How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (2024)

Here You Will Find:

  • Autoflowering yields: what does it mean?
  • 6 factors that can affect the autoflower yield
  • What is the average autoflower yield?
  • What are the highest yielding autoflowering strains?
  • 5 tips and techniques to maximize your autoflowering yields
  • Key Takeaways about high yield autoflowering

Growing cannabis can take time and some effort, depending on the strain. If you don’t have the time or patience to grow weed, then an autoflower yield could be your blessing in disguise.

How do you achieve sucha thing? Easy, by using autoflowering seeds.

Get ready: if you want to maximize your autoflower yield, you have landed in the right place. You’ll learn everything you need to know to accomplish a high yield with autoflowering seeds, including tips on containers, nutrients, and ideal environments.

Following that, we’ll tell you our top highest-yielding strains. Ready to get started?

How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (1)

Autoflowering yields: what does it mean?

When we talk about yield, we refer to the number of dried weed buds you can get after you finish the harvesting process of your cannabis plants.

Since autoflowering seeds are genetically modified to grow faster than regular seeds, they don’t rely on a fixed cycle of light hours to get to the blossom stage.

Many people believe that autoflowering seeds have low yields, but this is far from the truth since certain strains can yield many buds all year round if the environmental conditions are correct.

Finding success with autoflower strains is more than just buying the right seeds. A number of factors can assist you in producing high yields. Here are our top 6:

6 factors that can affect the autoflower yield

Many factors will affect how much autoflowering plants yield.

Most of them have to do with environmental conditions such as light and humidity. Others are related to how your marijuana seeds are being grown, such as the pot size for autoflowers you are using and the nutrients you feed them.

Now let’s get a complete look at each one of them.

How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (2)

1. Weather Conditions

There is a lot to unpack here, but we are going to keep it simple for you. Weather will affect your autoflower yields depending on how you are growing your plants.

If you are growing your autos outdoors, you are restricted by the climate in that region. Light, humidity, and temperature are all natural, and while this can aid with increasing yields in a sunny state, you may experience low productions in colder climates.

If you choose to cultivate indoors, you increase your chance of high yields from your autoflower seeds all year, as long as you learn how to control the growing environment.

2. Pots

Autoflower seeds are sold by many on the premise of high yields by square feet; some offers promise up to 25 oz./m2.

The most realistic approach is to consider the actual space you have to plant your seeds. Unless you are setting your garden in the open, the best way to go is with pots.

For large autoflowering yields, you can choose pots that can hold up to 2.6 gallons if you have limited space. Two or three of them do not take much space, and they’re easier to handle.

3. Nutrients and Soil

Both elements are strictly correlated. It’s not an option to choose poor soil to grow weed. Understanding mediums and nutrients will help you to get a high yielding from autoflower seeds.

All weed plants require a steady combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) macronutrients to blossom properly.

Autoflowering plants do not require the same amount of care in this stance as regular seeds. They still need to receive NPK regardless of how they’re growing though.

If your weed plants grow outdoors in fertile soil, they most likely get their nutrients from it. If you are cultivating indoors, even if your pots have quality soil, you’ll have to feed them a synthetic mixture of NPK.

4. Plant Count

If you wonder how much autoflowering plants yield depending on the space you have, here is how you deal with the issue:

  • You can go with a green topping by placing six to ten plants over a square foot, using pots that can hold up to 1.5 gallons. This can get pretty tricky if you don’t have a solid support system for all the plants in place.
  • Another way is by working with larger pots with a capacity of two or two and a half gallons. You’ll probably only be able to handle two or three plants, but you can train them to grow thicker and denser.
  • The final tip is to aim for big plants, which will require a single pot that can hold three to four gallons. These can hold up to three plants. Your yield could measure up to 60 inches high.

How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (3)

5. Training: LST and HST

Training is a growing method that can help you shape your autoflower plants just the way you want them. There are two known methods to follow: low-stress (LST) training and high-stress training (HST). As you can guess, each one of them works differently.

With low-stress training, you manually bend or tie the branches of your weed plant instead of cutting them down. It calls for patience since it requires a lot of handiwork.

High-stress training calls for topping and defoliation of the plant. It’s less stressful on your end, but the plant will lose pieces and bits every time you shape it into what you want.

