How to Earn Money From Home Using What You Have (2024)

In today’s world, everyone can earn money from home. Yes, that’s right. Everyone! Anyone with a smartphone or a laptop has the possibility to publish content that others can consume.

You don’t need to have a degree or diploma in a particular field to earn money from home. People are not seeking to learn from people with certifications.

Instead, they want to learn from teachers that have specific skills, knowledge, and experiences that they use themselves. In other words, people prefer some proof that you know what you are talking about instead of having shiny certifications.

Each one of us has what we like to call superpowers – these are skills, knowledge and experiences they have had because of a specific career path they chose, or because something happened and they needed to react. Those superpowers can in turn be used to create an offer to potential customers.

In our our FREE training we walk you through the 5Steps to create a premium service offerusing what you already have.

And guess what is Step 1 of our framework? Hopefully you could guess right by now 🙂 It’s finding your superpowers.

Watch the free training and bio through the workbook that comes with it to start crafting your offer now. In only 30 minutes, you create a well-rounded offer using skills you already have. In the Free Workbook that accompanies the training, you can capture your ideas and stay organized.

In this post, I will help you to figure out what assets you already have that you can turn into a money making offer. I will run you through 5 mediums to capitalize on what you already have and automate your income.

Since you are here, you may also want to read these posts:

  • Digital Nomad Guide to Make Money Online
  • 8 Trending Business Ideas that Let You Work from Anywhere in 2020
  • 19 Real Ways to Make Money From Home and Online in 2020

📌Save this post in your Make Money From Home board on Pinterest to read it later!📌

How to Earn Money From Home Using What You Have (2)

Earn money from home by delivering value

Everyone has some value to deliver. Your unique set of skills, particular knowledge you gained, and experience you have had are valuable.

I am not saying you have to be amazing in something to deliver value. You just need to know more than your neighbor.Deliver value to others by teaching them things that you know and they want to learn.

If you are one lesson ahead of someone else, you already have value to deliver.That can be one lesson ahead in a course, yet also one experience that someone else does not yet have.

Think about it – would you rather learn Agile Project Management from someone certified to teach with 10 years experience, but did their last project 5 years ago. Or would you rather learn from someone who has 5 year experience in agile project management and is currently still working, but is not certified.

Which one do you think could relate to you more as a beginner? The one who started their career 15 years ago or the one who started 5 years ago?

Have one experience more than someone puts you in the position to help them.

Another example is if you have had a difficult situation and worked your way out of it, these are hard-earned lessons. Share this wisdom with others that are going through a similar situation.

Everyone is looking to learn something new all the time. This is probably how you stumbled upon this post.

There are two reasons why people want to learn something. Either they must because a certain problem arises that they need to resolve. Or they want to grow and do something new.

Either way, learning allows us to progress. Progress makes us happy. Happiness is what we all seek.

This is why it is so valuable!

Demand for everything fluctuates. Yet the demand for education is always steady. During good times and bad times, people seek to learn and improve.

You can earn money from home educating others about a variety of topics.

Start to look inwards and figure out which value you can deliver. Consider the skills, knowledge, and experiences that you already have, which can be valuable to others.

If you haven’t already, check out the Set Yourself Free training. Steps 2 and 3 of our framework explain on how you can craft an offer that your ideal client would find valuable.

The training is absolutely free and was created to be concise and straightforward (only 30 mins). It also comes with a free workbook.

Earn money from home with your skills

A skill is defined by Meriam-Webster as “a learned power of doing something competently.” This can be almost anything that you can do well.

It can be your ability to process data in Excel or other applications. It can also be your ability to edit photos.

The main thing about skills is that they have to be practical. It means that someone can directly apply them to do something.

You have worked hard to earn the skills you have. You spent hours of practice and training to be where you are.

There is someone else right now that is looking exactly for that set of skills that you have mastered. They are looking to learn those skills from someone similar to them.

They don’t necessarily want to learn those skills from a certified professor in the field. Instead, they want to learn from someone that has gone through a similar path to them. Someone that has had the experience of learning the skills.

This is an opportunity for you to provide value.

Here’s an example of creating value for others by teaching your skills.

Let’s say you are good at photography. You know all the functions on DSLR cameras and all the ins and outs of how they work.

On top of that, you have some awesome photos to show. This is your proof that you know what you are talking about.

If someone is impressed by your photos and wants to be able to take photos like that, you can provide them with value. Once they find out that you are willing to teach them how to take such photos, they are very likely to want to take on that offer.

You can then teach others your photography skills and earn money from home.

In the Set Yourself Free trainingand the workbook that comes with it, we help you reflect on the your skills and how to turn them into an offer.

Earning money from home with your knowledge

Everyone gains knowledge about a variety of topics. Knowledge is different than skills as it is not necessarily practical.

Your knowledge can be about anything from historical facts, to the financial markets, or how electricity is produced.

You learn your knowledge through activities that you undertake. Reading books, interacting with people, scrolling through the web or observing people passing by.

Your knowledge becomes valuable as it is your unique perspective. It is your way of seeing things. It is a combination of a diverse variety of things that you have learned over time.

