How to monetize your blog without placing ads? And, Make Money Online! (2024)

You started blogging with a goal. To monetize a blog and make money blogging. It could be the ultimate desire to work from home and live on your own terms. Or, it could be making money online without tiring job routines. Maybe for a successful career, a freelancer life, or winning dreams. But – you also planned to make money from your blog. The truth is that you HATE ads. Then, you wonder, how to monetize your blog without ads?

Once you start a blog, you come across several things through your blogging journey. One important concern is how to make money from blogging and How to monetize a blog without ads?

As sometimes, advertisem*nt sucks! It just makes the website looks cluttered and untidy. Many bloggers also hate advertisem*nts due to low rates. However, it’s totally up to you.

How to monetize your blog without placing ads? And, Make Money Online! (1)

If you are already blogging then I assume you go through some of these common frustrations.

  • Chasing six-figure bloggers and expecting more from your blog.
  • Having no content strategy.
  • Chasing ideas for the quick rich scheme.
  • Searching for ads networks
  • No blog planning.
  • Failing traffic generating ideas.

Blog monetization is an important blogging topic. Every blogger needs to know the monetization methods and common ways to make money through blogging.

This is the reason you are reading this post.

One common method is placing ads on your site and start earning income when someone clicks on your ads. Some ad networks are Mediavine, Adsense,, Infolinks or PropellerAds.

In fact, I have mentioned tons of other methods in my guide tomake $100 blogging quickly.

But, what if you don’t like ads networks and those cluttered websites?

Go for the other earning opportunities.

You need to learn other ways of monetizing a blog without ads.


It’s simple.

Suggested blog posts for making money blogging;

  • The Ultimate Guide To Starting a money-making Profitable Blog
  • 7 Possible Ways Bloggers Make Money Online and You Can Too!
  • How to make money with selling ebooks on your site?

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After starting your blog and building content, the next step is monetization without placing ads. You don’t have the option to work with ad networks. So, what other options we have?

We’ll discuss it briefly.

Before you determine other methods, I need to talk about content value. If you understand the importance of ‘Value for value’ you’ll be gaining success with all profitable blog monetization methods.

Your blog should provide value to readers.

Nothing works if you write poor content and fail to connect with your audience.

The website monetization looks easy but follows strategic implementation which makes your content easily readable for the audiences. It isn’t complicated but you’ve to put a little extra effort to make things work. This leads to making money blogging without ads.

Whatever monetization methods you follow, make sure to produce quality content before you expect any income.

This is what I believe in.

Some tips to help you succeed in blog monetization;

  • Don’t follow all the methods at a time.
  • Learn all about the monetization methods and do your homework.
  • Take time, implement, and see what works for you.

Not wasting your time, let’s quickly figure out how to monetize a blog without ads?

Do you want to join a free Facebook group? It’s free to join! This community allows bloggers to interact and help each other grow. If you want to boost your blog and build connections, I invite you here.

1- AFFILIATE MARKETING – Promote products and earn commission

This post contains affiliate links. If you made a purchase through any link, it helps me earn a small commission. For more, please read my disclosure here.

Affiliate marketing is what top bloggers mostly use to generate online income through their blogs. It’s basically a marketing technique to recommend a service or product to your readers through a special tracking link. And, it makes blogger earn a set amount of commission when someone clicks on the link and make a purchase. Simple.

This is by far the best method to make money from a website without ads.

Nowadays, there are many affiliate programs in almost every niche. You just have to do a little research for products you wish to promote on your site.

What affiliate programs you can join?

I see many bloggers don’t know how and where to find products to promote. Nothing to worry. Of course, you need to search their affiliate programs and request to become an affiliate for their products.

Here, you can find a list of products;

I suggest reading the post on Top Paying Affiliate Marketing Programs For Bloggers

First, join the networks and request to get accepted as an affiliate partner. Don’t get discouraged if someone doesn’t approve you. Keep working and make your blog better. Companies need dedicated bloggers who are consistently active and can bring happy sales to them. Once, you get accepted into the desired program or the company. You can download plugins like Thirsty affiliates and track the links.

Several businesses have their own affiliate programs. Try the product and determine if it provides value to your readers. Next, find out their affiliate program and join the team.

Use different methods to promote affiliate products and make money with affiliate marketing.

If you want to get started with affiliate marketing, read my post onThe Beginner’s Guide: Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers

How to monetize your blog without placing ads? And, Make Money Online! (3)


The other profitable method to monetize your blog without ads is through selling e-books. The business of selling e-books online have been reached to billions. Yes!

So, are you good at writing?

Do you have some remarkable skills to help others with?

Maybe, you are a health or fitness expert. A beauty blogger. A sports blogger. A wedding photography expert. A web designer. A freelance writer. A business coach.

You are an expert in your own field.

People look for your advice. They find YOU better and experienced. Why not utilize those skills and sell them?

Why not utilize those skills and sell them?

Few steps you’ll need to go through to make money through e-book;

  • Get the content done.
  • Review the work (Hire an editor)
  • Design the cover(Hire e-book cover designers)
  • Self-publish the book on your own website and sell it. (Set up a shopping cart option and PayPal link)
  • Use other platforms like Amazon, Kindle direct publishing to sell your book.

