How to Give a Gift to a Woman (2024)

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Candace Moody.

Men have been giving gifts to women since the first Neanderthal offered his crush a polished wolf femur. In the millennia that have followed, hom*o sapiens invented the wheel, the laptop, the foam fan finger, and put a man on the moon. But men have not yet developed a system for buying the women in their lives meaningful gifts for special occasions. As a public service, I offer this gifting system for hom*o sapiens and hom*o inermis.

Why to Give

Gifts show love and affection and can also signal appreciation. Coincidentally, gifts have also been used throughout history to demonstrate wealth, success, and power. Trust me, when you become a great gift giver, your status and desirability as a romantic partner increase exponentially. The only thing women love more than getting a meaningful gift is showing it off to their envious friends.

Giving your significant other a gift deepens the warmth, trust, affection, and intimacy in your relationship, and even increases her admiration of you. This kindling effect of gift giving shouldn’t be reserved only for major anniversaries and holidays, but used to keep the flame burning during your “regular” life together as well.

What to Give

Gifts don’t have to cost a fortune (and can even be free, or close to it); most women really do appreciate the gesture more than the price tag. In fact, a gift that costs too much can create more angst than joy, especially if it strains the budget or cuts in to other spending priorities she considers important. It really is the thought that counts, so put some into your choice.

If you are starved for ideas, start a file somewhere with the answers to the following questions. Ask them occasionally and subtly (not all at the same time), and record her answers (including the why) carefully:

  • Her sizes. Note her measurements and what style she prefers. (These are never to be shared, mind you.) Also note what celebrity’s features and figure she most resembles; use that as a guide for store clerks to help them assist you in purchasing things that will look good.
  • Her favorite color (and why she likes it). Also record her least favorite color and make sure you never purchase something in it. Record the color you love to see her in (you know, the one that makes her glow and never fails to remind you how beautiful she is). This color can be a powerful gifting component; if you tell her you love it on her, she will love it too. Guaranteed.
  • Her favorite flower. As backup, here is a guide to the Language of Flowers. Cultures all over the globe have assigned meanings to flowers and used them to send messages to lovers and rivals. Giving a lavender colored rose, for example, symbolizes love at first sight. Powerful stuff.
  • Does she wear gold or silver? Ask, and buy her (almost) exclusively what she prefers.
  • What is her birthstone?And does she like it? It’s not guaranteed, so ask. Note it and buy jewelry that features the gem.
  • Speaking of jewelry, is there a culture or trend she loves? Asian, Southwestern, gothic, Victorian, ultra-modern minimalist. Make note of her likes for both jewelry and clothing purchases.
  • Her favorite designer, if she has one. Look for clothing or accessories that feature this designer or ask a store clerk for help in finding something in that style.
  • Her favorite food or meal. Cooking for her (or ordering in) is a great way to surprise and delight her.
  • Her favorite animal or the animal she (or you) think symbolizes her spirit. Here’s a guide to spirit animals. Give her a gift that she can carry with her or display that inspires her to be her best or most powerful self.
  • Her favorite author or book. Buy a first edition for her or frame a quote by her favorite author. Or find a copy of a book she loved as a child.
  • Her favorite movie or TV show. Arrange for a binge-watching session, either alone with wine and snacks, or with girlfriends while you and the kids are out of the house. Better yet, together, snuggled on the couch with takeout. Purchase her favorite movie so she can watch any time. Frame a quote from her favorite character or scene.

Keep this guide handy for frequent reference. With it, you can always find an inexpensive way to show her you pay attention and know what she likes. You’ll also have this list in mind as you go about your business. If you see something that fits her, buy it and stash it for the next gift-giving occasion. Buying at the last minute puts a lot of pressure on you; buying when you happen to find something means you’ll never have to panic.

Some other guidelines:

Buy her things that have a story. Tell her about the artist who made the bracelet or glazed the pottery. Tell her about where you found it and why you thought it would be perfect for her. Find pieces that are unique, one of a kind, or that have a long history, and let her know that.

