How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (2024)

Table of Contents
Understanding The Purpose Of Your Business Plan Clarifying Business Goals And Objectives Demonstrating Loan Repayment Ability Components Of A Comprehensive Business Plan Executive Summary Business Description Market Analysis Organizational Structure Products Or Services Marketing And Sales Strategy Financial Projections Appendices Research And Data Collection Market Research Competitive Analysis Industry Trends And Insights Crafting Your Executive Summary Concise Overview Of Your Business Loan Request Details Business Highlights And Achievements Developing Your Business Description Mission And Vision Statements Company History And Background Legal Structure And Ownership Conducting A Comprehensive Market Analysis Target Market Identification Market Size And Growth Potential Customer Profiles And Needs Outlining Your Organizational Structure Key Team Members And Roles Advisory Board Or Consultants Internal Processes And Workflow Defining Your Products Or Services Detailed Product/Service Descriptions Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Product Development And Innovation Creating A Marketing And Sales Strategy Marketing Channels And Tactics Sales Approach And Sales Funnel Pricing Strategy Financial Projections And Pro Forma Statements Revenue Projections Expense Estimates Cash Flow Statements Break-Even Analysis Assembling Relevant Appendices Supporting Documents And References Resumes Of Key Team Members Letters Of Recommendation Or Commitment Reviewing And Polishing Your Business Plan Proofreading And Formatting Seeking Feedback From Advisors Or Mentors Conclusion FAQs

Starting a business or helping it grow often needs money. This money can come from loans. But to get a loan, you need a good business plan. Why?

Because banks and lenders want to know you’ll use the money wisely and pay them back. How to make a business plan for a loan? That’s what we’re here to answer.

In this article, we’ll explain why a detailed business plan can make your loan application stand out. We’ll also give you a roadmap of what topics and details to include.

Whether you’re a newbie or have been in business for years, this guide will help you craft a plan that impresses lenders.

Table of Contents

Understanding The Purpose Of Your Business Plan

How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (1)

Clarifying Business Goals And Objectives

A business plan maps out your major goals and the steps, or objectives, to reach them. These clear goals offer direction, boost motivation, and help track progress. It’s essential to review and adjust them as needed.

Demonstrating Loan Repayment Ability

When borrowing money, lenders want to know you can pay it back. Your business plan should show this ability, which increases trust.

Being upfront about your repayment plan helps avoid unforeseen financial hiccups and extra costs.

Components Of A Comprehensive Business Plan

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Executive Summary

This is a short part of the plan. But, it’s very important. Think of it as a trailer for a movie. It gives readers an idea of what your business is about in a few words. It tells:

  1. What your business does.
  2. Why it will work.
  3. What you hope to achieve.

Business Description

Here, you tell more about your business. Answer questions like:

  1. What does your business do?
  2. Why did you start it?
  3. What problems does it solve?
  4. Who are your customers?

Market Analysis

This section is like a look into the future. It helps you and others see:

  1. Who will buy your product or service?
  2. How many of these people are there?
  3. Who are your competitors?
  4. What makes your business different or better?

Organizational Structure

It’s important to know who does what in your business. This section explains:

  1. Who are the main people in your business?
  2. What are their jobs?
  3. How does your business make decisions?

Products Or Services

This is where you talk about what you sell. Whether it’s a thing (product) or something you do (service), you explain:

  1. What is it?
  2. How does it help people?
  3. Why is it special?

Marketing And Sales Strategy

You have a product or service. Great! But how will people know about it? This section helps by showing:

  1. How will you tell people about your business?
  2. Where will you sell it?
  3. How will you make them want to buy?

Financial Projections

Money talks. In this part, you’ll show:

  1. How much money do you think you’ll make?
  2. How much do you spend?
  3. Where the money will come from?
  4. How you’ll keep your business running.


Think of this as the extra stuff. Here, you can put:

  1. Pictures of products.
  2. Resumes of your team.
  3. Any other info that helps tell your business story?

Research And Data Collection

How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (3)

Market Research

1. Surveys

This is like asking people questions. You can use online tools or face-to-face methods. Questions could be like, “Would you buy this product?” or “How much would you pay for this?”

2. Focus Groups

This is like a group chat but in person. You gather a small group of people and ask them about your product or idea. Watch and listen to what they say. Their feedback can be gold!

3. Observation

Just watch people. See what they buy, where they go, or how they use things. It’s a quiet way to learn a lot.

4. Test Selling

Before diving in, sell a few items or offer the service to a small group. See how it goes. This gives a sneak peek of what the future will hold.

Competitive Analysis

1. List Competitors

Write down the names of businesses that sell what you sell.

2. See What They Offer

Visit their shops or websites. Make a list of their products, prices, and special features.

3. Strengths And Weaknesses

What do they do well? What don’t they do well? You can check if they have great prices but bad customer service.

4. Opportunity

Find gaps. Is there something they aren’t doing? Can you do it better or differently?

Industry Trends And Insights

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1. Read Industry News

Magazines, blogs, or websites that talk about your business type can be super helpful.

