How to Do a Real Estate Syndication - Real Estate Investing .org (2024)

Have you ever driven around your city and seen all these apartment complexes, shopping plazas, or even office buildings? I always used to think they were all owned by rich billionaires.

…some of them are, but not all.

The reality is that a lot of these large properties are actually owned by regular people like you and me to generate passive income.

But how?

The answer: with real estate syndication.

It’s what I used to recently close a 192 unit deal in San Antonio with my partners.

But what exactly is real estate syndication?

Table Of Contents

  1. Real Estate Syndication Definition
  2. Real Estate Syndication Structure
    • What is a Preferred Return in a Real Estate Syndicate?
    • What is a Waterfall in a Real Estate Syndication?
    • The Fees WhenSyndicating Real Estate
      • Acquisition Fee
      • Asset Management Fee
      • Construction Fee
    • Aligning Interests
    • Structuring a Syndication Deal – Example
    • Example 2 – Syndication Structure
    • Example 3 – Hybrid Structure
  3. How To Find Real Estate Deals to Syndicate?
    • What About LoopNetfor Commercial Real Estate Syndication?
    • How Do You Find Commercial Brokers and Get Them to Take You Seriously?
  4. The Cost to Syndicate a Real Estate Deal
  5. How do Big Do Syndication Deals need to Be?
  6. How do You Find Investors?
  7. Example Syndication Deal
    • What The General and Limited Partners Earn in a Syndication
  8. Now You Know The Basics

Real Estate Syndication Definition

Syndication is a way which multiple real estate investors pool their funds together in order to purchase a property that is more expensive than any of them could have afforded on their own. Generally, there are two types of partners in these deals: 1) General Partners (GPs) who accept additional risk, put the deal together, and operate the asset 2) Limited Partners (LPs) who have limited risk and invest more passively.

Real Estate Syndications are an effective way to spread risk. Since each investor can allocate a smaller sum to each deal, they can effectively spread their risk across multiple property types and diversify by geographic region.

Real Estate Syndication Structure

Syndications in real estate are amazingly diverse in their structure so it’s impossible to cover everything. In general, there are four components:

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We have spent years developing this process that has literally generated millions of dollars in value and a stable yearly revenue for investors.

  • Return of investor capital – Limited partners should always get paid back first, and this ensures they get paid first
  • The preferred return – Not all deals have a preferred return, but when they do this is where it pays out. Investors get the first portion of the deal before the general partners.
  • The catch-up – Many deals don’t have a catch-up tier but this is where the sponsor will get 100% of the profits after the preferred return until the predetermined split is met.
  • Carried interest – profits are split based on the agreed amount (such as 80/20 or 70/30)

Let’s break it down further…

What is a Preferred Return in a Real Estate Syndicate?

According to Mark Kenney over at ThinkMultifamily, a preferred return is “a return that investors received BEFORE the general partners receive a return.” In essence, after the investors receive their initial capital back, they received a preferred rate of return before the general partners get any payout at all.

Mark, an investor and real estate coach who owns over 2,000 doors in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas, says that he doesn’t like to use a preferred return but has in the past on deals that didn’t expect any distributions for 12 or 18 months. The preferred return would accrue and give incentive for people to invest in the deal.

Andrew Campbell, the co-founder of Wildhorn Capital, a multifamily operator based in Austin, Texas has a different opinion. He said he likes to have an 8% preferred return for the majority of his 450 door portfolio. It “gives somecertaintyto investors abouttheir overall returns. Plus, 8% also happens to beat the historical stock market return of 7%.”

What is a Waterfall in a Real Estate Syndication?

The waterfall refers to the overall distribution of funds and tiers that were mentioned above, but it is often referred to as how profits are split after the preferred return is met. Andrew Campbell explains it perfectly:

Profits generated above any preferred returns are generally split between investors (Limited Partners) and deal sponsors (General Partners). In our case, above the 8% pref we split profits 70% to Limited Partners and 30% to General Partners.

Some deals andsponsorswill have additional“waterfalls” where at 18% IRR (for example) the split would go to 50/50. The general idea is that the higher the returns are to investors, the more thesponsors make, and everyone is happy.

The downside ofmultiple waterfalls is that sponsors can sometimes be incentivized to return investor capital early (to boost the IRR) and trigger these waterfalls.That can sometimes putunnecessary risk on the asset if they are being to aggressive.

Kenny Wolfe, the founder of Wolfe Investments who has been involved in over $91m in real estate transactions doesn’t like the complexity of the waterfall structure many syndicators use.

We have steered clear of preferred returns mostly because those are usually accompanied with up-front fees charged to investors. Our investment structures are tied to the performance of the investment, and not just closing deals like the typical preferred return strategy.

