How to make weed weigh more? (2024)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

It is the wish of every cannabis grower to tend and have a yield that weighs more because the weightier the weed, the more the money for a seller.

However, it is not always an easy exercise to produce dense and weighty weed. Farmers face many challenges in having good harvests.

Nonetheless, you are not left without choice entirely. In this article, I will talk about a few practical ways you can make your weed weigh more whether it is immediately after harvest or after it is dry, a time you may want to sell it.

Before we look at the various ways you can make your weed weigh more, let’s first look at the possible reasons why you weed is lighter.

Why Does My Weed Have Light and Airy Buds?

There could be five reasons why your weeds’ buds look airy. In this state, you will harvest weed that is light thus may not find a good market.

Here are five reasons very quickly:

Low/High Temperatures

Like any other plant, cannabis plants need the right temperature. If something tampers with the weather, whether by lowering or increasing it to unbearable degrees, the repercussions will be detrimental.

The optimum temperature level is 30 degrees Celsius. It’s is particularly important during the plants’ flowering period.


The second reason why you might harvest light weed is lack of sufficient light. This condition usually affects farmers who cultivate their weed indoors, where it is hard to regulate the amount of lighting.

There is general information that weed can survive many days without sufficient light. That is true. However, without enough light, your crops will not form dense buds or no buds at all.

If you introduce more light, especially during the plants’ flowering stage, you will get dense buds; hence your weed will weigh more during harvest.


The types of nutrients you feed your weed also matter a lot. Like any other crop, you need to provide your weed with manure or fertilizer in its ideal ration. With that in mind, it is essential to know that during the flowering period, which is a crucial stage in the formation of dense buds, you need to reduce the amount of nitrogen (N) you feed your weed.

Instead, increase the Phosphorous and Potassium portions.

The unbalanced nutrient level also affects the plants’ soil pH level.

Type of Strain/Genetics

Some types of strains are so hard to cultivate. No matter what you do on your plantation, you will always harvest lighter weed. You may want to strain to better the weight, but all will be futile.

Studies indicate that most Sativa-dominant strains are bound to produce lighter and airy buds. Indica-dominant strains, on the other hand, tend to grow dense buds, which later translate to your weed weighing more.

Airflow and Budding Space

Finally, insufficient airflow may lead to less dense buds. If you grow so many cannabis trees in a small place, the buds will not get enough space to breathe during their flowering period. To end this mess, you need to do proper spacing among your weed plants.

We have talked a lot about problems. Now, let us talk about solutions.

This section delves into what you can do to ensure your weed develop dense buds during their flowering period. Besides, we will also discuss what you can do to increase weed weight shortly before harvest and immediately after harvest when you are about to sell your weed.

How to make weed weigh more? (1)

Proven Tactics To Increase Bud Formation & Density Before Harvest

Assuming you have seen the causes of lighter buds and that you will do something to fix the mess, let us shift our focus to see the seven proven tactics that help farmers to grow dense buds. The reasons described below show why your weed can weigh too much.

  1. Reduce Humidity To Below 45 Percent

How to make weed weigh more? (2)

A critical aspect of bud formation, especially three weeks before harvest is to reduce humidity to around 45%. With this reduction of moisture, your plants increase their production of resin, which catalyzes bud formation.

  1. Apply Supplements

If you are a cannabis farmer especially a farmer cum seller, then you have probably heard of bloom boosters. During this essential period, you might want to focus on applying the second phase of bloom boosters – whose aim is to increase Potassium/Phosphorous levels rather than the first-phase whose objective is to enhance the plants’ growing process.

If you don’t have the second-phase bloom boosters, then you can opt for Blackstrap molasses, which incidentally does the same job.

  1. Water Your Plants But Do not Overdo It

“Water is life,” so they say. Make sure your plants have enough water. Without the right amount of water in the soil, no matter how hard you try to do the rest, your weed will not form buds, leave alone germinate or produce branches, leaves and flowers.

However, if you put a lot of water to your crops, the roots will soon begin to decay, and the plants will collapse. The lesson is watering your plants just right.

  1. Take Time Before You Harvest

Harvesting too early deprives the plants’ time of forming dense buds. If you wait a little longer before you harvest, you will give your plants time to complete their growing cycle, which involves proper bud formation.

You may not believe this, but it is essential if you hear it.

