How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (2024)

Table of Contents
Know your money, watch your money. Once I turned my relationship with money on it's head, I let go of the anger + the shame + the fear and I just went full force towards my dreams, even with my debt. Shame, fear, anger: How those emotions kept my debt in the dark because I did not face it. She said YES to college (and I became the first person in my family to have a college degree). She said YES to starting her first business (that I went on to sell before 30th birthday). Moral of the story: take responsibility for every penny you spend and make, a majority of is all up to you and your choices Your debt can be around business, college, personal, etc. Stop strangling your past self + his/her decisions, take full responsibility for the decisions you have made in the past, and love yourself for making those decisions. In this 44 page journaling book learn how to uncover money blocks, beliefs, or habits that are stopping you from making bank in your business + life Instead of looking at small amounts of money I could put toward my debt and let’s be real living a life paying off debt where I’M MISERABLe is 0% fun. I decided to focus on creating more income. Within 5 weeks I sold 3 $10,000 packages and made $14,946 cash within 5 weeks. It really isn't about the amount of money you're making if you don't know how to spend it + allocate it. Think about lottery winners, celebrities, or athletes. They make massive amounts of money and still a lot of them end up bankrupt. BONUS: CHANGING THE WAY I VIEW MONEY “I was born poor and I’ll always be poor” Consciously I wanted to be rich but subconsciously I thought the rich were assholes. So why would I ever want to become an asshole?! In this 44 page journaling book learn how to uncover money blocks, beliefs, or habits that are stopping you from making bank in your business + life Follow me for more financial trainings + money mindset talk: FAQs

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Written By Shannon DePalma

How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (1)

How I paid off all my business debt in 1 month + why I won't get be getting back into it.

A conversation on the dirty d word in the entrepreneur world: the shame, the anger, and the fear… I'm talking about it.

If you are going to be an entrepreneur you have to be ready to deal with lots of THIS.

Know your money, watch your money.

It is NOT easy, it will take you to sh*t level of feelings and it will make you feel amazing, but get this right.. it is not EASY. Stop in your head.. trying to make this EASY. You need a level of mental stamina + emotional stability to KEEP going.

This is for someone who is already in debt and your debt is stopping you from moving forward in any PART of your life.

In 2017 I made investments into my business that didn't pay off right away, and honestly they probably could have, but because I was in such fear, or worry or doubt or anger.. I then turned that investment inwards towards myself + a little bit outside myself, anger towards people rising up after me, anger towards the industry.... That lasted for 8 MONTHS GUYS. 8 FREAKING MONTHS.

Once I turned my relationship with money on it's head, I let go of the anger + the shame + the fear and I just went full force towards my dreams, even with my debt.

That lead me to paying off my debt in 1 month, paying a business coach in full, not creating anymore debt for myself (I made another $12K in investments), and completely changing my life + out look on money.

Shame, fear, anger: How those emotions kept my debt in the dark because I did not face it.

  • I used to find myself getting angry about growing up poor and having to take out student loans that my friends didn’t.

  • I used to get angry about having to work 2 jobs while I was in college to pay for things that my friends never had to worry about (things like car payments, car insurance, gas, text books, food, etc).

  • I used to feel angry that money was always harder for me than it was for other people. I used to get angry even about the investments I made in myself when I first started my business but now when I look back at that woman, I don't get angry with her.

She was just seeing the bigger vision for her and saying YES.

She said YES to college (and I became the first person in my family to have a college degree). She said YES to starting her first business (that I went on to sell before 30th birthday).

I learned that the empowerment around money came from creating the money and finding the money. That's where I found myself feeling powerful towards the next steps for my life.

How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (2)

Before I was able to pay off $9,500 of debt I got to a point where I said go ahead debt take me all the way down! I don't give a sh*t because I'm going to pay off my debt this year. I discovered this part of me where I can have complete confidence in where I was going and really truly feel it and mean it.

Once I had this complete confidence I was able to feel powerful around money, I wasn’t going to let it control me anymore.

For a long time I was allowing money to have complete control + complete power of me. Right now as you’re reading this MONEY might be making you feel shame, anger, or fear but GIRLLLL, the only person making you feel those things are YOU.

Now how you find the money: create the money: that is entirely up to YOU, but do take responsibility for how you find or create the money.

If you put your debt on a credit card, take responsibility.

If you had to take a massive student loan, take responsibility.

Take responsibility for your decisions + actions that will allow you to not feel like money has all the power in your relationship with money.

