How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (2024)

A commonly asked question from readers of my blog is “how to keep squirrels from digging up bulbs in my garden?” Since fall is bulb-planting time for daffodils, crocuses, and tulips, the question is posed even more often right now.

If you spend much time in the garden, you will likely have had a run-in with squirrels. There is no worse feeling for a gardener than planting a lot of spring blooming bulbs in the fall only to discover, a few months later, that squirrels and other rodents have dug them all up and now you have no spring flower display.

Crocuses and tulips are common bulbs that squirrels like to eat, but they will target a few others, too.

If you have an issue with squirrels eating bulbs in your garden, keep reading – these 10 tips will help you protect bulbs from squirrels all season long.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (1)

Do you have a problem with squirrels eating the bulbs in your garden? Check out the 10 tips on The Gardening Cook to find out how to protect bulbs from squirrels all season long.🥀 🐿🌷 Click To Tweet

Why do squirrels eat bulbs?

Bulbs are so beautiful in the spring – if you can get them to grow. They show their pretty faces much earlier than spring perennials do and are a welcome arrival after a long, cold winter.

However, most gardens have a very large population of critters, such as squirrels, moles and chipmunks, that consider bulbs a delicacy. This can make it a real task to grow some types of bulbs.

Rodents depend on plant sources that are protein-rich. This means that they are always on the look out for nuts and bulbs to help them survive the winter months.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (2)

Another reason that rodents dig up bulbs is so that they can use the cavities to store black walnuts, acorns and other nuts which are abundant in the fall months.

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How to keep squirrels from digging up bulbs

As notorious as squirrels are in the enjoyment of eating bulbs, there are several things you can do to prevent this happening.

From mulching over up after planting deeply, to choosing just the right type of bulb and using barriers, these tips will you keep the bulbs in the ground where they belong this year.

Make it hard for squirrels to dig up bulbs

Be sure to plant your bulbs at the proper depth. It is much easier for a squirrel to dig up a bulb just under the soil than one planted 6-8 inches deep.

Planting bulbs deeply is easy with a bulb planter, which has depth markers on it.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (3)

Tamp the soil down with your hands after planting and water the soil well. This makes the soil more compact and harder to dig through.

Clean up after planting

Critters like squirrels and chipmunks love to dig in fresh, soft soil. If you leave soil unprotected, you are giving them a clue that something tasty is waiting for them just underneath the soil.

To prevent this curiosity, spread a layer of bark or mulch over the newly planted area. Even a layer of fall leaves is effective at hiding your planting area.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (4)

You should also be sure to get rid of any of the papery outer layers from bulbs that may have dislodged, and any damaged bulbs not planted. These material are a signal to the squirrels that a treat is nearby.

Overplanting with low ground covers also makes it more difficult for squirrels to get to the bulbs that have just been planted, since they will have to dig through the foliage and roots of the ground covers.

Use bulb cages to keep squirrels away from bulbs

One of the most effective ways to protect flower bulbs from squirrels is to use wire bulb cages.

Although the process is time consuming it is a good choice for those who plant their bulbs in the same place every year. There are lots of choices for bulb cages online.

You can make your own bulb cages by digging an area for your bulbs and lining it with wire mesh. Plant the bulbs and then lay another piece of wire on the surface of the soil.

Add large stones to hold it down for the winter and then remove the top when the bulbs emerge in spring.

You can also use hardware cloth to prevent squirrels digging up your bulbs. Just cut a section of the material large enough for your planting area, plant the bulbs on top and add another piece of the hardware cloth, then secure it with stakes.

Adding leaves or mulch over the top will hide the wire. The stems of the bulbs will grow up through the holes in the hardware cloth but the actual bulbs will be protected from digging squirrels.

Bulbs baskets prevent squirrels from eating bulbs

If the idea of making special cages is not something you like, try planting bulbs in baskets.

A bulb basket is similar to the cages mention above, but it is already formed so you don’t have to mess with making one yourself.

Some retail bulb baskets have hinged tops which make the process easy.

If you don’t have one, you can use a normal basket with some mesh wire over the top of it.

The basket will protects pests from digging up or damaging the bulbs. Be sure that the hole for the basket is deep enough so that the bulbs are planted at the correct depth.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (5)

Arrange the bulbs inside the basket with the pointed end facing up and spaced as directed for the variety of bulb you are planting.

