How to Make a Guy Like You Over Text [with 11 Examples] (2024)

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Back in the day, the only way to flirt with someone was done in person. Of course, you could also have naughty phone conversations.

Luckily, the dawn of technology has added another layer to flirting – by way of texting. I love the fact that I can always send a quick text to a potential date during the day just to let him know I'm thinking of him. Of course, he could do the same for me. I love funny memes, gifs and cute emojis.

Maybe you are wondering what gets a guy to like you over text. Is it different than when you're texting your spouse or friends? You bet!

Texting someone you're attracted to can be a great way to get to know someone new and build a rapport before meeting in person. But what are the best ways to flirt over text? Let's take a deeper look at this sexy topic.

(Side note: Want to create attraction with a girl through your phone? then use one of these 13 examples of how to get a girl to like you through texting).

Table of Contents

Why Is Texting an Effective Way To Flirt?

There are a few reasons why texting is such an effective way to flirt.

Build Anticipation

It's a great way to build up anticipation before meeting in person. By teasing each other through text, you can heighten the tension and make the eventual meeting that much more explosive.

Why is anticipation important? Look at it this way. Let's say you meet someone you really like but will have to be apart for a while.

In my case, I have met previous guys online but kept the interest up by texting and messaging. This is a great way to keep up the anticipation of the next meeting which may not happen for a while.

Flirting Over Text Is Less Intimidating

Texting is a low-pressure way to get to know someone new and gauge their interest. It's also non-committal, so you can easily back out if you change your mind. This is great for people who are shy or not very good at flirting in person. Remember, both men and women can be shy.

Shyness in a man may be seen as endearing and make him more attractive to you.

Men have noted how hard it is to deal with rejection when flirting in person, so don't assume that just because he's not making a move, he's not interested. If you are dealing with a shy man, you can get him to like you by making him feel more comfortable.

You can do this by being more flirty and suggestive over text. This will let him know that you're interested without putting him on the spot.

Get To Know Them Better

Texting also allows you to get to know the person better before meeting them in person. You can learn about their interests, what makes them laugh, and what turns them on. This information can be very helpful when it comes time to meet in person.

Texting Can Be A Great Way to Gauge Interest

If you're not sure whether the person you're interested in is interested in you, texting can be a great way to find out. By asking questions and paying attention to their responses, you can get a sense of whether or not they're into you. If they're not, it's best to move on.

How to Make a Guy Like You over Text

So now that you know all of the reasons why texting is such an effective way to flirt, let's take a look at how you can make a guy like you over text.

1. Be Funny

Many guys love it when girls are funny. It shows that you have a sense of humor and that you're not taking things too seriously.

By being funny, you'll make him laugh and he'll associate good feelings with interacting with you. You can make jokes or use sarcasm to flirt with him over text.

Example 1
Example 2
A funny flirty text may say “Hey, I'm starting to think you had I confused with someone else. I'm not that cute.”

This type of text will show that you're funny and a little self-deprecating. Be confident, but being able to poke fun at you will go a long way.

Another example may say “I'm starting to think you're avoiding me. Is there someone else? :)”

This type of text will make him laugh and show that you're paying attention to his texting habits.

2. Use Teasing and Banter

Teasing and banter are great ways to keep the conversation going and to keep things interesting. By poking fun at him or playfully making fun of yourself, you'll keep him engaged and wanting to talk to you.

Example 1
Example 2
Tease him by saying, “I had a dream about you last night. I was in the shower and you came in and started washing my back.”

This type of text will tease him about something that he's probably not too keen on discussing (washing someone else's back). It will also make him think about you in a sexual way.

Another example may say “I can't stop thinking about you. I'm starting to think you have a spell on me.”

This type of text will tease him and make him wonder what you're up to. It will also make him think about you in a more romantic way.

3. Use Compliments

Compliments are a great way to make a guy feel good and to show your interest in him.

Let's be honest, men have egos and like having those egos stroked. By complimenting him on his looks, his intelligence, or anything that you find attractive, you'll let him know that you're interested.

Example 1
Example 2
One compliment may say “I love your shirt. Where did you get it?”

This type of text will show that you're interested in his style and that you like what you see.

Another example may say “You're so smart! I love talking to you.”

This type of text will show that you're impressed by his intelligence and that you find him interesting.

4. Be Bold

Being bold can be a great way to get a guy's attention and to let him know that you're interested.

Men are attracted to confident women who know what they want. You don't have to be aggressive, but being bold will let him know that you're not afraid to take the lead when needed.