You can also give gifts that make life easier — as long as they’re not too utilitarian. Giving her a book of smoothie recipes is thoughtful; buying her a blender is not. Giving her a set of file folders with a beautiful pattern for her home office is thoughtful; buying the latest edition of Turbo Tax is not.

Don’t forget that acts of service can make her heart sing. Fix something without being asked. Borrow her car for an errand and bring it back washed and vacuumed with the gas tank filled. Do the dishes, clean the junk drawer, wash and fold a load of laundry, or do another task that she dislikes or that normally wouldn’t be your job. (No extra credit for doing what you should as your fair share.)

Make dinner. Or reservations. Hire a sitter for the night and plan a walk in the park or on the beach. Take on the planning or logistics of something she normally has to handle. Tell her why you’re doing it: “You deserve a night off.” “You’ve been working so hard lately.” “I just wanted to steal a few hours of your time.” It will cost you almost nothing and bring you lots of gratitude in return.

Buy her things whose only quality is that they make life more beautiful. Scented soaps, practical items with beautiful designs (think desk accessories or a bud vase for her office). A set of (only) two wine glasses, coffee mugs, or dessert plates for the two of you to share at special moments. Replace something ugly, old, or utilitarian with something beautiful: baking or kitchen utensils, water bottles or teacups, calendars or planners, even something as small as a bookmark can delight her. Think of something she uses often. Let her know that she deserves beautiful things around her every day.

For more ideas on how to speak her specific gifting language (through acts of service and other methods), read Dr. Gary Chapman’s book The 5 Love Languages.

When to Give

Timing and presentation matter enormously as to how your gift will be received. Here are some ideas on timing.

Surprise her, but only when she has time to be fully present. Don’t give her a gift:

  • When she’s in the middle of a crisis (dog/cat throwing up, baby screaming, kids fighting, appliance or car broken down)
  • When she’s rushing out the door on her way to work or something important
  • When she walks in the door from a stressful day
  • Right after a fight or other emotional breakdown
  • Right after she expresses very negative emotions or self-hate
  • Right after she asks for something from you (more attention, complete a task, or any version of “you’re not doing enough”)
  • When she’s exhausted
  • At the very last minute of an important occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.) — don’t let her assume you’ve done nothing special for the entire day

Here is how to time your gift for optimal joy and appreciation:

  • Morning is a great time, assuming she has the time and energy to appreciate it. She’ll think fondly of you all the time you’re apart. If mornings are too hectic, tell her you have something beautiful for her that she’ll get this evening. She’ll glow all day.
  • Leave it for her in a place she’ll find it on her own (and in her own time). On her pillow in the morning when she wakes, or before bed. In the master bath when she gets out of the shower. At her place at the dinner or breakfast table (hopefully, a place you’ve set or a dinner you’ve prepared).
  • Allow some time to pass after an argument or other emotional conversation. Depending on her temperament or how bad the argument was, let a few hours, a day, a few days pass, but take action before a week has passed. Tell her you’ve been thinking about what she said and remind her how much she means to you. Tell her you bought this because it caught your eye while she was on your mind. If you can, connect the gift to something she said specifically: “You’re right — you deserve to have more time to spend on you; here’s something to pamper yourself with tonight.”
  • Plan for a quiet moment. Put a video on for the kids so you won’t be interrupted. Do the dishes or clean up after dinner so she can do something for herself. Turn off the TV and ask her for a few minutes of her attention. Wake her up a few minutes early on a weekend so you can cuddle. Ask her to take a quiet walk after work or after dinner. Make some deliberate space so she can focus on you and your gift.
  • Pick a day that would normally be sad for her. The anniversary of a family member’s death, the first day of school, or the day you send your oldest off to college. Let her know that you understand how she feels and that you want to give her something positive to think about on that day.
  • Pick a date or day that has little or no expectations.Giving gifts on birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day is obvious and of course recommended. Your stock will really soar, however, if you find other occasions to celebrate that are more unexpected. Surprise her on a Wednesday or the last day of the month. While “just because” is a sufficient reason, these occasions make for particularly good times to present an unexpected gift:
    • The anniversary of your first date
    • The anniversary of the day you proposed
    • The anniversary of the date you first (your favored amorous event or activity here)
    • Her first day on a new job
    • A big business or professional success
    • A personal milestone, like changing a habit or taking on a challenge

