How To Make Money Copywriting - Become A Copywriter (2024)

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How To Make Money Copywriting - Become A Copywriter (1)

Many people want to know how to make money copywriting since it’s among the most paying businesses online. Honestly, there’s money in the business, and the demand for copywriters is high nowadays.

Becoming a copywriter sounds complicated but it’s not hard at all provided you’re committed to putting in the work. And you don’t have to be qualified to make the most out of copywriting though you need some skills.

Here we are going to look at how you can make money copywriting as a copywriter in a short time. Some people are earning serious money in this business yet working from home and if they can do it then you can also do it.

Just put in the work to master copywriting strategies hence becoming a high-income earner will be nothing to worry about.

What do I mean? You just need to know what you want and also learn from your mistakes to succeed. Though we need to know how to make money copywriting, it all begins with becoming a copywriter.

Yes, you need to be a copywriter to earn from copywriting business.

Table of Contents

What Is Copywriting

How To Make Money Copywriting - Become A Copywriter (2)

This is writing convincing content for businesses to make readers or clients take action.

Businesses use copywriters to make for them promotional content for clients to engage with company products or services. But when we get to the other side of publishing books, then it’s a different person, not a copywriter.

Which Tasks Are Performed by A Copywriter?

If you want to become a copywriter, you’ll spend time writing copy for businesses and brands. Brands want you to create content that can convince clients to take action.

Content written is put on social media posts, landing pages, blog posts, emails, and many other places that are within reach for clients. But besides writing promotional content, there are some other tasks that a copywriter does as below.

Proofreading – Editing – Content marketing – Designing emails and marketing campaigns – Writing videos scripts – Handling advertisem*nts and more

In case you’re just getting started you may not have it all but when you’re in business there are helpful practices that you’re going to learn along the way. And some of them include SEO analysis, social media analysis, strategic content assembly planning, and others.

But the most important part is developing content that will enable clients to make purchases.

What Are the Different Types of Copywriting That Make Money?

Where convincing information is put defines the type of copywriting. Not all copywriting types will make you money but here we are going to look at some that are worth the effort.

This means copywriting type with value for money to businesses to hire your service to make sales. Here are some types of copywriting that make the most money.

  • Blog Copywriting

With this copywriting example, a blog copy is written to convince readers to take action on a product or service. If you’re a blogger you need such a service though you can do it yourself.

  • Email Copywriting

Here the email copy entails inbound and outbound marketing content to readers. Inbound Marketing is where you’re reaching out to new and existing clients.

Outbound Marketing is where you intentionally want to grab attention by targeting people that don’t know about the product to make sales.

  • Website Copywriting

How To Make Money Copywriting - Become A Copywriter (3)

Here copywriting is done on static pages like the homepage, contact page, about page, and other pages for branding.

  • Ad Copywriting

This is where writing is done for advertisem*nts to intrigue clients to make purchases.

  • Sales Page Copywriting

It’s where writing is done for a web page targeting to sell a given product for the business.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Copywriting

This writing is done to rank web pages or posts for certain keywords.

Differentiate Between In-House Copywriting and Freelance Copywriting

In-house copywriting is where one works full time with a stable job writing for a brand or business whereas Freelance copywriting is where you’re an independent worker finding your work. Therefore, with in-house copywriting, you don’t have to hustle looking for work, which is not the case with freelancing.

Skills Required To Make Money Copywriting?

You don’t have to be a professional to become a copywriter but there are normal skills that you need to have. And of course, if you want to become one you can do whatever it takes to make it.

Here are some skills that one needs to possess to become a copywriter.

  • Curiosity

You need to do enough research to come up with convincing content. This means that you need to know much about the area of interest being worked upon.

Though there might be topics that could be very new to you, you must do whatever it takes to make things work.

  • Stellar Writing Skills

Copywriting needs when you’re good at writing though it takes time to get skilled. But as time goes on you can become better with practice to work.

You have to ensure that you use a language that is most suitable like English since it’s among the most used languages. It’s not just about writing but getting better with grammar, spelling, and vocabulary for the best.

As said, this doesn’t come easy you need to put in the work for some time.

  • Attention To Detail

Perfection is king in copywriting to ensure that copy is free from errors. You need to proofread to make the work perfect and convincing grammatically.

The best copywriters are defined by the output of their work which is all attained through hard work. And businesses need copywriters who are good at what they are doing to be able to make sales.

It’s possible to deliver the best only when you take the time to perfect your work.