What you did was not wrong or the worse thing ever, you saw an opportunity for you to step up and become a higher version of yourself, you took it, and your investment hasn't paid off… YET.

If you get a 2nd job, take responsibility.

If you do freelance work, take responsibility .

Moral of the story: take responsibility for every penny you spend and make, a majority of is all up to you and your choices

Know that number that you said yes to, that means getting very comfortable with your debt. I used to hide from my credit card, not looking at it that much, sometimes being shocked at how much debt I had.. but once I started to look at my money and take responsibility for it, everything changed. My heart racing when I looked at my accounts slowed down or that anxiety that kept me up at night wondering how I could ever ahead.. started to subside.

I realized there was choice in my life.

SHAME CAN NOT LIVE IN THE LIGHT, if you keep your shame of your debt in the dark, it will continue to LIVE.

  • Write down your number of DEBT RIGHT NOW.

  • I want you to know that number inside and out.

Your debt can be around business, college, personal, etc. Stop strangling your past self + his/her decisions, take full responsibility for the decisions you have made in the past, and love yourself for making those decisions.

PPSSSTTT: I wrote this journal that helped me to uncover all the icky sticky money beliefs and thoughts I was having. It helped me to uncover all the true things I was really feeling about my debt and what was really holding me back from taking action to move forward with it.

There’s over 44 journal prompts here for you to explore and see what your relationship with money is REALLY like.

Grab it down below:

In this 44 page journaling book learn how to uncover money blocks, beliefs, or habits that are stopping you from making bank in your business + life

  • Discover what beliefs you have about money that are holding you back.

  • Grab the questions that improved my income by $13K in 2 months

  • Learn what is the aligned action for you to go next level

  • Break through your limiting beliefs around why you're not making the BANK you want

  • Learn how I raised my prices by $8K and STILL booked clients

When I set out on a journey to pay my debt, the first place my mind goes to is:

What can I CUT?

Like most of you, when I look at my expenses, I’m not spending a significant amount on fun stuff.

If I did cut back that “fun stuff” I would only be adding $200 or $300 to my debt.

Instead of looking at small amounts of money I could put toward my debt and let’s be real

living a life paying off debt where I’M MISERABLe is 0% fun. I decided to focus on creating more income.

That lead me to switching my business model.

For you, it can be lots of different things:

How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (4)

  • Ask for a raise

  • Start a side hustle Etsy business

  • Start a side gig: Uber, Instacart, Doordash

  • Start a service base side business: managing social media, become a virtual assistant, become a coach

  • Create a passive income product like a book or course that you make money from over and over

  • Selling things! (I once sold my first business for $15,000 with a Craigslist post, you can read about that here).

When I needed to purchase my first car my one job just wasn’t cutting it. I asked a friend to give me a ride to her place where she worked so I could get a job bussing tables. While it wasn’t super fun to work 2 jobs, I knew it needed to be done so I could pay for the car that would get me the better job.

The point is that the opportunities to create more income are endless while cutting your expenses, just isn’t as fun right?

It’s like a fad diet, it won’t last.

Here’s what I did to focus on creating more income: I changed my business model:

  1. I stopped selling things that brought me little amounts of money ( like 1 off sessions, intensives, small courses, anything below $1,000)

  2. I focused on things that pulled in bigger chunks of money, like a $10,000 coaching package, (YES I was terrified to sell them).

    If you want to learn how to create and book out a $10,000 package with a small audience I have a courses here for 50% off for the next couple days.

  3. I simplified my business budget to only things I needed to sell these $10, 000 packages (like I didn’t need to be going crazy with Facebook ads, I only needed to focus on my current audience) and I cut out any “fat” out of my budget, (fat = things that I wasn’t using as the time but classified as a some day expense. Like a membership to a program about creating courses.. but I wasn’t creating courses, get it?)

  4. I simplified my personal budget but kept things that would help me feel good (like I allowed room for coffee and 1 massage a month)

Within 5 weeks I sold 3 $10,000 packages and made $14,946 cash within 5 weeks.

I had 1 client pay in full, 1 client go on a payment plan, another client go on a payment plan, and I had a couple payments come in from a course I sold the month before.

If you want to start selling $10,000 packages as a coach, here’s my course here that works you through step by step how I did it with a small audience.

And because I love you, here’s 50% off.

LOOK AT YOUR FREAKING MONEY but more importantly give your money DIRECTION.

