How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me (2024)

Is Detoxing Your Body from Mold Possible? How to detox your body from mold? (My Mold Story)

Mold 101: Crash Course on Mold

  • What is Mold?
  • What Makes Mold Toxic
  • How to Know if You Have Mold
  • Toxic Mold Exposure: Signs & Symptoms
  • What to Do About It

How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me

How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me (1)

  1. Get Out of There
  2. Identify the Underlying Mechanisms for Your Toxic Mold
  3. Stabilize the Immune System
  4. Just Breathe & Calm Down the Limbic System
  5. Support the Body’s Cleansing Channels
  6. Minimize Supplement
  7. Love Your Gut Bug Army
  8. Boost Your Mitochondria & Hormones
  9. Lean into Daily Detox Lifestyle Practices
  10. Keep the Faith

Is Detoxing Your Body from Mold Possible?! (My Mold Story)

Will I ever heal from mold?

It’s a question I often found myself asking during my mold detox journey.

After discovering I was living in toxic mold, the roller coaster of surviving mold illness and detoxing my body from mold began.

No one can really prepare you for the toll that living through mold and toxic mold illness takes on you.

Signs & Symptoms of Mold Illness

Sure they can tell you about the signs and symptoms of mold illness, which may include:

  • Brain fog and memory problems
  • Headaches and sensitivity to light, sound, and/or touch
  • Insomnia and/or poor sleep quality
  • Anxiety, depression, and mood swings
  • Fatigue and muscle weakness
  • Muscle weakness and/or joint pain
  • Respiratory issues like recurring infections, wheezing, and/or allergy symptoms
  • Digestive upset such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and vomiting
  • Skin problems including rashes, itching, blotching, and/or redness

However, no one can really prepare you for the toll that living through toxic mold illness takes on your ENTIRE life.

My Moldageddon Experience

There was the year I moved 11 different times—house to house, couch to couch, Air BNB to Air BNB (all in search of “higher ground”—away from toxic mold).

The times I slept in my car, on the balconies of $3000 apartments in downtown Austin (because I couldn’t handle the mold inside) and on big comfy couches inside the “media rooms” in condos I rented (because the air felt better in there).

There was the time I visited home for 2 weeks and my mom set up a tent for me in the backyard. There were the 2 cars I had to trade in—because the mold and mycotoxins circulate throughout the vehicle.

There were the laptop computers I could no longer use—they smelled too much like mold. There were the bags and bags and hangars and hangars of cute clothes I tossed into the trash (good bye Lululemon) because I got an asthma attack every time I wore them.

There were the brand new mattresses and toaster ovens and toothpaste containers I brought home from Target that I sent right back to the store—they carried the mycotoxins from the warehouses.

The thousands of dollars spent on mycotoxin mold tests and supplements and rental properties I only lived in for 48 hours (goodbye $9000!).

The home after home after home open houses that I looked at to buy…only to find or smell…mold.

There were the countless sleepless nights, tears and moments of feeling completely alone—watching friends and family members go on with their lives like nothing was wrong in the world, when I could barely breathe in it.

There was the brain fog and dizzy spells that prevented me from concentrating on my best work…the asthma attacks and shortness of breath when I ate simple foods like avocados or strawberries or got exposed to a moldy building…the digestive upset I got from anything I ate.

The missed holidays with family…outings with friends…missed ability to engage and be FULLY PRESENT in anything I did.

The struggling to just get by.

Yup. Mold does funky (not nice) things to your body, your brain, your health and your life that no one can prepare you for, and unfortunately, most doctors, books and Dr. Google articles out there cannot answer. (The awareness about toxic mold illness and healing is still in its infancy).

Enter this article: How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me (most doctors and Dr. Google articles will not tell you about)!

Before we get to the “how to detox your body” play-by-play, let’s do a quick refresher on mold 101, then jump to healing.

Mold 101: Crash Course

What is Mold?

How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me (2)

Mold is a normal fungus found in nature that grows in both indoor and outdoor environments when environmental conditions are “just right” (humid, moist and wet). Most molds will begin to form within 24 to 48 hours.

What Makes Mold Toxic?

Not all mold is created equal. There is a difference in purple or green fuzzy mold or mildew you see on a shower caulking and toxic mold.

Mold toxicity is primarily caused by mycotoxins, which are basically poisons or toxic mold sports produced by indoor molds.