He continues,

If we make our investors money, then we’re rewarded. If we don’t then we aren’t rewarded.

I originally didn’t plan to dive into the fee structure at all, but since Kenny brought up some great points, I think I’ll dive into the fees and how some different structures affect the incentives and performance of deals.

The Fees WhenSyndicating Real Estate

There are a lot of different types of fees used in syndication. Some are more common than others but all have their pros/cons. Here are the most common ones

Acquisition Fee

I’ve seen this anywhere from 0 to 5 points with 2 being the most common. Acquisition fees in a syndication are really common and most have them, but not all.

Syndicators are running a business and that has costs. Acquisition fees help pay for the operating costs, staff, flights, hotels, diligence, and other costs that are needed to run the business.

On the other hand, acquisition fees can be enormous on large deals and can drive some deal sponsors to be short-sighted and focus on closing deals rather than operating deals profitably.

Think about it, a $10m deal with 2 point acquisition fee is $200,000. That adds up fast! You can see how some sponsors will lose track of buying good deals and focus on just closing deals, regardless of how good they are.

Asset Management Fee

This generally ranges from 1-3% of gross rent revenue. This may or may not go to the deal sponsor and it goes to cover the cost of managing the asset and management team that was hired.

Construction Fee

Since the syndicator only gets paid when the asset is cash flowing, there isn’t much incentive to take on difficult projects. That’s where the construction fee comes in. If there is a major rehab project a fee can be imposed to compensate the project manager while the asset isn’t producing income.

It can vary but is often 1-2% of the construction cost.

Aligning Interests

There are a lot of competing interests in a deal and it’s difficult to align everyone 100% of the time – that’s why trust must be built with anyone that you’re investing with.

But, a few major points to consider are how all the fees and the preferred return and waterfall all fit together.

Deals with high preferred returns and high fees create incentives for the sponsor to find and close deals, but not a lot of incentive to maximize cash flow. As Andrew pointed out, deals with huge benefits to the sponsor at certain levels can cause them to sell early to bump the IRR artificially and trigger that waterfall distribution.

But, deals that compensate the sponsor more will create more incentive to produce high returns.

That’s why there are so many different ways to structure deals! Every sponsor and investor pool is different so they can create deals that work for everyone.

Structuring a Syndication Deal – Example

Similar to how Andrew structures deals, let’s say that in this deal there will be an 8% preferred return, 70/30 split thereafter, and have a 2 point acquisition fee and 2 point asset management fee.

The limited partners will get 70% of the returns after the 8% pref and the sponsor will get the other 30%. The sponsor will get 2 points up front and 2 percent of the gross revenue.

Example 2 – Syndication Structure

Kenny, on the other hand, keeps it simple. He might charge an 80/20 split with no acquisition fee, no waterfall, and no preferred return. The asset management fee is 2% as well in this example.

So, the limited partners get 80% of all the profits and the general partner gets 20%. If it does well everyone does well and if it does poorly everyone does poorly. There are very limited fees except for the asset management fee.

Example 3 – Hybrid Structure

Mark kind of does it a third way. He said he generally does the 80/20 split, but he does charge an acquisition fee and asset management fee but rarely does a preferred return.

The acquisition fee is more similar to Andrew but his split is more similar to Kenny.

It’s interesting to see how 3 different real estate syndicators have three entirely different ways to structure their deals.

How To Find Real Estate Deals to Syndicate?

These are large deals and you don’t typically see them on the MLS, so how exactly do you find deals for a syndication?

Well, three different deal sponsors had three different answers:

Now that we’re established as a solid buyer we get off-market deals across the US. We look at the on-market deals as well. These days the off-market deals have been much more attractive. – Kenny Wolfe

Andrew Campbell appears to have a more holistic view for finding deals.

It’s a full-time job, and it all comes back to relationships. Meeting and networking with brokers, talking to owners, title agents,insuranceproviders, property managers. Leads can come from anywhere, and in this market, you want to make sure you can see as many properties as possible, and the earlier and more off-market/limited market they are the better.

Mark Kenney has seemed to be extremely successful working directly with commercial real estate brokers.

We generally work through brokers to finds deals.

What About LoopNetfor Commercial Real Estate Syndication?

I’ve known about LoopNet for a while, so I was curious about it. Kenney put it simply though:

Loopnet is where deals go to die.

But, David Eldridge of NAI Glickman Kovago & Jacobs, a commercial brokerage firm in Worcester, Massachusetts, said,

Loopnet is far from dead. We do a ton of volume on it and use it almost exclusively for smaller listings.

