How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (2024)

How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (1)

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It seems like ChatGPT has been the talk of the town ever OpenAI shared it with the world on November 22, 2022.

It’s the latest AI innovation that acts like your own personal assistant when it comes to creative writing or any activity that AI can solve. Obviously, it’s not quite at the Jarvis-from-Ironman level of intelligence (yet), but it leaves Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Cortana in the dust!

People have been having a blast with it too, asking ChatGPT amusing questions like “What is 2 + 2 =?” and testing if it can draw ASCII art.

Cute, right?

How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (2)

It’s not only a super useful tool, but also a source of entertainment! With this groundbreaking tech at our fingertips, dishing out detailed answers in mere seconds, it’s no wonder people are curious about how to cash in on it.

Questions like “How can I make money with ChatGPT?” or “How does ChatGPT help you make money?” are flying around.

Well, if that’s what you and your friends have been talking about lately, this article has your name written all over it. I’m going to uncover a variety of ways you can tap into ChatGPT’s potential to amp up your productivity and generate some serious revenue for your business!

I am using this tool every single day for my online blog, which earns a legitimate six-figure income, so I’m constantly learning, testing, and seeing how I can leverage ChatGPT to increase my income as well as my productivity too!

For instance, imagine using ChatGPT to craft engaging email campaigns in a matter of seconds that’ll drive more sales.

Pretty insane, right?

Hang on tight, because we’re about to reveal some prompts that could help you net $1,000 or more in a flash. And what do I love about ChatGPT? These prompts will assist you in focusing on the tasks that genuinely contribute to your business’s growth.

There’s no time to waste — let’s dive in and uncover the secrets to making ChatGPT work wonders for you!

PIN THIS: I’ll be updating this post so make sure to pin this image here and save it to your Pinterest board. That way you’ll be able to come back to this page and learn how you can use ChatGPT to make money online and offline!

How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (3)

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that answers your prompt (instruction) within seconds. It’s programmed to respond to questions, compose engaging written content, create catchy social media descriptions, explain quantum physics in layman’s terms, or provide suggestions on cities to visit for your next vacation.

You can input almost anything to this bot – from the simplest to the most complex questions and it will try its best to provide relevant answers to you.

What is ChatGPT used for?

ChatGPT is used for a variety of reasons. To some, it’s their search engine because it can provide answers to their queries in a more specific manner compared to Google or Bing. Those search engine giants would give you links to answer your question but ChatGPT directly returns precise responses and gives you exactly what you want in seconds.

For others, it’s their assistant no matter what field they are in. Creators can use it to draft email newsletters for their audience, writers can let it outline different blog articles, and educators can use it to summarize a book or a YouTube video.

10 Best Ways To Make Money With ChatGPT

AI is designed to be a helping hand for humans, taking the load off when it comes to tedious and repetitive tasks. However, it’s essential to remember that AI can’t do all the work on its own. To truly succeed, you need to actively guide and adjust its outputs to fit your specific requirements.

For instance, if you use AI to email your boss without providing ChatGPT with proper context, you may end up with a response that sounds like a stranger. Keep in mind, the quality of input directly affects the output. The clearer and more informative your prompts to ChatGPT, the better your results will be.

When you team up with ChatGPT the right way, you can tap into its full potential, boosting your productivity like never before! Let’s explore the best ways to find that sweet spot between AI support and your own personal touch, so you can start enjoying the benefits right away!

1. Blogging

There’s no way in a million years that I wouldn’t mention blogging here because that’s what I do for a living — you can actually find out how you too can start a profitable blog with no experience required here!

Any writing-related activity can greatly benefit from the wonders that ChatGPT can do.

If you’re serious about making money blogging, you know how crucial it is to come up with new content ideas. I do this manually and it can be challenging and tiring on some days. There are times that I can write 10 – 20 new ideas in under five minutes but there comes a point where I’ve used all of my creative juices for writing.

When I’ve exhausted my brain power, I can now turn to ChatGPT for help to get another set of fresh ideas to work with. It’s like having an intelligent and creative co-worker who’s always there to offer their unique perspective and suggestions. A simple prompt like “Give me 10 content blog ideas for saving money tips in the personal finance niche “ will do the magic. You can even go way more specific than that.

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Let’s say your audience is Gen Z and you want to write popular topics within that demographic, you can write “Give me 10 personal finance blog post ideas that are trending for Gen Z.” And within seconds, you’ll have a batch of blog post topics that are highly searched by people in your niche.

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Sometimes, ChatGPT will show some of its “personality” when it gives you reminders like “Remember to use catchy headlines and provide valuable information that appeals to the Gen Z audience!” It really is like an assistant that wants you to excel in your work.

