How to Grow Potatoes in a Grow Bag, Burlap Sack or Container - Home Grown Fun (2024)

How to Grow Potatoes in a Grow Bag, Burlap Sack or Container - Home Grown Fun (1)

Potatoes will grow in containers if you use good quality soil enriched with compost

Spuds in my duds!

I tried growing potatoes in my pants, in t-shirts, pillowcases, garbage bags and my husband’s shorts! But when the “spuds split our duds” I knew it was time to get a little more serious!

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That’s when I gave it another shot using a burlap coffee sack. It was so fun, I ordered an entire pallet of recycled coffee sacks and brought them to school to experiment.

Then opened up a farmers market booth to sell gourmet potato growing kit. I was on a roll!

I was seriously having fun!

Potatoes grow well in recycled coffee sacks, grow bags, pots and raised beds

I learned a few things about growing potatoes from trial and error, and one of the keys is to mound up the soil after the stems grow several inches. This produces more potatoes because taters sprout and sprawl from the stem of the plant, not the roots.

Therefore, the best containers for potatoes are tall, hence the stacking tire method that many folks use. But tires, just no. I think we’re past that.

Coffee sacks are fun and biodegradable

Ajutebag can be plunked down anywhere – on a balcony, patio or garden bed. It looks natural and doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb. The material is woven so drainage holes come standard. Air flow and rot prevention are built in. It’s great to reuse something that already looks earthy.

Burlap sacks can be used in the garden to grow many types of vegetables and fruit!

If your sack once held coffee beans and has any kind of logo or print on it, it might even look cool next to your patio seating or flanking a bench.

How long does a coffee sack last?

A coffee sack will stay togetherfor at least acouple of seasons. The natural fibers eventually break down and many gardeners lay them flat on the ground after use for weed control or as a mulch.

3 Easy Steps for Growing Potatoes in a Bag or Sack Above Ground

1. Gather the supplies needed for growing potatoes in containers

  • Recycled coffee sack, burlap bag, tall grow bag, hamper or large container
  • Seed potatoes
  • Rich garden soil. We like to amend our soil with worm castings and compost.

How do I choose potatoes to grow in the containers? Should I plant potatoes from the grocery store?

You can use potatoes from the store. They should be organic to ensure they have not been sprayed with a growth hormone to prevent sprouting.

Buy certified seed potatoes from a grower

Certified seed potatoes are disease and pest free. They may give you a more reliable and larger harvest. There are also sweet potato seeds available. Growing sweet potatoes is a different process from traditional potatoes. Check out the video and tips on growing sweet potatoes here.We grew over 25 pounds of sweet potatoes in one grow bag!

2. Plant the potatoes in your pot, bag or container

When to plant potatoes?

You can plant your seeds in the fall if you don’t get hard frost in the winter. Many folks in Southern California start potatoes in November! If you live in USDA Zones 1-7, recommend waiting until early spring to plant. As with any seed, results will vary depending on growing conditions and level of care.

How do I store seed potatoes until planting?

If you cannot plant right away, store your seed in a cool, dark spot where the potatoes won’t dry out or freeze. Ideally, you would plant 1-2 weeks after you receive the seed. Keep each potato individually and loosely wrapped. Ideal temperature range is 35 to 45 degrees F. A garage, basem*nt or unheated closet works well.

Should I pre-sprout my potatoes, also known as “chitting”?

If you want to encourage your potatoes to sprout before planting, you can “chit” them. You sit them with eyes up in a cool place with some light and wait. Don’t let them touch each other. An egg carton is a perfect chitting tool.

I don’t chit and I’m not a closet chitter. I’m just lazy and plant the potatoes without going through any pre-sprouting rituals. If you are into chitting, let them eye-out 2- weeks before planting and plant sprouts up toward the sky.

If using a burlap sack, fold it a bit to start

Roll the edges of your sack down over the outside of the bag to make a very short bag about 4-6 inches high. Tuck in the bottom corners of the bag (optional) to improve stability of the sack and to conserve soil.

Add soil to your container, grow bag or burlap sack

Fill your sack with approximately 4-5” of loose soil. Potatoes can grow in a variety of soils — rich, sandy — even straw. Heavy clay soil may not be the best choice. If you want to fertilize the soil, do it now.

How many seed potatoes do I plant per bag?

If a seed potato is large (more than 2.5” long) and has more than one eye, you can cut the potato into 1-2 inch sections (keeping an eye on each section). You’ll plant only 3-4 pieces in the sack.

If your potato is small (1-2 inches), don’t bother cutting it into sections. Plant any extra seed in another container!

Some folks insist on waiting a day after cutting so that the cut areagets a chance to callous over. This is supposed to prevent rot. I don’t wait – I just plant it but if you are concerned about rot you can delay planting for a day. Do not let the seed potato dry up.