How Do You Find Commercial Brokers and Get Them to Take You Seriously?

Commercial brokers are dealing with a lot of big players in the market, and it can be difficult to get them to take you seriously if you are a new player. Mark pointed out that “a market generally only has a few major names. The top 2 or 3 people have access to virtually all the deals, so you just need to identify them.”

He continued, “it’s not hard to get yourself onto their email list, but it can be more difficult to get people to take your offers seriously. It’s important to have some experience in the field and if you don’t, then partner up with someone who does have the experience.”

In the end, money talks and the highest offer usually wins. So, you can make up for experience with higher offers.

The Cost to Syndicate a Real Estate Deal

Now that we’ve got past the “what is a syndication in real estate” and the “how to syndicate in real estate” part of the article, we can get into the costs and money aspect.

The first logical question is about the cost of a syndication.

There are several major fixed cost items that every syndication requires, including – SEC attorney, earnest money deposit, diligence, private placement memorandum, loan application fees, and more.

So, let’s break them down. As some fees are percentage based, I’m going to create a hypothetical $2,000,000 deal.

  • Attorney for Contract – $3,000
  • SEC Attorney for PPM – $12,000
  • EMD – 1% – $40,000
  • Diligence – $25-$50 per door – $2,000
  • Loan Application – 1% – $20,000
  • Other Financing Costs – 0.5% – 1% – $20,000

Total Costs – $97,000 to get the deal done, of which $40,000 goes toward the purchase.

So the total fixed costs are $57,000 or 2.85% of the total deal price. As you can see, this is not cheap!

The syndicator has to front all the money and if the deal doesn’t close most of that money can be lost. So, you can see one reason why syndicators are compensated pretty well.

How do Big Do Syndication Deals need to Be?

We are talking some pretty big numbers here overall. Realistically though, how big or small does the syndication deal need to be in order for it to make sense?

Universally, all of the deal sponsors wanted to do larger rather than smaller deals. Both Mark and Kenny said they want deals over 80 units which allows for full-time on-site property management. Andrew prefers to look at it as a dollar figure and prefers to do deals over $8 million to keep the fixed costs as a small percent of the total costs.

How do You Find Investors?

Ok, most people reading this are probably wondering how you can find people to invest so much money. Most people can save up $50-100k, but you are talking about raising hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars for a deal. How?

Andrew says it’s a “second full-time job” which comes back to relationships and marketing. He does at least 5 sit-down meetings a week to grow those relationships.

Kenny is so well established that most of his new investors come from referrals though he also does a meetup, podcasts, and general outreach.

Example Syndication Deal

You might be wondering how much a syndicator can actually earn from one of these deals. So,I put together this example based on the knowledge I gained.

Let’s assume we found a property somewhere in Texas with a 6.5% capitalization rate. It’s about 70 units and is selling for $60,000 per unit. That’s $4.2 million total.

A 6.5 cap rate means the property has a net operating income of about $273,000 per year before finance costs.

With about $875,000 as a down payment, that’s about $190,000/year in finance costs (I’m rounding).

So the cash flow is about $83,000/year.

Of course some of that goes toward principal, and eventually, the deal will be sold and that will get distributed back to the investors. For now, though, let’s just focus on cash flow and not the entire return.

What The General and Limited Partners Earn in a Syndication

I’m going to keep the numbers super simple so I can do it all in my head. Let’s take the 1% asset management fee out of the gross rents. We don’t have a number for gross rent (only NOI).Let’s say it’s $8,000. If you were the asset manager, great you get to pocket that. If not, someone else does.

The rental income is now $75,000.

Of that cash flow, let’s say the syndicator is doing a 90/10 split and will earn 10%.

And let’s say he also put in about $100,000 into the deal, they would have a total equity of 21.4% and would get about $16,050 in cash flow. That’s about a 16% cash on cash return for the principal (excluding the asset management fee). Don’t forget, they earn the same returns as other LPs on the cash they invest, and then get their split just for doing the deal.

Realistically, this example doesn’t include any growth in value and is a very simple example.

Now You Know The Basics

…and it’s time to download your deal calculator to help you start analyzing your next deal.

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Eric Bowlin has 15 years of experience in the real estate industry and is a real estate investor, author, speaker, real estate agent, and coach. He focuses on multifamily, house flipping. and wholesaling and has owned over 470 units of multifamily.

Eric spends his time with his family, growing his businesses, diversifying his income, and teaching others how to achieve financial independence through real estate.

You may have seen Eric on Forbes, Bigger Pockets, Trulia, WiseBread, TheStreet, Inc, The Texan, Dallas Morning News, dozens of podcasts, and many others.

