How to know if your Wilton Candy Melts have expired (2024)

How to know if your Wilton Candy Melts have expired (1)

Today I had planned to make a project using my Wilton candy melts. I pulled out all of my bags of candy to see what colors I had available to use. I was actually quite surprised at how many bags I had stored in my baking area. I knew I had not bought all of the bags recently, which got me wondering if any of them had expired.

How to know if your Wilton Candy Melts have expired (2)

I looked all over the bag, but did not see an expiration date. I did see each of the bags had a code in the lower left hand corner of the bag. The date posted though did not make a lot of sense. I was pretty sure that 14 was the year 2014, but I was not sure about the other numbers. Well it turns out that it is a date, but you have to do a little research to know what it means. ''

The numbers are not the expiration date, but the date the candy is made. It also is not based on the calendar that every one is used to, but the Julian calendar. Here is what the code 14071 means.,

The 14 means it was made this year. Yea! This is a newer bag. The next number indicates what day of the year it was made based on 365 days. 071 means it was made on the 71st day of the year. While I knew that it was would mean sometime in mid March, I wanted an easier way to figure out dates without pulling out the calendar each time. I found a Julian calendar online and copied down these numbers.

January 1-31

February 32-59

March 60-90

April 91-120

May 121-151

June 152-181

July 182-212

August 213-243

September 244-273

October 274-304

November 305-334

December 335-365

The numbers for March are days 60-90, with 60 being March 1st and 90, March 31st. Day 071 turns out to be March 12. This bag of candy was made on March 12, 2014. Unopened bags of Wilton candy melts are freshest 18 months from the date they are made, which means this bag is good until September 2015.

How to know if your Wilton Candy Melts have expired (3)

I went through all of my bags and about half were still in the 18 month window. I put large stickers on the bag, so I could see at a glance the date I needed to use it by. A few are getting close to their date, so I marked them to make sure I used them first.

How to know if your Wilton Candy Melts have expired (4)

Opened bags of candy should be stored in a air tight container or sealed plastic bag.. Some of my bags were past the 18 month window and just folded over. The rest were in plastic bags. I will be throwing those away, and buying new. I had only a couple of unopened bags that are past 18 months. According to Wilton's website unopened bags past 18 months are still okay to eat, but may be harder to melt, and not their freshest. If you have older bags, it really will depend on what you are making and what you feel most comfortable with using. If it is for an important project or party, it will not taste it's best. so in that case I would throw it out.

I am so excited to learn how to date my candy melts. It will definitely make it easier to know what to use for future projects. I hope this will help others who use candy melts too.

Here are some fun products you may want to use with your Wilton candy melts. These items are definitely on my wish list to try. (affiliate links)

How to know if your  Wilton Candy Melts have expired (2024)


How do you tell if Wilton candy melts are expired? ›

Though they will last a while if stored properly, Candy Melts are best used within 18 months of the date they were made. Each package contains a stamped series of numbers and letters to help mark the date they were packaged.

How do you read Wilton expiration dates? ›

The last three numbers represent the day (out of 365) that the food was manufactured. Remember, day #1 is January 1; day #365 is December 31st. So, for the examples above, the 114th day of 2021 was April 24th, meaning April 24, 2021 is the manufactured date for the food item.

How do you read the expiration date on candy? ›

Luckily, the expiration date code is very simple to interpret. It contains one number, representing the year, and one letter, representing the month. Any other digits or characters you see on the packaging are other codes that do not refer to the shelf life of the product.

Do Wilton icing decorations expire? ›

A: It's only sugar with some binding agents and dye, so there's no expiration date, but like all icing after it's opened, it will eventually dry out and harden.

Will expired candy melts make you sick? ›

Dates like that are often “best by” or “sell by” dates. The food is still perfectly edible and safe for weeks afterwards, it might just taste or have a texture that's a bit off-putting, but you won't get sick.

Can you eat expired candy melts? ›

According to Wilton's website unopened bags past 18 months are still okay to eat, but may be harder to melt, and not their freshest. If you have older bags, it really will depend on what you are making and what you feel most comfortable with using.

How do I decode an expiration date? ›

Read these codes as MMDDYY, where “MM” refers to the month, “DD” refers to the date, and “YY” refers to the year. This is one of the more common codes that you'll see on food items. For example, “121518” would be read as December 15, 2018.

How do you find the expiration? ›

Find the Use By/Expiration Date. Look for this on the side of the label or on the carton. The Lot Number is near the Use By/Expiration Date. These products do not have Product Identifiers.

How do you determine an expiration date? ›

There's no blanket process for setting expiration dates. Instead, food manufacturers and retailers determine these dates as they see fit. They may take many factors into consideration. They'll think about the characteristics of the particular food as well as its packaging.

