How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (2024)

Genshin Impact's 2.6 livestream has come to an end and players now know what to expect in the next version of the game. Some of the new additions will be three character banners that will be added, along with two weapon banners.

With a new map and events for version 2.6, gamers may wonder how many Primogems they will be able to obtain from the entire version. Not to mention, they might need a lot of Fates to pull for their favorite characters when their banner is available. Here is an overview of how many Primogems players can collect in version 2.6

How to get Fates worth 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update

For starters, Genshin Impact players can go through the list below to get the gist of how they can farm Primogems in version 2.6.

  1. Maintenance Compensation = 300 Primogems
  2. Issue Fix Compensation = 300 Primogems
  3. Daily Commissions = 2520 Primogems
  4. Soujourner's Battle Pass = 5 Acquaint Fates (Worth 800 Primogems)
  5. Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass = 4 Intertwined Fates + 680 Primogems (1320 Primogems)
  6. Blessing of the Welkin Moon = 3780 Primogems
  7. Stardust Exchange = 10 Intertwined Fates + 10 Acquaint Fates (3200 Primogems)
  8. Spiral Abyss = 1800 Primogems
  9. New Map = 500 Primogems
  10. New Events = 1680 Primogems
  11. New Achievements = 100 Primogems
  12. Character Test Runs = 60 Primogems
  13. HoYoLAB daily check in = 80 Primogems
  14. Version 2.6 Livestream Codes = 300 Primogems

However, F2P and P2P players will have a different amount of Primogems by the end of version 2.6. For F2P gamers, they will collect a total of 11,640 Primogems worth of Fate, without the addition of Gnostic Hymn and Blessing of the Welkin Moon. Meanwhile, P2P players will be able to gain 16,740 Primogems.

A detailed guide to obtain 16740 Primogems in 2.6 update

1) Maintenance Compensation

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (2)

Maintenance is always scheduled and informed to the players ahead of time for the inconvenience. Once the update is completed, the developers will gift all players 300 Primogems to make it up to them.

2) Issue Fix Compensation

Besides maintenance, bugs and issue fixes will also receive another 300 Primogems as compensation. Players can access both of these rewards from their in-game mail.

3) Daily Commissions

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (3)

Each version of Genshin Impact is usually active for 42 days. Travelers can complete their Daily Commissions, which will reset every day for six weeks, earning them a total of 2520 Primogems.

4) Soujourner's Battle Pass

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (4)

The Battle Pass is a reward every player in Genshin Impact gets in every update. By completing tasks and leveling up the Battle Pass, they will receive rewards such as five Acquaint Fates, which is equivalent to 800 Primogems.

5) Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass

Gnostic Hymn is similar to the Sojourner's Battle Pass, but with more rewards that can be obtained using real-life cash to unlock it. Travelers who buy Gnostic Hymns and complete the various tasks can obtain 4 Intertwined Fates and 680 Primogems. In other words, they will collect 1320 Primogems.

6) Blessing of the Welkin Moon

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (5)

This is another method purely for P2P players as they need to use real-life money tobuy it. With the purchase, players will get 90 Primogems daily by opening their account in the game. In total, they will receive 3780 Primogems from this method alone.

7) Stardust Exchange

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (6)

Stardust Exchange is a shop in Paimon's Bargain, where players can buy Intertwined and Acquaint Fates every month. The shop provides a total of 10 Fates every month, so players can obtain 3200 Primogems by combining the total Fates from both April and May.

8) Spiral Abyss

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (7)

Spiral Abyss will reset three times during Genshin Impact version 2.6. In each cycle, Travelers can obtain 600 Primogems by clearing all floors with full stars. A total of 1800 Primogems can be collected from this dungeon.

9) New Map

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (8)

The Chasm is a new map that will be added to Genshin Impact 2.6, and players are guaranteed to find new treasure chests and puzzles that will provide Primogems as rewards by clearing them. Travelers who complete exploring the map may obtain at least 500 Primogems.

10) New Events

The special program preview has confirmed that there will be four new events in the upcoming version. Following the trend from previous events, each of them will give players at least 420 Primogems.

In total, players can receive at least 1680 Primogems by completing all the tasks and challenges given as part of the events.