If you’re not sure about specific dates, ask — she’ll almost certainly know. (Write them down; once she’s told you, she’ll assume remembering it means as much to you as it does to her.) If you want extra points, celebrate days that only you will know (and, coincidentally, you alone can verify). “Thursday, March 12thwas the day I realized I was in love with you.”

How to Give

Presentation matters. You don’t have to have great wrapping skills to make a gift look special, but you do have to put some thought into your presentation:


  • Leave price tags on
  • Deliver the gift in the plastic bag from the store
  • Use wrapping paper from the wrong holiday or season
  • Get so tricky with hiding the gift that it gets overlooked, thrown away, or swallowed


  • Keep receipts (for substantial purchases) in case she needs to return the item or exchange for a different size/color
  • Use gift bags or ask the store to wrap the gift if you aren’t confident doing it yourself
  • Place an unwrapped gift carefully where she can see it and appreciate its presentation before picking it up (placed on the pillow or at her place setting with a single rose)
  • Add a small card saying simply: “For you” or “For the woman I love”
  • Ask your young children to wrap the gift or make a card
  • Let your adorable child deliver the present, saying something like “Daddy said to give this to the prettiest mommy in the world”
  • Have it delivered to the office (check her schedule or ask about it to make sure she’ll be in when it’s delivered)
  • Present it when you’re in public having a great time: out to dinner, in a park, or at some other outing

If you don’t have a separate bank account for purchasing gifts, think about saving up and paying cash for your gift. If she has to pay the bill for your present, it definitely kills the buzz (especially if she will think you over or under-paid for it). If finances are an issue, save up your spare change to spend on her (you can even let her know that’s your plan).

When a Gift Goes Wrong

What if your best effort falls flat? It’s possible the gift of clothing, jewelry, or other item will not be a great fit for her personal style. If this happens, it’s as difficult for her as it is for you. She wants very much to honor your gift without encouraging more purchases like it. You’ll have to read her body language very closely; you should be able to tell the difference between love and not-so-much-love for your effort.

If you can see it doesn’t work for her, it’s okay to acknowledge it out loud. “I can see you love the idea, but maybe not so much the execution. Should we exchange it and find something that you love? I want you to feel as beautiful wearing it as I think you look.” If she exchanges your gift, pay attention to (or ask) what she likes better about her choice. Make notes, learn, and grow. She will definitely give you credit for trying.

If you need the bumper sticker version of this entire guide, here it is: “Simple. Personal. Meaningful.” It’ll work every time.


Candace Moody is a writer based in Jacksonville, Florida. She has been married for many years to the love of her life and a great gift giver. Find her at

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How to Give a Gift to a Woman (2024)


What are the gifts ladies like most? ›

And there are always comforting items like, say, a warming candle, cozy slippers, and luxe pajama sets she'll be sure to love. A thoughtful gift will go a long way—might we suggest adding a lovely, handwritten note too? All these ideas and 82 other incredible gifts for women, below.

What is the 5 gift rule? ›

In the 5 Gift Rule, the first four gifts are the same - something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. But the 5th? The 5th is the real winner. It's something they need or want but don't really know it.

What is the 7 gift rule? ›

What is the 7-gift rule? It is the concept of buying only a set number of gifts for each individual, with each gift falling into a specific category. As you may have to guess, the specific number of gifts for this rule is 7. You buy one gift to fit in each category and by the end; you have 7 gifts to give.