Since the baskets have holes in them, the stems and roots can grow up and down, but the critters can’t get to the bulbs themselves.

Cover the planting area with a barrier to prevent digging

Once you have an area planted with bulbs abut they don’t have a basket or cage, you can use a barrier to cover the top area to keep squirrels from digging up the bulbs. There are lots of items that can be used:

  • Old window screens
  • Chicken wire
  • Old grill grates
  • Thorny branches
  • Plastic garden netting

Just make sure that the bulbs will be able to grow through the barrier but will discourage critters from digging.

Squirrels tend to stop digging when the ground is frozen, so if you planted your bulbs early, you can remove the barrier when the ground freezes.

Does blood meal to keep squirrels away?

It has long been thought that bone meal, a natural source of nitrogen and phosphorus, is a good squirrel repellent. I have not found this to be the case. In fact, both bone meal and fish emulsion (another suggestion for keeping squirrels away,) seem to attract them, in my experience.

However, adding blood meal to your garden does seem to be a way to deter squirrels from your yard and keep them from digging up bulbs. Blood meal is dried animal blood (often cow’s blood) which is collected, and dried into a powder. Blood meal adds nitrogen to your garden and is often used as a fertilizer.

Note that blood meal only deters squirrels from bulbs if it remains dry. To use it to keep squirrels from bulbs, place small containers of the dry powder around the area where you planted the bulbs and replace it when it rains.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (6)

The reason it is effective is that rodents don’t like the smell of blood meal because it has a high ammonia content and it smells, as you might expect, like blood.

One thing to note: as easily as blood meal is not appealing to squirrels, it may attract unwanted visitors such as dogs, possums and raccoons who will be delighted by the aroma. So while you might be keeping away one pest, you could be attracting another!

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Use squirrel repellents

There are many things which are considered natural squirrel repellents.

Use crushed oyster shells or crushed stone in the hole where the bulbs are planted. Place them a few inches above the bulbs.

They both have a gritty texture that helps to prevent squirrels from digging and chewing bulbs. (Crushed oyster shells are available at feed stores.)

Many gardeners say that spraying a deer repellent into the planting hole is a good way to repel squirrels. Granulated garlic also helps, as does crushed red pepper flakes. A liberal sprinkle of these flakes over your freshly planted bulbs will make them much less appealing.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (7)

The idea it to make the bulbs less tasty to the rodents by adding a flavor they do not find appealing.

Delay planting of bulbs

At the end of summer, the energy in squirrels and other digging rodents is high. They are gathering food for the winter and may have offspring to feed, as well.

By the middle of October, their activity begins to slow down.

If your weather permits it, delay planting your bulbs until late in the fall so you can avoid the frenzy of digging that comes earlier.

Try to delay planting bulbs until after Halloween, but before Thanksgiving.

How to keep squirrels out of flower planters

When the squirrels got all my tulips one year, I decided to plant tulip bulbs in pots on my front steps, only to discover lots of holes in the soil where the adventurous squirrels had dug them up! Sso, how do you keep squirrels out of flower pots?

Since squirrels dig to in spots to bury their supply of food, flower planters are an easy place for them to dig. The soil in most planters is soft and pliable – thus easy to dig.

Compare this to garden beds that are walked on with compacted soil, which is much harder to dig in.

The answer to how to stop squirrels digging up bulbs in pots uses some of the same techniques as bulbs in garden beds.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (8)

If you plan to use garden planters to hold spring bulbs, the key is to add something to the soil that the squirrels won’t like the taste of. Some choices are:

  • vinegar
  • cayenne pepper or moth balls (be careful with moth balls if you have pets or small children)
  • crushed red pepper flakes
  • garlic
  • peppermint oil
  • blood meal

Adding a layer of rocks or mulch on tops of the soil may keep squirrels away from bulbs in flower planters. Moving pinwheels can be a deterrent for squirrels since they will scare them, so consider adding these in your pots.

A last choice is effective, although not the prettiest idea, is to make cages from netting, chicken wire or hardware cloth. If you don’t like the idea of a cage, cutting pieces of the material to fit the top of the pot under the soil will also work.

