How To Ditch Your Pricey Mutual Funds (2024)

By: Mark Seed (If you’d like to contribute to CBB please contact me.)


Over the last few months, I’ve received a few emails from readers that go like this…

I’ve been with my investment company for over 10 years now. I’d like to stay with them because I like them but I keep hearing that high fund fees are bad for your portfolio. Is that true? Should I switch? If so to what?

I like your blog a lot and I’m envious about how you managed to get out of your high-cost mutual funds into low-cost Exchange Traded Funds and some stock investing. Where do I start? What should I think about?

Readers, I sense your frustration. I’ve been there so I know how you feel. I feel my biggest investing mistake to date was investing in pricey mutual funds for far too long.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results– Albert Einstein.

Today’s post will share my background in investing, why pricey mutual funds will hurt your portfolio and what you can do about it.

My background and mutual funds 101

Throughout my 20s and into my 30s, I invested in big bank mutual funds to grow my retirement portfolio. I recall the performance of those funds did moderately well throughout that time but on the cusp on the 2008-2009 financial crisis is when I really started to take notice of what these funds invested in, how they were performing relative to their benchmark, and mostly importantly, what fees I was paying.

For decades, equity mutual funds have been a hugely popular way for Joe or Jane Canadian to own pieces of companies. It’s easy to see why people use them:

  • Mutual funds pool investor money and therefore provide diversification. Many people don’t have the cash to invest individually in a large number of companies so a mutual fund allows investors to ownpositions in a bunch of companies. If a few of these companies don’t do well, no problem,therest in the fund should offset poor performers.
  • Mutual funds provide professionalmoney management services. Many people don’thave the time, energy or desire to research stocks, when to buy those stocks, what accounts to hold those stocks, so professionally managed money helps people in thisregard.
  • Mutual funds provide liquidity. Units of mutual funds can be easily bought and sold.
  • Some mutual funds can be inexpensive to buy. No-load mutual fundsexist. This means these funds don’t charge any feesto buy or sell units but they do have operating expenses, as you’ll read about soon. This means not all mutual funds are created equal.

So, there are a few different types of mutual funds you should be aware of:

Money Market Funds

These types of funds invest primarily in treasury bills and other high quality, low risk short-term investments. They are designed to offer stability and minimal risk, so given their low risk you’ll likely get very low return, usually in the form of regular monthly distributions.

Fixed Income Funds

By investing in fixed income securities such as mortgages, bonds and preferred shares, fixed income funds offer regular cash flow while preserving capital. Depending upon your risk tolerance, these funds are usually a good way to diversify (from equities).

Balanced Funds / Planned Portfolios

Balanced funds hold a combination of equities, fixed income and money market investments. These may also be planned portfolios. Investors will receive distributions usually in form of interest, dividends and capital gains from these funds.

Equity Funds

These funds invest in the stocks of publicly traded companies. These companies may be from Canada, the U.S. and around the world. These funds allow investors to take on more risk; and more risk can provide growth potential over the long-term.

I could go on about themerits and into more details about the types of mutual funds available, and while there are some great mutual fund products on the market, there are no high-cost mutual funds you should own for your portfolio – at least this is my opinion. This is because the money you pay in money management fees is the money you never keep you yourself. Let me say that again: what you pay in fees, is money you don’t keep.

Types of fees and what that means to you

This is largely why I left the mutual fund industry. Given the alternatives available to me, and based on our new found financial plan devised during the 2008-2009 financial crisis, my wife and I made the decision to ditch pricey mutual funds.

What price was I paying in fees you might ask? I was spendingat least 2%of our hard earnedmoney on fees. This is money I wouldnever see again.

If you don’t already know what you’re paying, here is a primer of what you might be forking over and what you should find out:

  • Front-end charges. These are fees to buy the funds in the first place. Basically, you’re paying to get into themutual fund game. Some funds have historicallycharged up to 7% for this – that’s $700 for every $10,000 invested folks! I never paid this much (7%) but I did pay 3% once for one mutual fund product.
  • Back-end charges. These are fees to sell what you own. Variations of this may be called exit or redemption fees or deferredsales charges (DSCs). Basically, you’repaying to get out of the game. Thesefees usually correlate to the amountinvested. They’reusually charged based on a sliding scalethat disappears over time. For example, there may be a 5% back-end DSC. In the first year to sell fund units, that 5% will apply but it could be reduced over time, as per the fund fee schedule, by 1% eachyear. Thus, if a fund is held morethan five years, there could be no fee to sell.
  • Expense fees. These are fees to cover operating expenses, to pay fund managers and to cover the transactions to buy and sell fund units. Operating fees and management expense ratios(MERs) can range dramatically. If you don’t know what the MER is for any of your mutual funds – ASK!