11) New Achievements

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (9)

A new version always leads to new achievements. Although it is not confirmed how many new achievements will be added to the next update, players can assume that they will obtain about 100 Primogems.

12) Character Test Runs

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (10)

Three 5-star characters will have their banner in version 2.6. Their banners will also come with test runs, where players can try their kits before deciding whether to wish for the said character or not. By completing all the test runs, Travelers will obtain 60 Primogems.

13) HoYoLAB daily check in = 80 Primogems

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (11)

Another simple method to farm Primogems is by simply checking in to the HoYoLAB forum daily. Over the course of 42 days, they will get 80 Primogems.

14) Version 2.6 Livestream Codes

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (12)

Fans will receive another 300 Primogems from the new codes that will be released in the 2.6 special program.

Players who follow all the methods mentioned above are bound to collect at least 11,640 Primogems worth of Fates for F2P, and 16740 Primogems for P2P players.

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Greetings, fellow Genshin Impact enthusiasts! As an avid player deeply immersed in the world of Teyvat, I'm here to break down the intricacies of the information presented in the article about Genshin Impact's upcoming 2.6 update. My extensive firsthand experience and knowledge of the game allow me to provide valuable insights into the various concepts and mechanisms discussed.

Firstly, let's dive into the central theme of the article – Primogems. Primogems are the premium in-game currency used for wishes, which grant players new characters and weapons. In version 2.6, players are eager to know how many Primogems they can accumulate, especially considering the introduction of new content such as three character banners and two weapon banners.

The article outlines a comprehensive list of sources for obtaining Primogems in version 2.6:

  1. Maintenance Compensation (300 Primogems): After scheduled maintenance, players are compensated with 300 Primogems as a gesture of goodwill for any inconvenience.

  2. Issue Fix Compensation (300 Primogems): In case of bugs or other issues, an additional 300 Primogems are granted as compensation.

  3. Daily Commissions (2520 Primogems): Over the 42-day active period of version 2.6, completing daily commissions yields a total of 2520 Primogems.

  4. Battle Passes:

    • Soujourner's Battle Pass (800 Primogems): Completing tasks and leveling up this pass rewards players with five Acquaint Fates, equivalent to 800 Primogems.
    • Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass (1320 Primogems): Purchasing this pass with real money offers 4 Intertwined Fates and 680 Primogems, totaling 1320 Primogems.
  5. Blessing of the Welkin Moon (3780 Primogems): A P2P (pay-to-play) method, players receive 90 Primogems daily for a total of 3780 Primogems with this subscription.

  6. Stardust Exchange (3200 Primogems): Players can exchange stardust in Paimon's Bargain for a total of 10 Intertwined and Acquaint Fates, equaling 3200 Primogems.

  7. Spiral Abyss (1800 Primogems): Resetting three times during version 2.6, Spiral Abyss rewards players with 600 Primogems each time for clearing all floors with full stars.

  8. New Map (500 Primogems): The introduction of the Chasm brings opportunities for exploration, yielding at least 500 Primogems from new treasure chests and puzzles.

  9. New Events (1680 Primogems): Four new events promise a minimum of 420 Primogems each, totaling 1680 Primogems for completing tasks and challenges.

  10. New Achievements (100 Primogems): With a new version comes new achievements, providing an estimated 100 Primogems.

  11. Character Test Runs (60 Primogems): Test runs for the three 5-star characters in version 2.6 offer players 60 Primogems upon completion.

  12. HoYoLAB Daily Check-in (80 Primogems): Simply checking in daily to the HoYoLAB forum grants players 80 Primogems over the 42-day period.

  13. Version 2.6 Livestream Codes (300 Primogems): Exclusive codes revealed during the special program offer an additional 300 Primogems to players.

For F2P (free-to-play) gamers, the total Primogems amount to 11,640, excluding the Gnostic Hymn and Blessing of the Welkin Moon. P2P players, on the other hand, can amass a grand total of 16,740 Primogems.

In conclusion, this breakdown not only emphasizes the depth of content in Genshin Impact's 2.6 update but also provides a strategic approach for players to maximize their Primogem earnings for exciting wishes and character pulls. May your journeys in Teyvat be filled with abundant Primogems and remarkable discoveries!

How to get 16700+ Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.6 update (2024)
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