How to Keep Potted Plants Alive | Patuxent Nursery (2024)

While the rules for all plants are fairly similar, they will differ slightly depending on the environment your plant is going to be living in. If you’re mostly wondering how to take care of potted indoor plants, then this is the section for you. Here are our best tips to keep houseplants alive:

1. Choose the Correct Pot

Drainage is extremely important for your plant. Ideally, a pot should have a hole in the bottom so that excess water can drain out of the soil and collect in a tray underneath the pot. If there is no such hole, all the extra water is trapped in the soil. Often, this is more water than the plant can successfully absorb, and this will result in a plant “drowning.” If you notice your plant looks wilted and droopy, but the soil is still damp, the odds are good that you have a drainage problem, and the plant is too wet.

In the same way, plants need plenty of space to grow. If the roots run out of room to stretch out, the plant will become top-heavy, and the roots won’t be able to support the amount of foliage on your plant. This will cause it to wither and die.

While it’s easiest to simply leave the plant in the pot or basket you got it in, this isn’t always the best way to keep your plant healthy and strong. For your plant to stay healthy, it needs to be in a pot that gives it room to grow and stretch its roots. It will also require a pot that allows for adequate drainage.

2. Use Good Potting Soil

If you’re re-potting your houseplant from the container it came in and putting it in a better pot, you’ll also need to think about what type of potting soil you’re using. It isn’t enough to just scoop some dirt out of your backyard. Instead, buy a bag of potting soil. These mixes often contain extra nutrients or fertilizers that will help your houseplant stay strong and healthy.

Depending on what type of plant you’re working with, you may be able to find a potting mix designed specifically for that species. If you’re planting a cactus or succulent, for example, there are often potting soils that are crafted with just the right nutrients for these types of plants.

3. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little

Watering can be a little bit tricky, especially if you’re new to plant care. Water too much, and your plant can easily drown. Water too little, and the plant will dry up and die. For happy and healthy plants, you’ll need to find a delicate balance between these two extremes. While some plants prefer to live in moist soil, the vast majority of plants do best when you allow the soil to dry out between watering.

To tell whether or not your plant needs water, feel the soil, preferably near the edge of the pot. If the dirt feels dry and crumbly, it’s time to water. If it still feels damp, it probably doesn’t need more just yet. After a few weeks of this practice, you should begin to get the hang of knowing when your plants need water.

Of course, you’ll also be able to tell if your plants are dying of thirst. If you notice the leaves are turning dry, brown and shriveled, your plant is in desperate need of water. Hopefully, however, you’ll water your plant long before it gets to this point.

When giving your plant a drink, water it until the water begins to run out the hole in the bottom of the pot, or until the soil no longer absorbs any water. If the water begins to pool on top of the soil refusing to soak in any more, then it’s time to stop watering.

It’s difficult to prescribe exactly how often you should water your plant because every plant and every plant species is different. You can read up on your specific plant to gain more information, but in general, it’s better to let your plant tell you when it needs water. Learn to read the soil and the leaves of a plant, and recognize when it’s asking you for some water.

4. Give Them Plenty of Light

While every plant has different preferences in terms of shade versus sun, no plant will grow with absolutely no light whatsoever. If you put your plant in the closet, high on a dark shelf or backed into a shadowy corner, it is not going to do well.

Your plant needs at least some sun to thrive. For this reason, windowsills are great places to put plants. If you don’t have a windowsill large enough, though, there are other options. Put them on a table or a cart in front of a window, or in some place that experiences plenty of sunlight.

5. Keep Your Pet Away

This should go without saying, but it’s something you might not have thought of if you’re new to houseplants. Animals may love your plants, but unfortunately, this often translates into loving them to death. Specifically, your pet might eat your plant, or tear it up in their enthusiasm.

To fix this problem, try placing your houseplants in places your pet can’t access. Maybe put them high up on the counter, or on top of a cabinet. Just be sure to balance the need to keep the plant out of harm’s way with the need to place it in an area that still gets sun.

Another thing to note is that there are a variety of poisonous plants to animals, so there is some extra incentive to keep plants and pets separate.

6. Learn About Your Plant

This is a fundamental rule of plant care whether you’re dealing with indoor houseplants, hanging outdoor baskets, garden plants or something else altogether. Take the time to learn about the type of plant you’re caring for. Learn how much sun it likes, or how much shade. Learn if it needs to be watered every day, or if it can go as long as two weeks without water.

Every plant has its own unique set of requirements. While there are plenty of across-the-board rules that apply to most plants, you will have the best results and the greatest rate of success when you take the time to learn about each species of plant individually.

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  1. resulting in the plant withering and dying.

