How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (2024)

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (1)

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You can make money online with social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

In fact, Pinterest sits high on my list of recommendations; it’s the driving force behind most of my six-figure online income. Discover more about my personal experience and how you can make money from Pinterest here.

And did you know that making money online isn’t limited to just social media? Indeed, Google, while not a social media platform but a search engine, also offers opportunities for online earnings.

If you want to make money online with Google, then you’re going to want to stick around until the end of this post.

There are both free and paid ways to make money online without having a real job.

Today, we’re going to cover everything you’ll want to know about making money online using Google without paying anything.

I know you are wondering how to make money online from Google without investment.

But I’m still going to cover a few ways to earn money online that require a very small investment. Trust me, it doesn’t have to cost a ton of money to get started as a beginner.

If you ask me honestly, the second option has greater potential when it comes to making money online.

The “free” ways to earn money online like taking paid surveys are good for extra money, but if you want more options and flexibility, you need to keep an open mind.

I’m saying this true-heartedly based on my personal experience with making money online.

How to earn money online with Google at home

Whether you’re a student looking for Google online jobs, a teenager searching for easyjobs online, or an adult looking for side hustle ideas to earn extra money, there are many ways to work from home part-time or full-time.

You’re here to learn how to earn money from Google at home, so let’s go through the ways you can do that today.

1. Make money advertising with Google AdSense

If you told me years ago about Google AdSense, I wouldn’t understand you even one bit. It’s not something I’ve really put my mind into. But me quitting a job I didn’t like paved the way for me to find out that you can make money with Google Adsense by starting a blog.

It all started when I began my blog. I didn’t think of it as more than a hobby, but with the time and patience I dedicated to this, I was able to make money online through Google AdSense. Google AdSense allowed me to earn money through my content. It matches me with ads that are in line with the blogs I post. The earnings will vary depending on the advertiser you match with, but one thing’s for sure: it’s so rewarding to see your hard work pay off!

Before we go into more detail about how you can start getting paid to post ads, let’s get your most basic questions answered first.

How to make money with Google AdSense

In this section, I’m going to talk about how you can make money online with Google AdSense.

There are two main ways you could start monetizing with Adsense.

First, you can start your own blog like how I did. Seriously, this is something I didn’t regret when I learned how to make money online as a beginner.

Alternatively, you can start your own YouTube channel and I will mention more about that later.

Ok, let’s take a deep dive into how you can make money at home with Google AdSense earnings.

Start a blog or website and make money online with Google ads

I’m going to share my personal experience on how I made money online with Google AdSense by starting a blog for as low as $2.95 per month HEREplus you’ll get a free domain name when you sign up via my link.

The good thing is Google doesn’t require any minimum page views or traffic when you apply.

However, when I first started this blog as a beginner blogger, I made sure my blog was presentable with an “About Me” and “Contact” page, along with 10 high-quality polished articles before applying to Google AdSense.

Also, keep in mind that you won’t earn a lot when you first start. It will take some time and effort!

If you’re interested in learning how I earn $10,000+ per month blogging, you can check out my blogging income reports to follow my beginning journey when I was just like you who knew absolutely nothing about earning money online.

When I applied and got accepted into Google AdSense’s program back in November 2017, I was super excited because that’s when I earned my first dollars online! This was proof that you can make money online, so I kept going and eventually made thousands of dollars online!

Here is a screenshot of my earnings from Google (November 2017) when I first experimented with Google Adsense. I earned my first $26.95 just by displaying ads on my brand-new blog:

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (2)

Here is a screenshot of my Google AdSense earnings of almost $200 in July 2018:

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (3)

Just a month after this, I started earning over $1,000 in monthly passive income with display advertising. You can check out one of my Mediavine blog income reports to see what made this take off!

Not too long after this, I started earning $3,000 to $5,000 per month in extra money within my first year of blogging on top of my full-time job.

Here is my screenshot of proof that you can make money online with just display advertising alone – $11,639.93.

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (4)

UPDATE: Having witnessed the possibility of making money online with display advertising, I decided to launch a separate blog to replicate the success I had with my initial blog. After five months of using Pinterest to drive traffic and promote this new blog, I applied to Mediavine and began earning money through ads. I chose not to apply for Google AdSense this time around, based on my positive experience with Mediavine. As you can see, this second blog allowed me to generate some additional income for the past couple of years – $85,795.23!

I mention more about my anonymous lifestyle blog and how I make money online using display ads in one of my blogging income reports here.

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (5)

How to start a blog and make money with Google AdSense as a beginner

If you’re excited about learning how to make money online with Google AdSense, sign up for my FREE 7-day e-mail course.