Pros: Automates the topic ideation process in blog writing. This gives you more energy to write about those topics than formulating them.

Cons: Certain answers can be pretty generic so you’d have to be more specific with your prompt to get new ideas.

2. Social Media Marketing

This is hands down one of my favorites because I use it for my Pinterest social media account. You can even check out how I use Pinterest to make money online here.

If you’re posting social media content based on what you want or think is right, then you’re doing it all wrong.

Whether you’re monetizing on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube, it’s all about creating exciting content for your audience. Most of your posts or campaigns should be targeting a problem or a challenge that your audience faces. That’s how you hook your market to read or watch your content – make it about them.

So how can ChatGPT help you make money online by increasing your profile’s reach?

Well, you can frame your question in a way that ChatGPT is an expert. How? Think of yourself as “The Creator” when working with ChatGPT – you have the power to say what the bot is and have the authority to limit its answer.

For example, if you’re in the fashion niche and you want to discuss the top trends for the upcoming season, you can type in a prompt like “Act as a fashion expert, explain 3 popular summer outfits to wear, including their characteristics and styling tips.” Notice how the prompt frames ChatGPT as an expert and specifies the desired scope of the response, ensuring a thorough explanation of each trend along with its features and advice on how to wear it.

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Another way to use it for social media is to help you write YouTube video descriptions. You can type in “Write a YouTube video description for a video talking about how to handle stress better.”

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Alternatively, you can simply include the title of the video and ChatGPT will handle the rest: “Write a YouTube video description for a video entitled: How To Close Clients In Five Minutes.”

The last example here would be about how ChatGPT can help you in creating social media post descriptions. When writing your prompts for this specific request, you should be specific on what platform is the AI writing for, how you want it to craft the description, and mention if you want a call to action in the end.

Take everything into account and your message could look like this: “Write an Instagram post promoting our new makeup line. Make it engaging and add a bit of humor to it. End the description by inviting our customers to signup for the newsletter to get first dibs before the product gets released to the public.”

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Pros: ChatGPT can give you new angles to tackle for your social media posts.

Cons: Too much reliance on this bot can take the authenticity out of your posts.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Given how in-depth ChatGPT is with its answers, it can help you even when you’re in the affiliate marketing niche. Although it can’t automate everything, it can assist with various aspects of your affiliate marketing efforts, such as generating blog ideas, writing product descriptions, and personalizing product recommendations.

For example, if you’re running an affiliate website for home automation products, you can input “Write 10 blog post ideas for my affiliate marketing website for home automation products” and then you’ll be given 10 blog ideas that you can easily write for.

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Additionally, ChatGPT is capable of writing product descriptions. Just make sure to provide specific and detailed prompts to ensure a captivating description for potential buyers. For example, you could ask,

“Write a product description for the smart lock I’m selling, which features smartphone app control, optional numeric keypads, and a fail-safe mechanism for power outages.”

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But it doesn’t stop there. For affiliate marketing blogs, you also need to use the right keywords to surface on search engines. Finding the right keywords to rank for can be a time-consuming aspect of affiliate marketing. With ChatGPT, you can streamline this process by requesting “10 low competition keywords in the home automation niche.” Again, be specific with your prompt. However, it’s always a good idea to double-check the competitiveness of the suggested keywords using a keyword research tool.

While ChatGPT can’t handle every aspect of your affiliate marketing campaigns, it can significantly reduce the time spent on certain tasks.

Pros: ChatGPT provides content and keyword ideas, increasing your chances of ranking higher on search engines.

Cons: You still need to manually verify the suggested keywords. ChatGPT isn’t perfect, but it excels at helping you tackle some of the more tedious processes.

4. Writing Services

If there’s a set of people that ChatGPT can truly help, that’s the freelance writers. It’s not because you can simply copy-paste its response – and by the way, never do this unless your client instructs you to do so. Copy-pasting what the bot answers can do more harm than good for your brand and client.

Firstly, your content might be tagged as low quality, which is a red flag for search engines. Google and other websites prioritize content that is helpful to users and demonstrates the E-E-A-T properties (Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness), also known as quality content. If you think Google’s algorithm won’t catch shoddy work, trust me, it can. They’ve been the leader in the industry for decades, and they’ve certainly found a way to filter out bot-generated content from human works.

Secondly, it defeats the purpose of people hiring you. If you’re just going to copy and paste your work, then why did your client need your service in the first place when they could’ve done the work with ChatGPT themselves?

