How to Get Rid of Ants Near Your Trees | Davey Blog | Davey Tree (2024)

Trees and pests just don’t get along. Simple as that, right? Well, when it comes to ants lurking around our trees’ roots and stems, things aren’t so clear-cut.

Some ants don’t pose a problem at all–and get this, some can even help us take better care of our trees. Others are out to hurt our pleasant plants.

So how can you tell the difference? Read on to learn about these critters and your tree’s health.

Are Ants On Trees Good Or Bad?

Ants are drawn to trees for two reasons. They’re searching for sweet honeydew left behind by other insects, or they’re making themselves at home inside trees with cavities and rotten wood.

Generally, ants themselves don’t damage a tree. Instead, they provide a warning sign that our tree is in trouble, which can help us act fast to treat it.

Do Any Ants Around Tree Roots Do Harm?

With every rule, there are exceptions! Here are two ants that can be a problem for your tree.

  • Red imported fire ants: They inflict people and pets with awful blisters. If you see dome-shaped mounds at the base of your tree, be super careful not to touch or disturb those ant hills. The small, dark maroon ants will sting whatever disrupts their home. Then, contact your arborist about a treatment right away.
  • Carpenter ants: Piles of sawdust at the base of your tree mean these large ants are active. In this case, you should call your arborist to determine if the tree needs inspection. Remember, ants only burrow in rotten tree wood, so a plant with carpenter ants could be weak and should be assessed for risk of falling.

How To Get Rid Of Ants On Trees

Even though most ants don’t threaten trees, they can be opportunistic and end up in your home or other parts of your landscape. Here are a few ways to stop that from happening:

  • Spread bait around the base of the tree
  • Use a horticultural soap or insecticide to rid the tree of sap-feeding insects. In turn, you’ll cut off the ant’s honeydew supply.
  • Consult with your arborist for the best course of action.

See other bugs you should look out for this season.

How to Get Rid of Ants Near Your Trees | Davey Blog | Davey Tree (1) How to Get Rid of Ants Near Your Trees | Davey Blog | Davey Tree (2) How to Get Rid of Ants Near Your Trees | Davey Blog | Davey Tree (3)

How to Get Rid of Ants Near Your Trees | Davey Blog | Davey Tree (2024)


How to Get Rid of Ants Near Your Trees | Davey Blog | Davey Tree? ›

There are multiple methods to help control an ant infestation from the area surrounding your tree. You could spray the tree with a solution containing about 30 drops of peppermint oil and 1 gallon of water. Ants are repelled by peppermint, so once they catch wind of the scent, they'll soon vacate the tree.

How do you get rid of ants around trees? ›

There are multiple methods to help control an ant infestation from the area surrounding your tree. You could spray the tree with a solution containing about 30 drops of peppermint oil and 1 gallon of water. Ants are repelled by peppermint, so once they catch wind of the scent, they'll soon vacate the tree.

How do I get rid of thousands of ants? ›

Try some of these methods to get rid of ants outdoors.
  1. Boiling water. Rake open the nest and pour in boiling water (add liquid soap for extra killing power). ...
  2. Vinegar. Mix equal parts vinegar and water. ...
  3. Water. Soak the nest for 15 to 30 minutes with water from a hose, saturating soil. ...
  4. Boric acid. ...
  5. Chemical ant killers.

What happens when ants eat baking soda? ›

This is wonderful for humans and one of the many reasons why it's eaten. For ants, though, the altering of their bodies' natural chemistry is fatal. Worker ants will also carry the chemical compound back to their mounds to share with the rest of the colony, so baking soda can kill the queen and stop an infestation.

Why do ants infest trees? ›

Why ants like trees. Ant colonies need a homebase, which is usually in the ground. However, trees can also provide the shelter and nutrients that ants need to survive and thrive. Those nutrients mostly come from little pear-shaped insects called aphids.

What is the number 1 way to get rid of ants? ›

“The most effective method for controlling an ant infestation is using ant baits. Set them out anywhere you see ants and expect a party,” Gangloff-Kaufmann says. “If you still see ants around the house, try a few different brands of baits until you find one that's appealing to this particular colony.”

What kills ants permanently? ›

Some natural ways to permanently get rid of ants include using water-based mixtures that contain borax and Diatomaceous earth, or pouring boiling water into ant holes. If natural remedies don't help, speak with an exterminator. They'll be able to offer you advice.

How long will vinegar keep ants away? ›

Vinegar only remains effective for as long as the scent lingers. When the solution dries up, homeowners need to reapply the solution in the problem areas to keep ants away. However, it's important to remember that vinegar shouldn't be treated as the main line of defense against ant infestations.

Which is better for killing ants, borax or baking soda? ›

Baking soda is toxic to ants (and can also be toxic to pets, but only in large quantities, making it preferable to Borax). Whitney also suggests a 1:1 mix of water and vinegar, sprayed directly on the ants. But getting rid of ants is less effective than ensuring they don't get into your house in the first place.

What household item kills ants? ›

Top 7 Household Products to Kill Ants
  • Vinegar and Water. Vinegar mixed with water can repel and kill ants. ...
  • Lemon Juice and Water. If you don't have vinegar, you can use lemon juice instead. ...
  • Citrus Blend. Image via Flickr by AtomicP. ...
  • Boiling Water. ...
  • Diatomaceous Earth. ...
  • Dish Soap. ...
  • Boric Acid.
Jul 24, 2023

How to get rid of ants around trees? ›

Use some type of horticultural insecticide or soap to get rid of any sap-feeding insects. This will eliminate the honeydew supply the ants are attracted to. Put baits all around the base of the tree to capture the ants. Spray your tree with a solution that includes 30 drops of peppermint oil and a gallon of water.

Can you save a tree infested with ants? ›

You do not need to cut down a tree that is infested with carpenter ants. Trees can sometimes regenerate once the problem-causing decomposition is removed.

What trees attract ants? ›

Ant-plants, such as Central America's bull-horn acacias and trees of the genus Cecropia, have hollow structures — thorns and internodes in their hollow stems, respectively — in which ants form their colonies. The trees also secrete sugar and protein-rich food bodies that make up a significant portion of the ants' diet.

How do I keep ants away permanently? ›

Some natural ways to permanently get rid of ants include using water-based mixtures that contain borax and Diatomaceous earth, or pouring boiling water into ant holes. If natural remedies don't help, speak with an exterminator. They'll be able to offer you advice.

How to get rid of green tree ants? ›

Green tree ants do not forage readily on baits. The best method of control is through direct nest treatments, although in cases of a large colony, finding and treating all the nests can be a challenge. PestXpert Pro-Spray Outdoor perimeter is an ideal product to treat each nest.

How do you get rid of invasive ants? ›

Use an Indoor Commercial Ant Bait

The worker ants will carry the pesticide bait back to the nest. It can take several days to eliminate the colony but you will gradually see an end to the infestation.

What do ants hate to get rid of them? ›

Household items like citrus fruits, black pepper, peppermint oil, cayenne, thyme, and lavender can create natural ant repellents. Great for avoiding pesticides or conventional ant traps!

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