I like to call it directing my money. Directing your money is the habit that will allow you to not go into debt EVER AGAIN. I am serious!

It was such a game changer when it came time to for me to get out of debt. Before paying down the $9500 I was already in the habit of directing and budgeting money so by the time I started receiving big chunks of money, I was able to allocate my money towards my debt but also not create more debt moving forward.

Directing my money also forced me to look at my debt over and over. Instead of acting like it didn’t exist, I was able to look at it, and plan for creating more income to pay it down.

But directing my money also helped me to make conscious choices about where I wanted my money to go without shame or guilt.

After I made $14,946 in 5 weeks, typically after a large chunk of money I would:

  • put it all toward debt (and get into debt again the next month)

  • spend it all on my business (that next investment I “needed” in order to keep these big chunks of money happening)

  • Or go wild and spend a majority of it on myself (because I deprived myself of any spending the months before)

How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (6)

But after this time because I was in the habit of directing my money I knew exactly how I needed my money to work:

  1. I needed to pay for the current months expenses

  2. I needed to put money aside for the next months expenses so I can live a month ahead and not go into debt if something happens next month with my expenses or income (for example: a client not making her next payment)

  3. Pay off $9500 of debt

  4. Put money towards an assistant to help with the influx of clients and help me stay on top of my marketing

  5. Pay myself

  6. Set aside $1,000 for emergency expenses (<< This is what I should have done.. I did this after paying down my personal debt and it helped me tremendously)

If you establish this habit, you will never go into DEBT AGAIN.

It really isn't about the amount of money you're making if you don't know how to spend it + allocate it. Think about lottery winners, celebrities, or athletes. They make massive amounts of money and still a lot of them end up bankrupt.

Know where your money is going RIGHT NOW, even if you have none coming, even if you only have a little, even if your money is inconsistent.

Get into this habit RIGHT NOW, give your money direction RIGHT NOW, it needs direction or it will be spent aimlessly and you will feel powerless to money.

Here’s a quick video I made for you down below on 1 little trick you can use to get out of credit card debt and how you can budget your money with my You Need a Budget:

How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (7)


If you can’t tell from how I started this blog post, me and money didn’t have the best relationship to start with. I always felt like a victim to it. I always felt there was never enough and it was always a struggle.

One day I even found myself saying to a friend out loud:

“I was born poor and I’ll always be poor”

It wasn’t even about trying to make money to be a baller or flashy, I just wanted to feel good about money. To feel good about the choices I was making with money and to feel stable with it. To know that I didn’t have to stress every time I opened my bank account.

Going on this journey with money lead me to looking at my debt + looking at my money forced me to start doing work on my money mindset, my money mindset became a non negotiable.

I started to discover all these beliefs I had about money and most importantly.. the thoughts, beliefs, and the attitudes I had towards people with money.

Consciously I wanted to be rich but subconsciously I thought the rich were assholes. So why would I ever want to become an asshole?!

I had a lot of work to do on the beliefs, ideas, and thoughts I was having around money in order to make more money and feel really good about it.

It all started by just asking myself questions, thinking about things from a different way than I usually do. I started wondering what successful thought about money, how did they think? What were their thoughts?

Then I put them into this cool journal, feel free to grab it below:

How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (10)

In this 44 page journaling book learn how to uncover money blocks, beliefs, or habits that are stopping you from making bank in your business + life

  • Discover what beliefs you have about money that are holding you back.

  • Grab the questions that improved my income by $13K in 2 months

  • Learn what is the aligned action for you to go next level

  • Break through your limiting beliefs around why you're not making the BANK you want

  • Learn how I raised my prices by $8K and STILL booked clients

Follow me for more financial trainings + money mindset talk:

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Shannon DePalma

How to get out of debt quickly — Money EmpowHER (2024)


What is the fastest way to get out of big debt? ›

Pay off your debt and save on interest by paying more than the minimum every month. The key is to make extra payments consistently so you can pay off your loan more quickly. Some lenders allow you to make an extra payment each month specifying that each extra payment goes toward the principal.

How to aggressively pay off debt? ›

Make debt payments beyond the minimum.

Making more than your required minimum payment can help you pay off debts more quickly and save money in interest charges. Earmark unanticipated funds, such as your tax return or a bonus, for debt payments.