How do I position the seed potatoes in the bag and how far apart?

Place the potatoes on top of the soil, eyes/sprouts pointing up toward the sky.

Plant the seed at least 6 inches apart.

3. Mound up over your potato plants during the growing season

In the beginning, top your potato seed with 4”-6” of loose soil.

Once the leafy plants push through the soil (2-4 weeks) and the green tops grow more than about 8” tall, mound up the soil around the plant to promote growth of more potatoes under the mound.

Leave some of the leafy vine above the soil (4-6″).

Mounding Upis one of the secrets to getting a larger harvest! How to Grow Potatoes in a Grow Bag, Burlap Sack or Container - Home Grown Fun (5)

How do I water and fertilize the potato plants that are grown in containers or bags?

Keep moist at all times but don’t over-water (to prevent rot). Don’t let your sack dry out.

Shelter the bag if you have excessive amounts of continuous rain.

Soil amendments added when “mounding up” may increase your harvest and improve plant health. We use a combination of compost, worm castings and kelp brewed into a compost tea.

When do I harvest potatoes grown in bags or containers?

After approximately 80-100 days, the plant will stop flowering and you’ll see signs that it’s starting to die (turns yellow or brown and withers). Wait 2 more weeks after the plant shows these signs and then try to harvest!

Waiting allows the skin of the potato to set. Dump the sack over or carefully dig the potatoes up as you need them.

YUM! If you harvest them all at the same time, store as you would other potatoes, in a cool, dark spot where they won’t dry out.

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How to Grow Potatoes in a Grow Bag, Burlap Sack or Container - Home Grown Fun (7)

How to Grow Potatoes in a Grow Bag, Burlap Sack or Container - Home Grown Fun (2024)


Can you plant potatoes in a burlap sack? ›

Potatoes aren't that picky about where to grow, although they do prefer rich soil that isn't too wet and cooler weather. You can grow them anywhere: in a raised garden bed, a trench, garbage cans, and yes, burlap bags. To grow them in burlap bags, just roll the bag down to about 10".

How deep does a grow bag need to be for potatoes? ›

Fill the bag with the moistened soil mixture until it's about 4" deep. Place the seed potatoes on the soil surface, spaced evenly. Cover with another 3" of soil. Once the plants have grown to about 8″, it's time to add more soil.

What is the best way to grow potatoes in a grow bag? ›

Carefully plunge a single chitted potato tuber into the compost with the shoots pointing upwards, to a depth of 12cm (5") from the soil surface. Gently cover the tuber with compost. Place the potato bag in a bright, frost free position, water regularly, and wait for your plants to grow.

How many seed potatoes do you put in a potato grow bag? ›

How to grow potatoes in a bag. Roll the sides of the potato bag down so it's just under a third of its usual height. Add 10cm peat-free compost to the bottom of the bag and place three to five chitted potatoes on the surface. Cover with another 8-10cm of compost and water well.

How long will potatoes last in a burlap sack? ›

Breathable burlap or other such bags are the perfect for storing your potatoes. Thinking simple will make your potatoes last the six months they should in storage.

What do you put in a grow bag for potatoes? ›

Despite being referred to as “potato grow bags”, these bags are ideal for many summer root vegetables, including carrots, onions, and beets. Due to the depth, they are also useful for tomato plants, peppers, even small flowers for decoration.

How many potatoes does it take to grow in a 5 gallon bag? ›

You can plant five seed potatoes into a 10-gallon bucket and about three into a 7-gallon. If you've only got 5-gallon buckets, plan on using only two potatoes.

How often should you water potatoes in grow bags? ›

How often do you water potatoes in a bucket or a bag? Do not let the soil dry out when growing potatoes. During hot and dry summer days, potato plants should be watered once every 2 to 3 days. During cooler days with rainfall, potatoes may not need watering at all.

Do potatoes in bags need full sun? ›

Put them in a sunny place. They need at least four hours sun – the more the better. Then water once to make sure the potting mix is damp. Water as needed in the coming days to keep the soil damp (but not too wet – or the seed potato can rot).

How long does it take to grow potatoes in a grow bag? ›

First early potatoes take roughly 80 days after planting to mature and should be ready to start harvesting in mid-June. Second earlies take around 100 days after planting to mature and will be harvestable around mid-July.

How many potatoes can you grow in a 20 gallon bag? ›

You can plant between 5 and 7 potato seeds in a 20-gallon bag. Each seed can yield you from 3 to 6 potatoes depending on how many eyes it has to sprout from.

How many potatoes can you get from one seed potato? ›

You should get about four pieces from an average-size seed potato. Fingerling potatoes have many eyes, and can produce as many as six seed pieces.