While both methods work just fine, it’s not recommended to apply these techniques to your plants after they start to flower.

6. The Cultivar

We can define the cultivar as both a feature and a strategy. When it comes to marijuana plants, a cultivar is a group of plants that carry a particular set of features that have been chosen based on the seeds planted and the results they will bring.

You’ll hear about certain weed strains having a distinct aroma, a high presence of trichomes, a specific color, or even a particular flavor.

You’ll know you are dealing with autoflower seeds harvested on a cultivar where the genetic signature of the seed was the primary reason to grow the crop as it is.

What is the average autoflower yield?

The average yield for autoflowering plants ranges between 1.8 to 8 ounces of product.

The amount of marijuana yield per plant is ultimately determined by the type of seed you choose, environmental conditions, where the plants grow, and other factors such as nutrients, air, light, and space.

Indoors autoflowering plants yield

Growing indoors is the best method to favor the highest-yielding autoflowering strains. With minimal experience, you can get an easy harvest of 1.8 ounces of smokable marijuana per plant.

As you learn to control all the indoor gardening variables better, you can get as much as 8 ounces of product from each plant.

Outdoors autoflower yield

Under ideal conditions, the best outdoor autoflower yield an inexperienced grower can expect on their first try is an ounce of product per plant.

As you learn more about all the elements that favor your chosen style of growth, you’ll eventually be able to get 1.5 to 2 ounces.

How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (4)

What are the highest yielding autoflowering strains?

Autoflower marijuana plants are well known for having a distinct genetic signature that can make them unique in every aspect that counts for a weed enthusiast.

Are you ready to get started growing seeds? The following choices are well-known for being some of the highest-yielding autoflowering strains you can find in the market.

Big Devil Autoflower

Big Devil Autoflower is a huge favorite for both medical and recreational users. It has a distinct aroma that mixes fruity undertones with a flavor that reminds you of the greenest woods.

With a slight hint of sativa, this hybrid has traces of ruderalis and can grow up to 5 feet tall and yield an impressive 20 oz./m2 under optimal conditions.

It’s considered a great plant to boost your energy levels, help maintain a high focus and concentration levels, and improve your creativity.

Hyper Critical Autoflower

An indica variation that is turning heads left and right with an uncompromising charge of 20% THC and a range of flavors that will hit you differently every time you smoke, from citrus to cheese.

Hyper Critical Autoflower is guaranteed to offer maximum relaxation, and it’s the top choice of the newcomer who wants to grow indoors. Done right, expect yields of up to 16 oz./m2.

Lemon Autoflower

The best weed for the reflective person, Lemon Autoflower is known for being a powerful sedative and great for relaxation. Bearing a classic indica look, this seed is infused with Lowrider#2 and can handle up to 20 hours of light a day which helps it grow faster, delivering up to 15 oz./m2.

The THC count is on the high side with 19% and a delayed effect that begins with high euphoria levels and slowly decreases to leave you feeling as soft as a pillow.

Mazar Autoflower

Mazar Autoflower is a little wonder with a long history of rich descendants that has evolved from Afgan Skunk to this easy to cultivate weed. It grows fast, usually in 7 weeks, and it’s not too tall, reaching 2.5 feet tall at most. Expect a healthy yield of up to 19 oz./m2.

Mazar packs a punch to your senses with a content of 20% THC and an overload of trichomes that make this plant an earthly pleasure with hints of spice and sandalwood. It’s some of the best weed you can smoke before going to sleep.

Amnesia Haze Autoflower

Amnesia Haze Autoflower is a classic sativa weed strain that originated in Amsterdam. It’s a fusion of ruderalis and the original Amnesia Haze. The plant is well known for being easy to grow even in the most hostile environment and still provides yields of up to 16 oz./m2.

When you blaze Amnesia Haze, your senses will be overloaded with citric smells and flavors ranging from lime to lemons and oranges at times.

This weed is very popular among travelers because it propels mental clarity and a feeling of happiness.

How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (5)

5 tips and techniques to maximize your autoflowering yields

Now you’ll have a pretty good notion about Autoflowering seeds, how easy they are to grow, and which environments they favor for the best yields.

