How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider (2024)

How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider (1)

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Apple hasn't totally left old iPad owners behind. In addition to still signing the last iOS releases for those devices, you can still download software for them — assuming you know where to look.

This tip doesn't cover shopping for the old apps if you don't already own them, because there is no good way to tell if that app that now requires iOS 11 even had an iOS 9 version for the original iPad mini, or an iOS 5 one for the original iPad. But, if you bought the app, here's how to download it.

In this procedure, we've left out user credential verification steps. The frequency you have to enter them will depend on your device settings. With that in mind, authorize through password entry when asked.

Patience is also a must. The older devices aren't exactly snappy when responding to queries, and can have limited wi-fi speed. That all said, on with the show!

To speed this up a bit, power-cycle your iPad completely before you get started. Hold down the power button for a while, and slide the toggle on the screen to turn the device off. Turn it back on by holding down the power button again.

How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider (2)

Open up the App Store. Tap on Purchased..

How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider (3)

Let the list load. The names of the apps will load first, and icons will follow, if you wait long enough. We did say you'd have to be patient.

How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider (4)

Find what app you used to use, or you know has a version for your device. Click on it, and select Install.

The App Store will consider your request for a moment, and then pop up a dialog box, asking you if you want to install the old app. Click Download to get the older version, and the app store will chew on your request for a minute, and start installing.

How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider (5)

However, this procedure does not allow you to access deprecated cloud services, if the app developer has shifted to a new architecture. It is also, obviously, not the most recent version of the app, and will likely lack some features found in the newest version.

This same procedure can also be used to download apps that have been stricken from the App Store — if you own them already.

How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider (2024)


How to download old versions of apps from the App Store on an older iPhone or iPad that can't run iOS 11 | AppleInsider? ›

Install Old Version of App by Syncing

Can I download older versions of apps on iPad? ›

If this is the case, the App Store will display a notification saying that you can't download the latest version of the app. However, it will offer an alternative version of the app that you will be able to download. Although it's hidden, Apple does let you download old app versions.

Can you go back to older versions of apps on iPhone? ›

This is a not uncommon misconception. It just means you've downloaded the app before. You cannot rollback or reinstall an earlier version of an App. You can only (re)install, or upgrade to, the most recent version of an App that is supported by the iOS/iPadOS device.

Is it possible to install an older version of an app? ›

You can uninstall the current version of an app, but you can't re-install an older version manually, the second step in the roll-back process for many apps. If you rely on Google's security protocol, there isn't a simple workaround to revert to an app.

Where can I download old iOS versions? ›

Find the IPSW file for the iOS version you want.

Try, a known reliable source for iOS software downloads. If you can't find the version you want there, you can search the web for the version of iOS you want and "IPSW."

How do I download an older version of an app from the Apple Store? ›

Click App Library, where you can see all the apps you have downloaded. If you want to install an old version of the app after updating. Choose the one in App Library and click the Install button. The old version of the app will start to download to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Can you download an older version of an app on Apple? ›

If the current version offered at the AppStore needs a newer version of the system, you can only download an older version by reinstalling previously purchased apps from your list of previous purchases. At the App Store open the list of your previous purchases.

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