How do I get out of debt if I don't have enough money? ›

How to get out of debt when you have no money
  1. Step 1: Stop taking on new debt. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine how much you owe. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a budget. ...
  4. Step 4: Pay off the smallest debts first. ...
  5. Step 5: Start tackling larger debts. ...
  6. Step 6: Look for ways to earn extra money. ...
  7. Step 7: Boost your credit scores.
Dec 5, 2023

Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds. The biggest grant the government offers may be housing vouchers for those who qualify.

How can I get out of $20000 debt fast? ›

If you have $20,000 in credit card debt that you need to pay off in three years or less, you have multiple options to consider, including:
  1. Take advantage of a debt relief service.
  2. Consolidate your debt with a home equity loan.
  3. Take advantage of 0% balance transfer credit cards.
Feb 15, 2024

What is the debt avalanche method? ›

A debt avalanche is a type of accelerated debt repayment plan. Essentially, a debtor allocates enough money to make the minimum payment on each source of debt, then devotes any remaining repayment funds to the debt with the highest interest rate.

What is the avalanche method? ›

In contrast, the "avalanche method" focuses on paying the loan with the highest interest rate loans first. Similar to the "snowball method," when the higher-interest debt is paid off, you put that money toward the account with the next highest interest rate and so on, until you are done.

How to pay 10k debt fast? ›

There are a few different options you have when you want to pay off $10,000 in credit card debt, including:
  1. Opt for debt relief. ...
  2. Use the snowball or avalanche method. ...
  3. Find ways to increase your income. ...
  4. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  5. Seek credit counseling. ...
  6. Use financial windfalls.
Feb 15, 2024

How to pay off debt when living paycheck to paycheck? ›

Tips for Getting Out of Debt When You're Living Paycheck to Paycheck
  1. Tip #1: Don't wait. ...
  2. Tip #2: Pay close attention to your budget. ...
  3. Tip #3: Increase your income. ...
  4. Tip #4: Start an emergency fund – even if it's just pennies. ...
  5. Tip #5: Be patient.

What is a good emergency fund? ›

While the size of your emergency fund will vary depending on your lifestyle, monthly costs, income, and dependents, the rule of thumb is to put away at least three to six months' worth of expenses.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Is debt relief real? ›

Debt Relief Service and Credit Repair Scams

These operations often charge cash-strapped consumers a large up-front fee, but then fail to help them settle or lower their debts – if they provide any service at all.

What is the best debt relief company? ›

National Debt Relief is the best overall debt settlement company, according to our research. National Debt Relief's low-cost fee structure and referral service make it a top option for people struggling with debts. Our highest-rated debt settlement companies all charge similar fees, ranging from 15% to 25% of the debt.

What to do when you are so in debt? ›

Add up how much you owe
  1. Write down everything you need to pay for.
  2. Check if you can cut any costs.
  3. Use any savings to clear debt.
  4. Work out what to pay first.
  5. Check if you can make your debt cheaper.
  6. Tell your provider you're struggling.
  7. Don't take cash out on a credit card.
  8. Don't exceed your overdraft or credit card limit.

How to get out of 100k debt fast? ›

Here, experts share their best tips on how to eliminate $100,000 of debt.
  1. Recognize You Have a Big Problem on Your Hands. ...
  2. Make a Plan. ...
  3. List Out All Your Debts. ...
  4. Create a Hard Budget. ...
  5. Focus On Paying Off Debts With the Highest Interest Rates First. ...
  6. Don't Skimp On an Emergency Fund. ...
  7. Get a Personal Loan To Consolidate Debt.
Feb 15, 2024

How to get out of $40,000 debt fast? ›

Options For Paying Off Substantial Credit Card Debt. There are a number of strategies to pay off large amounts of credit card debt. They include personal loans, 0% APR balance transfer cards, debt settlement, bankruptcy, credit counseling and debt management plans. You may be able to use more than one of these options.

How can I pay off $50 000 in debt fast? ›

Here are some things to consider before creating a plan to tackle your credit card balances.
  1. Reevaluate or Create Your Budget. ...
  2. Look for Ways to Decrease Recurring Expenses and Increase Income. ...
  3. Set Concrete Goals. ...
  4. Ask for a Lower Interest Rate. ...
  5. Look Into a Debt Consolidation Loan. ...
  6. Consider a Balance Transfer Credit Card.
Sep 9, 2020

How to get rid of $30,000 in debt? ›

Get in touch with a debt relief service

If you choose a debt management program, experts will typically try to negotiate your interest rates and payment terms with your lenders on your behalf. They'll also create a payment plan for you that fits your budget while getting you out of debt as quickly as possible.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.