Look at this affordable ebook creation guide that walks you through the process of creating an ebook, and making money through selling it online.

I know many influential bloggers who sell ebooks and make money.

And that is when I interviewed this blogger who makes money selling ebooks. She explains everything you need to do about creating small digital products like ebooks to make passive income.

I have purchased a number of Ebooks and Courses to grow my blog and learn about the hidden tactics. Check out my list of favorite tools and best resources.

Ryan Biddulph is a blogging expert who has written a number of e-books on multiple subjects. He has written ebooks on blogging, travel, online business, etc. You can find the whole collection here.


I understand you don’t like ads on your site.

But, how about writing?

Sponsored content is an indirect way of advertising on your blog. Companies need blogs to promote their products and generate sales. A company asks you to write a review on your blog for their products and services. You can set your own rates for paid content on your blog.

Before you approach companies for sponsored content, make sure you have got a media kit. It’s basically a one-hand document that collects your blog social media following, traffic statistics, audience demographics, and other details. Here’s how to create Media Kit.

You can get paid for;

  • Writing blog posts.
  • Product reviews

You can easily get paid more than $150 for sponsored content. However, if you’re starting out $50 is a good deal.

It further depends on your blog statistics, SEO ranking, social media reach and the brand itself to decide.

Where to approach for sponsored content opportunities?

You can join websites like PayPerPost,, and Coobis to connect with businesses. These websites help to connect influencers, bloggers with companies.

Be sure to read my post below to find all the details on making money with sponsors –How To Make Money From Sponsored Blog Posts.


Do you know that blog flipping is another way to make money blogging without ads? In this case, you build blogs and then, sell those blogs for huge profits! Many bloggers are flipping blogs as a side hustle and make a decent income.

I highly suggest reading this post on ‘How to make money with blog flipping’

Some of my blogging friends have made than $20,000 with just blog flipping. They like building blogs and sell them for a good price. Is this something you’re interested in?

My super talented blogging friend, Chelsea, has sold her beauty blog for $50,000! Can you believe that? In her Blog Flipping Course, she talks everything to set up a blog, grow it and then, sell it for decent money.


Did you know most bloggers make yearly income by selling small and even, profitable business blogs?

Flippa is a platform where you BUY and SELL your blog. As simple as that. It’s a huge online market to sell your blogs for huge profits. There are listings available for your blog and you can accept bids.

Even if you have a small blog which has some awesome content then you can determine the value of your blog, and maybe, sell it if you want.

Check out this valuation tool to determine the price of your blog.

How to monetize your blog without placing ads? And, Make Money Online! (4)


Wondering, what else you can do to monetize your blog without ads?

Do you have expert skills?

If yes then creating an online course can be a great idea to make money from your blog.

You will be required to create multiple lessons on your course. You may also need to make any supporting materials like printables, checklists, downloads etc.

Some platforms for creating online courses are;



As a blogger, you already get expertise in certain fields. You spend hours learning how to blog the right way. You give endless hours understanding the WordPress or your blogging dashboard. Blogging also makes you active on social media platforms. It helps you learn a variety of skills.

And, your blog is more like a portfolio of your clients.

Take my example. When I started out, I showed this blog as my portfolio to win freelance clients and it workedamazingly. With blogging, I improved my freelance writing skills and learned more about social media, blogging, marketing, etc.

At times, clients also approach me through this blog. Isn’t that awesome?

I made the best decision to start this blog. Right?

Why not sell some services on your blog?

Freelancing helps to make money online. It’s another profitable method to monetize your blog and start earning. You can even create another freelancer website and link the website to your blog.

You can offer the following services to make money online;

  • Freelance writing
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Consultations
  • Coaching
  • Guest post services

Further reading;

27 Freelance Services You Can Offer From Home And Make Money Online


You must have seen websites with private forums. You can also create a paid membership site where users need to pay to join the private forums. Your audience joins these forums to take direct advice from you. This way, members get an exclusive opportunity to learn from you.

All members can interact and help each other.

A membership feature on your blog is a great way to make money online.

For more;

How to create and run your first membership site

How to monetize your blog without placing ads? And, Make Money Online! (6)

Be sure to download my free roadmap to make $1000 from blogging. This free pdf will give you a roadmap to follow to make your first $1000 from blogging.

I have made thousands of dollars on my blog so this roadmap will have actionable steps to make you money blogging.

Still wondering, how to make money from a website without ads?

You shouldn’t.

It’s totally possible to make money without placing advertisem*nts on your website. Just look at the above methods and see what is a good fit for your blog. I’d recommend you to start with affiliate marketing. It does require extra work but it’s totally worth doing.

For affiliate marketing;

Start by joining these affiliate marketing programs!

I would like to know your suggestions.

Making money is no easy-to-go option when it comes to blogging. Before you expect good blogging income, emphasize your blog content strategy, social media, and followers.

If you are a beginner, here are few ways to make money blogging as a beginner.