Instead, use ChatGPT to assist with brainstorming ideas, structuring content, and conducting preliminary market research. For example, as a copywriter, you can use ChatGPT to gather insights about your target audience’s preferences and concerns.

If you’re working for a women’s skincare brand, you might ask ChatGPT questions like, “What are common concerns women have regarding skincare products?” or “What factors do women consider when purchasing skincare products?” This will help you tailor your copy to resonate with your audience, making your copy stronger and more persuasive.

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Freelance writers can also make money with AI by using ChatGPT for research, editing, proofreading, and outlining content. Its editing and proofreading capabilities, in particular, can save writers time by providing an additional “set of eyes” to catch errors and improve grammar.

Pros: ChatGPT streamlines research, outlining, and proofreading – three of the most time-consuming aspects of the writing process. This enables writers to produce high-quality work more efficiently.

Cons: Overreliance on ChatGPT may hinder your growth as a writer and stifle your desire for continuous improvement.

5. Programming

Work from home jobs have become increasingly popular, and for those with the right skills, programming can help you land a job that pays over $100,000 a year. Initially, I didn’t believe that ChatGPT was able to write code, I thought it was only great for summarizing data, writing, and conducting research. It turns out this bot is well-trained that it has helped programmers with fixing bugs and optimizing codes!

In website development, ChatGPT can offer some assistance, but human intervention remains essential to ensure the generated code is both sensible and functional. For example, if you’re working with HTML/CSS and JavaScript to create a responsive website, ChatGPT can provide snippets of code, such as creating a navigation menu or styling specific elements. However, you’ll still need to review and adjust the code to ensure it integrates seamlessly with your existing project.

Additionally, ChatGPT can help with code documentation, which is vital for maintaining and updating codebases. By providing clear explanations of how specific functions or sections of code work, this AI can save developers time and effort. For instance, if you have a JavaScript function that calculates the total price of items in a shopping cart, you can ask ChatGPT to generate comments explaining the function’s purpose, input parameters, and output. This documentation can help both you and other developers on your team to understand the code better and ensure it’s maintained effectively.

However, just like with anything new, it still has its limitations. According to developers, ChatGPT still has its flaws when it comes to code. It still hasn’t reached the point of creating complex programs or being truly accurate in finding errors. So the day that ChatGPT replaces programmers is still years ahead.

That being said, ChatGPT excels in providing creative ideas and support. It can help with website structure, suggesting elements to include on web pages, and offering guidance on optimizing each page for the best user experience.

Pros: ChatGPT is proficient in numerous programming languages (e.g. Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP), allowing it to assist with code optimization to a certain degree.

Cons: OpenAI has noted that ChatGPT may produce incorrect answers and lacks context awareness in coding situations.

6. Email Marketing

You might be wondering if email marketing is still relevant in today’s digital world. Rest assured, the email marketing industry continues to thrive. With an impressive average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, that’s almost a 40x return on your investment! Additionally, incorporating personalization in your emails can lead to higher click-through rates, open rates, and improved customer satisfaction, making your campaigns even more effective.

Let’s not forget that building a solid email list involves more than just collecting email addresses; it’s about genuinely connecting with your subscribers on a deeper level. Providing valuable content and forming authentic connections with your readers are crucial ingredients for a successful email marketing recipe. When your subscribers are excited to open your emails and engage with your content, you know you’ve hit the sweet spot.

Imagine receiving an email newsletter from your favorite gardening blog. The author shares their personal experiences, tips, and even funny anecdotes about their gardening misadventures. This approach makes the content more relatable and enjoyable, encouraging you to open their emails and actively engage with their stories. This example highlights the importance of not just sending out generic content, but also establishing a genuine rapport with your readers, making your email communications more meaningful for everyday subscribers.

How can ChatGPT contribute to your email marketing efforts?

Using ChatGPT’s powerful AI, you can kickstart your email marketing strategy by conducting market research without breaking a sweat. By inputting a prompt like “Provide 5 common challenges of (people in your niche)” you’ll quickly receive a list of ideas that you can use to craft targeted emails for each day of the week. With ChatGPT, you have an endless source of inspiration at your fingertips.

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Moreover, ChatGPT can help generate email newsletter ideas. By providing the right prompts, you can let the AI write the first draft of your email content, leaving you to focus on editing, refining, and personalizing the message. This approach eliminates the need to write from scratch, saving you time and energy.

However, remember that it’s essential to add your personal touch and tailor the content generated by ChatGPT to truly engage your subscribers and maintain a quality email list.

Pros: It enables you to automate much of your email marketing content creation. Your main responsibility becomes proofreading and editing the generated messages to add your personal voice.