Example 1
Example 2
An example of being bold may say “I had a great time last night. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.”

This type of text will let him know that you enjoyed your time together and you're interested in seeing him again.

If he planned the date, tell him something specific you liked about it.

5. Send a Picture

Sending a picture can be a great way to flirt with a guy over text. Men are visual creatures and they love seeing what you look like.

How to Make a Guy Like You Over Text [with 11 Examples] (1)

Simply sending a picture of you looking sexy or a little made-up will definitely get his attention.

Example 1
Example 2
Send him a flirty picture isa close-up of your face with your hair down and soft makeup.

This type of picture will show that you're interested in him and that you're attractive.

You can also send hima picture of you in a sexy outfit.

This type of picture will show that you're confident and sexy.

6. Keep Him Guessing

Keeping him guessing is a great way to make him more interested in you.

By not always being available or by playing hard to get, you'll make him want you more. Men love the challenge of trying to figure out what a woman is thinking or what she wants.

Example 1
Example 2
An example of keeping him guessing may say “I had a great time last night. I'm sorry I missed your call. I was sleeping.”

This type of text will make him wonder what you were doing and why you didn't answer his call. It will also make him want to talk to you more.

You can also say “I'm busy tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow.”

This type of text will make him want to talk to you more because he's not sure when he'll be able to talk to you again. He also knows you are not sitting around just waiting for him.

7. Send a Flirty Emoji

Emojis are a great way to show your flirty side. By sending a flirty emoji, you'll let him know that you're interested in him and that you're having fun.

Example 1
Example 2
An example of a flirty emoji may be a winking emoji. This type of emoji will show that you're playful and that you're enjoying his company.You can also text hima heart emoji. This type of emoji will show that you care about him and that you're interested in him.

8. Make Plans

Making plans is a great way to let a guy know that you're interested in him. By making plans, you're showing that you want to spend time with him and that you're not just playing games.

Example 1
Example 2
An example of making plans may say “What are you doing this weekend? I want to see you.”

This type of text will let him know that you want to see him and that you're serious about wanting to spend time with him.

Another example may say “There is a festival I plan to go to next week. You should come with me.”

This type of text will let him know that you like spending time with him and that you're interested in doing things together.

9. Be Yourself

Being you is always the best policy. By being yourself, you'll let him know that you're genuine and that you're not just trying to impress him. Men appreciate honesty and they want to be around women who are themselves.

Example 1
Example 2
An example of being you may say “I had a great time last night. I'm really glad you came over.”

This type of text will let him know that you're genuine and that you really enjoyed his company.

Don't be afraid to let him know you don't like something. For example, “I didn't like that movie we saw last night. I'm sorry.”

This type of honesty will let him know that you're not afraid to be yourself and that you're interested in his opinion.

10. Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to flirting with a guy over text. By being confident, you'll let him know that you're not interested in playing games and that you're serious about wanting to get to know him.

Example 1
Example 2
Show confidence by saying, “We have a lot in common. I think we should go out.” This type of text will let him know that you're interested in him and that you want to go on a date with him.You can also text,“I find you very attractive. I would like to kiss you but can't do so over text.” This type of text is confident and direct. It will let him know that you're attracted to him and that you would like to kiss him. If he is not interested, simply say “No problem, I understand.”

11. Don’t Text Too Much

It's important not to text too much when you're trying to flirt with a guy. If you text him too much, he may think you're needy, clingy, or just plain weird. Signs of neediness may include:

  • Texting him all the time
  • Asking him to do things for you all the time
  • Not having a life outside of him
  • Being too available
  • Responding back too quickly
  • Always sending really long texts
  • Getting mad if he does not text back immediately

These are just a few examples. If you find yourself doing any of these things, try to cut back on how much you text him. You don't want to smother him

He may not respond or he may respond with one-word answers. This is a sure sign that he's not interested in you and that you're texting him too much.

Once you've sent a text or two, it's important to wait for him to text you. If you keep texting him, he may think you're needy or clingy.

If he doesn't text back right away, don't worry. He may be busy or he may not be interested. Either way, it's best to give him some space and let him text you when he's ready.

Final Thoughts on How to Make a Guy Like You over Text

Texting is a great way to flirt with a guy. But it's important to remember that there are certain rules you need to follow. By following these tips, you'll be sure to make a good impression on the guy you're interested in.

Top of mind is to keep the texts short and sweet. Don't overthink things or read too much into his texts. And most importantly, be yourself. For the guys out there, go check out the Happier Human article How to Make a Girl Like You Over Text.

