How to Make More Money if You Already Have a Job (2024)

Do you have arealjob that pays you prettywell? Awesome! However, we’re willing to bet that just because you’re getting a steady paycheck doesn’t mean you wouldn’t wantsome extra cash in your bank account. You’re definitely not alone there, considering today’spretty staggering costs of living, communicating, downloading, socializing, dressing, and pretty much everything else we do. While it’s not alwaysrealistic for folkswith full-time jobs to seek out second and third jobs, there are plenty of ways to learn how to make more money that require doing so on your own terms.

MORE: 101 Painless Ways To Save Money Right Now

Read on for 10 tips on how to make more money—and not one of them involves babysitting!

How to Make More Money if You Already Have a Job (3)

1. Make more money by selling your clothes
It might sound obvious, but if you’relooking to make room in your closet and pick up some extra bucks, your best bet is to go the resale route and sell your unwanted clothing online. And while sites likeeBay and Etsy are wonderful, there are loads of newer, more streamlined online consignment orresale sites and apps that optimize your chances of raking in the cash, such as Poshmark, Threadflip, and Tradesy. (Here’s a good guideto get you started.)

If you’d rather not take the online route, look into local consignment shops in your city, that’ll pay you a percentage foryour goods oncethey sell. While most only accept fairly high-end items, there are some quckie resale stores like Buffalo Exchange and Beacon’s Closet that pay you on the spot for in-season stuff you bring in from all types of retailers, even those like Zara and J. Crew.

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2. Profit from your teachable skills.
If you’re lucky enough to have a teachableskill, it’s a safe betthat—with a little planning—you can profit from it.If you’re an academic—a math whiz, a history buff, or a writer by trade—think about setting up a small tutoring business. Putting up flyers in your neighborhood’s supermarkets, community bulletin boards, and local schools is a great place to start, as is asking neighbors with kids if they know anyone looking for some extra help. Same goes for teaching things like an instrument or voice lessons, if you’re skilled and think you can teach a beginner.

Of course, you can always try your hand at offering somewhat offbeatservices for things you know you’re good at but never thought could make you more money, like professional organizing, personal shopping, or pet-sitting.

3.Round up loose change.
Perhaps the most painlessand the most effective way to make more money:Drop your loose change into the same jar at the end of every single day. Once a month, take it to the bank and get cold, hard cash. Don’t forget to look for coins under cushions, in drawers, in bags, and in coat pockets, too.

4. Rent out your pad.
A quick way to make more money? Offer up your apartment or house using a reputable service like AirBNB if you know you’re going out of town for a night or a month. And if you really need the extracash, rent it our and crash with a friend for a few days.

MORE:10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Anything Expensive

4. Scour your closet forthings with tags.
If you’re anything like us, you’ve got morethan a few items sitting in your closet with tags still on ’em. Return the ones you still have receipts for if it’s not too late. (Otherwise, take the store credit—it’s still better than keeping clothes you’ll never wear.) Some stores, like Sephora, will let you return anything no matter how long it’s been.

5. Offer to work weekends at a family member’s business
If you have a family thatowns a business that’s opened on weekends (a store, a salon, a garage, a restaurant, even a doctor’s office), offer your services. Working the reception deskat your uncle’s dental office on Saturdays, waitressingat your parent’s restaurant, or helping work the register at your cousin’s shoe storecan be an excellent way tomakesome extra money, if you’re willing to put in the hours. Extra points for offering to work tips-based jobs like bartending.

6. Get certifiedin something.
This doesn’t mean giving up your day job, but rather taking courses to get certified in something you love, so you can teach it to others part-time. Live for exercise or health? Think about becoming a certified personal trainer thatmakes house calls, or a freelance nutritionist.

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7. List things on Craigslist
There’s a reason why over 40 million people rely on Craigslist to sell everything from bikes and fitness equipment, to furniture and knick-knacks. Start listing everything you don’t need—even large lots of books, DVDs, records, and other collections—odds are someone in your area wants it. Plus, all transactions are in person, so there’s no shipping costs.

8. Make stuff, and sell it
If you’re a talented artist, seamstress, or jewelry maker, think about making cool prints, greeting cards, clothing, or accessories to sell on sites like Etsy.

9. Look intofocus groups.
These moderated roundtables that solicit people like you to offeryour opinions on products have gotten a bad reputation over time, but the fact remains that good ones pay between$50 and $300 an hour. Sites like can serve a jumping-off point to landing focus group opportunities in your city, as can Craigslist for less formal groups.

10. Freelance.
Even if you have a 9 to 5, looking into freelance gigs—writing, copywriting, graphic design, interpreting, illustrating, web design, the list goes on—can be an amazing way to hone your skills and make more money while you’re at it. Check out for a hefty list of freelance-able skills, or check Craigslist and other job boards for frequent postings.

How to Make More Money if You Already Have a Job (2024)


How to make more money with the money you already have? ›

Savings Account: Start by putting your money in a high-yield savings account. While the interest rates are typically lower than other investments, it's a safe and easily accessible option. 2. Invest in Stocks: Consider investing in the stock market.