2. Attend Trade Shows

It’s like a big party for businesses. You can see what’s new, talk to others, and learn a lot.

3. Listen To Customers

They often know what’s hot and what’s not. They can give clues about what they want next.

4. Use Data

There are tools online that show what people search for, what they like, and more. It’s like seeing into the future of your industry.

Crafting Your Executive Summary

Concise Overview Of Your Business

Begin with a clear and brief description of your business. In just a few sentences, explain what your business does, who it serves, and where it operates. This gives the lender a snapshot of your company at a glance.

Loan Request Details

Clearly state how much money you’re asking for and how you plan to use it. Whether it’s for expanding operations, buying equipment, or increasing inventory, be transparent.

Business Highlights And Achievements

End the summary on a high note. Mention any significant milestones, awards, or successes your business has achieved.

How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (5)

You can show a large number of sales, a notable partnership, or any recognition in your industry. It serves as evidence of your business’s credibility and potential for success.

Developing Your Business Description

Mission And Vision Statements

Start by sharing your business’s core beliefs and goals. The mission statement tells what your business does right now, while the vision statement reveals your future goals.

These provide insight into your company’s purpose and long-term intentions.

Company History And Background

Discuss where and when your business began. Briefly explain the journey of your company, highlighting major events or changes. This provides context and shows how your business has grown or adapted over time.

Legal Structure And Ownership

Specify the legal format of your business, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation. Also, mention the main owners and their shares in the company.

This information clarifies who is responsible for the business and any decisions made.

Conducting A Comprehensive Market Analysis

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Target Market Identification

First, define who your customers are. Who are you selling to? You can include a specific age group, professionals in a certain industry, or residents of a particular area.

By knowing your audience, you can tailor your products, services, and marketing strategies to them.

Market Size And Growth Potential

Next, estimate how many potential customers are out there for your business. Are there a lot of them? Is the number growing?

This information can help lenders see the potential for your business to expand and succeed in the future.

Customer Profiles And Needs

Dive deeper into understanding your customers. What are their habits, likes, or challenges? Knowing this lets you offer solutions that fit their needs.

For example, customers buying eco-friendly products value sustainability and pay more for green items.

Outlining Your Organizational Structure

Key Team Members And Roles

When preparing a business plan for a loan, it’s essential to show who is in charge of your business and what they’re responsible for. Banks and lenders feel more at ease knowing you have a competent team.

Mention the main people in your business, those who make big decisions and ensure things are on track. Describe their roles clearly.

Advisory Board Or Consultants

Your business can have advisors or consultants who provide expert advice but don’t work with you full-time. These people can give your business added strength.

How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (7)

Internal Processes And Workflow

The way your business operates is also crucial. Banks like to see you have a clear plan for how things get done. Describe the steps you take from the moment you get an order to when you deliver a product or service.

This doesn’t have to be too detailed, but enough to show you have a system in place.

Defining Your Products Or Services

Detailed Product/Service Descriptions

Explain what you sell. Mention the ingredients and benefits, if it’s a product like handmade soaps. Briefly state what it involves and its outcomes, if it’s a service.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Highlight what makes your business special. Why should customers pick you over others? You can say that your soaps are 100% organic or your services are super fast.

Product Development And Innovation

Talk about your plans for the future. Are you introducing new soap scents or a faster service option? This shows lenders you’re always thinking ahead.

Creating A Marketing And Sales Strategy

Marketing Channels And Tactics

State where and how you plan to promote your business. You can use social media ads or local newspapers. Mention the main methods you believe will get your product or service noticed.

Sales Approach And Sales Funnel

Explain how you’ll sell to customers. For instance, will you approach them directly, or will they find you through online searches?

Briefly describe the steps a customer will take from discovering your business to making a purchase.

Pricing Strategy

How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (8)

Share how you’ve decided to price your products or services. Are you aiming for premium pricing because your product is high-end?

Or you offer affordable options to attract a broader audience. Give a quick insight into your pricing logic.

Financial Projections And Pro Forma Statements

Revenue Projections

State your expected earnings for the next year or more. This is a forecast of how much money you believe your business will make from sales and other income sources.

Expense Estimates

List out your expected costs. This includes things like rent, salaries, and raw materials. It gives a picture of how much money will go out of your business.

Cash Flow Statements

This shows the money coming in and going out monthly. It’s important to prove that you’ll have enough cash to keep your business running and pay back the loan.

Break-Even Analysis

Explain the point when your sales will cover all your costs. This is when you’ll start making a profit. It shows lenders when they can expect you to be in a safer financial position.

Assembling Relevant Appendices

Supporting Documents And References

Include any important papers that back up what you’ve said in your plan. This could be research, surveys, or contracts that show your business is well-supported and trustworthy.

Resumes Of Key Team Members

Add short resumes or profiles of your main team members. This gives lenders an idea of the experience and skills driving your business.

Letters Of Recommendation Or Commitment

You can include any letters from other businesses, clients, or experts saying good things about your work. These letters can boost trust and show that others believe in your business too.