Which fertilizer to use for potatoes? ›

When planting, an NPK ratio of 15-15-15 is ideal. A month or two after they've been planted, potatoes need lots of nitrogen, so a fertilizer with an NPK of 34-0-0 is the best choice. An NPK of 12-12-17 or 14-7-21 is best for the last couple of months before harvest when the plants require more potassium.

What is the best container to store potatoes? ›

Instead use burlap sacks or breathable containers like paper bags, cardboard boxes, baskets and bowls to allow for air flow. Don't freeze raw potatoes. Store potatoes away from onions, bananas, or apples. These items give off ethylene gas, which makes potatoes spoil faster.

Does an apple keep potatoes from sprouting? ›

Placing an apple in the bag of potatoes when storing them will prevent the potatoes from sprouting.

How do you store potatoes long term without a root cellar? ›

Make a root clamp: Instead of building a root cellar, just dig out holes in the hard ground to store cabbages, potatoes, and other root vegetables. Use hay in between each vegetable. Cover with a thick layer of straw, and then the dirt to keep out any frost. Then cover with more straw (a bale or two).

What to fill a grow bag with? ›

A good mix for grow bags is 1/3 moss, 1/3 compost mixture, and 1/3 vermiculite. This mix retains moisture and is very important for gardening with grow bags. You can also mulch your grow bags with wood chips just like you would in the garden.

How often do you water potatoes in containers? ›

Containers holding potatoes will dry out more quickly than the soil in your garden. Careful monitoring is required to keep your potato container uniformly moist. Potatoes need at least an inch of water a week, 1 1/2 inches for maximum production, particularly after tubers have started to form.

How many potatoes do I need to plant for a family of 6? ›

Planting a vegetable garden for a family
Crop (number of plants per ft. of row)Number of plants per person
Onion (4 sets/ft. of row)12-20 sets
Peas (6 plants/ft. of row)15-20 plants
Pepper (1 plant/ft. of row)3-5 plants
Potato (1 plant/ft. of row)10 plants
15 more rows
Mar 12, 2018

How many potatoes can I plant in a 25 gallon container? ›

A pound of seed potatoes will produce a good crop of tubers in either a single 30 or 45 gallon Smart Pot, or two smaller 20 to 25 gallon fabric planter pots. For smaller harvests, plant a quarter- or half-pound of seed potatoes in a 10 or 20 gallon container respectively.

Should you water potato plants everyday? ›

Generally, potatoes need between 1-2 inches of water per week; this could be provided by rain events or you to make up the difference.

Should I soak the potatoes in water before planting? ›

Potatoes do not need to be soaked in water before planting, but they can be if you would like, as it is beneficial. Soaking potatoes can help them germinate more quickly and help them establish a better root system. Soaking potatoes in water before planting can help them to sprout faster and produce higher yields.

Should I water potatoes immediately after planting? ›

Potato plants don't need watering when they are established. The earthing up process will significantly raise the level of the soil trapping in any moisture below. Also the roots of potato plants go down a reasonable depth, enough to find moisture in almost all conditions.

Do potatoes like morning or afternoon sun? ›

Potatoes always do best in full sun. They are aggressively rooting plants, and we find that they will produce the best crop when planted in a light, loose, well-drained soil.

How many potatoes can you plant in a 10 gallon bag? ›

Typically, each potato plant requires roughly 2.5 gallons. As a result, a 10-gallon bag can hold four potatoes whereas a 5-gallon bag can hold two potato plants. 10-gallon bags are the most common size for growing potatoes.

How many gallons does it take to grow potatoes in a container? ›

An ideal container will be about 2-3 feet tall with a 10-15 gallon capacity. Avoid containers that are taller than this, because it could be difficult to water them evenly; the top portion of tall containers usually dries out long before the bottom, which can remain soggy and cause potatoes to rot.

Do potatoes do well in grow bags? ›

We've harvested potatoes that volunteered in a compost pile! Growing potatoes in a planting bag filled with potting soil is rewarding and simple. Potato grow-bags have several advantages over conventional garden growing. They drain well, and they are easy to harvest.

How many potatoes can I plant in a 3 gallon container? ›

Prepare: Cut seed potatoes into chunks having at least 2 eyes each. Allow the pieces to dry and callous over, about 2 days. Fill the Smart Pot container about 1/3 full with a 50/50 mixture of garden soil and compost. Plant: Plant one seed potato for each 3 gallons of Smart Pot container.

How long does it take to grow potatoes in a 5 gallon bucket? ›

First earlies – such as the Yukon Gold (which I'm planting here), take around 10-12 weeks. Second earlies – like Kennebec or French fingerling potatoes, take approximately 12-14 weeks. And finally, main crop potatoes – these include russets and blue potatoes, and these can take up to 20 weeks to grow.