I’ve covered some of my investing background and shared a few reasons why I left the mutual fund industry. But there are other BIG reasons to consider ditching your pricey mutual funds. Thanks to some financial mentors, and some of my own inspiration to read many investing books after the financial crisis, I learned high fees are putting you at a major disadvantage to earning stock market-like returns. This is because academic research has signaled many times over:

  • The gross returns (that means before expenses) obtained by all money managers are in aggregate the market’s return,
  • The average net return (that means after expenses) to investors is the market returnminus the expenses of active stock selection, transaction costs, taxation and other expenses, which means,
  • Money managers, charging investors 1%, 2% in my past life, or even 3% in extreme cases, must beat the market every year over and above those fees charged for as long as the fund survivesjust to keep up with the market’s returns.

In essence: 1) most professionally managed money is at a massive disadvantage to the market’s returns and to compound this issue 2) there is virtually no academic evidence to suggest anyone, including highly paid professional money managers, can predict what the market will or won’t do over time.

Crap. That sucks.

So I just told you’re probably paying lots of money management fees, likely to under-perform the market over time AND nobody has any idea what the financial future will bring.

Where the heck does that leave you?

Well, it has been said there are two kinds of investors: those who don’t know where the market is going (and can admit it) and those who don’t know that they don’t know (and can’t admit it). Now that I have you in camp #1 there are choices my friends, and the last part of this post will suggest some for you.

I need to ditch my pricey mutual funds, now what?

First, I think regardless how nice your investment or bank financial advisor is, ask about your mutual fund fee structure and figure out what you’re paying in money management fees, and get it in writing. A blunt talk to come I know but something that is essential: because you can’t act on what you don’t know.

Second, now that you know what you’re spending in money management fees, and you recognize that keeping fees low/lower is important for investing success, consider what your alternatives might be.

  • Are you willing to stay with the same company, just different financial products including other lower-cost funds?
  • Are you willing to become more active in your financial affairs – say open up a discount brokerage account for DIY investing?
  • Are you willing to open up your brokerage account, but wish to work with a fee-based advisor?
  • Have you heard of robo-advisors?

Take some downtime to read, learn and ask lots of questions to figure this out. This relates to my next point.

Third, consider how investing in general, whether that’s mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), stocks, bonds, GICs or anything else for that matter – fits within your financial plan.Maybe I should have put this point first. I say that because I’m a big believer in plans before products.

I believe you need to know what you’re saving for, first, why you are saving, before you actually figure out the products to help you invest. Savings for short-term expenses like buying a new car, a down payment for a home, fixing the house; should probably be out the market and not really invested per se.

This means this money is likely kept in cash and readily available in a high-interest savings account for the next 2-5 years, or whatever you are saving for. Alternatively if you’re saving money for retirement purposes, and your timeline is >5 years then consider a mixture of stocks and bonds for longer-term growth.

I personally invest using what I call a ‘hybrid’ approach – investing in dividend paying stocks that generate income and a couple of low-cost, broad market ETFs for growth. That decision was based on our risk tolerance and financial plan. In the end it’s your financial future, so you need to have your plan – that’s where the process of planning comes first before products.

To wrap up folks, I think mutual funds in general have an important place in our financial industry; I listed those benefits above. I’m not against mutual funds at all, I’m just against the very expensive mutual fund variety – because the money you pay in fees you don’t keep for yourself and because of those high fees and lack of a crystal ball – you probably won’t match stock market returns over time.

A smart investor is a knowledgeable investor. Your financial knowledge starts with understanding what money management fees you’re paying for the financial products you own and how fees can impact your portfolio returns over time. Get out there, get asking some important questions – ditch the pricey funds – and get informed.

Learn, save, invest and prosper, and thanks for reading.

Mark Seed is passionate about personal finance and investing and is the blogger behind My Own Advisor. Mark is currently investing in dividend paying stocks and ETFs. He is almost halfway to his goal of earning $30,000 per year in dividend income for an early retirement. You can follow Mark on his path to financial freedom here.