One of the most common sources of toxic mold occurs in buildings that have leaked, and the home materials (like carpet and drywall) haven’t dried completely (within 24-48 hours) or been removed. For example, if you’ve had a shower or toilet overflow or roof leak and didn’t get de-humidifiers running right away, it’s likely there’s hidden mold. Another problem is that water sources are often hidden—such as windows that were installed incorrectly and water that comes in when it rains, affecting the drywall; air condition drains, HVAC systems and ducting, carpets in bathroom areas, crawl spaces, water lines to appliances and basem*nts.

Even in buildings without water damage, mold and other fungi and bacterium can develop when indoor humidity levels reach around 50 to 60 percent. Additionally, the current practice of making homes more energy efficient, means that there is less ventilation with outside air, and toxic mold gasses can be trapped inside, potentiating their effect.

As for new buildings, mycotoxin accumulation is super common nowadays thanks to current building practices. Homes are built much more tight than ever before (like tupperware containers) and a combination of “green building” practices, shared walls, cheaper materials, fast turn around times and cheaper labor (common in modern day) don’t allow much room for “proper” building practices and mold-free building.

Lastly, toxic mycotoxins can enter your environment from porous items—like clothing, furniture, upholstery, or repeat exposure to moldy environments—like a moldy gym you go to daily or your work environment—compounding the mycotoxicity tracked into your home.

In the case of mold illness, a person becomes ill from chronic exposure to these mycotoxins—spore byproducts of mold that accumulate in both the home or building environment and body over time.

How to Know if You Have Toxic Mold

On average, more than 50 percent of buildings have moisture problems. In fact, one report found over 40 percent of buildings they examined had current water damage, and over 80 percent had past water damage.

Unfortunately, mycotoxins are not always seen with the naked eye (like the black splotches you see in pictures). In fact, most mycotoxins range from 3-100 microns in size and love to hide out and collect in dust and porous items (like clothing, furniture, upholstery, etc.). (For Size comparison, 1 micron equals .00004 inches; a human hair is about 75 microns across).

In order to know if you have mold illness and are being exposed to toxic mold, you need to do a combination of both environmental home testing and health (body) testing.

I typically will start with health testing for my patients, unless they suspect they are living or working in a toxic mold environment.

You can learn more on my blog about how to test for mold in your body and test for mold in your home.

Toxic Mold Exposure: Signs & Symptoms

How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me (3)

As previously mentioned, common signs and symptoms of toxic mold exposure include:

  • Brain fog and memory problems
  • Headaches and sensitivity to light, sound, and/or touch
  • Insomnia and/or poor sleep quality
  • Anxiety, depression, and mood swings
  • Fatigue and muscle weakness
  • Muscle weakness and/or joint pain
  • Respiratory issues like recurring infections, wheezing, and/or allergy symptoms
  • Digestive upset such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and vomiting
  • Skin problems including rashes, itching, blotching, and/or redness

A combination of symptoms as well as the simple complaint that “nothing helps” you feel better (despite doing all the things to be healthy) can be tell-tell-signs that something fishy (or moldy) is going on.

What to Do About It

So what to do about it?! Look no further than these 10 strategies to start healing and detox your body from mold today:

  1. Get Out of There
  2. Identify the Underlying Mechanisms for Your Toxic Mold
  3. Stabilize the Immune System
  4. Calm Down the Limbic System
  5. Support the Body’s Cleansing Channels
  6. Minimize Supplements
  7. Love Your Gut
  8. Boost Your Mitochondria & Hormones
  9. Lean into Daily Detox (Lifestyle Practices)
  10. Keep the Faith

How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me

When I was going through mold detox, I struggled with many of the “standard” protocols out there. At the time, it seemed like the “only options” consisted of taking boatloads of supplements, long term low histamine and low oxalate diets, integrating “extreme” or expensive therapies like colonics, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and completing the popular DNRS program exercises for hours each day. All of these things may have a time and a place (well except boatloads of supplements), but in my experience, I found that the simpler I made things, the better I felt—less supplements, more consistency with the lifestyle practices that worked for me, less dietary restriction.

Unfortunately, if you’re consulting Dr. Google articles (or many holistic practitioners for that matter) for how to detox your body from mold, many will give you the SAME advice: (1.) take binders, (2.) take supplements.

They may mention sweating (like sauna) or remediating mold…but that’s about it. However, there is so much more you can do to help speed the healing process.

#1. Get Out of There

How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me (4)

First and foremost, you can not fully heal if you are living or working in the environment in which you got sick.

