How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (2024)

If you don’t have the room in your garden to plant potatoes or even if you have no garden at all, you can grow potatoes in containers. Here are some tips for growing potatoes in pots, grow bags, and buckets.

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (1)

There is nothing like the flavor of freshly dug potatoes. Potatoes are easy to grow and provide a nutritious addition to meals.According to the United States Potato Board, one medium-size potato is only 110 calories and provides a healthy source of potassium, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Consuming potatoes with the skins on contributes 2 grams of fiber. All the more reason to grow your own and avoid the chemicals sprayed on commercial potatoes.

You don’t have to devote precious garden space to grow potatoes. Potatoes can be grown on a small scale in all types of containers in any area that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sun.Consider trying to grow potatoes in pots, grow bags, buckets, or other containers.

Benefits to Growing Potatoes in Containers

1. No Soil Contamination: Since you are using fresh potting soil, you don’t have to worry about crop rotation, soil-born diseases, or pests left over from the previous growing season.

2. Containers can be placed anywhere: The containers easy to care for and can be placed on your patio, balcony, or in any spot in your yard that receives full sun.

3. Easy harvest: Harvesting the potatoes is easier than digging, and there is less chance of damaging the tubers with a digging fork or shovel. Instead of digging you just dump out the pot and there they are!

4. Potatoes are protected from soil pests: The container shields the potatoes from rodents and other pests in the garden soil. If you have a problem with moles, gophers, voles, or chipmunks tunneling through your garden and eating your tubers beneath the soil, growing potatoes in containers is your solution. Also protects from wire worms, grubs, and other pests.

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (2)

Types of Potatoes Ideal for Growing in Containers

Early potato varieties are perfect for growing in containers because they mature quickly and produce their crop all at once.

Early potato varieties usually mature within 65-80 days, or you can harvest new potatoes in about 6-7 weeks from planting date. Small, new potatoes have a sweet flavor with a delicate texture. Some early potato varieties include Chieftain, Dark Red Norland, Irish Cobbler, Sangre, Red Gold, and Yukon Gold.

Fingerling potatoes varieties are also suitable for growing in containers. Fingerling potatoes are small, 2-4 inches long varieties that are narrow, finger- or oblong-shaped.

Colors range from red, orange, purple and white skin with orange, purple, yellow or white flesh. Their flavor is mild, nutty and earthy, and their texture firm and moist. Some fingerling potato varieties include AmaRosa, Banana, French Fingerling, Pinto, and Rose Finn Apple.

Tips for Growing Potatoes in Containers:

1. Use large containers:The larger your container, the more room your plants have to stretch out their roots and form tubers. Consider the following:

  • Large Pots: Large pots and planters are ideal for growing potatoes. Select a container that is at least 16 inches in diameter and 16 inches (41 cm) high. You can plant 4-6 seed potatoes in this sized container. These 10-gallon nursery pots are perfect.

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (3)

  • Grow Bags: Grow bags are made from fabric. The fabric helps prevent over-watering and allows air to reach the roots. Grow bags tend to dry out quicker than other containers, so keep an eye on your plants watering needs. Consider these 5-gallon grow bags to grow 2-3 seed potatoes, or these 10-gallon grow bags to plant 4-6 seed potatoes.

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (4)

  • Potato Pots: These potato pots are made up of two parts, an inner and an outer container. You can lift the inner pot out to check on the progress and harvest potatoes, and then return the inner pot to the container so the plant can continue growing. Plant 2-3 seed potatoes in these containers. You can find 2-piece Potato Pots online at Amazon.
  • Large Buckets: Recycled 5-gallon buckets will also work well for growing potatoes. Drill holes in the bottom of your buckets to allow drainage. You can plant 1-2 seed potatoes in 5-gallon buckets.
  • Self Watering Containers: Self watering containers are an enclosed growing system that decreases moisture evaporation and offers a consistent water supply to your plants. Self-watering planters are the perfect solution for maintaining a consistent moisture level for your potato plants. Since the soil wicks water as needed, using self-watering containers helps eliminate over-watering and dry soil. You will need a deep container to grow potatoes.How to Build Your Own Self Watering Containers

2. Use a lightweight soil mix:Potting mixes specifically made for containers will work. If you are mixing your own, a good mix is 1/3 good quality finished compost, 1/3 vermiculite or perlite, and 1/3 coconut coir or peat moss.