However, you might still wonder if there is a cheat to boost high-yielding autoflower seeds. Don’t worry; we have five tricks you can pull to achieve the best results with your autoflower yields.

1. Grow Indoors

This tip is probably pretty obvious, but indoor conditions favor high autoflower yields. Growing inside also offers you a lot more control over plant count, training, and management of the environmental conditions.

2. Grow Your Autoflower Seeds in The Pot Where You’ll Harvest Them

One of the best tricks you can pull off to maximize the yield of your autoflower seeds is to plant them in the same pot where they’ll be harvested. This tip works better if you grow indoors and germinate the seeds before planting them into the soil.

3. Don’t Feed Your Autoflower Plants Excessive Nutrients

We already mentioned that autoflower seeds don’t need the same amount of attention regular seeds do. This fact is especially true when it comes to nutrients.

Make sure to feed them just a quarter of the portion you would provide to plants grown with regular seeds.

If they appear a little nute-deficient, you can slowly increase the amount you provide.

4. Give Your Plants the 18/6 formula When it Comes to Light

Autoflower seeds do not need a light schedule the way natural ones do. A perfect high-yielding autoflower crop will flourish beautifully by receiving 18 hours of light a day and 6 of darkness.

5. Add a Root Stimulant

Your autoflowering plants’ yield will be well served by a root stimulant that increases their water and nutrient uptake and protects them from diseases.

How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (6)

Key Takeaways about high yield autoflowering

When it comes to your high yielding autoflower goals, remember the following:

  • Some seeds produce plants that give higher yields than others, choose wisely.
  • You can cultivate autoflower cannabis outdoors and indoors, but indoor growth usually yields better results.
  • A quality pot with enriched soil will do incredibly well for your autoflowering seeds.
  • Follow LST for autoflowers methods to promote higher yields.

We hope you’ve learned a lot and can now achieve the highest yielding with your autoflowering strains of choice. Visit our shop to have them delivered to you!

About the author: Derek LaRose

Also known as Kronic from The Cannabis Kronicles, Derek LaRose is a young ambitious cultivator and a staple educator for indoor cultivation.

How To Maximize Your Autoflower Yield | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (2024)


What is a good yield for an autoflower? ›

Regular autoflowering plants are small, yielding between 10 and 50 grams per plant. You cannot expect a strain with a fast and short flowering time to produce more than 30 grams but super autoflowers can yield 200-300 grams if you give it the perfect environment.

What is the highest yielding autoflower? ›

The highest yielding autoflower is Green Crack . This autoflower produces yields of up to 650g per square meter after only 9 weeks from seed to harvest.

Do Autoflowers need complete darkness? ›

Do autoflowers need a dark cycle? Autoflowers don't necessarily need a dark cycle. You can grow them under an autoflower 24 hour light from seed to harvest. Many people do just that whereas others feel that they get slightly better results with a 20/4 or perhaps 18/6 autoflower light cycle.

Is 14 weeks too long for autoflower? ›

Autoflower Seed to Harvest Time

Considering the above, autoflowering strains from RQS have a seed to harvest time of between 8–14 weeks. This is much faster than the vast share of photoperiod varieties, however, genetic variation means some strains take longer than others.

Why are my autoflower yields so low? ›

Your autoflower may have a nutrient deficiency or excess

With a reduced autoflower size, you can expect reduced yields too. Over-feeding and over watering cannabis plants are quite possibly the most common mistakes made by less experienced growers. The cannabis root system is easily burned by excessive nutrients.

How many nodes should an autoflower have? ›

To avoid stressing your plants as they flower, we recommend you start training or topping them as soon as they've developed 3–4 nodes.

What is the lifespan of an autoflower? ›

One of the most appealing characteristics of autoflower strains is that they have a short lifespan. Their vegetative period lasts for two to four weeks, while most take eight to ten weeks to grow from seeds to harvest, while others take as short as seven and the longest ones take 13 weeks.

How many weeks do autoflower take? ›

The average time it takes for an autoflower seed to grow and reach harvest is around 75 days. This can partly depend on the specific phenotype as well as environmental conditions. When compared to a typical photo-dependent feminised (or regular) strain this is a huge time saving.