What happens if I eat expired candy? ›

Hartel says it's simply an issue of quality decline, not health; that is, “unless a tooth breaks.” Same goes for chocolate: Though it may exhibit some signs of age on the surface in the form of a chalky white “bloom,” eating it doesn't actually present any health risks, though the texture or flavor may be off.

Is candy still good after 2 years? ›

Up to 2 Years

That's not mold, but “bloom,” which is caused by moisture evaporating from the chocolate. It's still safe to eat! If the chocolate tastes very dry or the texture has changed dramatically, or if it just doesn't taste good, those are signs to toss the bar.

What happens when you get expired candy? ›

While most candy will not expire in the sense that it can make a person ill if eaten, expired candy will be tasteless, misshapen and can even be moldy. Some types of candy will lose freshness before others and each candy type will show differing signs of decay like chocolate discoloration or hard candy softness.

Are Wilton candy melts chocolate? ›

Since they do not contain any cocoa, Candy Melts are not chocolate. However, Wilton does make chocolate-flavored Candy Melts, available in a Light and Dark variety.

What does expired frosting look like? ›

The best way is to smell and look at the canned frosting: if the canned frosting develops an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold appears, it should be discarded. Discard all canned frosting from cans or packages that are leaking, rusting, bulging or severely dented.

Do candy sprinkles expire? ›

The good news is that an open jar of sprinkles, when stored in a cool, dry place can last up to a year, Summers says. An unopened jar of sprinkles will stay fresh for as long as three years.

CAN expired candy give you diarrhea? ›

Eating expired foods or foods that are past their best-by date can expose your body to harmful bacteria that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever.

Can I use expired melting chocolate? ›

Chocolate with higher milk content (like white chocolate or milk chocolate) will go bad quicker than chocolates with lower milk content (like semi-sweet, bittersweet, and dark chocolate). It's generally okay to eat chocolate for months past the expiration date if it's been unopened or stored correctly.

Can you eat 1 year old candy? ›

Candy isn't good for babies: Hard or chewy candies are a choking hazard, and candy is full of sugar and lacking in nutrients. Once they turn 2, it's okay to give your child an occasional sweet treat – like a bit of chocolate that melts in their mouth, or a small cookie or bite of cake.

Can we check expiry date by barcode? ›

Use BEEP for commercial use or at home on any items with a barcode. Scan the barcode, input the expiry date and with the sound of a BEEP, you're all set! Expiration management couldn't be any simpler. Receive a friendly notification reminder a day, week or month prior to the expiry date to preserve your valuable food.

Can a barcode tell me the expiration date? ›

BEEP allows you to track expiration dates ubiquitously from your mobile phone. Your time and efforts are precious. Using BEEP, simply scan the barcodes and register expiration dates. BEEP will track it for you.

How do you read the 5 digit expiration date? ›

Look on the bottom or sides of the meal and find a string of five numbers in a row. The first two numbers stand for the year, while the last three numbers represent the day of the year. For example, if the code was 11322, you would know that the food was manufactured on the 322 day of 2011, or November 22nd, 2011.

What is the format of expiration date? ›

Expiration dates must be displayed in the format DD-MM-YYYY.

How do you read a 7 digit date code? ›

This is a 7 digit code you will find on the back of your bag or box to help you identify when it was produced. The first 3 digits tell you on what day of the year the bag or box was produced. The next 2 digits indicate the year, and the final 2 digits are our SunRidge lot number.

How do you read a 4 digit date code? ›

The date codes are generally in four digit codes. The first two numbers cover the year and the second two are for the week they were manufactured. So the example below shows the four numbers 8332 - made in 1983 in the 32nd week of that year.

Are all expiration dates True? ›

These dates aren't required by federal law (though some states require them) and don't necessarily indicate a product's safety (with the exception of baby formula). In fact, perishable products are usually safe to consume beyond their “best by” date if they've been handled and stored properly.

How long does candy last before expiring? ›

Hard candy – Hard candies can last up to a year when stored at room temperature or in a cool, dry location. Jellied candies – If the packaging has been opened, soft candies should be stored away from heat and light at room temperature (about 70 degrees). Stored in this manner, the candy should last 6-9 months.

How long till candy goes bad? ›

Hard Candy: up to one year. Dark Chocolate: up to two years. White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate: six months to a year. Sour Candy: up to one year.

Is candy good after a year? ›

Hard candies can last up to a year when stored properly, and jellied candies, caramels, and gum can last anywhere from six to nine months. Dark chocolate can be kept for one to two years if wrapped in foil and stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. Milk and white chocolates last no more than eight to 10 months.