As a full-time blogger getting paid six figures a year, I will teach you step-by-step exactly what I did to drive traffic to my blog so I could start earning a full-time income from home.

2. Using Google Analytics to Increase My Earnings

Even if you’re already making money with Google AdSense, it’s best to learn how to make money with Google Analyticsso you can improve your earnings.

You might be wondering how you can earn from Google Analytics since there’s really no direct way to make money from it.

Well, with this resource, you’ll better understand your website’s performance. You will have a better look at who your audience is and what it is that interests them.

Why is this important? If you know these things, you can optimize your website so it tailors to your readers’ needs and wants. If your audience sees that what you offer is everything they could ever ask for, then you have a higher chance of generating higher revenue on your blog.

Google Analytics is agold mine for bloggers, not only because of the analytics it offers but also because it has free tools and resources that can help you make better decisions. You don’t have to be a pro at it to understand it.

For example, I use my Google Analytics data on a monthly basis to make tweaks to my blog posts, which result in higher earnings (outside of my blog traffic) based on my audiences’ interests.

So if you already have solid traffic to your blog, I highly suggest that you create a Google Analytics account now.

To give you a better look at how Google Analytics can bring in money, I’ll show you something from experience.

Using Google Analytics and posting affiliate links

Aside from using Google ads to make money with my blog, you can also check out how I make money online with affiliate marketingby using affiliate links.

Again, I use Google Analytics to determine who my audience is and what they want from my website.

This influenced my decision to implement some affiliate marketing strategies (AKA posting affiliate links) onto this blog, which increased my earnings over the months. I was earning more money with affiliate marketing than I was earning with my display ads with Google AdSense as a new blogger.

Here is a screenshot of my earnings in several months just from recommending and posting links using both Google and Pinterest traffic — $22,460.97!

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (6)

3. Sell apps on Google Play Store

Do you have a knack for solving people’s problems through an app? Maybe you have a budget tracker app idea that helps people be more responsible with their money. Or a translation app that makes conversing with other languages easier.

Regardless of your idea, you can make money by selling your apps on the Google Play Store. It’s a great way to take advantage of the Google Play Store and Android’s strong market leadership. I mean, they have 2.5 billion monthly users, so there is A LOT of potential for your app.

Before you start, you need to create a developer account and pay a one-time registration fee of $25. Give the required information, and make sure that you read through the rules and regulations. For your app to be listed in the Play Store, you’ll have to comply with their quality and security standards.

When your app is ready, publish it as a paid app on the Google Play Store. Strategize carefully about your app’s price plan because it should be enough to pay back your efforts but not too high that people would be discouraged from buying. Depending on how well you price your app, you can earn as much as $300 a day.

But aside from making money online with Google by selling your app through the Play Store, you can also monetize by placing Google ads on your app.

With Google’s AdMob, you can choose ads that fit well with your app’s look. They can be banners at the bottom or even ads that reward users. When users engage with these ads, you earn money. Effortless, right?

But if you’re not too excited about making your own app, you can just download some free money-making apps. It’s another way to make money online without paying anything.

4. Sell books on Google Play Store

Maybe instead of making apps, you’re more well-versed in writing books? That’s great if that’s the case because another way to make money is by selling books on the Google Play Store.

Do you love writing nail-biting thrillers? Or maybe you can make readers swoon with your romance novels? You don’t even have to be a fiction writer! If you have a book, then you should give it a shot and sell books on the platform.

The process of selling books is similar to selling apps. You’ll have to sign up for their Google Play Books Partner Program. Once you have an account, you can be on your merry way to listing your book on the platform. No approvals needed!

The best part is that you have full control of the pricing and regardless of how much you charge, you’ll earn a 70% revenue split for sales.

More than earning money, this opportunity also lets you reach a global audience to share your stories and knowledge! As an author, that’s very enticing!

5. Google Opinion Rewards

All my friends and family members have been using Google Opinion Rewards for years to earn Google Play and PayPal credits.

You asked how to earn money online for free, so this is one of the methods that allow you to make extra money at home without paying anything!

How Google Opinion Rewards works is they basically pay you to complete quick and easy survey questions during your spare time.

You won’t earn a ton of money with this Google app, but it is a fun way to make extra money on the side by sharing your opinion to help companies improve their products and services.

You can expect to earn up to $1 for every survey completed.

According to the Opinion Rewards Help page:

“The more honestly you answer questions, the more valuable your opinion is, and therefore, you may receive more surveys.”

With that said, I encourage you to take your time and answer each question as honestly as possible so you can help them and yourself. Not to mention, this may increase your chances for better earning opportunities.