What is the fastest finishing autoflower strain? ›

With a lightning-quick flowering time of only six weeks indoors and 5–6 weeks outdoors, Green O Matic is regarded as the world's quickest autoflowering marijuana. The quick and long-lasting effects of this marijuana, combined with its mildness, make it a fantastic choice for daytime use.

Do autos grow faster than photos? ›

Autoflowers are fast

Autoflowers are regarded for their speed. Most autoflowers take only 2 months from seed to harvest whereas photoperiod strains need at least 4 months to complete their cycle.

How far should LED lights be from Autoflowers? ›

During the flowering stage LED Grow lights should be located between 16-36 inches from the plant canopy. Moving the grow light closer will increase the light intensity which can maximize photosynthesis.

What week should you top autoflower? ›

Not too many people routinely top their autoflowers, but those that do tend to do so after/around 4 weeks of growth. One of the dangers of topping autoflower plants is that the grower misses out on the main central bloom. This can often account for around 20% of the total harvest.

What will happen to a autoflower plant with 24 hour light? ›


Some growers will even give their autos a full 24 hours of light, arguing that this helps maximise vegetative growth. Growers who stick to 18-hour light cycles, on the other hand, argue that this gives their plants a short “recovery” period that is essential for healthy growth.

What happens if you wait too long to harvest autoflower? ›

Harvesting your autoflowers too early and your plants will be clipped when THC peaks, and you won't get the best quality harvest. Harvest too late and THC levels will decrease, but CBD levels will increase, such marijuana is more of a sedative.

Is 20 hours of light too much for an autoflower plant? ›

Most growers agree that the optimum amount of light to give autoflowering strains is somewhere between 18-24 hours of light a day. As a grower you should adjust the light depending on the cultivar you're growing.

What should my autoflower look like at 3 weeks? ›

Week 3: Vegetation Continues

Vegetation is well underway with more leaves appearing. By the end of the week, the plants are both almost 16cm tall. Both plants were fed with Jacks on day 15. The plants are both using a mix of 50/50 coco coir and Pitmoss, with around 20% perlite and 5% clay pellets.

How do I fatten up my autoflower buds? ›

Light intensity

To some degree, more light translates to fatter buds and higher yields (you'll need to pay attention to the distance between your grow light and plants or your plant may suffer from light burn). Increasing light intensity is the most effective way to fatten up buds.

What nutrients are best for autoflowering? ›

You can feed your plant using potting soil containing minimal nitrogen and phosphorus. Seedling boosters with a ratio of 11–40–13 are ideal and provide the baby cannabis crops with what they need. They're the best nutrients for autoflowers during this phase as they promote healthy roots and strong growth.

How much nutrients do Autoflowers need? ›

Nutrients for flowering stage (4+ weeks)

Use an NPK ratio of 5-10-10 or similar. Some autoflower nutrients contain more phosphorus (eg. 5-15-10), and these are suitable as well.

How many buds is a node? ›

Each node can potentially produce an axillary-bud complex consisting of four buds on a foreshortened shoot. These include the lateral (prompt or true axillary) bud positioned to the dorsal side of the shoot and a compound bud that is positioned more ventrally (Fig.

How many colas should an autoflower have? ›

Typically, autoflowers have one main stem or cola that has the maximum amount of flowers.

How often should I water my Autoflowers? ›

As your autoflowers get bigger, they need more frequent watering and larger quantities. During the germination and seedling stages, give each plant 3-7 ounces every 4-7 days. During the vegetative stage (when your autoflowers are growing leaves and branches), give each plant 10-20 ounces every 2-4 days.

Can Autoflowers take 12 weeks? ›

Autoflowering strains typically move from seed to harvest in 8–10 weeks. However, some varieties can take up to 12 weeks to fully mature.

Should I prune autoflower? ›

Defoliating autoflowers gives you fatter, juicier buds, a more bountiful harvest, and healthier greenery. Pruning, trimming, and topping autoflower plants is standard practice, especially for bushier autos.

How many autoflower plants can fit in a 4x4 tent? ›

Most growers will choose to grow 8-12 plants in a 4×4 tent.