Can you cut a potato in half and plant it? ›

Cut them in half, or if the potatoes are really large, cut them into quarters. Make sure that each chunk of potato has at least one eye, which is a small depression in the surface of the potato where the roots sprout. If you need to cut seed potatoes, it is best to wait at least four to seven days before planting them.

What happens if you plant a whole potato? ›

You can plant a whole potato if it's the size of a golf ball or smaller. Larger ones will result in massive plants that struggle to produce good sized tubers. So cut larger ones up into several pieces first for the best results.

What is the highest yielding potato? ›

Paradiso has a high yielding capacity, a strong plant and in addition a beautiful appearance including after long-term storage. It is a maincrop variety with beautiful long oval tubers. The skin is yellow and the flesh light yellow.

How many times can you grow potatoes in the same soil? ›

In a normal crop rotation plan, potatoes would only be grown in soil used for a previous potato crop every four years. If you grow potatoes in the same soil more frequently than that you risk them suffering from pests and diseases. So, when growing potatoes in containers always use fresh compost.

Will coffee grounds help potatoes grow? ›

Coffee grounds as a fertilizer can be used when growing vegetable crops such as potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, radishes, and beans. Root crops need magnesium and potassium, while nitrogen is indispensable for green crops.

What month do you plant potatoes? ›

Depending on local weather, most gardeners plant in March, April or May, and expect a harvest about four months later, starting to dig new potatoes about two to three weeks after plants flower. But again, some can be planted in the fall in mild-winter areas.

Should you use Epsom salt when planting potatoes? ›

Yes, Epsom salt can be helpful when added to the soil of potato plants. It provides the plants with a good boost of magnesium, which is beneficial in stimulating biochemical reactions. It also helps to build strong cell walls and supports the growth process.

Can plant roots grow through burlap? ›

Treated burlap (the kind you're most likely to encounter) will not decay quickly (can take decades) and, though roots may grow through it, those roots may be damaged or constricted as they grow in diameter. Remove all treated burlap or synthetic burlap (also likely to decay slowly) from root balls at planting time.

Can plants grow through burlap? ›

Use loose weave burlap as it will allow germinating seeds to grow through. This won't stop weeds.

What can I plant in a burlap bag? ›

I've tested a lot of plants out using burlap sacks and here are my favorites: Strawberries, they love to be mounded and aeration is important.
List of all the plants I've grown in burlap and had success:
  • Arugula.
  • Basil.
  • Borage.
  • Cabbage.
  • Chamomile.
  • Chives.
  • Cilantro.
  • Cucumbers.

Can I grow potatoes in a sack? ›

Potatoes do well in bags – bags for life are ideal – as you can roll up the sides as they grow. But any pot that is bucket size or bigger will do (just check it has drainage holes). Bags for life make ideal containers for potatoes.

Is ball and burlap better than container? ›

Balled and burlapped trees are more drought-resistant than container trees that are transplanted to the field. This is a result of container trees being grown in peat moss. Container trees can establish more quickly, but they will need enough water to survive the transition.

Is it OK to leave burlap under the root ball when planting? ›

Pull the burlap back and cut away any loose material. Don't worry about regular burlap under the root ball. It can stay put. But vinyl or treated burlap should be removed completely.

Should you remove the mesh around plant roots? ›

It is important to remove the wire from the rootball, but if you remove the wire from the rootball improperly, you can also damage the tree. It is important to remove the wire (and any burlap around the roots) AFTER the tree is placed in the planting hole and you are ready to replace the soil in the hole.

How long does burlap take to decompose? ›

They normally last about three years in use but can take up to a decade to decompose. Yes, you read it correctly. “Natural” burlap can take 10 years to fully decompose.

Does water go through burlap? ›

Natural burlap is an alternative to synthetic weed fabric. It prevents weed seeds from coming into contact with the soil where they can germinate, but its high permeability allows water to penetrate easily.

Does burlap get moldy? ›

Burlap absorbs moisture easily and can develop mold if left damp. If you are using the burlap in a project with damp materials such as plaster or clay, washing the burlap first to remove the sizing may help to reduce the risk of mold.

What grows well in a grow bag? ›

Best Plant for Grow Bags

Tomatoes. Sweet peppers. Chili peppers. Zucchini and summer squash.

What crops can be grown in sacks? ›

For all these growers, vertical sack gardening technology is emerging as a way to grow a large supply of vegetables despite the constraints. The garden is most suitable for growing vegetables such as kales and spinach, corianders, onions, tomatoes, okra and eggplant.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.