What gets a woman's attention? ›

Be complimentary. If there's someone you're eyeing, ask her a question about her drink if it's unique looking or compliment her outfit, eyes or smile. If she engages, remember to make eye contact, smile, and say her name throughout the conversation.

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10 Things that never fail to impress women
  • GOOD MANNERS & OLD FASHIONED ETIQUETTE. Walking curb-side, holding doors, offering seats… you should know the drill, gents.
  • GOOD STYLE. ...

What is the 4 gift rule? ›

Are the days of rampant spending on children at Christmas coming to an end? A trend which has gained traction over the past few years on social media is the "four gift rule". Parents pledge to give their offspring just four presents: Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.

What does every woman want? ›

Every girl looks up to be valued, appreciated, and loved by her partner. They want a man who fits their ideology of a perfect partner, be it showing kindness towards others, being responsible for various tasks at hand or someone who looks out for them and makes them feel safe and secured.

What's a good sentence for gift? ›

"She received a generous gift." "He bought an expensive gift for his wife." "She brought me a small gift." "I'm trying to find the perfect gift."

What is a good gift message? ›

Congratulations - you did it! Congratulations and best wishes! Congratulations from the whole bunch! Congratulations on one of your best moments!

What is a nice gift quote? ›

Everyone has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend.” “A friend is a gift you give yourself.” “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” “Every problem is a gift - without problems we would not grow.”

How much is the limit for gift? ›

If you give someone a gift that's higher than the $16,000 gift exclusion limit, you'll be responsible for paying the gift tax.

What are the limits on gifts? ›

Annual Gift Tax Limits

The annual gift tax exclusion of $16,000 for 2022 is the amount of money that you can give as a gift to one person, in any given year, without having to pay any gift tax. You never have to pay taxes on gifts that are equal to or less than the annual exclusion limit.

Is there a gift limit per person? ›

You can give up to the annual exclusion amount ($16,000 in 2022) to any number of people every year, without facing any gift taxes or filing a gift tax return. If you give more than $16,000 in 2022 to someone in one year, you do not automatically have to pay a gift tax on the overage.

What is the 3 gift rule? ›

One popular tactic is to have your kids narrow their gift lists to just three categories: something they want (say, a new video game), something they need (like a puffer coat) and something to read (the Ramona series has been calling their name).

Do all gifts have to be split? ›

Gift splitting allows a married couple to combine their individual gift tax exemptions to help enhance the benefits of tax-free gifting. This process is not automatic, and the ability to split gifts requires that certain prerequisites are met, including the consent of both spouses on a filed federal gift tax return.

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10 Ways to Impress a Woman
  • Compliment the way she looks.
  • Open doors. ...
  • Ask her questions. ...
  • Ignore your phone. ...
  • Socialize with her friends. ...
  • Help her with her coat. ...
  • Be well groomed. ...
  • Look her in the eye. ...
24 Oct 2015

How can I attract a woman to love me? ›

How To Make a Girl Fall For You: 20 Simple Strategies
  1. Work on yourself & have your own life. ...
  2. Be optimistic. ...
  3. Keep the conversation going. ...
  4. Respect her as an equal. ...
  5. Be her friend and make it fun. ...
  6. Be anything but clingy. ...
  7. Take it slow – things will fall in place. ...
  8. Don't make yourself too available.
23 Apr 2018

Do girls like unexpected gifts? ›

There are some women who hate surprises; but most enjoy an unexpected treat every now and then. A surprise makes a woman feel special and that you think about her. Men might think that women need to be surprised by expensive gifts to feel cherished, but this is simply not true.