Finally, if you want to create attraction with a girl through your phone, then use one of these 13 examples of how to get a girl to like you through texting.

How to Make a Guy Like You Over Text [with 11 Examples] (2)
How to Make a Guy Like You Over Text [with 11 Examples] (2024)


How do you keep a guy interested in text examples? ›

Asking questions about his job, his family, his hobbies, or his day is an excellent strategy in how to text a guy to keep him interested. By showing your own interest in his life, he is reassured that you dig him, and he'll respond in kind. Hey, how did that big meeting go today? I was crossing my fingers for you!

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Be open and honest with each other.
  1. If you don't prioritize him or you constantly cancel plans, he'll be much less likely to admit that he likes you. Show him that you like him with your actions.
  2. Be a good listener, too. When he talks, make eye contact with him and nod along so he knows you're listening.

How to make a guy fall in love with you? ›

Ways for how to make a man fall in love with you
  1. Make him feel like he's needed. ...
  2. Be independent. ...
  3. Show an interest in his passions and hobbies. ...
  4. Mirror him. ...
  5. Don't be afraid to open up. ...
  6. But also maintain some mystery. ...
  7. Initiate physical contact. ...
  8. Be authentic.
Nov 22, 2023

What to text your crush? ›

How to Text Message Someone You Like
  • 1 Reach out and text first.
  • 2 Open the conversation with a personal touch.
  • 3 Send a funny, playful message.
  • 4 Give your crush compliments.
  • 5 Get flirty with your crush.
  • 6 Ask open-ended questions.
  • 7 Chat about your mutual interests.
  • 8 Text them photos of your day.

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Follow the tips below on how to flirt over text and your crush will respond in no time.
  1. Don't settle for “hey” Start the conversation with a strong opener. ...
  2. Ask questions. ...
  3. Show off your sense of humor. ...
  4. Compliment them. ...
  5. Use emojis. ...
  6. Avoid the triple text. ...
  7. Don't ghost.
May 4, 2023

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How to Win a Man's Heart
  1. Don't just look for the right one; be the right one. Finding the right man is important. ...
  2. Be confident in yourself, not desperate. ...
  3. Take care of yourself. ...
  4. Quietly let him know you're interested in him. ...
  5. Let him lead. ...
  6. Men love hearing that you admire them.

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Things You Should Know

Catch his eye by flirting with him. Say his name often, make eye contact, smile, and touch him occasionally to pique his interest. Delay your responses when he texts you or send short messages in return, and turn him down occasionally to keep his interest without tipping your hand.

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How to keep a guy interested: 30 ways that just might work
  1. Avoid putting all your details out there at one time. ...
  2. Don't be codependent. ...
  3. Men have passions that play a primary role in their life. ...
  4. Individualism is a priority with any healthy relationship. ...
  5. Insecurity is not attractive. ...
  6. Take good care of yourself.
Oct 29, 2022

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10 proven ways to make a guy miss you
  1. Deliberately leave things behind. ...
  2. Give him some personal space. ...
  3. Make him wait before replying his texts. ...
  4. Take things slow. ...
  5. Wear a unique perfume. ...
  6. Add some mystery to your experiences together. ...
  7. Have adventures with him (and your friends)
Jan 18, 2018

How to hint to him? ›

Especially if it's a budding relationship, these little actions can be the perfect way to drop hints.
  1. Touch your face and hair when you're talking to them.
  2. Touch them, casually, on the arm or knee when you're talking to them.
  3. Laugh at their jokes.
  4. Touch their arm or knee when you laugh at their jokes.
Mar 27, 2019

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How To Make The First Move On A Guy? 6 Tips & Advice for Every Situation
  1. Table of Contents. ...
  2. Try To Be Lighthearted. ...
  3. Make Physical Contact. ...
  4. Buy Him A Drink. ...
  5. Be Confident In Yourself. ...
  6. Keep Messages Open-ended. ...
  7. Be Flirty But Not Explicit. ...
  8. Get Interactive.

How to make men chase you? ›

9 Ways To Get A Guy To Chase You
  1. Stop chasing him: In order to get him to chase you in a relationship, you must first stop pursuing him. ...
  2. Make him recognize your worth: ...
  3. Be unavailable: ...
  4. Think outside the box: ...
  5. Spend less time: ...
  6. Make him jealous: ...
  7. Increase the mystery: ...
  8. Strive to be a strong woman:
Dec 1, 2021

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