3. Feed the plants:Add an organic granular fertilizer, such as Plant Tone to the container at planting time. Once the plants emerge from the soil, feed the foliage every two weeks with fish emulsion. Spray the plants early in the morning to give the foliage time to absorb the nutrients and dry before the hot midday sun. Follow the instructions on the packages.

4. Water well:Watering requirements of potato plants grown above ground are greater than in the ground. Since the soil is not insulated as well as in the ground, water evaporates quickly. The plants will stop growing if they become dry or overheated.

Check the containers frequently in warm weather by sticking your finger in soil. Water your pots if the top two inches of the soil feels dry. Water deeply until the water drains out the bottom holes so the moisture reaches the roots at the bottom of the container.

5. Keep the tubers covered:Potatoes will develop areas of green skin when they’re exposed to direct sunlight during growth. The green areas are toxic and should be trimmed away. Prevent your potatoes from forming green skin by covering with soil or mulching heavily so no light reaches the tubers.

6. Grow potatoes in full sun:Potatoes thrive with at least 6-8 hour of sunlight per day. However, potatoes are a cool season crop that doesn’t like the heat. The plants may stop growing once temperatures reach the high 80s˚F. So if your weather is warm, try to locate your containers in an area that receives morning sun, then is partially shaded during the afternoon.

  • Tips on Preparing Potato Seeds for Planting

How to Plant Potatoes in Containers

Step 1. Add 6 inches of potting mix to the bottom of each growing container, mix in fertilizer, and place your seed potatoes about 6-inches (15 cm) apart.

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (5)

Step 2. Cover the seeds with 6-inches (15 cm) of soil and water well.

Step 3. Once the plants reach about 6-inches (15 cm) tall, add more soil to the container. Repeat the process every 2-weeks or so until the container is full.

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (6)

You can begin harvesting new potatoes as needed for meals after the plants bloom.

Potatoes are finished growing when their foliage begins to turn yellow. Stop watering at this point and allow the foliage to die. Dump out the container and dig through the soil for the potatoes.

Want to Learn How toGrow Potatoes?

You will find everything you need to start growing potatoes in my PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Growing Potatoes. Whether you are striving for a few gourmet fingerling potatoes or a large crop for winter food storage, this guide will show how you can grow your own, organic, homegrown potatoes. Click here to learn more.

You May Also Like:

  • Sourcing Seed Potatoes for the Backyard Garden
  • 8 Great Tips for Growing Potatoes
  • 6 Different Ways of Growing Potatoes
  • 5 Steps to Storing Potatoes for Winter

Good planning is key to a successful vegetable garden

Whether you are new to growing your own food or have been growing a vegetable garden for years, you will benefit from some planning each year. You will find everything you need to organize and plan your vegetable garden in my PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Planning Your Vegetable Garden.

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (9)

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (10)

How to Grow Potatoes in Containers (2024)


How many potatoes can I plant in a container? ›

Plant: Plant one seed potato for each 3 gallons of Smart Pot container. For the #15 container, for example, plant 5 seed potatoes. For the #10 container, plant 3 or 4 seed potatoes.

How long does it take for potatoes to grow in containers? ›

Potato Container Garden

The potatoes should mature in 70 to 90 days. You can also choose a variety from the supermarket that you enjoy. Be aware that some potatoes take 120 days until harvest, so you need a long growing season for these types of potatoes.

What is the best way to grow potatoes in a container? ›

Place the container in full sun. Fill the container with about 4 to 6 inches of potting soil that has been blended with compost and fertilizer. Place the prepared seed potato pieces onto the potting mix with the eye buds facing up. The plants will grow fairly large, so make sure to give them some breathing room.

How deep do containers need to be to grow potatoes? ›

Potatoes, usually spaced 10 inches apart, can be crowded a bit (but only a bit) when planted in containers. A pot with a 14-inch diameter at the bottom will have plenty of room for three starts. The deeper the pot, the better, but it should be at least 15 inches deep.

What month do you plant potatoes? ›

When to Plant Potatoes. Potatoes grow best during cooler weather. Plant potatoes 2-4 weeks before the last frost in the spring, when the soil temperature is at least 40 degrees F. In warm climates, potatoes are planted from January to March and harvested between March and June.

How often do you water potatoes in containers? ›

How often do you water potatoes in a bucket or a bag? Do not let the soil dry out when growing potatoes. During hot and dry summer days, potato plants should be watered once every 2 to 3 days. During cooler days with rainfall, potatoes may not need watering at all.

