  4. Designate a home for everything, and be fanatic. ...
  5. Regular decluttering sessions. ...
  6. Reduce your desires for more. ...
  7. Change your habits.

How do I organize my home and declutter my life? ›

5 Essential Rules for Decluttering
  1. Make a Decluttering Plan. Before tackling your decluttering project, set a tentative timeline and specific goals for yourself. ...
  2. Give Everything a Home. As the saying goes — a place for everything and everything in its place. ...
  3. Set a Stopping Point. ...
  4. Forget Feeling Guilty. ...
  5. Declutter Regularly.

How to be organized in daily life? ›

6 ways to organize your to-dos
  1. Track your to-dos in a central place. The more you try to mentally track things in your brain, the less productive you'll be. ...
  2. Learn to manage your time. ...
  3. Practice Inbox Zero. ...
  4. Prioritize your most important work. ...
  5. Delegate tasks. ...
  6. Declutter your physical and virtual space.

What is the perfect daily routine? ›

Set a consistent sleep schedule: Prioritize sleep by sticking to consistent bedtimes and wake-up times. Practice mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques, like meditation, into your daily routine. Take time for self-care: Make sure to allocate time for self-care activities that relax and recharge you.

How to set a routine for yourself? ›

How to Start a New Routine and Stick To It
  1. Decide what needs to be in your routine. Do you want to get more exercise or more alone time? ...
  2. Set small goals. Break each large goal into smaller goals. ...
  3. Layout a plan. ...
  4. Be consistent with time. ...
  5. Be prepared. ...
  6. Make it fun! ...
  7. Track your progress. ...
  8. Reward yourself.
Sep 25, 2019

How do I emotionally declutter my life? ›

You must dig deep and identify the areas you are stuck in. Putting them in writing helps to have a clear vision of the overall picture – and the work that needs to be done. Once you've understood what might be limiting you from moving forwards, go into each scenario and really feel those emotions.

What is the golden rule of decluttering? ›

Take it room by room: Start decluttering one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Focus on a specific area before moving on to the next. Sort methodically: Divide items into categories (keep, donate, sell, discard) and work through each category systematically to prevent decision fatigue.

How to remove clutter from life? ›

Declutter Your Life
  1. Conduct a calendar audit. We've all said “yes” to things that don't serve us. ...
  2. Find a planning system that works for you. You know what they say: Fail to plan, and plan to add clutter. ...
  3. Set goals and work backwards. The best way to declutter your life is to take time to think about what you value.
Jul 8, 2019

Why is it so hard to organize my life? ›

Are you struggling to decide what to organize and how to handle your things? People are indecisive for reasons ranging from overwhelm to perfectionism, fear of failure, and lack of confidence. In some cases, indecisiveness could be a sign of conditions like ADHD.

How can I organize my mind and life? ›

Here's a list of steps you can take to help you organize your thoughts effectively:
  1. Record your thoughts. ...
  2. Prioritize your thoughts. ...
  3. Separate complex thoughts. ...
  4. Reflect on your thoughts. ...
  5. Develop a consistent routine. ...
  6. Take breaks. ...
  7. Make to-do lists. ...
  8. Organize your physical space.
Jun 24, 2022

How to organize your life when you are overwhelmed? ›

Feeling Overwhelmed? Organize Your Life
  1. 1) Do some spring-cleaning. … ...
  2. 2) Stop hoarding. ...
  3. 3) Learn to put things away… ...
  4. 4) Do some virtual cleaning. ...
  5. 5) Keep an agenda. ...
  6. 6) Get into the habit of making lists. ...
  7. 7) Write everything down. ...
  8. 8) Stop procrastinating.
Dec 12, 2017

How do I start organizing? ›

Simple Ways to Declutter Your Spaces​
  1. Start by removing trash.​
  2. Begin by choosing one small area to organize — like a drawer.​
  3. Sort items into three piles: Keep, donate and toss.​
  4. Find a specific home for everything you intend to keep — for example, a hook for your keys.​
Jan 15, 2021

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.