For one, stress response and limbic system “fires” away, making it extremely challenging to feel safe and at peace once you know toxic mold is present.

For me, my body and brain continually flashed back to the night I felt like I was having a heart attack at 2 am in my bed (it was a severe asthma attack). It took me about 30 days to create a “game plan” for where to go and what to do (like get rid of most of my things), but it quite honestly, was the best thing I could have done—walked away as if a fire had happened in order to start a new chapter in my life and health journey.

If you are continually being exposed to the environment making you sick, all the detox in the world is going to simply be like “cleaning your room” by closing the door (and not looking at all the toys and clothes and knick knacks and food wrappers in there).

If anything, take a sabbatical to “get clear”—many folks find going somewhere where they can breathe fresh air helps tremendously (the desert, the beach, the woods, the mountains) or a retreat center like Sanoviv (an amazing functional medicine treatment center)—something to say “time out” to the mold hamster wheel and think straight(er) outside of the environment.

As for your “stuff”, check out this post on whether or not to clean or toss your belongings after toxic mold exposure.

#2. Identify the Underlying Mechanisms for Your Toxic Mold

About 25% of the population has the “mold” gene. Carriers of the HLA-DR (human leukocyte antigen) gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, making them more susceptible to mold illness due to poor detox capabilities.

However, mold illness doesn’t just happen because you have the genes. Something(s) “pull the trigger” to weaken the immune system and detox pathways.

As a functional medicine practitioner and health detective, I help my patients identify the underlying mechanisms that led to their toxic mold susceptibility. More often than not, stress (internal and external) has something to do with it, along with imbalances in the following systems:

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Gut dysbiosis
  • Nutrient deficiencies (from long term restrictive diets, low veggie intake or processed food diets)
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Immune dysregulation
  • Dysglycemia (blood sugar dysregulation)
  • Non alcoholic fatty liver/gallbladder congestion

Mold (toxins) can certainly drive these mechanisms; but sometimes these underlying are also at play prior to mold exposure—creating the “perfect storm” for mold illness.

#3. Stabilize the Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s defense system—cells and bacteria that act as gatekeepers for keeping you healthy. If your immune system is down, all your defenses are down, making you highly reactive to seemingly everything—mold, chemicals, foods, smells, light, etc.

Stabilizing the immune system is particularly essential if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or if you are super sensitive, highly reactive and stuck in the cell danger response.

In clinical practice, this is accomplished with a blend of immune stabilizing supplements, foods and lifestyle hacks, including:

MCAS Supplements

  • Mast Cell Stabilizer: Quercetin (250-500 mg, 20-30 min before each meal, 1 at bedtime) or others ( AllQlear, PEA (Mirica), MC Stabilizer or “Mast Ease” tincture, Chinese Skullcap, Luteolin, Boswellia, Camu Camu
  • H1 Blocker (Histamine Blocker): Claritin, Allegra or Zyrtec (10 mg at bed time), cilantro, basil, thyme, ginger, onion, mangosteen, nigella sativa
  • H2 Blocker (Histamine Blocker): Famotidine (like Pepcid), 20 mg at bedtime, Singular, holy basil and ginger

*Note: Before beginning any new supplements or medications, discuss your treatment with your healthcare provider.

Low Histamine Diet Trial

Consider trying a low histamine diet for 2 weeks to see how you feel. By limiting histamines in the diet, you inhibit the overabundance of histamine in the body.

If symptoms improve, continue following the low-histamine diet for 1 to 6 months; however, if you notice no difference, then stick to a low-allergen, anti-inflammatory autoimmune paleo die template for the same time frame.

Note: You don’t have to completely avoid ALL histamines; rather, lower the threshold of histamines in the diet with small servings and limiting the total amount of histamine foods in one meal at a time (for example Instead of avocado, 3 day leftover salmon and cooked spinach in one Mel, just stick to 1/3 of the avocado).

Immune Supportive Lifestyle Hacks

Lifestyle practices is where mold detox and immune stability is won.

Move It, Move It: Cut back on training; walking, yoga and anything that leaves you feeling better, not worse. Give yourself permission to not ‘kill yourself’ in the gym.

Get Your Beauty Sleep: Emphasize adequate rest; cut screen exposure in evenings and use blue blocker glasses to candle down at night.

Just Breathe: Breath is the #1 weapon for calming down the neuro-immmune stress response. Try: Sea salt inhaler or Olba’s inhalers (peppermint); Insight Timer meditation app; Deep breathing; Fresh air; Sleep with an air purifier on your head to circulate air.