Reviewing And Polishing Your Business Plan

How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (9)

Proofreading And Formatting

Before finalizing, double-check your plan for mistakes. Make sure it looks neat, with clear headings and easy-to-read text. A polished plan gives a good impression and shows professionalism.

Seeking Feedback From Advisors Or Mentors

Always get a second opinion. Share your plan with trusted advisors or mentors. Their experience can help you spot areas for improvement and ensure your plan is strong and compelling.


Understanding how to make a business plan for a loan is like learning the secret recipe for your favorite dish. With the right ingredients and steps, you can present a plan that lenders find tasty and trustworthy.

A solid business plan doesn’t just help you get a loan; it acts as a roadmap for your business’s journey. It helps you understand where you’re going and how to get there.

Remember, lenders want to see your passion, planning, and potential in that plan. By giving them a clear picture, you increase your chances of getting that needed loan.

How To Make A Business Plan For A Loan? - Geneva Lunch (2024)


How to write a business plan for loan approval? ›

A strong business plan for a loan application will include the following elements:
  1. Cover Page and Table of Contents.
  2. Executive Summary.
  3. Company Description.
  4. Market Plan and Analysis.
  5. Organization and Management.
  6. Service or Product.
  7. Marketing and Sales.
  8. Financing Analysis.

Do I need a business plan for a loan? ›

Do you need a business plan to get a loan? This question may have different answers depending on the lender, but the answer should be “yes” regardless. That's because a business plan for a loan can be as simple as explaining how much funding you need, what you need it for, and why.

How to write a business plan for a bank? ›

A Checklist for Creating Your Bank's Business Plan
  1. Define Clear Objectives. ...
  2. Assemble a Diverse Team. ...
  3. Review Your Bank's Current Business Plan. ...
  4. Analyze Market and Industry Trends. ...
  5. SWOT Analysis. ...
  6. Gather and Analyze Customer Feedback. ...
  7. Financial Assessment. ...
  8. Bank Technology Assessment.
Oct 5, 2023

What does a bank look for in a business plan? ›

Your business plan is a tool banks will use when examining your character, capacity, collateral, capital, and conditions (the “five Cs of credit”). It's important for the bank to have a deeper understanding of your business to build credibility.

How to write a proposal for a loan? ›

Be prepared to provide profit and loss statements, balance sheets and other financial history documentation.
  1. Financial Projections. A loan proposal includes earnings projections for the coming two to three years. ...
  2. Amount of Loan. ...
  3. Purpose of Loan. ...
  4. Marketing Plan. ...
  5. Loan Repayment Plan. ...
  6. Inventory of Collateral.

Can you get a loan with just a business plan? ›

If you don't have any collateral, lenders may still approve a loan if you have a good credit history and a solid business plan.

What happens if you don't have a business plan? ›

Skipping a business plan can actually bring financial consequences. It can bring your business down and cost you resources, which will make it harder to succeed and forcing you to spend valuable time regrouping your efforts and repairing the damage.

What are examples of a business plan? ›

7 business plan examples: section by section
  • Executive summary. An introductory overview of your business.
  • Company description. A more in-depth and detailed description of your business and why it exists.
  • Market analysis. ...
  • Products and services. ...
  • Marketing plan. ...
  • Logistics and operations plan. ...
  • Financial plan.
Jan 23, 2024

Can you write your own business plan? ›

When writing out a business plan, you want to make sure that you cover everything related to your concept for the business, an analysis of the industry―including potential customers and an overview of the market for your goods or services―how you plan to execute your vision for the business, how you plan to grow the ...

How do I write a business plan for money? ›

  1. Write an executive summary.
  2. Describe your company.
  3. State your business goals.
  4. Describe your products and services.
  5. Do your market research.
  6. Outline your marketing and sales plan.
  7. Perform a business financial analysis.
  8. Make financial projections.
Mar 4, 2024

How long does it take to write a business plan? ›

Writing your business plan is likely to require two days if your mind and storytelling are crystal clear, up to a couple of months if you have to build things from scratch. Some do it themselves or with a team.

What are the 4 main parts of a business plan? ›

Key lessons on the 4 key components of a business plan

The executive summary, marketing plan, key management bios, and financial plan business plan sections are critical and should be included in all business plans.

What are the 3 parts of a business plan? ›

But most plans will include the following main sections:
  • Executive summary. This is your five-minute elevator pitch. ...
  • Business description and structure. This is where you explain why you're in business and what you're selling. ...
  • Market research and strategies. ...
  • Management and personnel. ...
  • Financial documents.

How do I write a business plan for a grant? ›

How to write your business plan for funding
  1. Step 1: Write your executive summary. ...
  2. Step 2: Explain your company overview. ...
  3. Step 3: Detail your market analysis. ...
  4. Step 4: Describe your product/service. ...
  5. Step 5: Write out your sales plan. ...
  6. Step 6: Detail and explain your financial projections.
Aug 5, 2022

How do I start a business loan proposal? ›

The best way to start your bank loan application is with a direct and straightforward cover letter or executive summary. Use this page to clearly and briefly describe who you are, your business background, the nature of your business or start-up, and how the loan will be used to help your company succeed.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.