  2. **Using Good Potg in the plant withering and dying.

  3. Using Good Potting Soil: the plant withering and dying.

  4. Using Good Potting Soil:

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  5. Using Good Potting Soil:

    • **Importance ofing and dying.
  6. Using Good Potting Soil:

    • **Importance of Pottingg and dying.
  7. Using Good Potting Soil:

    • **Importance of Potting Soild dying.
  8. Using Good Potting Soil:

    • Importance of Potting Soil:ng.
  9. Using Good Potting Soil:

    • Importance of Potting Soil: Regular
  10. Using Good Potting Soil:

    • Importance of Potting Soil: Regular gardenUsing Good Potting Soil:
    • Importance of Potting Soil: Regular garden soilg Good Potting Soil:**
    • Importance of Potting Soil: Regular garden soil isn needsotting Soil:**
    • Importance of Potting Soil: Regular garden soil isn't sufficient; pottting Soil:**
    • Importance of Potting Soil: Regular garden soil isn't sufficient; potting*
    • Importance of Potting Soil: Regular garden soil isn't sufficient; potting soil Importance of Potting Soil: Regular garden soil isn't sufficient; potting soil providesortance of Potting Soil: Regular garden soil isn't sufficient; potting soil provides necessarynce of Potting Soil: Regular garden soil isn't sufficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrientsting Soil:** Regular garden soil isn't sufficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. like cacti or succ soil isn't sufficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like coil isn't sufficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cactisn't sufficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti't sufficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succ. sufficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulfficient; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, caterent; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to; potting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their Notting soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique soil provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs provides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.
  11. **vides necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  12. **Waters necessary nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  13. **Watering Little nutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  14. **Watering: Not Too Muchnutrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  15. **Watering: Not Too Much andrients. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  16. **Watering: Not Too Much and Notents. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  17. **Watering: Not Too Much and Not Toots. Specialized mixes for specific plant types, like cacti or succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  18. *Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too LittleExpert Guidance: Achieving the right balance in wateringor succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  19. **Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:succulents, cater to their unique needs.

  20. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little: culents, cater to their unique needs.

  21. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:

    • **Balanced Wateringnts, cater to their unique needs.
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  23. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:

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  24. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:

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  25. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:

    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balanceir unique needs.
  26. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:

    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overnique needs.
  27. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:

    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering moisture3. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants,Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, whileng: Not Too Much and Not Too Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwaterot Too Much and Not Too Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwateringoo Much and Not Too Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leadsuch and Not Too Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads toh and Not Too Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration Not Too Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. CheckingNot Too Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soiloo Little:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisturettle:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture ande:**
    • Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing - Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant Balanced Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cuesed Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues ared Watering: Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital forring:** Finding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determiningding the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining wheng the right balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when toight balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water balance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

ance is key. Overwatering can drown plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

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  1. **n plants, while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  2. **Giving while underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  3. **Giving Them underwatering leads to dehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  4. **Giving Them Plenty your plant's specificehydration. Checking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  5. **Giving Them Plenty ofhecking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  6. **Giving Them Plenty of Lightking soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  7. **Giving Them Plenty of Light:ing soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  8. Giving Them Plenty of Light: ng soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  9. Giving Them Plenty of Light: soil moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.

  10. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • moisture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.
  11. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • **ture and observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.
  12. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • **Sund observing plant cues are vital for determining when to water.
  13. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • **Sunlight Requirementbserving plant cues are vital for determining when to water.
  14. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement:ng plant cues are vital for determining when to water.
  15. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: Allg plant cues are vital for determining when to water.
  16. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plantslant cues are vital for determining when to water.
  17. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants requirent cues are vital for determining when to water.
  18. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some cues are vital for determining when to water.
  19. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlightExpert Knowledge:* Lightining when to water.
  20. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. a when to water.
  21. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understandingn to water.
  22. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding ato water.
  23. Giving Them Plenty of Light:

    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plantiable factorGiving Them Plenty of Light:**
    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's plant care. While Light:**
    • Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light - Sunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferencesSunlight Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences isght Requirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucialuirement: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial.nt: All plants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsants require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsillsnts require some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills arerequire some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellentre some sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent,me sunlight. Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but to Understanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but alternative welltanding a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but alternative well-landing a plant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but alternative well-litplant's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but alternative well-lit locationsnt's light preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but alternative well-lit locations canght preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but alternative well-lit locations can substitute preferences is crucial. Windowsills are excellent, but alternative well-lit locations can substitute.

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  3. **Keepingowsills are excellent, but alternative well-lit locations can substitute.

  4. **Keeping Yourare excellent, but alternative well-lit locations can substitute.