What should I gift a girl for the first time? ›

Special Gifts to Win Her Heart
  • Flowers. Regarded as one of nature's finest delights, a flower is always a joy to receive. ...
  • Chocolates. ...
  • Soft toys. ...
  • Jewelry and Trinket. ...
  • Books. ...
  • 6. Box of Sweets. ...
  • Watch. ...
  • Gift Basket.
21 Sept 2017

How can I get a woman excited? ›

  1. 7 Ways to turn a woman on. Reader's Digest Editors 21 January 2019. ...
  2. Ask her what she likes, and do your homework. ...
  3. Know the three parts of foreplay. ...
  4. Be creative: Not all women are the same. ...
  5. Know her body. ...
  6. Help her feel comfortable receiving oral sex. ...
  7. Play with lube or toys. ...
  8. Remember that great sex won't happen overnight.
21 Jan 2019

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In fact, research shows that people are more appreciative of gifts they ask for than ones they don't. “People want to be creative and surprise the recipient,” says Dunn, “but the better gift will be whatever it is they say they want.”

How do I stop excessive gift giving? ›

4 Tips to Getting Family to Stop Giving Too Many Christmas Presents
  1. DON'T WAIT UNTIL DECEMBER! I feel like I need to say that again. ...
  2. It Starts With You Friend. You have to make a dramatic shift in the way you purchase for your own children first. ...
  3. Allow For a Gradual Approach. ...
  4. Offer Proof of Joy. ...
  5. Companion Gifts.
26 Sept 2019

How many cookies should I give as a gift? ›

There are many occasions to give cookie gifts.
How many cookies should you gift?
Party sizeNumber of guestsNumber of cookies
Little party5 to 1015-30 cookies
Medium party10 to 1530 – 45
Big party20 – 5075 – 150

What 4 things a woman wants from a man? ›

Maturity, decisiveness, consistency, and strength—these are the four things women want and need most from a man. In his book, Bernard teaches readers how to identify and cultivate these traits toward a happy and long-lasting relationship—one built to weather any storm.

What do females want from a man? ›

When a man is honest and trustworthy, he instantly becomes more appealing and desirable to a woman. If he's dependable, truthful, genuine, and speaks from the heart, he's a guy who is worth pursuing, as people can take him at his word. "Trust and trustworthiness allow relationships to deepen," says Degges-White.

What a woman needs most from a man? ›

One of the main qualities a woman wants in a man is honesty and reliability. She would want someone who can support her, be there for her and who means what he says. A dishonest and unreliable man will keep disappointing his partner and show that they don't value the relationship at all.

What are 10 good sentences? ›

Good sentence example
  • It felt so good to be home. 1068. ...
  • You have a good family. 688. ...
  • She is such a good seamstress. 642. ...
  • It was a good thing they were going home tomorrow. ...
  • It was all just good clean fun. ...
  • It meant a good deal to him to secure a home like this. ...
  • It would do no good to ask him why. ...
  • He had done one good deed.

What is a simple gift to give? ›

Sometimes the simplest gifts are the best way to truly express your love and gratitude.
  • DIY Doggie Collar. Your loved one's favorite furry friend deserves love as well. ...
  • Colorful Yarn Key Covers. ...
  • Custom Mug. ...
  • Cutting Board. ...
  • Wall Art. ...
  • Customized Travel Tags. ...
  • DIY Sugar Scrub. ...
  • Photo Coaster and Jewelry Tray.
4 Oct 2022

Is gift giving a love language? ›

Giving and receiving gifts is just one love language. It's helpful to know all five of Chapman's proposed love languages. They are: Physical touch: Showing and receiving love through affirmative touching, such as by holding hands, cuddling, kissing, and even sex.

What do I write on a gift card note? ›

  1. With special thanks and much appreciation.
  2. Sincere thanks for your extra efforts.
  3. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated so much more than words can say.
  4. With sincere gratitude for all you have done.
  5. You're the best!
  6. You made my day!
  7. It was a pleasure to work with you.
  8. Thank you for thinking of us.