#4. Calm Down the Limbic System

The limbic system is the part of your brain that stores memories and traps the stress you felt when your body was exposed to mold inside your nervous system.

Hence, if your limbic system remains “stuck” in fight or flight mode from your mold exposure and stress, you remain stuck in fight or flight mode (unable to fully heal)…until you ‘retrain the brain.

For example, I once knew a patient who had a bacon intolerance. She could not figure out why (she’d eaten bacon her entire life). Then she did the work (retraining her limbic system) and processing her health history, and uncovered she was cooking bacon when she first found out her husband was having an affair on her. Her limbic system trapped that stress and trauma inside her body until she gained awareness…and released it while working with a therapist and coach trained in limbic system retraining.

Mold illness (and staying stuck in being sick) works the same way—often occurring as a symptomology of something stressful or traumatic in our lives that we have not consciously processed.

My “heart attack” is a perfect example of this—the night I woke up at 2 am feeling like I was having a heart attack (due to breathing in toxic mold spores). For the next two years, I’d struggle to sleep in an actual bed and feel safe (much less go into a new rental home and feel safe) due to this instance that my brain trapped in my body.

Retraining the limbic system” is not something that happens overnight or even on your own. There are multiple tactics and exercises that can guide you and your body to releasing the trapped stress inside preventing your body and brain from healing.

For me, NLP training was a huge catalyst in my healing—learning how to tap into and unlock my subconscious mind (where 95% of our thoughts are spent without us realizing it, and where our stress response gets stored).

For others, retraining the brain may entail other outlets like:

Work with a practitioner to guide you in there right direction for you as an adjunct to your detox work.

#5. Support the Bodys Cleansing Channels

Detoxing from mold isn’t necessarily about just binding and attacking mycotoxins. It’s more a matter of supporting your digestive functions to be able to detox on their own properly!

“Detox” or “cleansing” is basically your body’s ability to rid of wastes and toxins as a whole (a daily necessity for healthy gut).

There are seven channels in the body that assist in the elimination:

  1. the lungs—breath
  2. skin—sweat
  3. kidneys—urine
  4. liver and gallbladder—break down and destroy toxins
  5. colon—poo
  6. lymph and blood—fluids that carry wastes
  7. gut bacteria—act like a liver with the same enzymes to breakdown toxins

These channels work hard to keep out the “bad guys”…as long as there is not too many toxins…

We run into problems if your body is overwhelmed with toxins and your pathways get congested, don’t have the right nutrients and can’t clear them!

As a result: Your body can’t get rid of unwanted waste and toxins properly, resulting in all sorts of health issues—hormone imbalances, gut problems, weakened immune system.

Some common signs that your detox pathways are sluggish include:

  • The Caffeine Experiment. Caffeine can tell you a lot about your liver! Ever drink caffeinated beverages excessively throughout the day and feel as if they have little to no effect on you? This is a sign that phase 1 of the 3 liver detox steps is working too quickly and you may have a tendency to build up other toxins in the body quickly. On the flip side, when you are extremely sensitive to the effects of caffeine or you are extremely sensitive to medications or supplements, this is a sign that your Phase 1 liver detox process is running too slowly—unable to break caffeine down…congesting your liver.
  • No Sweat. Can’t sweat, even in the sauna? You’re probably not a great detoxer; likewise if you sweat super easily—your body is crying to release!
  • Irregular bowel habits. Especially constipation—has “bad detoxer” written on it. You want to poop daily and ideally not be bloated or pass gas regularly. If you are a generally healthy eater but your gut problems like constipation and chronic bloating still are lingering, you’ve got some cleansing to do.

I always incorporate “drainage support” in my patient’s healing protocols. This entails things like:

Support bile flow. Bile is a sludge-like substance produced in the liver and stored the gallbladder that plays a BIG role in cleaning—it helps break down food, stimulate enzyme production and trigger bowel movements. if your pathways are clogged, then bile does not get to do its job.

  • Eat more greens—especially celery juice and dark leafy greens
  • Add in turmeric or liposomal cur cumin supplement—known to increase gallbladder function and contraction by 50%!
  • Try a gallbladder flush or coffee enermas. Use olive oil and lemon juice. Mix 1-2 tbsp of olive oil and 1-2 tsp lemon juice. Shake and drink every morning or night on an empty stomach for one month. This will exercise your liver and gallbladder while supporting healthy bile flow.
  • Water Don’t negate the power of hydration—drinking 15-20 ounces of water before a meal can super hydrate your stomach, encouraging it to produce more stomach acid and increase flow of bile and enzymes.