  5. **Keeping Your Pet sunlight alternative well-lit locations can substitute.

  6. **Keeping Your Pet Awayve well-lit locations can substitute.

  7. Keeping Your Pet Away: well-lit locations can substitute.

  8. Keeping Your Pet Away: forations can substitute.

  9. Keeping Your Pet Away:

    • can substitute.
  10. Keeping Your Pet Away:

    • **stitute.
  11. Keeping Your Pet Away:

    • **Pette.
  12. Keeping Your Pet Away:

    • Pet Inter. Keeping Your Pet Away:**
    • *Pet InterferenceKeeping Your Pet Away:**
    • Pet Interference:Keeping Your Pet Away:**
    • Pet Interference: Petseeping Your Pet Away:**
    • Pet Interference: Pets caning Your Pet Away:**
    • Pet Interference: Pets can harmYour Pet Away:**
    • Pet Interference: Pets can harm plantsPet Away:**
    • Pet Interference: Pets can harm plants by eating Away**
    • Pet Interference: Pets can harm plants by eating or**
    • Pet Interference: Pets can harm plants by eating or tearing- Pet Interference: Pets can harm plants by eating or tearing themPet Interference: Pets can harm plants by eating or tearing them.Pet Interference: Pets can harm plants by eating or tearing them. Plterference: Pets can harm plants by eating or tearing them. Placing plantsnce: Pets can harm plants by eating or tearing them. Placing plants oute: Pets can harm plants by eating or tearing them. Placing plants out ofPets can harm plants by eating or tearing them. Placing plants out of reach plantsrm plants by eating or tearing them. Placing plants out of reach orlants by eating or tearing them. Placing plants out of reach or in always mix well. Some plants areacing plants out of reach or in locations inaccessibleplants out of reach or in locations inaccessible to petsnts out of reach or in locations inaccessible to pets helps prevent suchof reach or in locations inaccessible to pets helps prevent such issuesf reach or in locations inaccessible to pets helps prevent such issues.ach or in locations inaccessible to pets helps prevent such issues. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra may damage plantsccessible to pets helps prevent such issues. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra layersible to pets helps prevent such issues. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra layer ofle to pets helps prevent such issues. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra layer of precaution helps prevent such issues. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra layer of precaution.

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  1. **such issues. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra layer of precaution.

  2. **Learningssues. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra layer of precaution.

  3. **Learning About. Awareness of poisonous plants adds an extra layer of precaution.

  4. **Learning About Your ins of poisonous plants adds an extra layer of precaution.

  5. **Learning About Your Plantoisonous plants adds an extra layer of precaution.

  6. Learning About Your Plant: ts adds an extra layer of precaution.

  7. Learning About Your Plant: adds an extra layer of precaution.

  8. Learning About Your Plant:

    • toextra layer of precaution.
  9. Learning About Your Plant:

    • **ayer of precaution.
  10. Learning About Your Plant:

    • **Individualof precaution.
  11. Learning About Your Plant:

    • **Individual Plantrecaution.
  12. Learning About Your Plant:

    • **Individual Plant Requirementson.
  13. Learning About Your Plant:

    • Individual Plant Requirements: Each plantLearning About Your Plant:**
    • Individual Plant Requirements: Each plant speciesg About Your Plant:**
    • Individual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has6out Your Plant:**
    • Individual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique Your Plant:
    • Individual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needsPlant:**
    • Individual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needs.**
    • Individual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needs. Learning - Individual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant: idual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant'sual Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlightl Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight,Plant Requirements: Each plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, waterRequirements: Each plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, Each plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, andach plant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, and otherlant species has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, and other requirementspecies has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, and other requirements isies has unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, and other requirements is fundamental unique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, and other requirements is fundamental tounique needs. Learning about a plant's sunlight, water, and other requirements is fundamental to successful understandingning about a plant's sunlight, water, and other requirements is fundamental to successful care about a plant's sunlight, water, and other requirements is fundamental to successful care. Tail needss sunlight, water, and other requirements is fundamental to successful care. Tailoringunlight, water, and other requirements is fundamental to successful care. Tailoring care to.ter, and other requirements is fundamental to successful care. Tailoring care to eachd other requirements is fundamental to successful care. Tailoring care to each specieser requirements is fundamental to successful care. Tailoring care to each species maximrequirements is fundamental to successful care. Tailoring care to each species maximizes is fundamental to successful care. Tailoring care to each species maximizes successundamental to successful care. Tailoring care to each species maximizes success ratesntal to successful care. Tailoring care to each species maximizes success rates.

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How to Keep Potted Plants Alive | Patuxent Nursery (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.