How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (2024)

How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (1)The Forex trading journal is the most underutilized, and the most neglected aspect in most traders’ arsenal.

In this article I am going to reveal how to really make a Forex trading journalwork for you, and show you ways to use yourjournal to improve your trading dramatically.

We’ve all heard it all before, and understand the importance of treating Forex as a business. It’s one of the first things you need to come to terms with when you transition from being a novice, to a professional trader.

Running a business means keeping records. If you don’t keep records, it’s only a matter of time before you losecomplete control of your business.

The human brain is powerful, but it can’t keep track of every single variable. Try to take on too much, and your mental integrity breaks down. I’ve seen firsthand, what happens when business owners neglect their bookkeeping.

The end result was they spent more time stressing trying to findimportant information. Forex trading is no different, if you’re not keeping a Forex trading journal you’re settingyourself up for failure.

The problem with most Forex Trading Journals

You’ve probably come across Forextrading journal templates that have you mindlessly crunching numbers. Figures like your trade entry, stop, target price, the pair you trade, trade risk and trade return, etc. The boringstuff.

You’ve got to ask the question, “What is this information really going to do for me?”

Most of the information in common trade journals can be found in your trade history through your broker, with the exception of a few calculations that will probably just offend you or bring down your spirits.

Let’s face it, if you were doing well with your trading, you wouldn’t be reading this article. You’re here because you want a practical solution to correct your Forex trading mistakes.

How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (2)

Okay granted, it’s good to know how well you’re doing overall.

But, recording numbers alone is going to have a minimal impact on improving your future trading performance. For example, if your Forex trading journal is full of losing trades – those numbers won’t give you a solution. It’s going to make feel like the worst trader who ever lived, trust me I know, I’ve been there.

This kind of number crunching is just not a practical, or a productive solution to most traders’ problems.

You’re losing trades, so what do you do now?What’s going wrong? What can youdo to fix the problem and move forward?

These are the questions most Forex trading journals don’t answer. Those few traders who do actually keep a trading journal are under utilizing thefull potential of keeping a Forex trading journal.

A journal should be used as a self-improvement tool

How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (3)Even with the best technical trading system, the ‘holy grail’ if you will, you will not succeed if your head isn’t in the right place. Most traders fail because of psychological reasons. The Forex trading journal is the perfect tool for highlighting your own weaknesses, and building on top of them to solidify mental toughness. This is the way to break the chains holding you down and give you the power to move forward.

“It’s not about the numbers, it’s about THE experiences”

Sure, record the typical information about your trades like price levels etc.; but more importantly, also include your feelings, thoughts and emotions inside your Forex trading journal.

Don’t just record how you feel when you place a trade. Have a space where you can record thoughts before, during and after the trade. Don’t be shy, everything must be recorded.

You’re only hurting yourself by holding back information. Your Forex trading journal is private and the only person who needs to look at it is you. There is no reason to put it on public display – when people are looking over your shoulder in can give you performance anxiety.

The extra data in your Forex trading journal is critical for making the journal help you perform the way you need it to. You will be able see what emotions were present when you suffered losses, and even what emotions were present/absent when you had winning trades. You’re keeping a Forex trading journal to reinforce good behavior. You need to highlight weaknesses so they canbe avoided in the future.

By including the psychological aspect of your trading in your journal, it’s easy to change your actions from destructive to constructive.A correctly utilizedForex trading journal will remove any feeling of being random, or the feeling of being “lost”. The Forex trading journal will help cement consistency in your trading – one crucialelement to your trading success.


How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (4)As a Forex trader, you are the director of your own Forex trading business. You’re accountable for every decision you make. There is no one else to redirect the blame to, every decision falls back on you. Good or bad.

You’re accountable for following a trading plan, using proper money management and keeping records. If you neglect your responsibilities as a “business owner”, no one will be there tobail you out. Forex is a cut throat industry, you sink or swim. You need to do everything you can to ensure your head remains above water.

Being fully accountable is going to actually make your life a lot easier in many ways. The trading industry is filled with losers, excuse makers, pretenders and people with unrealistic expectations of Forex trading.These guys don’t take accountability seriously and will blame the market, or their broker when something goes wrong.

Your Forex trading journal is a superior way to reinforce accountability. If you step out of the confines of your trading plan, don’t use your better judgement, or just simply let emotions take over your actions. All of this needs to be recorded in your trading journal. No excuses!

I can’t stress this enough, no matter how embarrassed you may be about your mistakes. Don’t run away, face them head on! It’s essential to record everything, and have this data in your Forex trading journal for future reference. Recording negativity in your journal may seem counter constructive; but you can use this data , and turn it into a positive. It’s not about beating yourself up; it’s about self-improvement and moving forward. But you can’t do that unless you’re honest with yourself.