Sweat and dry brush daily. These practices promote the flow of toxins and wastes. Sauna sweat sessions and dry brushing became like brushing my teeth.

Take homeopathic and/or herbal drainage support. I often recommend a homeopathic blend to support mobilizing toxins so your binders (in #6) can be more effective. Pekana Big Three and Cognease Detox are a couple of my faves. The key with any supplement is to go “low and slow.” Work with your practitioner to dose appropriately.

#6. Minimize Supplements

Less is more.

In the functional medicine and mold detox space, it’s easy to fall into the trap of buying boatloads of supplements to “fix” every ill, imbalance or deficiency.

However, in my personal experience and many of the clients I’ve worked with, the opposite is actually true.

I actually often felt worse, not better when I was taking a rolodex of supplements—if anything, it was stressful to keep up with.

Then, I went on a supplement holiday—stopped taking most all of my supplements for several days, then asked myself: which ones do I actually feel differently taking? Like they are moving the needle forward?

For me, those included a couple handfuls (not the 20+ things I see many folks on).

  • Detox supports: Liposomal glutathione, liposomal curcumin, a broad-spectrum mitochondria support and phosphatydlserine
  • Gallbladder/poo supports: Digestive bitter herbs and magnesium/Vitamin C (as needed to prevent constipation)
  • High potency probiotics and prebiotics: Visibiome, saccharomyces boulardii and soluble fiber, like Fibromin (fun fact: probiotics and prebiotics can act like binders in the body)
  • Natural antihistamines and neuro-immune stabilizers (as needed): Quercetin, AllQlear, Boswellia AKBA, Cordyceps a lung-support tincture and Claritin (yes not natural)

That is it.

Quite honestly, I didn’t really tolerate binders—at least to the degree that they are ‘expected’ or often prescribed. And I definitely did not tolerate prescription medications very well. That is my body. I am a sensitive flower. Above all, lifestyle and nutrition trumped supplementation for me. Today, I only take about 3 supplements regularly and can always pull in the “reinforcements” as needed.

Every single one of my patients gets a customized blueprint with only the most essential therapeutic supplements for them.

#7. Love Your Gut Bug Army

You’re only as strong as your strongest army (defense system). For overcoming detox and immune challenges, that army is called your gut microbiome.

Did you know that your gut bacteria act like liver detox enzymes for helping you detox too? Additionally 70 to 80% of your immune system is housed and stored in your gut. Hence if your gut bugs are “out of whack”, you become the perfect host for mold illness and challenges in overcoming it too.

A common problem I see in clinical practice for many of my patients is that many of them were “doing all the things” to be healthy—following a keto, carnivore or vegan diet, working out (alot), and keeping up with the latest health information on podcasts, Facebook and Google…however what seemed like a “healthy lifestyle” on the outside actually disrupted their microbiome.

For example, long term restrictive diets that eliminate entire macros (like fiber in carbs or amino acids in animal proteins)—even if deemed healthy, eventually create dysbiosis (gut imbalance) in the biome.

And without enough healthy, balanced bugs, your immune system takes a hit!

“Loving your gut bug army” is not talked about enough in the mold detox space. Instead, there is A LOT of talk about “killing the pathogens”, looking for parasites and infections and of course, detoxing mold.

But what about balancing the gut? Loving the gut? Repairing the gut and optimizing digestion? #Gamechanger.

“Loving the gut” and optimizing digestion may include:

  • Taking the right probiotics for you (hint: 90% of probiotics don’t contain the probiotics they claim)
  • Chewing your food really well, slowing down at meal times and using digestive enzymes/bitters if you need to break food down well
  • Pooping daily (if you’re not, magnesium oxide like the formula from Upgraded Formulas, buffered Vitamin C, Smooth Move tea, coffee enemas, and bitter herbs can help)
  • Stressing it out less—detoxing overtraining and under-sleeping (not doing your gut any favors)

#8. Boost Your Mitochondria

Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses for every single tissue and cell in your body. Without mitochondria, your hormones would not work, your immune cells would not work, your digestive system would not work, your brain would not work. Nothing.

When we are exposed to toxins (like mycotoxins) in our environment, this sparks “oxidative stress” in the body.