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Photo Credit: Garbage Truck Driver Waving Cartoon- By vectorolie/

How To Ditch Your Pricey Mutual Funds (2024)


How do I get my money out of mutual funds? ›

What is mutual fund withdrawal process? The mutual fund withdrawal process involves submitting a redemption request through the fund house's online portal or physical form, specifying the number of units or amount to be redeemed, followed by the crediting of funds to the investor's registered bank account.

When to ditch a mutual fund? ›

However, if you have noticed significantly poor performance over the last two or more years, it may be time to cut your losses and move on. To help your decision, compare the fund's performance to a suitable benchmark or to similar funds. Exceptionally poor comparative performance should be a signal to sell the fund.

Is it a good time to exit mutual funds? ›

When it comes to equity, it is very important that, especially when you are thinking about long-term goals, you want to exit as soon as you have 2-3 years left approaching your goal and there are just 2-3 years to get there.

How do I get rid of mutual funds? ›

4 steps to selling a mutual fund
  1. Contact your financial advisor or mutual fund company. Get in touch with the advisor who sold you the fund, or someone in their company. ...
  2. Ask about any fees or charges. ...
  3. Decide how many units or shares you want to sell. ...
  4. Give instructions on what to do with the money.
Sep 26, 2023

How much tax will I pay if I cash out my mutual funds? ›

Short-term capital gains (assets held 12 months or less) are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate, whereas long-term capital gains (assets held for more than 12 months) are currently subject to federal capital gains tax at a rate of up to 20%.

Can you cash out mutual funds anytime? ›

Mutual funds are liquid assets, and as long as you invest in open-end schemes, be they equity or debt, it's easy to withdraw your investments at any time. Moreover, there are no restrictions.

Can my mutual fund go to zero? ›

It is quite possible that your investments are giving negative returns. But it is highly unlikely for the value of a fund portfolio to become zero. While the return on your investment (ROI) can be negative, it is impossible for your investment to become zero.

What is the 8 4 3 rule in mutual funds? ›

The rule of 8-4-3 for mutual funds states that if you invest Rs 30,000 monthly into an SIP with a return of 12% per annum, then your portfolio will add Rs 50 lacs in the first 8 years, Rs 50 lacs in the next 4 years to become Rs 1 cr in total value and adds further Rs 50 lacs in the next 3 yrs to reach Rs 1.5 cr.

Why mutual funds are a rip off? ›

However, mutual funds are considered a bad investment when investors consider certain negative factors to be important, such as high expense ratios charged by the fund, various hidden front-end, and back-end load charges, lack of control over investment decisions, and diluted returns.

What happens when you cash out a mutual fund? ›

In addition to the fees associated with the sale of your stake, you could also owe taxes. Some of the taxes you might be liable for include long-term or short-term gains tax. You might also have to pay tax on your proportionate share of the fund's capital gains which is done through distribution.

Why can't I sell my mutual fund? ›

You can enter an order to buy or sell mutual fund shares at any time, but your trade won't be executed until the closing of the current trading session or the next trading session if you place your order after hours.

Should I withdraw my mutual fund before recession? ›

Keep earning money

This may seem obvious, but it's best to avoid withdrawing large amounts from your portfolio during a recession. When stock values have declined, selling shares to cover everyday living expenses can meaningfully eat into your portfolio's long-term growth potential.

Should I switch my mutual funds to ETFs? ›

If you're paying fees for a fund with a high expense ratio or paying too much in taxes each year because of undesired capital gains distributions, switching to ETFs is likely the right choice. If your current investment is in an indexed mutual fund, you can usually find an ETF that accomplishes the same thing.

How long does it take to withdraw money from mutual funds? ›

Mutual Fund Redemption Time is as follows: When you redeem your mutual fund, you will typically receive your unit's funds within 1 to 3 working days. If you redeem a debt-related fund or a liquid fund, you will get your money within 1 to 2 working days.

Does it cost money to cash out a mutual fund? ›

Some mutual funds charge early redemption fees to discourage short-term trading. These fees generally take effect for holding periods ranging from 30 days to one year. Keep in mind that you may have to pay these fees in addition to back-end loads, which are a percentage of the total value being liquidated.

Can you take money out of a mutual fund without paying taxes? ›

Distributions and your taxes

If you hold shares in a taxable account, you are required to pay taxes on mutual fund distributions, whether the distributions are paid out in cash or reinvested in additional shares. The funds report distributions to shareholders on IRS Form 1099-DIV after the end of each calendar year.

Can I withdraw money from a mutual fund before the lock-in period? ›

The lock-in period for ELSS is three years from the date of each investment. This means you cannot redeem your ELSS units before this period elapses.

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.