What is the most popular autoflower strain? ›

Auto White Widow (free shipping on ILGM) is the best autoflowering strain, with a good balance between Indica and Sativa, easy to grow for beginners, a reasonable 425g yield, and 19% THC. Lemon OG Haze (from $5/seed on Seedsman) is a strong second choice for its relaxing, potentially therapeutic benefits.

What is the strongest strain of all time? ›

When it comes to high THC strains, several sources, including leading cannabis magazine High Times, report that Godfather OG is the strongest marijuana strain in the world. It's an indica-leaning hybrid strain that has THC levels cresting 35%, and some say that it could be even higher.

Which strain last the longest? ›

Our Top Picks: The Best Cannabis Strains for a Long-Lasting High
  • Twisted Monkey – Best Sativa Option for Balanced Highs.
  • Purple Haze – Well-Balanced, Ideal Sativa Strain.
  • Donkey Butter – Best Indica Option for a Long High.
  • Girl Scout Cookies – Balanced Indica Highs.
  • Lemon Haze – Great Tasting, Lasting Sativa Highs.
4 May 2022

Do photos yield more than autos? ›

Benefits. Photoperiod strains only shift into the flowering stage once their light cycle changes, giving growers more control. Controlling the plant's stages allows cultivators to grow their plants to massive sizes. Making the plants much more prominent and providing higher yields than autoflowers.

What Week Do Autoflowers stop growing in height? ›

The vertical growth stops sometime during week 7 but the plant does everything in its power to increase the size of the buds.

Do Autoflowers take longer in bigger pots? ›

When growing autoflowers outdoors, you require bigger autoflower pots since the plants are expected to grow larger. All the same, you shouldn't invest in an autoflower pot bigger than 15 liters. Autoflowers have a short growing period, and they're ready for harvest before exploiting the whole space in the big pot.

How do you yield bigger buds? ›

Grow More Big Buds Indoors
  1. Turn Up The Lights. ...
  2. Change Nutrients for Each Stage. ...
  3. Train Your Plants. ...
  4. Bone Up On Your Feeding. ...
  5. Control Temperature and Humidity. ...
  6. Pump Up CO2. ...
  7. Be Patient.

What is the rarest strain? ›

Malawi Gold is one of the rarest strains in the entire world. Grown naturally in Malawi for generations, this legendary landrace strain remains consistent, uniform, and universally loved. Although, unlike many popular modern hybrids, Malawi Gold has a moderate THC level.

Are bigger or smaller buds better? ›

Most of the time, the bigger the buds, the better the quality, but each strain produces a different size and shape. Indicas tend to be more dense and smaller, while sativas are much less dense, fluffier, and generally regarded as less aesthetically pleasing.

How many plants can I grow with a 100W LED light? ›

For a cultivation area or a grow tent of 80 x 80, you will need LED systems from 100W to 200W depending on the manufacturer. Any LED system between these watts will be enough to fully grow up to 4 plants.

How do you know if your plant is getting too much light? ›

Telltale Signs of Too Much Light

The most apparent sign is leaf burning. This typically causes the yellowing of leaves at the top of the plant but the veins stay green, and the leaves take on a yellow or brown, burnt look.

How far should 1000 watt LED light be from plants? ›

Lower wattage LEDs of around 200 watts should sit between 12-20 inches from the top of the plant. Higher wattage LEDs of 1000 watts and above should sit between 36-46 inches from the top of the plant.

How do you maximize autoflower yields? ›

5 tips and techniques to maximize your autoflowering yields
  1. Grow Indoors. ...
  2. Grow Your Autoflower Seeds in The Pot Where You'll Harvest Them. ...
  3. Don't Feed Your Autoflower Plants Excessive Nutrients. ...
  4. Give Your Plants the 18/6 formula When it Comes to Light. ...
  5. Add a Root Stimulant.
5 Aug 2021

Should I remove fan leaves during flowering autoflower? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

How much bud do you get off an autoflower? ›

Regular autoflowering plants are small, yielding between 10 and 50 grams per plant. You cannot expect a strain with a fast and short flowering time to produce more than 30 grams but super autoflowers can yield 200-300 grams if you give it the perfect environment.

Do autos need darkness? ›

Do autoflowers need a dark cycle? Autoflowers don't necessarily need a dark cycle. You can grow them under an autoflower 24 hour light from seed to harvest. Many people do just that whereas others feel that they get slightly better results with a 20/4 or perhaps 18/6 autoflower light cycle.