Cons: The output may lack the personality and flair needed to make your content truly engaging, so you’ll still need to invest effort in personalizing and fine-tuning the messages.

7. Digital Products

Apart from the traditional things to sell online, digital products offer a fantastic opportunity for those with a loyal following. The attention you’ve built for your brand can be monetized with various products.

If you’re a fitness coach, your services are no longer limited to only being physically present with a client. Nowadays, you can coach online, sell eBooks, and create digital courses.

Luckily, ChatGPT can help you create those products. For example, you’re trying to create an eBook for beginner lifters and you want the AI to talk about nutrition and the types of workouts that they can do.

What most people would do here is to ask ChatGPT for everything they need in one prompt. What I suggest is to use different prompts for every other section.

For example, you can start with the nutrition section of your eBook, your prompt could be “Give me an outline of what beginners in the gym should know about nutrition.” ChatGPT will then provide you with an outline and it’s up to you to fill it up. Just remove anything unnecessary and add more sections if you think it can help readers.

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How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (14)

Now if you’re ready to write about the workouts that beginners can do to achieve the most muscle growth, you could write “Give me 10 different full-body workouts that beginner lifters can do to achieve muscle growth in the shortest time possible.”

When you write an eBook for beginner lifters, it’s wise to go all out in helping them. Aside from educating them on the best workouts and nutrition, you can also include a workout program tailored to their needs.

Again, ChatGPT can help you with this! You don’t have to create this from scratch. Your prompt could be along the lines of “Write me a workout program for my client that only wants to go to the gym 4 times a day. Make sure the program hits all body parts and a cardio exercise within it.”

Can you see how helpful ChatGPT is with the creation of your own digital products? Again, think of ChatGPT as your assistant – use it to automate certain processes and let it comment on your content.

Aside from those things, the chatbot can help you with your scripts and content repurposing. Having help with these tasks allows you to focus more on the creative side of being a creator like the production of content and recording it.

Here are example prompts that help can help digital creators “Create 5 tweets from this article: …” or “Create an engaging and funny introduction for my book entitled How To Achieve Your Dream Body In 60 Days.”

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Pros: ChatGPT can’t replace the position of a content creator or someone having a personal brand because people follow them for their teachings and skills.

Cons: ChatGPT can sometimes be unreliable as it’s still new and have a lot to improve on the backend.

8. Improve Work Productivity

To me, the real beauty of ChatGPT is how it helps people get more done. Some may dismiss it as a fleeting fad, not really worth their time. Others might be hesitant, thinking that AI could be coming for their jobs.

The people who’ve taken the plunge and explored what ChatGPT can do have found an incredible life hack. This clever AI isn’t just a champ at research and content creation, it can also help you zip through lengthy emails or wordy documents, picking out the crucial details in a snap and saving you from hours of tiresome work.

Here’s another great aspect: if you’re dealing with a tricky work situation, ChatGPT can be your brainstorming partner. Let’s say you’re trying to sort out a disagreement between team members. ChatGPT could offer up some ideas on how to mediate the conflict or come up with a fair compromise. It’s crucial, of course, not to rely entirely on the AI’s suggestions, but it might spark a fresh viewpoint or a creative solution you hadn’t considered. At the end of the day, having ChatGPT as your trusty AI sidekick can make a world of difference in your productivity and decision-making.

But hey, what if you’re still on the hunt for a job? Can ChatGPT lend a hand? Absolutely! You can tap into its knowledge and ask it to whip up a template tailored to the specific job you’re going for. For example, you could say, “Give me a sample resume that accountants use when applying,” or “Write a cover letter that data scientists use to land a job at Microsoft.” ChatGPT will crank out a template for you, and all you’ve got to do is fill in the blanks. It’s like having a personal career coach right in your corner!

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Pros: Letting ChatGPT handle the mundane tasks frees up your time to focus on the bigger picture – whether that’s boosting your productivity or closing that deal!

Cons: Solely relying on ChatGPT’s output might not be the best idea if you’re in an industry where plagiarism is a no-no. The chatbot’s database draws from sources like Wikipedia, books, and news articles, so you’ll want to make sure to put your own spin on its suggestions.

9. Tutoring Services

Could ChatGPT or AI replace teachers? It’s a possibility, but we’re likely several decades away from that becoming a reality. Right now, AI is still too direct and lacks the human touch that is indispensable in education. Teaching is about more than just delivering information; it requires fostering genuine connections with students, understanding their individual needs, and encouraging their curiosity. AI can’t yet replicate the nuanced and empathetic approach that teachers bring to the classroom, which is vital in helping students become truly engaged with the topics they’re learning.