How To Start Freelance Copywriting to Make Money

You want to become a freelance copywriter to be your own boss and also make money? But it takes time to make some good money yet again possible to earn in a short time.

And that is as early as within a year when you do things correctly with best practices. Freelance copywriters are independent workers with full control of their working conditions and earnings.

Yes, everything is on you with lots of challenges along the way since they are part of the process. Though, how you manage tasks along the journey reflects the future.

Here are the steps you can use to make money fast with copywriting.

  • Get a Niche

Get a topic that interests you such that you can stick to it long enough for perfection. You’ll be able to provide quality other than working on different topics without in-depth understanding.

In copywriting niching down is very important since you easily get better with content output. Coming up with a niche in your area of profession is the best way to go for example marketing copywriting for a marketing expert.

  • Get Skills

If you want to earn through copywriting you need to do things correctly. When you’re skilled at work a lot of opportunities will come your way and you’ll get paid.

Honestly, you need to add a skill that might be lacking in your business as a freelance copywriter to have an edge. There are lots of copywriting courses online that can help you get better at business.

  • Practice

There’s no way you can perfect a skill without practicing it. With practice, you’ll be able to know your mistakes and at the same time learn from them.

It’s hard getting a copywriting job when you’re not conversant enough with writing. When practicing, you won’t easily get a high-paying job but it shouldn’t worry you since you’re shaping a skill.

Sometimes you can even take on free offers whereby you might write without being paid. Bloggers practice writing skills in their businesses which is proof that some can produce catchy content.

I never used to like writing but since I started blogging, now it’s hard for me to spend a day without writing something.

  • Get Online Presence

Start up a website or a social media platform to advertise your service to the world to get clients. This is one of the easiest ways that you can use to reach out to clients without calling or physically approaching them.

When you create a website, you can get potential clients from different places around the world. Starting up a website or social media platform isn’t costly at all provided you have the time to develop something simple.

And there are lots of tutorials online that can guide you on how to put up a website in simple steps without using any coding knowledge.

  • Pricing

First, clients want to know that you’re skilled and the second most important thing is about the charges for the service. When you become a copywriter, determine how much you’re going to charge your clients.

As you’re just starting don’t charge clients too high since you want traffic. A copywriter that has been in business for decades is more experienced than you are, hence minding your charges in case you’re just starting.

  • Networking

This is one of the most important things that will help you get clients to make money fast. Through networking, you join different copywriting communities where there are opportunities.

And this gives you exposure to the rest of the world of copywriting. Networking is very important in that you get to share ideas with like-minded people.

How To Find Freelance Copywriting Opportunities to Make Money?

You start to believe that you’re into the freelance copywriting business by getting potential clients. If you’re just a beginner maybe something is lacking or give it time as you work hard for success.

But since you want to make money look out for clients to put your skills to work for practice with copywriting jobs. There are different ways you can use to find clients to put skills to work while being paid some small money.

  • Social Platforms

I have plenty of reasons why this is first on the list of ways to find clients. On social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit there are lots of groups hiring people within your niche.

Joining groups will help you market your skills to the public such that you can get potential clients to earn. If you’re not yet on any social media platform, it’s time you sign up to join and expose your services.

Using social media is one of the easiest ways one can use to reach out to new clients far and nearby in a short period. Having a following on social media gives you an edge over others that don’t in terms of marketing.

  • Contacting Businesses Within Your Niche

When you’re specializing in blog copywriting, then reach out to bloggers through their platforms like social media, email, or phone calls for business.

But you need to be somehow detailed to explain your services and how they can be of help to the client. Many businesses are out there looking for copywriters that can positively make an impact on their businesses.

When offered an opportunity as a beginner ensure that you’re the type of person the business has been looking for.

  • Family Members and Friends

Though, at times it’s hard to get business from people that know you very well but trust me some will give you a chance. Don’t mind what some will talk and just know it’s part of the journey to success.

Let all of them know about your services, that’s when you’ll be able to get those that can support you. And when you provide quality, they will make referrals to you hence growing the client base.

  • Freelance Copywriting Platforms

Look for copywriting work through sites within your niche. And there are plenty of sites available online for example ProBloggers, Upwork, Freelancer, and more.

But you need to have an account to profile yourself on the platform to start getting traffic. On most of the platforms signing up it’s at no cost to you at all till when you start earning some money with copywriting freelance.

  • Through Business Events

Businesses organize networking events to share ideas at different times of the year. You need to know when all this takes place such that you can bring in your services to share with target clients for business.