If you’re interested in the idea of making extra money at home by providing your opinion, then check out the best online survey sites for cash. It’s a legitimate way to make money online andearn up to $50 per survey.

6. Start a YouTube channel

Another way to start earning money using Google AdSense is by starting your own YouTube channel.

I personally prefer making money by blogging and writing content only because I’m introverted and not a huge fan of videos.

Yeah, I’m kinda camera shy too. 🙂

But if being on video or TV excites you, then you may want to consider learning how to earn money with YouTube so you can start making money online with Google AdSense earnings.

Just keep in mind that you need thousands of views to your videos in order to make your first few dollars.

But it’s only hard at the start because as your subscribers and followers grow, your income will too. You can even earn $500 a day once you’ve gathered a solid following!

7. Get paid for searching the web

There’s a misconception when it comes to this point.

Earn money by searching the Internet using Google? From what I know, you don’t get paid for searching the web using Google.

Even if I don’t get paid using this, I still like using Google searches because it’s one of the best search engines and I can rely on it when I’m looking for valuable information.

However, it doesn’t mean you can’t use other search engines and be rewarded for it.

Google may not pay you for using their searches, but there are other search engines that allow you to earn money and rewards from using them.

Here is one search engine I recommend using if you want to earn money by searching the Internet (just like how you search for information on Google).

Swagbucks: I’ve been using this free resource for over a decade to earn free gift cards for my free drinks at Starbucksin addition to extra cash via PayPal. You basically get rewarded for doing things online such as searching on the web, filling out surveys, shopping, or watching a few funny cat videos. I use this to do a few searches a day to earn enough Swagbucks points to redeem my free money.

You can learn more in my review and how I make money online for free using Swagbucks.

👉 Sign up for a FREE Swagbucks account here and get a $5 bonus just for trying it. It’s absolutely free to use and will only take 10 seconds to create your account!

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (7)


1. What is Google AdSense and how do you make money with it?

Since Google explains this very well, I’ll let them answer that for you. 🙂

According to Google’s AdSense Help page, they answered by saying:

“Google AdSense provides a way for publishers to earn money from their online content. AdSense works by matching ads to your site based on your content and visitors. The ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products. Since these advertisers pay different prices for different ads, the amount you earn will vary.”

Once you start your blog and have ads set up on your website, you can start earning money based on the cost-per-click (CPC), which is the number of clicks you get on your ads from a user.

Based on AdSense’s Help page, the advertisers set and determine your CPC. Depending on the advertisers and what they are advertising, you may get paid higher for each click than others.

2. How do I make $100 per day with Google AdSense?

Earning $100 a day with Google AdSense is very challenging. If you’re to ask me, it’s almost impossible.

Your earnings on Google AdSense are based greatly on clicks and impressions, so you must have a lot of traffic on your blog or website. And by a lot, I really mean, A LOT! That’s because AdSense pays around $0.2 to $2.5 for every 1,000 views. It’s not a lot, but if you have a significant and steady flow of traffic, it can build up to a good sum.

Reaching this target of views daily means you should have quality content, strong SEO optimization, and very aggressive website promotion. You will have to give it your all (and more!). But even with these factors, you might not be able to reach $100 in a day.

In my opinion, the best way to earn $100 per day with ads is through a different ad management company like Mediavine and Raptive. When I transitioned to Mediavine, I experienced a significant increase in my ad earnings compared to AdSense. With Mediavine, I’ve been earning over $100 daily from ads (even over $400 per day during the high-peak seasons), all thanks to learning how to increase my traffic with Pinterest.

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (8)

I managed to join Mediavine and achieve these earnings from display ads only after applying the proven strategies from The Golden Compass To Pinterest Traffic.

Summary of how to make money online with Google

As you can see, there are a few ways you can earn money online with Google at home for free.

That includes making money using Google AdSense on platforms like your blog or YouTube channel.

Signing up for AdSense is free but starting a profitable blog for beginners will cost as low as $2.95 per month. That is really cheap and worth it if you ask me.

Plus, for bloggers, there isn’t any minimum requirement for page views to start earning with Google Adsense.

If blogging isn’t your thing, you can look into creating a free YouTube account as a content creator and monetize with ads after you get your first 1000 views.

Another free way to earn money with Google is by filling out surveys with Google Opinion Rewards.

You can also make money with Google Play by creating apps or books and selling them on the platform.

Lastly, you won’t get paid for searching the web on Google, but other search engines like Swagbucks Search will reward you with PayPal cash or free gift cards for surfing the Internet. These are all tried and true ways to earn extra cash on the side without having to pay anything.

Readers, are you ready to make money online with Google from home? Let me know all about it!

How To Make Money Online With Google (How I Earned $85,795.23 with Display Ads) (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.