This all needs time and consistency. Blogging has taught me to value time and become more productive.

How do you monetize your own blog?

Now, it’s your turn!

Let me know in the comments below.

How to monetize your blog without placing ads? And, Make Money Online! (2024)


How to monetize your blog without placing ads? And, Make Money Online!? ›

You can create a blog for free and start earning money from it. Choose a Platform: Several free blogging platforms are available, such as Blogger, WordPress, Your Way, and Wix. Each platform offers different features and customization options, so take some time to explore and find one that suits your needs.

Where can I post my blog for free and earn money? ›

You can create a blog for free and start earning money from it. Choose a Platform: Several free blogging platforms are available, such as Blogger, WordPress, Your Way, and Wix. Each platform offers different features and customization options, so take some time to explore and find one that suits your needs.

Can you monetize a website without ads? ›

If you have a lot of expertise in your niche, you can create digital products or services to sell on your website. Whether it's e-books, online courses, premium content, or consulting services, offering valuable resources tailored to your audience can generate substantial revenue.

How do I start a blog without making money? ›

Free blogging platforms such as, Blogger, and Wix offer basic features and functionality to get you started with your blog. They're easy to use, even for those without technical skills, and they often provide pre-made templates and designs to help you get your blog up and running quickly.

How do you monetize a blog and make money? ›

How to monetize a blog over the long term
  1. Build a paid membership program.
  2. Create online courses.
  3. Start a podcast.
  4. Make a webinar.
  5. Host a virtual summit.
  6. Offer coaching or consulting services.
  7. Sell merchandise.

How to earn $10,000 per month from blogging? ›

Bloggers who sell digital items like online courses or guides often earn up to $10,000 per month or more. Affiliate marketing is an additional opportunity for a blogger to supplement their income. Christine Wang from, for example, currently earns six figures each month from affiliate marketing.

What blog topic makes the most money? ›

The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

How do I monetize my blog without ads? ›

9 Ways to Monetize a Blog Without Ads
  1. Affiliates.
  2. Digital Products.
  3. Services.
  4. Software, Tool or App.
  5. Subscription or Membership.
  6. Sponsored Links.
  7. Sponsored Posts.
  8. Paid Newsletter.
Apr 18, 2024

How to easily monetize your website? ›

Here are the best ways to monetize your website.
  1. Google AdSense. You can generate income by allowing Google to place ads on your website. ...
  2. Direct advertising. ...
  3. Affiliate marketing. ...
  4. Charge for your content. ...
  5. Request donations. ...
  6. Sell products and services. ...
  7. Flipping websites. ...
  8. Sponsored content.

How many views do I need to monetize my website? ›

A large number of visitors increases your chances of attracting advertisers and, hence, of monetizing your traffic. To be attractive to advertisers, you must have at least 10,000 organic views per month. This website monetization model also works well for a small audience volume.

Which type of blog make money is best for beginners? ›

Several types of blogs can be profitable if you know how to manage them strategically but here are the most common:
  • Business and marketing blogs.
  • Finance blog.
  • Health blogs.
  • Fashion blogs.
  • DIY and crafts blogs.
  • Nutrition and food blogs.
  • Lifestyle blogs.
  • Travel blogs: How to make money as a travel blogger.

Do beginner bloggers make money? ›

Earnings from ad networks admittedly might not be super high in your first year. But once you work your way up to 50,000 monthly blog views and have substantial website traffic, you could easily start earning thousands per year.

How do I start an anonymous blog and get paid? ›

Anonymous bloggers can make money through methods like affiliate marketing, ad revenue, selling products or services, and sponsored content. However, it may be more challenging to build trust and credibility when you blog anonymously.

Which blog site is best for earning money? ›

Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money
  1. 1 Best For: An all-round blogging platform capable of adapting to the needs of your business. ...
  2. 2 Medium. Best For: A simple introduction to blogging with (limited) options for making money online. ...
  3. 3 ...
  4. 4 SquareSpace. ...
  5. 5 Ghost. ...
  6. 6 Wix. ...
  7. 7 Blogger. ...
  8. 8 HubPages.
Feb 28, 2024

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

Do I need a business license to monetize a blog? ›

Most bloggers do not need to obtain a federal license to do business, but most states do require bloggers to have a general business license.

How can I make $100 on my blog? ›

How to Make $100 Per Day with Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche. ...
  2. Step 2: Build a High-Quality Blog. ...
  3. Step 3: Produce Valuable Content. ...
  4. Step 4: Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques. ...
  5. Step 5: Monetize Your Blog. ...
  6. Step 6: Engage with Your Audience.
Jun 12, 2023

Can I earn $1000 from blogging? ›

If you can start a blog in a niche that you're obsessively passionate about, one that isn't too saturated, where you can build a decent audience, then you can make a cool $1000 per month, or more, from blogging. Especially as a freelancer!

What is the best site to start a blog for free? ›

Now more than ever, the best free blogging sites like WordPress, Wix, HubSpot, Weebly, Ghost, Medium and more are all helping millions of new bloggers to build visually appealing websites without learning to code.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 5835

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.