What can I use instead of Wilton candy melts? ›

Plain chocolate bars or chips are a great substitute for candy melts. You can choose your favorite type of chocolate as long as there are no add-ins like nuts. You can also add a teaspoon of coconut oil, vegetable oil, corn syrup, or shortening to your melted chocolate to get the texture closer to candy melts.

Why are my candy melts thick? ›

Are your Candy Melts too thick for dipping and drizzling? It could be due the temperature, humidity or the overall freshness of the candy itself. Temperature is very important when working with Candy Melts candy. A cold work surface or a cold room will cause the candy to thicken, then set.

How hot does the Wilton candy melts get? ›

It heats to 117F and makes melting chocolate easy.

Can you get sick from eating expired frosting? ›

If you're asking if they frosting is safe to eat, the answer is yes (assuming the package isn't damaged).

CAN expired icing sugar make you sick? ›

The best-by date on the label only informs how long the product should retain top quality. It isn't an expiration date and has nothing to do with food safety. In other words, icing sugar doesn't go out of date.

Is it OK to eat expired icing? ›

But remember that frosting and icing, like a lot of other baking products, usually has a best before date and not a use by date. Because of this distinction, you may safely use frosting or icing for your baking needs after the best before date has lapsed, but please enjoy your all your food by the eat by date.

Do sprinkles go moldy? ›

A.: Colored sugar, sprinkles and other similar cookie decorations have an indefinite shelf life, as they are made of pure sugar for the most part. Sugar does not support bacterial growth, so it rarely goes bad.

Does salt expire? ›

While salt itself has no expiration date, salt products that contain iodine or seasonings that contain other ingredients such as spices, colors and flavors can deteriorate over time.

Does honey expire? ›

In general, honey doesn't spoil. However, it can go bad if it's contaminated or incorrectly stored. If your honey has visible mold, or if it smells fermented or "off," then it's time to toss it.

Does meltable chocolate expire? ›

Does chocolate go bad in heat? Chocolate can go bad in the heat. If the chocolate melts or if condensation forms because of temperature changes then bacteria and mold could start to grow on the chocolate.

Can you use melting chocolate after expiration date? ›

No, chocolate does not have a use-by date it just has a best before date. This means it is safe to eat after the best before date has passed.

How long does unopened Wilton Icing last? ›

Wilton, who make the cans of "Ready to Decorate Icing" tells me that their cans never actually expire, but for best quality should be used within 24 months of the code printed on the bottom of the can.

Why do candy melts get clumpy? ›

When chocolate is melted, its ingredients—mainly cocoa powder, sugar, and cocoa butter—disperse evenly, creating a fluid mass. But if even a tiny amount of moisture is introduced, the liquid and the sugar will form a syrup to which the cocoa particles will cling, thereby creating grainy clumps.

How can you tell if melted chocolate is bad? ›

In a melted state, the introduction of even just a drop or two of water is enough for the dry particles to attract the moisture and stick together, forming a rough, grainy texture. This is what you'll see when your chocolate has curdled or seized.

What does expired chocolate look like? ›

If it looks, smells and tastes normal, you're in the clear. Cracks or dots on the chocolate may signal it's a bit stale and has seen better days. If your chocolate has significant discoloration or mold, it's ready for the trash.

Can you use expired melting wafers? ›

The ingredients in candy wafers will not “go bad” in the first year of storage; however, the workability may change. After one year, candy wafers will usually have fat bloom, requiring them to be thinned out when melting. To eliminate such problems, purchase candy wafers as you need them.

How do you read an expiration date code? ›

Read these codes as MMDDYY, where “MM” refers to the month, “DD” refers to the date, and “YY” refers to the year. This is one of the more common codes that you'll see on food items. For example, “121518” would be read as December 15, 2018.

Is chocolate OK if it turns white? ›

(Spoiler alert, it's still safe to eat!) This white film does not mean the chocolate is moldy or has gone bad. It's actually just a scientific process called “chocolate bloom”. There are two types of this bloom: sugar bloom and fat bloom.

Does Wilton icing color go bad? ›

Because it is a "food item" it is required to have an expiration date. However, it is such a waste to throw out a barely used food color because it's past the expiration date.

How do you thin out Wilton candy melts? ›

How to Make Candy Melts Thinner. Thinning your candy can be done with EZ Thin Dipping Aid or solid vegetable shortening. EZ Thin helps you control the consistency of the candy without changing the overall finish once it sets (it will still be shiny and set properly).

Why do my candy melts have white spots? ›

If chocolate is heated to a high temperature, the cocoa butter inside melts and separates from the rest of the ingredients. It settles on the surface in a white coating. If there's excess moisture, it causes the sugar in the chocolate to crystalize, which gives it a white, speckled or spotted coating.

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.