Plant wisely to keep squirrels away from bulbs

Not all flower bulbs appeal equally to squirrels and other rodents. This means that gardeners should be careful not to tempt critters in their aim of producing pretty flowers.

Below are two lists – the first is a list of bulbs that squirrels and other rodents find particularly appealing. The second is a list that are not as tasty to them.

As you can see, the second list is quite long. There is no reason to sacrifice spring blooms just because of squirrels. You can print this list out in the project card at the bottom of this page.

Bulbs that attract squirrels

There are some bulbs that squirrels, chipmunks and other digging critters especially like. Unfortunately for gardeners, they are some of the prettiest bulbs.

  • Tulips – These are like candy to squirrels. They like them as much as nuts!
  • Crocuses – They are generally very tempting but one type – crocus tommasinianus – is often left alone.
  • Star Gazer Lilies – rabbits, voles, mice and deer like to munch on the shoots and leaves
  • Oriental and Asiatic Lilies – Chipmunk, squirrels, and voles love to nibble on these crunchy bulbs.
  • Dahlia tubers – Not so much a problem with squirrels, but rats, mice, voles, gophers and chipmunks like them.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (9)

Squirrel resistant bulbs

As tasty as the bulbs in the list above are to squirrels, there is still a list of those that rodents tend to avoid. If you have a problem with squirrels digging up bulbs, ty planting some of these:

  • Alliums – in the onion family and come in many shades
  • Anemone – jewel tones colors
  • Camassia – tolerates dampness well
  • Daffodils – super easy to grow and poisonous to squirrels and other rodents
  • Dutch Iris – also deer and rabbit resistant
  • Fritillaria – large variety of blooms and colors
  • Glory of the Snow – early star shaped blue flowers
  • Grape Hyacinths – will multiply easily
  • Hyacinths – nice in mass plantings and can be forced indoors, too
  • Leucojum (summer snowflake)
  • Lily of the Valley – has bell shaped flowers with a sweet perfume
  • Siberian Iris – early season color with frilly flowers
  • Snowdrops – these are among the earliest bulbs to bloom
  • Star of Bethlehem – grows in clumps with star shaped flowers
  • Winter Aconite – blooms even earlier than crocuses
  • Winter Squill – showy spikes of star shaped blooms
  • Onions – all types of onions are unpalatable to squirrels
  • Garlic – also not appealing to rodents

One way to take advantage of both the likes and dislikes of the squirrels when it comes to bulbs is to interplant the tasty ones with those that don’t appeal to the varmints.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (10)

Narcissus bulbs are poisonous to squirrels and other digging rodents. If you surround those appealing tulips with daffodils, you’ll have more of a chance of seeing the tulips in bloom next spring!

Pin these 10 tips for how to protect squirrels from bulbs

Would you like a reminder of this post for how to keep squirrels from digging up bulbs? Just pin this image to one of your gardening boards on Pinterest so that you can easily find it later.

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (11)

Admin note: this post for flower bulbs that are resistant to squirrels first appeared on the blog in June of 2013. I have updated the post to add all new photos, more tips for keeping squirrels way from bulbs, and a video for you to enjoy.

Yield: 1 shopping list

Shopping List for Squirrel Resistant Flower Bulbs

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (12)

Some bulbs, like tulips and crocuses are very tempting to squirrels. However there are some that are less pleasing. Plant these bulbs to keep the squirrels from digging in your garden.

You can print out the shopping list and take it with you the next time you go plant shopping.

Active Time5 minutes

Total Time5 minutes


Estimated Cost$1


  • Heavy card stock or printer paper


  • Computer printer


  1. Load your printer with heavy card stock or printer paper.
  2. Choose portrait layout and if possible "fit to page" in your settings.
  3. Take the shopping list with you the next time you go plant shopping.How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (13)


Using this print function on this card will print a calendar that fills about 3/4 of an 8 x 11 sheet of paper. To fill the entire page, choose "fit to page" on your printer if you have this setting, or use the link in the post above and print using the browser print feature

How to Keep Squirrels from Digging up Bulbs + 18 Squirrel Resistant Bulbs (2024)


How do you stop squirrels from pulling up bulbs? ›

A good way to protect your new bulb planting is to cover the area with chicken wire or plastic garden netting to prevent the squirrels from digging in the area. Stake the wire or netting with landscape staples or use bricks to secure it on the surface of the soil.