When you combine your knowledge together, you create new knowledge that is unique to you.

For example, if you like cooking, you probably have some recipes that you have created and perfected yourself. These recipes are valuable knowledge to others.

Earning money from home with your experiences

We all go through a variety of experiences. Some are good experiences and others are bad.

The chances are that someone else in the world is going through a similar experience and is looking for someone to mentor them through it.

Good experiences are achievements we reached. For example, launching a great online product or designing an apartment.

Bad experiences are unwanted occurrences that happened to us and we managed to get through them. This can be, for example, an injury or illness, the bankruptcy of your business, or an unhealthy relationship.

On both these types of experiences, you can share valuable information and lessons with others that are going through a similar thing.

People want to learn from others that had a similar experience so that their experience can be smoother.

For example, if you had a knee injury and had to recover for a period of time. You can share with others the exercises that worked and the ones that didn’t work for you. Explain why something worked better than the other.

You can explain both the mental and physical challenges and give tips on how to deal with them.

For someone else with a knee injury, this information is extremely valuable.

Relating to your audience amplifies the value delivered

An important aspect to consider when delivering value to others is to be relatable. Don’t try to put on the professor’s hat.

People prefer to learn from someone they can relate to. Someone that has once been in their shoes and is where they want to be.Speak their language and avoid jargon.

Think of a 15-year-old tutoring a 14-year-old. Having gone through the same course material as their peer 1 year ago makes them the perfect teachers.

They know exactly what the other is going through and can explain the material in the best way. They know the workload the 14-year-old student is dealing with.

Having certification and degrees does not necessarily make the best teacher. The best teacher for anyone is someone that understands where they are and can help them move forward from there.

5 ways to capitalize on your skills, knowledge, and experiences

There are a variety of mediums through which you can share value with others and earn money.Some of these ways can allow you to automate your income and earn income passively.

You can use a combination of mediums to provide value.

We have used all 5 mediums described below over time in our business.

In theSet Yourself Free trainingwe explain how to craft your service based offer. However the same techniques can be applied to digital products such as Ebooks and courses. The training is free and was made concise so you can get a head start in just 30 minutes.

The training comes with a FREE 5 Steps to Set Yourself Free Workbook.

Here are 5 examples of ways to share your skills, knowledge, and experience.


A book is probably the most traditional way to share an idea with the masses. There are millions of books written about almost any topic out there.

E-books are a great way to easily share your value with others. If you know a topic well, you can write about it.

The benefit of e-books is that you don’t need a publisher to print them. You can use any word processing application on your computer to

Of course, you will need to market your ebook to reach the audience that is looking for that value. Amazon has an ebook publishing program that you could also use to market your ebook.

Online courses

Online courses are another popular form of sharing value with others.

With your laptop camera or phone camera, you can already create a good quality video of yourself explaining a topic. Any skill, specific knowledge, or experience you have can be shared in the form of an online course.

There are many platforms where you can upload your course and get paid per view or per purchase. Therefore it is not even necessary that you market the course all on your own.


You can set up a blog in a matter of minutes these days. You don’t even need your own domain, you can use platforms like Medium or to publish your content.

In a blog you can easily share your ideas and teach about topics. The advantage of a blog is that you can develop it and shape it over time. That means you don’t need to have an entire structure or curriculum ready upfront, which is the case with ebooks and online courses.

A blog can be monetized in a variety of ways. If you are publishing content, you could earn money through affiliates and sponsored ads. In essence, you would be getting traffic to your blog by producing good content and then selling other people’s products.

If you are interested in creating a blog, check our post on how to start a blog and the 8 secrets successful bloggers don’t tell you.

It’s very lucrative to set up a blog with web hosting as cheap as $2.95 per month. Signing up at Bluehost, you will get a free domain for the first year.


Coaching has become very popular in recent years. There are many more coaches out there, and at the same time, there are also more people looking to be coached.

The variety of topics that people are seeking coaching on is immense. There is no doubt that you have some skills, knowledge or experience that can be valuable through coaching.

There are different formats for coaching. You can do 1 on 1 coaching, group coaching, or host a mastermind group.

Coaching can be done from home, as you can use Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, or any other free online video calling service out there.


Similarly to coaching, you may offer to consult for businesses. If you have specific skills and expertise in a certain area, a business will be happy to pay you to advise them. You can help them work on a problem and solution.

Businesses are willing to invest in and spend money on people that can help them achieve their missions.

Consulting may be done in the form of remote freelancing on a project base.

Pick a topic and earn money from home

Don’t spend too long trying to figure out which topic you should start creating value for. It should be something that you have in-depth skills on, unique knowledge, or a significant experience.

Once you find something, just start. Take action, and the rest will follow from there. It is also important to develop and improve your skills of teaching others and providing as much value as possible.

Improving your teaching skills is only possible through practice. Therefore the best option is to take action now.

Are you ready to craft your offer?

Follow our free training to learn how to use your skills, knowledge, and experiences to create and offer you can sell to potential clients.