Do potatoes need full sun to produce? ›

Potatoes always do best in full sun. They are aggressively rooting plants, and we find that they will produce the best crop when planted in a light, loose, well-drained soil.

Do potatoes in containers need full sun? ›

They thrive in full sun, but care should be taken not to allow crops of potatoes to overheat with too much direct sunlight when planted in containers. Adding mulch to your garden or container at the end of the hilling process can help the soil retain moisture.

Is it worth growing potatoes in containers? ›

Growing potatoes in containers is a great option for anyone who has limited space to garden, is concerned about what is in their soil or is looking for an easier way to harvest potatoes. Almost any vegetable can be grown successfully in a container, and potatoes are no exception.

How many potatoes does one plant produce? ›

A single plant will produce, at a minimum, three or four pounds of potatoes, and a single seed potato will produce four or five plants.

Do potatoes grow better in pots or in the ground? ›

Potatoes grown directly into the ground will provide a better yield by weight than those grown in containers.

Do potatoes need a lot of water? ›

Potatoes need different amounts of water at different times in order to produce to the best of their ability. Generally, potatoes need between 1-2 inches of water per week; this could be provided by rain events or you to make up the difference.

Do potatoes need fertilizer? ›

Fertilizing is particularly important for potato crops, since they have somewhat high-maintenance nutrient needs. They need to be fertilized four to five times throughout their life cycle, and many farmers and gardeners use a different fertilizer blend each time.

What do you feed potatoes in pots? ›

1/4 fill the pot with compost and place the potatoes on top and then cover over with a layer of compost. As the leaves grow keep covering them up with new compost. Remember to water the container when the compost is dry. Keep topping up with compost until the container is full.

Can u plant a whole potato? ›

Cover each potato with about three inches of soil. After a few weeks, the potato plants will begin to sprout. Then you can gently fill the trench with another few inches of soil, leaving the top of the plant exposed. This is called “hilling” and it protects the potatoes from the sun, as well as supports the plant.

Do you water potatoes after planting? ›

Potatoes need 1 to 2 inches of water a week. Too much water right after planting and not enough as the potatoes begin to form can cause them to become misshapen. Stop watering when the foliage begins to turn yellow and die off.

Can you dig potatoes before they have flowered? ›

All potato varieties can be harvested as new potatoes — dug up before the plant reaches maturity, while its tubers are still small. By the time that the plants have begun to flower, most of them will have developed at least some immature tubers ready for harvest.

Do you feed potatoes when growing? ›

Every two weeks, starting from the first week in May to the first week in September, feed your potato plants with tomato feed according to the pack instructions. If you use general purpose feed it will encourage too much foliage growth; tomato feed however will encourage potato tuber growth.

How many potatoes should I plant in a bucket? ›

You can plant five seed potatoes into a 10-gallon bucket and about three into a 7-gallon. If you've only got 5-gallon buckets, plan on using only two potatoes. Expect a 5-gallon bucket to yield a couple of pounds of potatoes. So if you're feeding a family or just love potatoes, do more containers or bigger ones.

How long after potatoes flower Are they ready? ›

Most early potato varieties will produce flowers in June, quite pretty ones too. Many are white, but they come in purple and pink too. Once the flowers start to go over, or the unopened flower buds drop, you know that the potatoes are ready to harvest. This will take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks after planting.

Can you plant potatoes too deep? ›

But, planting the seed potatoes too deeply from the start can cause them to rot before they sprout. At the very least, it makes harvesting very difficult at the end of the growing season because the potatoes are buried so deeply.

How long does it take for potatoes to grow full size? ›

Small new potatoes can be ready as early as ten weeks. However, full sized potatoes take about 80-100 days to reach maturity.

How tall do potato plants grow? ›

The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an herbaceous annual that grows up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall. As the potato plant grows, its compound leaves manufacture starch that is transferred to the ends of its underground stems (or stolons). The stems thicken to form a few or as many as 20 tubers close to the soil surface.

How do you fertilize potatoes in containers? ›

Start with a layer of 3” to 4” of good potting soil in the bottom of the container mixed with a couple handfuls of an organic starter fertilizer. Nestle the potatoes into the soil, cover with a couple more inches of soil and tamp down gently.