Should I shut my grow light off at night? ›

A: In general, you should not leave grow lights on 24/7. Plants need a light-dark cycle to develop properly. It's believed that they truly do “rest” during periods of darkness, and probably use this time to move nutrients into their extremities while taking a break from growing.

Does darkness help Autoflowers? ›

Technically speaking, autoflowers don't need darkness because the Ruderalis is accustomed to 24 hours of daylight at times in the wild, depending on the season. They can be grown in any light cycle as long as the conditions are favorable in terms of temperature.

Does topping Autoflowers increase yield? ›

Topping is a high stress technique which can deliver good results especially when growing photo dependent feminised strains. Plants can be topped several times over a long vegetative growth period (e.g. 8-12 weeks) to produce a bushy plant with multiple heavy yielding blooms. The result can be seriously heavy yields.

Is it worth topping an autoflower? ›

However, it's important to remember that topping is a high-stress technique. If you're going to use it on an autoflowering strain, you'll want to do so very early, and only if you're positive your plant is super healthy. In general, we recommend staying away from topping when growing autoflowering plants.

Should you trim fan leaves on autoflower? ›

Step 1: Trim off the big fan leaves

They can prevent light from reaching the middle and lower areas leading to weaker bottom buds. The first step in autoflower defoliation is gently grabbing the big fan leaves on the middle and bottom stems and snipping them off.

How do you maximize bud yield? ›

The following tips will allow for maximizing on yields at home:
  1. Manipulating Plant Growth.
  2. Increasing Light Intensity.
  3. Controlling the Growing Environment.
  4. Controlling of Nutrients.
  5. Proper Harvesting and bud trimming.
17 Aug 2020

Should you lollipop Autoflowers? ›

Lollipopping Autoflowers: Benefits And Dangers

As for lollipopping auto strains, you should be much more careful. If all you value is what's on the scales, regardless of the quality of the buds, then this method is probably not for you. Lollipopping autos may cause enough stress that the overall yield will decrease.

Can you grow Autoflowers without nutrients? ›

IS IT POSSIBLE TO GROW AUTOFLOWERS WITHOUT NUTRIENTS? In principle, yes. It may be possible to grow an autoflower from seed to harvest without giving any extra nutrients. But this can come with some downsides: lower yields and lower-quality cannabis.

Do topped plants yield more? ›

Nine out of ten times, a topped plant will produce a heavier yield than a plant that is left to grow naturally. Topping discourages vertical growth, promotes an even canopy, and increases light penetration.

How many times can you top one plant? ›

In time, these side branches can also get topped, which will create even more side branches and make the plant bush out even more. Doing this will also create more bud sites on branches and therefore increase your yields. Generally, a plant will get topped 1-3 times during its life.

How long should you veg Autoflowers? ›

Autoflowering strains typically move from seed to harvest in 8–10 weeks. However, some varieties can take up to 12 weeks to fully mature.

How many hours do Autoflowers need? ›

And since autoflowering plants have short vegetative phases and often grow shorter than photoperiod strains, you'll typically want to give your autos at least 18 hours of light. This allows for robust growth, without overspending on energy.

How often should you water Autoflowers? ›

As your autoflowers get bigger, they need more frequent watering and larger quantities. During the germination and seedling stages, give each plant 3-7 ounces every 4-7 days. During the vegetative stage (when your autoflowers are growing leaves and branches), give each plant 10-20 ounces every 2-4 days.

Does removing fan leaves increase yield? ›

When performed properly, trimming fan leaves can increase the yield of a cannabis plant. Trimming or defoliation helps fight pests, reduce the chances for mold, and increase light exposure and airflow to lower nodes which can increase production.

Does Lollipopping increase yield? ›

Does lollipopping increase yield? Many growers have increased yields by lollipopping. We know enough about plant science to support the logic behind this type of pruning. What's even cooler is that you can combine lollipopping with topping or fimming.

What week do you remove fan leaves? ›

Schwazzing involves stripping your plants of all fan leaves beneath the top two or three nodes at two key times: Once at the start of the bloom phase, and again at the beginning of the third week of bloom.

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