It’s your turn now!

What is the freedom lifestyle you secretly dream about? Which skills, knowledge, experiences, and interests would you love to turn into a viable income source?

Let us know in the comments section below and we’ll brainstorm together how we can take your dreams to the next level!

How to Earn Money From Home Using What You Have (2024)


How to make money with just answers? ›

  1. Step 1: Sign up as an Expert. To become an expert on, go to the website and click on the "Become an Expert" button at the top of the page. ...
  2. Step 2: Pass the Screening Process. ...
  3. Step 3: Set Your Availability and Pricing. ...
  4. Step 4: Answer Questions. ...
  5. Step 5: Get Paid.
Mar 3, 2023

What is the website that answers questions and get paid? ›

If sharing your expertise and making a little extra cash sounds intriguing to you, consider becoming an expert with JustAnswer, an online question and answer website. They've got an easy, flexible way for you to share what you know and earn some money while you do it.

Can I earn money by giving answers? ›

Whether you are an expert in a certain field or just someone who likes to share knowledge, you can now make money by answering questions online. Getting paid to answer questions is a great way to fill your pockets while helping others find answers to their queries. It is an easy job that can be done from your computer.

What is the app that gives you money for answering questions? ›

1Q is the only company in the world to pay consumers instantly, per response. Refer your friends & family and receive $0.25 per referral. No Limits. Opt-in to location services and receive more questions.

How can I make $100 per day? ›

How to Make 100 Dollars A Day (Without a Job)
  1. Launch An Ecommerce Store.
  2. Become A Freelancer.
  3. Create and Sell Online Courses.
  4. Become An Influencer.
  5. Become An Uber/Lyft Driver.
  6. Online Tutoring.
  7. Become An Airbnb Host.
  8. Pet Sitting.
Apr 25, 2024

How to earn money by solving questions? ›

Here are some popular ones:
  1. Upwork: Upwork is a freelance platform where you can find clients looking for people to solve specific questions or problems. ...
  2. Freelancer: Similar to Upwork, Freelancer is a platform where you can find freelance work, including question-solving tasks.
Feb 16, 2023

Are there any survey sites that actually pay you? ›

Swagbucks insists that you can earn $1 to $5 per day by just taking several of its surveys. If you jump around among multiple survey sites, you can probably increase that. However, you would earn much more from a part-time job.

Which quiz gives real money? ›

Qureka Pro – top best Quiz App to Earn Money in India

Qureka is a mobile gaming app that provides users with a range of interactive and enjoyable trivia games. Players can compete against each other in real time by answering questions from various topics, earning rewards as they progress through the game.

How do you get paid for answering Google questions? ›

You will receive between $0.10 and $1.00 per survey completed. The amount can vary and is dependent on the number of questions in the survey and the amount of time it takes to answer the survey. Answering questions in a certain way is not required to receive a payment and is in fact discouraged.

What is the best trick to earn money? ›

How to make money fast
  1. Become a rideshare driver. ...
  2. 2. Make deliveries. ...
  3. Help others with simple, everyday tasks. ...
  4. Pet sit. ...
  5. Sell clothes and accessories online. ...
  6. Sell unused gift cards. ...
  7. Earn a bank bonus. ...
  8. Take surveys.

How much do you get paid on JustAnswer? ›

The type of customer they are determines your pay. If they are a member, you earn a flat fee per question based on your pricing tier. If it's a Pay Per Question model, you receive the stated pay offered for the question. According to JustAnswer, experts earn an average of $2,000 to $7,000 per month.

Are there any apps you can actually make money? ›

Yes, there are several money-making apps that you can make real money off of, although you won't be making much money per day. Some of these apps are Rakuten, Ibotta, and Survey Junkie.

Which app gives real money instantly? ›

InboxDollars is one of the longest running reward apps that pays you real money to read paid emails, take surveys, play games, sign up for sites and much more. Rakuten (formerly Ebates) gives you real cash back for shopping online at over 3,500 top retailers.

What is fortunable? ›

1. Favored by fortune, fortunate.

What is the step app that gives you money? ›

Sweatcoin converts your steps into currency units called, as you might have guessed it, sweatcoins. You can then spend them on goods, services and experiences on our market place with our partners or exchange them with your friends and family for whatever you fancy.

Why did JustAnswer charge me $46? ›

Just Answer is a monthly membership-based service. Monthly charges occur unless you cancel. Single question customers must cancel before 30 days to avoid incurring future monthly membership charges.

How to make a quick $1,000 in one day? ›

Here are the ten most effective strategies to make $1,000 in 24 hours and increase your income:
  1. Sell Your Stuff.
  2. Freelance.
  3. Get a Side Hustle or Part-Time Job.
  4. Start a Blog.
  5. Start an E-Commerce Store.
  6. Invest in Real Estate.
  7. Set up Passive Income Streams.
  8. Make Money Online.
Sep 5, 2023

Is JustAnswer a monthly fee? ›

Just sign up for membership, get your answer now, and simply cancel before the next billing period to avoid further monthly charges. $79/mo.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.