Business events could be attended online or physically at a specified venue.

How Much Do Copywriters Earn?

Usually, copywriters’ earnings depend on how they charge work for example per word, hour, day, or full-time. But if you’re just starting your charges need not be standard since you’re building a profile.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, let’s look at how much a copywriter earns. The salary of an average copywriter in the United States is $5200 per month with hourly earnings of $29.

Highly paid copywriters earn about $10,200 per month equivalent to $59 per hour. And the lowest-paid copywriters earn about $2642 per month which is equivalent to $15 per hour.

All the hourly earnings are based on a 40-hour work week for copywriters in the business. However, this is not conclusive since copywriters are making more than what the Bureau of Labor Statistics states.

Which Types of Pricing Models Are Used in Freelance Copywriting?

You want to become a copywriter not to have fun but to make money for a living. For beginners, it might be a challenge compared to those that have been doing business for some good time.

And this is where the pricing model has to play a very important role since you want to earn. Let’s now look at the different pricing models that most freelance writers are using.

  • Hourly Model

For starters, this is the best way to go since you need money to survive. With this model, clients pay per hour though it also has some challenges like clients changing anytime.

However, you’re not overwhelmed by clients compared to a full-time job or project.

  • Project Model

Here copywriters charge money for the whole project though payments can be done in phases till it ends for a specific time frame. And though some projects may have a time limit, at times it’s extended due to extra tasks added by the client.

Though, when the project is done it means that you have to look out for other project work which may take you some time to get. In case work that was not agreed upon is added sometimes you may have to negotiate for an increment in payment.

  • Retainer Model

Here you receive a monthly payment from a client for work done as assigned. In the retainer pricing model, you’re considered to be almost full service since the client has the right to your service at any time.

You can only get to a retainer level when you’re skilled enough hence it’s hard for beginners to be hired here. Though a client has access to you anytime with limitations to working elsewhere, it’s one of the most paying models.

  • Bonus Model

This is where you are paid an extra amount as appreciation for meeting a certain target as stated by the client. And normally such offers are at times made after generating potential clients for the business or successfully making more sales than usual.

All should be achieved through the opt-in forms, landing pages, and other sales pages designed by the copywriter.

Proven Copywriting Formulas That Generate Results?

This is not about numbers though some don’t want to meet calculations apart from counting money. But here with formulas, we mean criteria to use to come up with the rewarding quality output.

Let’s get right into the most applied formulas for making the most out of copywriting.

4Us Formula

This is one of the most used formulas in copywriting and four words make meaning here. The 4Us stand for Useful, Urgent, Unique, and Ultra-specific in simple terms.

In detail, here is what each word relates to in copywriting.

  • Useful

The information written should be useful and valuable to be able to capture attention for conversions. And when you deliver as expected by the client you’re guaranteed business.

  • Urgent

In your writing to attract potential clients ensure that you include an element of urgency. This will bring in more sign-ups or leads that can at any time convert.

  • Unique

Always ensure that in your writing you mention what makes the products or services you’re promoting different from those of the competitor. And clients want to get what works best for them, if yours are of the type then it’s possible to out-compete others in the same business.

  • Ultra-specific

Whether you’re marketing your services as a copywriter or doing it for the business you need to focus on a specific group of people. Being ultra-specific is a better approach when it comes to marketing and also helps you get a good understanding of the market.

PAS Formula

PAS stands for Pain, Agitate, and Solution in simple terms. How this applies to copywriting, right? In detail let’s check it out.

  • Pain

You need to know what your target market is going through such that you can effectively provide a solution. Understanding your client’s challenges and providing as expected puts you on top of the game.

In writing, you must reflect that you understand the condition of the reader.

  • Agitate

This is where you now need at times to give detail to the reader about the problem or challenge. Yes, he or she needs to know more about the challenge though you must put it in a way that will wisely result in conversions.

When the problem is precisely understood by the reader they will either sign or make a purchase.

  • Solution

In your writing let the clients softly get to know about the solution to the problem. Though the clients have not yet made a purchase or signed up, it’s better briefly to explain to them the offer about value for money.

The End

Copywriting is among the most paying jobs when you commit yourself to best practices. And the more you get experienced, the more you get paid highly due to an increase in client base with potential.

But this all comes over some time with the right skills for the industry. To make the most out of the business you need to be a freelance copywriter despite its challenges which are bearable in case you want to become independent.

How To Make Money Copywriting - Become A Copywriter (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.