For those doing online tutoring jobs, there’s no need to fear AI taking over your job. In fact, you can use it to your benefit! With ChatGPT, you can generate prompts to create quizzes featuring multiple-choice questions, design well-structured course outlines for your students, or even come up with captivating activities to keep your classes lively and engaging.

Here are some other ways tutors can get help from ChatGPT:

  • Generate fresh examples
  • Design basic lesson plans
  • Review students’ work
  • Develop problem-solving questions
  • Identify grammar errors and mistakes in essays

As you can see, ChatGPT can be a fantastic assistant for those in the education field. Instead of avoiding it, educators should embrace its potential to enhance their work.

Pros: It can assist with creating quizzes and lesson plans for your students.

Cons: Students might use ChatGPT to answer questions, making it challenging for tutors to distinguish genuine responses from those generated by bots.

10. Tips On Investing Your Money

Searching for ways to get rich will inevitably lead you to the world of investing. Why? Because it’s a time-tested method for generating passive income. But the truth is, only a small percentage of people are actually invested in the market. In fact, about half of Americans want to invest in stocks but don’t know where to begin.

Let ChatGPT be your personal Warren Buffet. As a beginner in investing, you can turn to this AI guide for help. Start with a simple prompt like, “I know nothing about investing; can you teach me the basics?” and you’ll be set on the right path. ChatGPT will respond with key points essential for understanding investing.

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How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (18)

It can also direct you to the best resources, such as top books on investing for beginners. Want a summary of the main takeaways from those books? ChatGPT can do that for you as well! This will help speed up your learning curve and get you ready to invest in no time.

And its knowledge isn’t limited to just stocks – it can assist with other asset classes like commodities, fixed income, cryptocurrencies, and bonds. When used correctly, ChatGPT can be a valuable source of information.

Once you’ve become familiar with the lingo, you can ask ChatGPT about the historical performance of specific stocks. For example, inquire, “What is the historical performance of Tesla?” and you’ll receive information on revenue, net income, stock price, and more.

Need help with cryptocurrency? ChatGPT is at your service. Simply type in, What is Ethereum and what is its use case?”

How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (19)How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (20)

Pros: It offers a quick crash course on stocks or an asset class in layman’s terms, making it easy to understand for beginners.

Cons: ChatGPT can provide useful information, but it can’t tell you what to invest in. You’ll need to do your due diligence and make that investment decision for yourself.


How To Make $1,000 A Day?

The methods mentioned earlier have the potential to help you earn $1,000 in a day – and some activities could even generate more!

Consider investing as an example. If you invest $10,000 in a stock, a 10% increase in its price could easily net you $1,000. This scenario is quite possible in financial markets, especially if the company you’ve invested in releases positive news, prompting investors to buy more shares. However, it’s essential to remember that high returns often come with high risks.

Another approach is selling digital products. Suppose you’re offering a $200 course on teaching coding basics with Python to beginners. In this case, you’d only need five people to enroll to reach your $1,000 target. Attracting five attendees is quite doable, especially if you’ve built a reputable personal brand in the field.

Can you sell stuff from ChatGPT?

Yes, you make money with ChatGPT by creating a product or service that uses it, but you have to follow OpenAI’s rules and pay for using their API.

You could make a chatbot for businesses or use ChatGPT to help write content for affiliate marketing. You could also offer consulting to help other businesses use ChatGPT effectively. You can even use it for analyzing lots of text data for businesses.

But no matter what, you need to be clear and honest about how you’re using ChatGPT, follow all the rules, and make sure you’re providing real value to your readers, customers, and clients.

How much does ChatGPT cost?

As of the time I’m updating this post, there is a free version and a paid subscription that costs $20 USD per month.

How To Make Money From A Chatbot?

In order to profit from a chatbot, you will have to know which processes in your business should you automate or delegate to the bot.

For instance, if you’re a solopreneur, you might want to assign the brainstorming process to the chatbot, as it can be mentally draining. By delegating this task to ChatGPT, you can focus your creativity and energy on more important aspects, such as pitching to clients, nurturing relationships, and closing deals.

The key takeaway is to view ChatGPT as your personal assistant. Its purpose is to help you swiftly complete various tasks. With no need for sleep or breaks and the availability of a free (or Plus) plan, it’s a valuable tool. When used to its full potential, ChatGPT can significantly boost your productivity and contribute to your business’s financial growth.

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How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (21)

How To Make Money with ChatGPT for Beginners in 2024 (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.