How do you stop animals from digging up bulbs? ›

To keep voles from stealing your bulbs, place a layer of sharp rocks at the bottom of the hole when planting the bulbs. Add in some dirt then place the bulbs on top then cover with more rocks. Gravel above the bulbs will help keep other diggers at bay. Cover the bulbs and gravel completely with soil.

What is the best way to repel squirrels? ›

Try sprinkling cayenne pepper, ground chili peppers, or pepper flakes around your plants when they are ready to bloom. Peppers have “capsaicin” which squirrels hate, so it's a natural squirrel deterrent. Or, make a pepper spray; you can mix dried pepper with apple cider vinegar.

Do coffee grounds keep squirrels away? ›

Deterrent For Other Animals

Coffee grounds not only repel squirrels but other pesky critters as well. So whether you're trying to minimize the number of small chipmunks or large deer (read our article about deer and coffee grounds) in your yard, there's a chance that coffee grounds can help.

Will spraying vinegar keep squirrels away? ›

The pungent smell of pure apple cider vinegar repels the squirrels. ACV is readily available and can be sprayed directly on the plants and flower pots without harming them. Spray it as often as needed to keep the little creatures at bay.

Does WD 40 keep squirrels away? ›

It's time to grab your trusty blue and red can of WD-40® Multi-Use Product. This high-performance lubricant will make the surface too slippery for squirrels and other pests to climb, so they will have no choice but to stay away. Simply shake the can well and coat all external surfaces of the feeder and pole.

What is digging up my bulbs at night? ›

Voles, gophers, and mice are common burrowers that eat bulbs. Moles are often blamed, but these animals eat worms, grubs, and other insects. Other rodents, however, will use their tunnels, which is why they are often blamed. Some bulbs do not emerge due to rotting.

Why are my bulbs being dug up? ›

It is usually either because they think freshly dug soil means another squirrel has left a stash of nuts or food there; or because they're looking for somewhere to hide their own supplies (and soft soil or compost where bulbs have recently been planted makes the job much easier).

Will squirrels dig up established bulbs? ›

Unlike larger animals, such as deer, who nibble on leaves and flowers, squirrels get right to the heart of the matter and dig up the bulbs themselves. They will eat just about any bulb if they are starving, but squirrel resistant flower bulbs all have some quality that makes them unattractive.

What smell does a squirrel hate? ›

Spicy Odors

Hot and spicy smells are a significant turn-off for the squirrels, and they hate this smell. Scents of white pepper and cayenne pepper are said to repel squirrels. For instance, if you want to keep the pests out of your yard, you need to spray some flakes of white pepper on your plants.

What do squirrels dislike the most? ›

Scents like white pepper, black pepper, and garlic are naturally unpleasant to a squirrel. The same goes for sweet smells such as peppermint. Try spraying your plants and flowers with water and then sprinkling on pepper or peppermint oil to deter squirrels.

Does Irish Spring soap keep squirrels away? ›

Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

Protect it by grating some Irish Spring soap around your plants. Squirrels can't stand the smell of it and will stay away.

Does Pine Sol deter squirrels? ›

Spray their areas and burrows with 1 cup regular Pinesol per gallon of water. Dilute Tabasco sauce and cayenne pepper in water and spray on plants that are being eaten (a few tsp. of each in about 1 litre of water). Human hair or urine is a strong repellent.

Do cinnamon sticks repel squirrels? ›

Cinnamon. Used in small amounts, cinnamon gives many dishes a delicious flavor. However, it is still a spice, and squirrels can't tolerate the smell.

Does cinnamon powder keep squirrels away? ›

Cinnamon can be used to help repel squirrels from key target areas around your property. Since squirrels have a strong sense of smell, you can use that to your advantage by sprinkling strong cinnamon powder in frequently visited areas to irritate their nose and repel them.

What smells will drive squirrels away? ›

A List of Smells Squirrels Hate
  • Cider Vinegar. Squirrels object to the scent of cider vinegar, according to the Humane Society of the United States. ...
  • Spicy Odors. “Hot” and “spicy” scents can be practical for preventing squirrels. ...
  • Distinctive Smell of Mothballs. ...
  • Skunk-Like Smells. ...
  • Animal Urine. ...
  • Plant Mint to Repel Squirrels.