“Weed gains a lot of weight as well as density during the latter days of their growing cycle. If you rush to harvest, you will hinder this important process hence ruining your hard work,” – Wycliffe Bruno

  1. Dry, Cure Your Weed Buds

How to make weed weigh more? (3)

Drying and treating your buds has many advantages. First, you will improve the smell and taste of your weed. Secondly, you will increase your marijuana’s potency, something that will make your clients crave for your weed even more.

Fourth, when you dry and treat your buds like a pro, they will tighten up.

Experts warn that if you don’t take precautionary measures such as curing and drying your weed correctly, you’ll probably lose 50% of the total weight.

  1. Prune Before 12/12

Pruning your weed a few weeks before they flower is one of the sure techniques to improve weight in the buds. This method works because virtually, proper pruning ensures you don’t have any leave left below those you deem necessary.

To illustrate, if a plant is 100 cm, you remove 60 cm of leaves below those that flower. That way, you will remain with 40 cm of leaves that will gain and utilize all the plant’s nutrients to form dense buds.

Some of the benefits associated with employing proper pruning techniques include:

  • All the plants’ energy goes to the upper part that now forms the dense buds
  • No lower undeveloped buds
  • Dramatic airflow improvement at the base thus good airflow to all plants
  1. Get A Bigger Container

Get it right. A big container will do you good. It will be able to hold big buds. Small containers only hold smaller buds. You don’t want tiny buds!

When you are out shopping for pots, go for ‘Smart pots’ or ‘Air pots’. These two types are not only bigger but can enhance faster weed growth.

One of the reasons why a ‘Smart pot’ is ideal is its material. Smart pots are made from fabric, which has holes. As you know, the more airy the pot is the better airflow at the root of the weed plant.

An air pot is also a good alternative. Although made of plastic, it has holes created on its sides that too allow for sufficient airflow to the plants.

How to make weed weigh more? (4)

What your seller may have added to your weed to make it weigh more

In essence, weed will always weigh more even when it gets to the cannabis dispensary, provided the above-mentioned reasons as to why weed can weigh more during the growing season.

Nonetheless, there are some unscrupulous sellers who deal in grit weed, also called contaminated cannabis. In fact, this happens more in states where cannabis is criminalized or banned altogether. So, some sellers wish to make a kill by adding tiny glass materials, silicone, sand, or even sugar to weigh even more. As much as there are genuine sellers with hefty weed buds, others use contaminants to make theirs weigh more; thus implying more profits.

Final Thoughts

Challenging as it may be, you can crack it. More than any other time, you are convinced your weed is not going to weigh lighter anymore. Yes, you can make that a reality by putting the proven tactics discussed herein into practice. Only then, will your weed weigh more.

If growing pot is legal in your country, buy quality marijuana seeds from us and you will be sure to have your massive weighty weeds.

I'm a seasoned cannabis cultivation expert with extensive hands-on experience in the cultivation and harvesting of marijuana plants. I've successfully managed numerous cannabis crops and have a deep understanding of the factors that contribute to the weight and density of weed buds. My expertise is grounded in practical knowledge gained through years of cultivating different strains and optimizing growth conditions.

Now, let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article:

Possible Reasons for Light and Airy Buds:

  1. Low/High Temperatures:

    • Optimal temperature for cannabis plants: 30 degrees Celsius during the flowering period.
  2. Light:

    • Insufficient light affects indoor cultivation, leading to lighter buds.
    • Increased light during flowering stage promotes dense bud formation.
  3. Nutrients:

    • Proper nutrient balance is crucial, with a focus on reducing nitrogen and increasing phosphorous and potassium during the flowering period.
  4. Type of Strain/Genetics:

    • Sativa-dominant strains may produce lighter buds, while Indica-dominant strains tend to yield denser buds.
  5. Airflow and Budding Space:

    • Inadequate airflow results in less dense buds.
    • Proper spacing among plants is essential for optimal airflow during the flowering period.

Solutions to Increase Bud Formation & Density:

  1. Reduce Humidity:

    • Maintain humidity around 45% three weeks before harvest to enhance resin production and catalyze bud formation.
  2. Apply Supplements:

    • Use bloom boosters or Blackstrap molasses to increase potassium and phosphorous levels.
  3. Proper Watering:

    • Adequate water is essential for bud formation, but overwatering can lead to root decay.
  4. Timing of Harvest:

    • Waiting for the latter days of the growing cycle allows for proper bud formation and increased weight.
  5. Dry and Cure Buds:

    • Proper drying and curing improve the smell, taste, and potency of weed, while also preventing weight loss.
  6. Pruning Before 12/12:

    • Pruning a few weeks before flowering directs energy to upper buds, resulting in denser buds.
  7. Get a Bigger Container:

    • Larger containers, such as 'Smart pots' or 'Air pots,' provide space for bigger buds and promote faster growth.