How many potatoes do I need to plant for a family of 6? ›

Planting a vegetable garden for a family
Crop (number of plants per ft. of row)Number of plants per person
Onion (4 sets/ft. of row)12-20 sets
Peas (6 plants/ft. of row)15-20 plants
Pepper (1 plant/ft. of row)3-5 plants
Potato (1 plant/ft. of row)10 plants
15 more rows
Mar 12, 2018

How many potatoes do I need to grow for a family of 4? ›

To feed a family of four, start off by planting 40 potato plants. This will provide you with a potato based meal 2 to 3 times a week. The 40 plants will provide up to 6 months worth of meals. If you find 40 plants provides you with too many potatoes you can plant less next year.

How many times can you grow potatoes in the same spot? ›

In theory, at least, you could grow potatoes in the same place each year. However, some potato diseases are soil-borne, and survive underground for many years, infecting plants again and again. As such, it is best to plant potatoes, and their close relatives, in the same place every 4 to 5 years.

What do I add to soil when planting potatoes? ›

Prepare the soil by adding compost or well-rotted cow manure. Potatoes like a rich, but well-drained soil, so do not plant below ground level or where water gathers in winter. Plant your potatoes about 10cm deep and 30cm apart. Leave about 80cm between each row.

What should potatoes not be planted by? ›

Potatoes are members of the nightshade family, so avoid planting potatoes near any other nightshade family members such as peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplant, and okra. And, avoid planting potatoes is the same location where nightshade plants have recently been grown.

What kind of potatoes grow best in containers? ›

Types of Potatoes Ideal for Growing in Containers

Some early potato varieties include Chieftain, Dark Red Norland, Irish Cobbler, Sangre, Red Gold, and Yukon Gold. Fingerling potatoes varieties are also suitable for growing in containers.

When should you not water potatoes? ›

Potatoes grow best when they have a steady supply of 2-3 inches of water per week without fully drying out. Potato plants should be watered deeply, especially if it gets very hot and dry. The soil should be moist 8 to 10 inches underground. Make sure not to overwater the potatoes for 2 weeks after planting.

Will potatoes grow in the shade? ›

Many of the root crops, such as potatoes, radishes, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, turnips and rutabagas can take some shade, but the harvest will suffer. Either they will take longer to produce, or the veggies will be smaller.

Can you overwater potatoes? ›

Risks of over-watering potatoes

This slows plant growth, increases the likelihood of rot, and can be highly detrimental to yield and quality. Early in the season, over-watering can result in misshapen tubers. Later in the season, it increases the likelihood of powdery scab and lenticel growth.

What makes potatoes grow big? ›

If you want grow potatoes bigger than your fist, you will need to space the plants at least 14 inches (36 cm) apart. Some people go even wider and plant potatoes in hills, with 3 plants per 24-inch (61 cm) diameter "hill". Actually, potato "hills" are flattened mounds about 6 inches (15 cm) high.

Is Epsom salt good for potatoes? ›

Also add some epsom salt to the soil when planting to help provide a boost of magnesium that will help build cell walls of the potato. With these simple tips you'll be well on your way to growing a healthy potato crop that you can put in your root cellar and eat off of for several months of the year.

What is the best natural fertilizer for potatoes? ›

1. Mix 8 pounds of cottonseed meal, 2 pounds of bone meal, 3 pounds of greensand and 3/4 pound of kelp meal in a large airtight container. This ratio creates enough fertilizer to feed a 40-foot row. Adjust the measurements to fit your potato bed.

What happens if you harvest your potatoes too early? ›

Dig potatoes too early, and you'll harvest a measly crop of minuscule tubers. You'll also risk stressing the plant and its precious root system, so although you could try replanting it, the plant might not thrive. Wait too long, and your potatoes may get damaged by frost, or begin to sprout, crack or rot underground.

Can you eat potatoes right after harvest? ›

Can you eat potatoes right after harvest? Sure can! While we recommend curing them for long-term storage, freshly-dug potatoes are perfect for eating right out of the ground (maybe clean them off a bit first).

How long can you leave potatoes in the ground after the plant dies? ›

After the greenery has died back, potatoes can stay in the ground for several days, if the conditions are right. As long as the soil is dry, and the temperature is above freezing, you don't have to harvest potatoes immediately. But it is best to dig them up within a few days to prevent rotting.

Do you leave sprouts on potatoes when planting? ›

Separate the sprouts by cutting away each sprout or group of sprouts, leaving a small amount of potato attached to the sprout. You'll want to plant your potato sprouts within 2-3 days of cutting. Ideally, you will want the skin to dry enough to seal out disease but not too much so that the sprouted parts dry up.