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How to Do a Real Estate Syndication - Real Estate Investing .org (2024)


Can anyone invest in real estate syndication? ›

Can Anyone Invest in a Real Estate Syndicate? No. Current SEC regulations generally require investors to be accredited ($200,000 individual income, $300,000 joint income, or $1 million net worth) before buying shares in riskier, illiquid private real estate offerings.

How much do real estate syndicators make? ›

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Work From Home Real Estate Syndication Jobs
CityAnnual SalaryHourly Wage
San Jose, CA$61,991$29.80
Vallejo, CA$60,716$29.19
Oakland, CA$60,640$29.15
Hayward, CA$60,536$29.10
6 more rows

What is the average ROI on real estate syndication? ›

Investors in a real estate syndication deal typically see annual returns of 8-12%, and sometimes even higher.

What is the typical structure of a real estate syndication? ›

Waterfall Structure

A typical market real estate syndication structure is a 7% preferred return with a 70/30 split. To explain it further, the first 0% to 7% of returns go directly to the limited partners, and the general partners receive zero.

What are the risks of real estate syndication? ›

Operational and Financial Risks

Cash flow fluctuations and income uncertainty are significant considerations in the syndication landscape. Rental income, a primary revenue stream for syndicated properties, can be subject to variations influenced by factors like market demand, economic downturns, and tenant turnover.

How do I find investors for syndication? ›

  1. Increase Your Social Media Presence. ...
  2. Develop an E-Mail Marketing Campaign. ...
  3. Invest in Digital Marketing. ...
  4. Build an Organic Network. ...
  5. Utilize Real Estate Investment Websites. ...
  6. Prioritize Previous Investors. ...
  7. Find Real Estate Investment Clubs. ...
  8. Use Real Estate Syndication Software.
Sep 20, 2023

Can you do a 1031 exchange into a real estate syndication? ›

You can also 1031 exchange out of one syndication and into another, as long as both are established as TICs. Real estate syndications offer an opportunity to pursue passive income with no ongoing involvement in the operations. Some investors prefer to avoid dealing with tenants, taxes, and property maintenance.

Why not invest in syndication? ›

Investors in syndications typically have limited say in the operational and strategic decisions related to the property, which are primarily made by the syndicator or general partner. Real estate investment syndicates, and the assets they hold, are illiquid, with capital committed for several years.

What is a good return for a real estate syndication? ›

Though it varies depending on the company, syndications typically last at least three years and earn anywhere between 7% to 10% per year in property rental income. This is referred to as your cash-on-cash return and is distributed to passive investors as monthly or annual distributions.

How do I get paid with real estate syndication? ›

How real estate syndication returns are paid depends on a few factors. Straight split: A straight split is where the cash flow and profits are distributed between the general partners and the passive investors, it could be a 50-50 split or be weighted depending on how much was invested.

Who is eligible for real estate syndication? ›

To invest in a real estate syndication, you must either be an accredited or sophisticated investor: - Accredited investor: You're an accredited investor if you have an individual annual income of at least USD$200,000 or USD$300,000 with a spouse. Alternatively, you may have a net worth of USD$1,000,000.

How do I join a syndication? ›

7 Steps To Investing In Your First Real Estate Syndication
  1. Decide whether to invest in real estate, period.
  2. Determine your investing goals.
  3. Find an investment opportunity that fits.
  4. Reserve your spot in the deal.
  5. Review the PPM (private placement memorandum)
  6. Send in your funds.
  7. Celebrate.

How are investors paid in a syndication? ›

The most common profit distribution models for syndication are the preferred return and the waterfall structure. In the preferred return model, investors (LPs) receive a certain percentage of the profits before the sponsor (GP) is eligible to receive its share. This percentage is typically between 5% and 9%.

How do you raise capital for real estate syndication? ›

Tips for Raising Capital for Real Estate Syndication
  1. Choose Your Sector. One of the first mistakes that most sponsors make is casting too wide a net when it comes to properties. ...
  2. Have a Business Plan. ...
  3. Start Networking. ...
  4. Meet With Investors. ...
  5. Multiple Investors. ...
  6. Build Your Authority. ...
  7. Know the Fundraising Limits. ...
  8. Location.

What is the first phase of a typical real estate syndication? ›

Phase 1- The Origination Phase

The origination phase involves identifying the property, performing due diligence, obtaining financing, and closing the deal.

What are the three phases of real estate syndication? ›

A lot happens during a real estate syndication deal, and the process is divided into three phases: the origination phase, the operation phase, and the liquidation phase. Knowing what happens during these phases and your responsibilities during each phase can contribute to a successful investment for everyone involved.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.