How do you ask for more money when they give you more work? ›

You need to highlight your value and achievements, but also acknowledge your areas of improvement and your willingness to take on more challenges. You need to state your desired salary range, but also be flexible and realistic.

How to explain leaving a job for more money? ›

Here are a few examples of how to answer, as well as some tips on choosing the best option for you.
  1. “My values no longer align with the company's mission.”
  2. “I'd like additional compensation.”
  3. “The company I worked for went out of business.”
  4. “I feel undervalued in my current role.”
  5. “I'm looking for a new challenge.”
Feb 2, 2024

How can I make an extra $1000 a month and work full time? ›

Fortunately, there are plenty of realistic and achievable ways to make an extra $1000 per month without sacrificing your current job.
  1. Freelancing. ...
  2. 2.1 Online Tutoring. ...
  3. 2.2 Writing and Editing. ...
  4. 2.3 Graphic Designing. ...
  5. Ridesharing. ...
  6. 3.1 Uber. ...
  7. 3.2 Lyft. ...
  8. 3.3 DoorDash.
Nov 11, 2023

How to generate a second source of income? ›

25 passive income ideas for building wealth
  1. Create a course. One popular strategy for passive income is creating an audio or video course, then kicking back while cash rolls in from the sale of your product. ...
  2. Write an e-book. ...
  3. Flip retail products. ...
  4. Sell photography online. ...
  5. Dividend stocks. ...
  6. Rent out a parking space.
Mar 27, 2024

How to make 10k a month? ›

In this guide, we'll share the 10 best ways to make $10,000 per month, including:
  1. Sell Private Label Rights (PLR) products 📝
  2. Start a dropshipping online business 📦
  3. Start a blog and leverage ad income 💻
  4. Freelance your skills 🎨
  5. Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) 📚
  6. Flip vintage apparel, furniture, and decor 🛋
Feb 23, 2024

How to double 1000 dollars? ›

Here's how to invest $1,000 and start growing your money today.
  1. Buy an S&P 500 index fund. ...
  2. Buy partial shares in 5 stocks. ...
  3. Put it in an IRA. ...
  4. Get a match in your 401(k) ...
  5. Have a robo-advisor invest for you. ...
  6. Pay down your credit card or other loan. ...
  7. Go super safe with a high-yield savings account. ...
  8. Build up a passive business.
Apr 15, 2024

How to earn extra $10,000? ›

Here are ten ways to make $10k quickly:
  1. Become A Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly. ...
  2. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Participate In Online Surveys. ...
  4. Become A Virtual Assistant. ...
  5. Do Odd Jobs. ...
  6. Create An Online Course. ...
  7. Become An Affiliate Marketer. ...
  8. Sell Your Stuff.

Can you lose a job offer by negotiating salary? ›

So, can you lose a job offer by negotiating salary? Technically yes, though it's highly unlikely if you do it right. One thing is for certain: you won't get what you want if you don't ask for it!

How do you politely say the salary is too low? ›

Feel free to adjust it to your liking: “Thank you so much for the offer. I'm really excited about the company and the role. I want to be upfront with you that the salary is lower than I was expecting based on my skills and experience.

Should you counter a job offer? ›

If the role you want offers something other than what you expected from it during the negotiations, then it's reasonable to present a counteroffer. Many companies are willing to be flexible with their offers, so requesting small changes can help you get the most from that company's offerings.

Is it OK to leave a job for more money? ›

There's no point approaching your employer for more money or starting a job hunt unless you can justify that you really deserve more. Consider the reasons why your current pay should be higher: How do you go above and beyond in your daily duties? What new skills have you acquired since your last pay increase?

What are your three weaknesses? ›

Some skills that you can use as weaknesses include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination.

How long should you stay at a job? ›

When it comes to your career path, there's no definitively correct or incorrect way to move forward. You get to decide the best way for you to navigate any given situation—including deciding when it's time to move on from a job. Conventional guidance suggests that you should stay at a job for at least two years.

How can I make an extra $1000 a month? ›

Here's How to Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Start Freelance Writing. ...
  2. Begin Blogging. ...
  3. Practice Graphic Design. ...
  4. Assist with Bookkeeping. ...
  5. Become a Virtual Assistant. ...
  6. Sell Something on Etsy. ...
  7. Manage Social Media Accounts. ...
  8. Complete Online Surveys.
Feb 26, 2024

How to make an extra $1000 a week? ›

Here's a look at 30 of the best ways to reach your $1,000 goal.
  1. Freelance writing.
  2. Tutor online.
  3. Participate in online surveys.
  4. Join affiliate marketing.
  5. Sell your expertise online.
  6. Graphic design gigs.
  7. Become a virtual assistant.
  8. Invest in stocks.

How to make $1000 in 24 hours? ›

Here are the ten most effective strategies to make $1,000 in 24 hours and increase your income:
  1. Sell Your Stuff.
  2. Freelance.
  3. Get a Side Hustle or Part-Time Job.
  4. Start a Blog.
  5. Start an E-Commerce Store.
  6. Invest in Real Estate.
  7. Set up Passive Income Streams.
  8. Make Money Online.
Sep 5, 2023

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.