Making sure that what didn’t kill you, Makesyou stronger

How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (5)We all know very well the emotional roller coaster of being a Forex trader. We can use our past mistakes as a means to become better traders – so that the loss “experience” was not a complete waste.

In your Forex trading journal, you should be able to look through your losing trades; each position should have recorded your reasons for taking the trade, thought process, and actions throughouteachposition.

Sure we know that Forex losing streaks are very normal. What you’re looking to identify are thecommon denominators that keep appearing on trades you’ve lost. If you go through your losing positions and keeping seeing “I moved my stop too early” comments, then you can safely conclude adjusting your stop loss is not doing you any favors, and only hurting your trading performance.

Here is another one.You may see groups of losing streaks, and notice in your Forex trading journal recorded thoughts of desperation while you weretrying to make up for previous losses. There wasn’t any good reason for taking eachtrade. These positions were opened from a feeling of ‘urgency’to recoup recent stop outs.

What about winning trades? Go through your Forex trading journal and find consistencies with all the trades that worked out. Perhaps one recurring comment surfacing is “set and forget the trade”. You stuck to the plan left the market do what it had to do. Or maybe you recorded“as soon as I took the trade I closed my charting software down and only check the market once a day at the New York close”. Removing any temptation to intervene on my trade”

Every trader is different and they are going to have unique challenges to face in their trading. By using the Forex trading journal in this way, you can quickly focus on the areas that need attention and really get to the ‘root of your problems’.

Here is a list of things you should consider including in your Forex trading journal…

  • Trade Date
  • Instrument
  • Signal taken
  • Entry/stop/exit price
  • Entry method
  • Forecasted risk reward
  • Actual Trade ROI
  • $ Gained
  • $ Lost
  • Reasons for taking trade
  • How you feel when you take the trade
  • Did you stick to your trading plan
  • What actions did you take while the trade was open and your reasons for it
  • Did your actions effect the trade negatively or positively
  • What emotions influenced your trade
  • How do you think you could do better in the future

Before taking action, consult your Forex Trading journal

How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (6)

Another powerful way to use your Forex trading journal is to review it before taking any action in the market. Prior to opening a trade, have a look through your journal and refresh yourself on what’s been working for you and what hasn’t. Remindyourself where your own thought process is working against you and avoid repeating past mistakes.

For example, you may be thinking about entering a pin bar trade.The original plan was to go for the retracement entry. The market doesn’t look like it’s going to hit your retracement entry price and is moving without you. You’re thinking of jumping in anyway because you “don’t want to miss out”.

After you look through your Forex trading journal, you can quickly reflect on the many times when you have entered trades impulsively in the past with an undesirable outcome; this should be a red flag to you.

Alarm bells should ring inside your headwhen you have the urge to enter a Forex trade on the back of you chasing price around the chartagain. If market breaks out and ends up turning into a breakout trap, your Forex trading journal would have saved you from entering a bad position.

Don’t just consult the Forex trading journal when you’re opening a trade.Review it when you have those urges to intervene on an open position, like: moving your stop, closing the trade early, or maybe even removing your stop. Your previous experiences should be able to ‘advise’, or ‘mentor’ you to help you decide if it is agood idea or not.

AForex trading journal is there to profile your personality, yourbehavioralpatterns and what works best for you and yourtrading account. It is a real wakeup call when you’re about to do something stupid. Forex trading journals are like having an experienced trader next to you, giving the best advice for each situation.

A Forex trader’s best friend

How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (7)The Forex trading journal is the ultimate ‘mentor’. A journal remains 100% logical at all times.

They don’t get emotional and are not influenced by external factors. When you start utilizing the full potential of a Forex trading journal, it becomes your best friend each time a trading decision needs to be made.

The Forex trading journal keeps you accountable, forces you to learn from your mistakes and gives you crucial feedback that you need to develop your trading skills. By highlighting your accomplishments and red flagging your dangerous trading mistakes, there is no better way of self improvementto help you reach theultimate level of confidence in front of the charts.

‘Plan your trade then trade your plan’

Remove the randomness and doubt, build a winning mindset and become thedisciplined trader. At the start of each day, read through your Forex trading journal toprepare yourself mentally and emotionally before hitting the charts. You will have these thoughts fresh in your head the moment you look at the markets.

It’s even a good idea to readback through this list each time you’re about to make a trading decision. Just keep reminding yourself of the dos and the don’ts. It’s quite easy to slip out of a disciplined mindset and start making mistakes again without even realizing it. Do everything you can to keep yourself disciplined.