Do dryer sheets repel squirrels? ›

It kept the rabbits away, too. Bracikowski said the dryer sheets works for squirrels and mice as well. In his summer home, he's going to place sheets by vents and doors to discourage the rodents. In the beginning, he added new dryer sheets to the bamboo sticks every week, then added sheets less frequently.

What are squirrels afraid of? ›

Tangy and sweet smells can help deter squirrels, as they aren't fond of these. Scents of white pepper and garlic powder are also used to repel squirrels. Rodents are also repulsed by the scent of pepper. Spray growing crops with water and put on some pepper seasoning to keep squirrels from knocking them down.

What does vaseline do to squirrels? ›

Many people use products such as Vaseline, WB-40, axle grease or another greasy or oily products, with the idea that this provides a slippery barrier that the squirrel can't get past. At least initially, the animal slides down the pole while trying. It may be effective and funny to watch, but please, do NOT do this.

Does Vaseline keep squirrels away? ›

The Center for Wildlife says there are many ways to deter squirrels from climbing feeders, however, Vaseline and other lubricants can harm the animals. “Please do not coat your bird feeders in Vaseline, oil, butter, or anything like that.

What bulbs do you not have to dig up? ›

Do I need to dig up my bulbs or can I leave them in the ground? Spring-blooming bulbs that are winter hardy, such as tulips, daffodils and crocus, can be left right in the ground. Summer bulbs such as dahlias, tuberous begonias and calla lilies, will not survive cold winters.

What animal digs up bulbs at night? ›

A wide variety of animals will snack on flower bulbs. Most commonly, mice are the issue, but squirrels, chipmunks, voles, and gophers can also be to blame. Oftentimes a gardener will blame moles as well, but moles do not eat the bulbs or roots of plants.

What is a bulb basket? ›

This versatile basket is designed for a range of uses—from protecting your bulbs from squirrels and rodents to providing an easy way to lift tender bulbs in the fall.

Can you leave bulbs in the ground year round? ›

Most bulbs can be left underground all year or stored inside after they've bloomed. After your bulbs have flowered, don't remove their leaves while they're still green; always let the foliage die back on its own. Bulbs gain their strength from their foliage, helping them grow and produce new flowers next year.

Does blood meal repel squirrels? ›

Bloodmeal is a scent based repellent and most squirrels will avoid it. However, be warned, it can be a bit smelly especially when wet, and it needs to be reapplied after each rain fall to maintain its effectiveness.

What happens to bulbs that are planted upside down? ›

Bulbs should be planted pointy-side up, but if you placed them upside down don't worry. Bulbs know “which way is up” and they will turn themselves around.

What time of day do squirrels dig? ›

They are active during the cooler times on hot days and sunny periods during the cooler months; they are usually most active in morning and late afternoon. In periods of high winds, ground squirrels retreat to their burrows.

Why do squirrels steal light bulbs? ›

The common belief now is that squirrels chew through the wires to get the lights. That's right. It has been documented on multiple occasions that squirrels see the small light bulbs as a potential food source, and chew through the wires so they can store their tiny glass “nu*ts” for their future holiday meals.

Does pepper keep squirrels from digging up to tulip bulbs? ›

Squirrels hate the smell of pepper, particularly spicy peppers such as cayenne pepper. You can grind cayenne pepper on the ground next to areas of frequently disturbed plants. The squirrels will then avoid these areas because of the off-putting smell.

Does Lysol spray deter squirrels? ›

As for preventing the squirrels from entering your home, consider creating a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Lysol and 3 ounces of Epsom salts, diluted in a quart of water. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and apply it to wood shingles or door frames.

What animals do squirrels fear most? ›

A dog or cat may keep squirrels out of your yard, particularly if your dog chases squirrels. If you don't have a cat or dog, you can place plastic owls around your property on elevated surfaces such as fence posts or the roof to frighten squirrels away.

What orders do squirrels hate? ›

You can repel squirrels using scents they hate such as, capsaicin, white vinegar, peppermint oil, coffee grounds, cinnamon, predator urine, garlic, dryer sheets, Irish Spring Soap, and rosemary.

What can squirrels not resist? ›

Other favorites aren't exactly natural, but the squirrels love them anyway. These additional foods include peanuts, peanut butter, pecans, pistachios, grapes, corn, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, strawberries, carrots, apples, sunflower seeds and even snack items, such as Oreo® cookies.