Contaminants and Weighing:

  • Some sellers may add contaminants like tiny glass materials, silicone, sand, or sugar to make weed weigh more artificially.

Final Thoughts:

  • Legal and quality cultivation ensures that weed weighs more naturally.
  • The article encourages using proven tactics to maximize the weight of marijuana buds, emphasizing the importance of proper cultivation practices.

By implementing these proven tactics, you can significantly enhance the weight and density of your cannabis harvest.

How to make weed weigh more? (2024)


How can I increase my bud weight? ›

Light intensity. Light is the most important factor when trying to get denser cannabis flowers because lights help cannabis plants produce sugars through the photosynthesis process which helps them grow, just have in mind that not any light will do, weed needs an optimal light intensity to produce big fat buds.

Does weed weigh more when it's wet? ›

Moist cannabis is heavy: Water has weight. Depending on the cultivar, its wet weight (pre-dried) is anywhere from 60-67% heavier than fully dried and cured cannabis. In other words, properly dried and cured cannabis weighs 33-40% of the wet weight at harvest.

Does dry weed weigh more? ›

Cannabis will lose between 25% and 77% of its original weight when dried [14] .

What makes buds heavy? ›

Genetic factors play a significant role, but environmental factors determine the ultimate fate of buds. Optimal lighting, nutrition, and training almost always result in the production of dense flowers. On the contrary, a lack of any of these vital components will give rise to airy, lacklustre blossoms.

Do buds grow at night or day? ›

Nighttime provides darkness, keeping cannabis on somewhat of a natural clock. This is why indoor growers need to make a deliberate effort to not only create long, bright days but also emulate dark cycles for cannabis to grow large full buds.

What does bad weed look like? ›

Buds that are overly pale often indicate low-quality weed as a result of harvesting an immature plant or one that has been improperly cured. On the other hand, buds that are too dark could be indicative of over-curing or poor drying practices. The trichomes on cannabis flowers should have a natural frosted appearance.

Does wet weed make you less high? ›

But just like smoking dried-out buds, smoking wet weed can be annoying and unpleasant. You'll likely find that it's hard to grind, doesn't burn properly, and tastes bad. Crucially, it's also possible that wet weed won't get you as high (we bet that got your attention).

Does fresh weed weigh more? ›

Cannabis that has been thoroughly dried will be significantly lighter than when fresh. It will also be dry enough to burn without leaving behind nasty-tasting plant material.

What does moldy weed look like? ›

Discolored or dark spots and white fuzz are telltale signs of mold, but it can also be green or black. And like growing cannabis plants, already dried and cured cannabis buds can grow mold as well. If you notice that your buds have a fuzzy white, brown, black, or gray coating, do not use them.

What does moldy weed smell like? ›

Unlike trichomes, which look like little hairs that almost appear to glitter, mold has a gray or white powdery appearance. Mold also has a distinct odor to it, so your nose may notice the mold before your eyes do. Moldy weed usually has a musty or mildewy smell, or it may smell kind of like hay.

How long do buds dry in 5 days? ›

It generally takes 5−10 days for buds to be ready for storage, but the time it takes to dry will depend on a few factors: whether or not you trimmed the buds before drying, the humidity is lower than normal, and if the temperature is higher than normal.

How do you fatten up buds organically? ›

Light allows your plant to produce energy and sugar via photosynthesis, which eventually helps the plant grow bigger and fatter buds. Naturally, you won't have to worry about the light if you're growing cannabis outdoors, as nature works its magic on the plants.

Does potassium make buds bigger? ›

They're usually full of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as smaller trace elements. These nutrients are used to stimulate your plants to generate more terpenes and sugars, which increases the size of your buds while keeping them proportionately dense.

What week do buds fatten the most? ›

⭐ Bud fattening phase

For most commercial genetics, weeks 5 and 6 of flowering is when the buds fatten the most, but it is also possible that even within the same variety, because faster and slower phenotypes can appear.

Do buds fatten up during flush? ›

It's also important to note that you can see an increase in both bud size and terpenoid production after the flush, because your plants have more energy to devote to swelling buds and terpene production. They're not having to spend energy to intake the nutrients you're normally feeding them.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.