Will coffee grounds help potatoes grow? ›

Using coffee grounds on your potatoes work absolutely fine. Adding coffee grounds to your potato plants helps in giving them a considerable growth. You can add the grounds in form of a coffee compost blend and you can as well mix coffee compost with leafmold.

How many potatoes can you plant in a 5 gallon bucket? ›

You can plant five seed potatoes into a 10-gallon bucket and about three into a 7-gallon. If you've only got 5-gallon buckets, plan on using only two potatoes. Expect a 5-gallon bucket to yield a couple of pounds of potatoes. So if you're feeding a family or just love potatoes, do more containers or bigger ones.

How many potatoes can I plant in a 20 gallon container? ›

You can plant between 5 and 7 potato seeds in a 20-gallon bag. Each seed can yield you from 3 to 6 potatoes depending on how many eyes it has to sprout from.

How many potatoes can you plant in a tub? ›

Make sure it has some drainage holes at the bottom. Place your potato pot in a sunny, frost-free spot. Add 10cm of peat-free, multi-purpose compost to the bottom of the pot and place three to five chitted seed potatoes a hand with apart, on the surface. Cover with 8-10cm of compost and water well.

How long does it take to grow potatoes in a 5 gallon bucket? ›

First earlies – such as the Yukon Gold (which I'm planting here), take around 10-12 weeks. Second earlies – like Kennebec or French fingerling potatoes, take approximately 12-14 weeks. And finally, main crop potatoes – these include russets and blue potatoes, and these can take up to 20 weeks to grow.

Do potatoes need full sun? ›

General Advice. Potatoes always do best in full sun. They are aggressively rooting plants, and we find that they will produce the best crop when planted in a light, loose, well-drained soil. Potatoes prefer a slightly acid soil with a PH of 5.0 to 7.0.

Can you grow potatoes in containers all year round? ›

A deep container is ideal for growing potatoes year-round, particularly early potato varieties. Drainage will be helped by adding some material such as a pot, broken brick or ceramic, or even polystyrene to your container then fill with about 4 inches of soil or medium.

How many potatoes does it take to grow per hole? ›

One pound of seed potatoes yields about 8 to 10 seed pieces for planting. That's enough for a 10 foot long row if the pieces are spaced 12 inches apart.

Can you cut a potato in half and plant it? ›

Cut them in half, or if the potatoes are really large, cut them into quarters. Make sure that each chunk of potato has at least one eye, which is a small depression in the surface of the potato where the roots sprout. If you need to cut seed potatoes, it is best to wait at least four to seven days before planting them.

Do potatoes need a lot of water to grow? ›

How much water do potatoes need and when? Potatoes need different amounts of water at different times in order to produce to the best of their ability. Generally, potatoes need between 1-2 inches of water per week; this could be provided by rain events or you to make up the difference.

What is the best compost for growing potatoes in tubs? ›

The advice is the same whether you chose to grow the potatoes in pots or bags. Start out by putting 15cm-20cm of good quality potting compost in your container. Alternatively you can use a multipurpose compost, mixed 50/50 with sharp sand and/or some well rotted farm yard manure or home-made compost.

Can I plant my potatoes whole? ›

Small potatoes can be planted whole, but larger potatoes (bigger than a golf ball) should be quartered with a clean knife ($95, Williams Sonoma) before planting. Make sure each piece includes an eye or bud. To prevent rot, let the pieces dry for a couple of days before planting.

How many potatoes should I plant for a family of 5? ›

Planting a vegetable garden for a family
Crop (number of plants per ft. of row)Number of plants per person
Pepper (1 plant/ft. of row)3-5 plants
Potato (1 plant/ft. of row)10 plants
Radish (thin to 12 plants/ft. of row)10-15 plants
Spinach (Thin to 6 plants/ft. of row)30-60 plants
15 more rows
Mar 12, 2018

How long do you let potatoes grow before harvesting? ›

Now reach into the soil with your hands and pull the tubers up. How long do potatoes take to grow? Small new potatoes can be ready as early as ten weeks. However, full sized potatoes take about 80-100 days to reach maturity.

How do you know when bucket potatoes are ready to harvest? ›

Wait until the tops of the vines have completely died before you begin harvesting. When the vines are dead, it is a sure sign the potatoes have finished growing and are ready to be harvested.

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