Does cayenne pepper keep squirrels away? ›

Guess what can? Sprinkle some cayenne pepper or a similar spice onto your birdseed before you put it out. Birds will eat the seed just fine, but squirrels will smell the heat and stay well clear. You'll have to re-apply the spice frequently, however, or it'll wash off or blow away.

What are squirrels biggest enemy? ›

Weasels, coyotes, badgers, foxes, and bobcats are some of the most common mammalian predators for squirrels. In the case of reptiles, the rattlesnake will frequently target baby squirrels as they are more vulnerable and cannot protect themselves.

What animal eats Irish Spring soap? ›

The Stricklands used Irish Spring soap as a deterrent to keep critters away but apparently possums like the flavored soap.

How do I protect my tulip bulbs from squirrels? ›

How to protect tulip bulbs from squirrels and mice: wide wire mesh, such as chicken wire ($38, The Home Depot), is an effective deterrent. Lay it directly on top of the bed, extending the surface about 3 feet from the plantings, then stake it down. You can also plant bulbs in wire cages for tulip squirrel protection.

Do squirrels not like mothballs? ›

Distinctive Smell of Mothballs

The scent of mothballs might make many humans feel nostalgic for visits to Grandma's house, but squirrels dislike the scent. If you're experiencing a problem with squirrels inside or outside of your home, the use of mothballs might save the day, at least for a while.

What does aspirin do to squirrels? ›

Once they start eating it, the aspirin begins to poison them. Symptoms of aspirin poisoning in squirrels include: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tremors, and seizures. If you see a squirrel exhibiting any of these symptoms, it is important to take them to a vet immediately.

Can I sprinkle cinnamon on my plants? ›

Even with its strong smell, cinnamon will not cause any harm to the plants. In fact, not only will it not injure plants, its antibacterial qualities can also help to prevent mold or mildew from appearing on the soil surface as well, further protecting the plants.

What chemical will repel squirrels? ›

Two of the most common chemicals around the home that are said to repel many animals, including squirrels are mothballs and ammonia, which both have a distinctive strong smell.

How do I keep squirrels from eating my bulbs? ›

Simply scatter the surface of the soil of your plant beds with sharp stone gravel. This will create a barrier between the squirrel and the bulbs, as they come across the sharp stone they will normally leave to find an easier spot to scavenge in.

Will used cat litter keep squirrels away? ›

Either fox or bobcat urine will send squirrels scurrying away. Some homeowners spread out used kitty litter for the same purpose, although this should not be done in areas that will need to be worked by hand, such as flower beds.

Why do squirrels steal bulbs? ›

Squirrels and Bulbs

Because these rodents cannot digest cellulose material, they depend on protein-rich plant structures, like those found in nuts and bulbs, to survive. Gardeners are a squirrel's best friend, and squirrels are constantly digging to find (and hide) nuts and bulbs.

What will chase squirrels away? ›

Rodent-chasing dogs and motion-activated noisemakers, such as garden spinners, pinwheels, and aluminum pie tins, all make good squirrel deterrents. In addition, if you're watering your lawn anyway, consider using a motion-detecting sprinkler to increase the scare factor.

Does peppermint oil deter squirrels? ›

Peppermint oil is used to repel squirrels, however, to have success with using peppermint oil, there are a few ways to use it – a peppermint oil spray is a great option. To make a spray: mix 10-15 drops of peppermint oil within 1 cup of water. For every cup of water, add another 10-15 drops.

What happens when a squirrel stares at you? ›

Reasons a Squirrel Might Stare at You

In general, there are four common reasons why a squirrel might suddenly stop and stare at you: They are trying to establish if you are a threat. They are curious about what you are doing. They are trying to determine if you have food.

What smell squirrels dislike? ›

Tangy and sweet smells can help deter squirrels, as they aren't fond of these. Scents of white pepper and garlic powder are also used to repel squirrels. Rodents are also repulsed by the scent of pepper. Spray growing crops with water and put on some pepper seasoning to keep squirrels from knocking them down.

Does aluminum foil deter squirrels? ›

A layer of aluminum foil is all the squirrel repellent you need on potted plants. For whatever reason, they don't like the stuff.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.