Hopefully after reading this article you view Forex trading journals not as that ‘boring spreadsheet of price data’, but a means of: identifying weaknesses, reinforcing strengths, and red flagging your dangerous trading mistakes, there is no better way.

If you’re ready to move forward from here and embrace trading as your own business(which you are fully accountable for), and finally become a professional trader – you can check out our Forex War Room community membership. As a Forex trading community weall support each other, and keep one another on track with trading. Trading can be a lonely venture, it’s always good to have other like-minded traders to bounce ideas off and socialize with. I hope to see you on the other side.

Until next time, all the best with your price action trading. Please share this article using the social buttons below.

How to keep a Forex Trading Journal for self improvement (2024)


What information should be in a trading journal? ›

In sum, a trading journal should always include potential trade areas that you are considering entering into — including particulars like possible support and resistance levels, patterns, or trends. Keeping track of these points makes it easier for you to identify any opportunities in the markets.

How do you get good entries in forex? ›

Candlestick patterns are powerful tools used by traders to look for entry points and signals for forex. Patterns such as the engulfing and the shooting star are frequently used by experienced traders. In the example below, the hammer candlestick pattern can be seen as a reversal trigger entry point on EUR/USD.

How can I improve my forex trading skills? ›

  1. Define Goals and Trading Style.
  2. The Broker and Trading Platform.
  3. A Consistent Methodology.
  4. Determine Entry and Exit Points.
  5. Calculate Your Expectancy.
  6. Focus and Small Losses.
  7. Positive Feedback Loops.
  8. Perform Weekend Analysis.

What is the secret to successful forex trading? ›

Forex Trading Secrets: The Conclusion

When it comes to actual trading, you should mostly focus on understanding what you are doing and having a clear overview of your chart. Reducing the redundant activities in your trading and on your chart is a key element in becoming a successful trader.

What is an example of a trade journal? ›

Examples of trade journals include Police Chief, Education Digest, Energy Weekly News, Aviation Week and Space Technology, Engineering News Record, Design News, and Traffic World.

How do you fill out a trading journal? ›

In its simplest form, a successful trading journal includes such elements as:
  1. Date and time of a trade.
  2. The instrument being traded.
  3. Position size.
  4. A long or short position.
  5. Entry and exit points.
  6. Result of the trade when the position has been closed.

What does a good trading journal look like? ›

A trading journal should, at a minimum, include details such as the strategy's name, direction (long or short), dates of opened and closed positions, entry and exit prices, position size, max drawdown, risk/reward ratio, and profit/loss. Additional sections for recording emotions are also suggested.

What is the trick to forex trading? ›

The basic key questions you should ask yourself are: a) is there a trend? (yes/no); b) if there's a sideways trend – do nothing, with an upwards trend – look to buy, and with a downward trend – look to sell; d) look for support and resistance areas and then decide whether to place a trade.

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Trading forex is risky and complicated, and no strategy can guarantee consistent profits. Successful forex traders are those who tend to have a good understanding of the market, good risk management skills, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

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Forex trading steps
  1. Choose a currency pair to trade.
  2. Decide whether to 'buy' or 'sell'
  3. Set your stops and limits.
  4. Open your first trade.
  5. Monitor your position.
  6. Close your trade and take your profit or loss.

How do I discipline myself in forex trading? ›

Firstly, that means self-analysis about your own performance and results. Many traders keep a trading journal to help with this. Secondly, regularly monitor the markets you trade. This includes looking at both technical and fundamental factors that might affect your trades, throughout the day.

How do I improve my trading skills? ›

Here are some ways in which current and aspiring stock traders can improve essential skills that can help them perform their job effectively:
  1. Learn to read charts and graphs. ...
  2. Study financial news. ...
  3. Complete a certification course. ...
  4. Learn from industry experts.
Sep 8, 2023

How to create a Forex journal? ›

5 Steps for Creating a Forex Trading Journal
  1. Step 1: Choose a Book or Spreadsheet. ...
  2. Step 2: Pinpoint the Information You Want to Record. ...
  3. Step 3: Add in Additional Trade Information. ...
  4. Step 4: Record Every Trade. ...
  5. Step 5: Gather Data and Study Your Trades.
Oct 31, 2023

Is a trading journal worth it? ›

Main Benefits of Trading Journals

The trading journal helps traders identify what strategies are most profitable. By tracking performance over numerous trades, traders see what entry and exit methods work best. A journal allows traders to recognize weaknesses in their trading.

What is FX journal? ›

A forex trading journal is a detailed record of your trading activity. Any serious trader should keep a journal of their trades to help remove and manage their emotions and track the performance of technical setups. Emotional trading is one of the biggest mistakes forex traders can make.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.