Is a gift a nice gesture? ›

Gifting is the warm gesture of self-expression when words fall short to describe your emotions. Who doesn't love receiving gifts! But have you ever dwelled upon the happiness of sending gifts? Research shows that the joy of giving is much more and lasts longer than receiving.

What are some kindness phrases? ›

Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world.” “Kindness is seeing the best in others when they cannot see it in themselves.” “Kindness is something anyone can give without losing anything themselves.” “Kindness is not what you do, but who you are.”

What are some beautiful sayings? ›

Inspirational Quotes About Life
  • Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about. - ...
  • Life is a long lesson in humility. - ...
  • In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. - ...
  • Love the life you live. ...
  • Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. -
2 Nov 2022

What are the three stages of gift-giving? ›

According to this model, the gift-giving process has three stages -- gestation, prestation, and reformulation.

What is the four gift rule? ›

Are the days of rampant spending on children at Christmas coming to an end? A trend which has gained traction over the past few years on social media is the "four gift rule". Parents pledge to give their offspring just four presents: Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.

What is the psychology behind gift-giving? ›

Empathy is one of the pillars of the psychology of gift-giving. When you're giving a gift, you want to delight the recipient – whether it's a lovely surprise or some well-needed support. Looking for a present implies trying to understand that person. In this, gift and psychology go hand in hand.

What are three gifts? ›

  • All three gifts are ordinary offerings and gifts given to a king. ...
  • The three gifts had a spiritual meaning: gold as a symbol of kingship on earth, frankincense (an incense) as a symbol of deity, and myrrh (an embalming oil) as a symbol of death.

Can you gift 15000 each to a husband and wife? ›

You just cannot gift any one recipient more than $16,000 within one year. If you're married, you and your spouse can each gift up to $16,000 to any one recipient. If you gift more than the exclusion to a recipient, you will need to file tax forms to disclose those gifts to the IRS. You may also have to pay taxes on it.

How many gifts is too many for Christmas? ›

Some parents believe that three gifts are enough, neither more nor less. Some follow the rule of four, others like seven or even ten. In short, parents have set their own Christmas gift-giving rules per child according to their family priorities.

How soon is too soon to give a gift? ›

It's more appropriate to give gifts to your partner after you've been together for a few months. If you're exclusively dating each other, gifts are likely expected. Even if you aren't, a gift can still be a good idea if enough time has passed or you've hit certain early milestones, such as meeting friends and family.

What is a gift gesture? ›

For people with gifts as a love language, the act of giving a gift serves as a gesture of affection and care because it shows the person was thinking about you while you weren't around and wanted to find a way to make you smile. The gift also becomes a physical token memorializing a moment, experience, or feeling.

What is the gift principle? ›

A principal gift is one that the organization defines as large. Commonly, nonprofits consider this to be a gift of at least $1 million in value. Often, this gift is given in an asset other than cash, such as through property. A principal gift can be harder and rarer to get.

How much money is appropriate for a birthday gift? ›

It appears that the general amount for a birthday celebration is around $25, no matter the relationship. Money etiquette experts suggest spending $10 to $20 for classmates while expanding the budget to $25 for close friends, $50 for relatives and upwards of $100 for your own children.

Is giving gifts a form of love? ›

In general, it means that you feel the best and most loved when you're giving and receiving gifts. “If your primary love language is gift-giving, it means that you express your love by giving others presents,” Guerra says. “The gift is an overt demonstration of your love and appreciation for the person receiving it.”

Why is gift-giving difficult? ›

Key points. Gift giving can detract from the pleasure of togetherness during holidays. Gift giving can be used unintentionally to create pressure and competition between givers and receivers. Gift giving can cause disappointment and hurt feelings in either the giver or the receiver.

Why is gift-giving so hard? ›

When gift-giving produces increased anxiety, some research indicates that it's really an expectations game that's causing this. It can be stressful trying our best to make someone else feel good by giving them a gift, thoughts like, What if they don't like it? can cross our mind.”

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.