Oxidative stress is characterized by the “overproduction of reactive oxygen species.” In turn, this creates mitochondrial DNA mutations, damage the mitochondrial respiratory chain (cellular energy), alter cell and membrane permeability, and influence overall homeostasis (body balance) and defense systems.

Basically: Your body (and all systems) do not and cannot function optimally.

Hello brain fog, diarrhea, fatigue, bad digestion, bloating and gas, skin issues, impaired detoxification, hormone imbalances. All. The. Things.

“Boosting your mitochondria” is a HIGHLY overlooked piece to the detoxing-your-body-from-mold puzzle.

How to boost your mitochondria?

Aside from supplements containing mitochondrial support nutrients (like B vitamins, l-carnitine, magnesium, CoQ10, NADH+, N-Aceytyl Cysteine, amino acids, phosphatydlcholine, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and R-Lipoic Acids—all of which can be helpful to a degree), there are several nutritional and lifestyle “optimizers” you can integrate into your daily life (and I am not just talking about drinking more coffee for more energy).

My top mitochondrial boosters include:

  • Oxygen. Developing a deep breathing practice (I used sea salt inhalers and lung exercisers to help me develop these skills).
  • Eating enough quality calories. Simply put, if you’re under-eating (even accidentally) or not eating enough nutrient-dense quality calories, your mitochondria cannot work to help you repair, recover and heal. Contrary to popular belief that everyone should intermittent fast or avoid carbs, you actually could be short circuiting your repair reserves without realizing it.
  • Eat (gasp) carbs (along with fats and proteins). On this note, carbs are NOT the enemy they are deemed to be. In fact, glucose (found in carbs) is the body’s #1 preferred source of energy—especially for your mitochondria. The reason why carbs have perhaps been demonized in the past is because most Americans are eating processed and refined carbs (sold in boxes, bags and bins). Yet, starchy roots and tubers (like potatoes, yams, winter squashes, beets, carrots, rutabagas, parsnips, green plantains) and even some properly prepared grains if tolerated (such as gluten free oats, white rice, brown rice, legumes) not only contain ‘instant’ metabolic fuel, but also provide the body and gut with fiber to help build a diverse gut biome (also essential for healing).
  • Exercise creates more mitochondrial energy in the body. Sedentary styles deplete it. (As long as you don’t over do foo much exercise!).
  • Sleep IS a nutrient. If you are not sleeping or experience insomnia during the night, this needs to be priority #1 for healing—whatever it takes. Melatonin. Blocking blue lights and overhead lights at night. Sleepy Time tea. Meditation or yoga before bed. Nixing the screens. Cooling your room down (68 or below). Wearing a blackout mask or using blackout curtains. Dropping work by 7 or 8 pm—not excuses. You name it. Do it to sleep optimally.

#9. Lean into Daily Detox Lifestyle Practices

One of my absolute favorite questions to ask my patients at the end of our work together is, “What are the top things that have helped you heal?”

And 99% of the time their answer has NOTHING to do with an elimination diet or supplement.

Instead, 99% of the time, it has to do with little “lifestyle game changers” done on on daily or consistent basis.

I call these your “Baseline Essentials” or the little “dial turners”—the little things that move the needle forward in up leveling how you feel.

Although every body is unique and story is completely different, as mentioned, the top “lifestyle things” that helped me the most included:

  • Getting fresh air as much as possible and
  • Neurolinguistic programing and limbic system retraining
  • IV therapies (PC, glutathione, Vitamin C) and Ozone Sauna sessions
  • Infrared sauna daily
  • Power yoga daily
  • Staying connected with friends and family
  • Taking 1 day completely off from work (a sabbath) each week
  • Healing my gut (high dose probiotics, saccromyces, cleaning up dysbiosis) and DIVERSIFYING my diet (to diversify my biome) after a short-term low-histamine diet + DAO enzymes
  • Breathing exercises and my sea salt inhaler
  • My faith and prayer

Today, in my work with patients, I help them identify and build their personal arsenal of strategies that work best for their body and also find food freedom + simplify the supplementation strategy.

#10. Keep the Faith

Last but not least, I know, without a doubt, I would not be standing on more solid ground today without my faith and hope in overcoming mold.

Every day throughout my journey (and beyond) my prayer has been the Ephesians 3:20 battle cry: “God do something SO big, when I look back it’s only you that could have done it”

I look back and see Him in more ways than I could have imagine (and continue to do so).

When we look up—versus looking in or to Dr. Google—something powerful happens.

Dont Go it Alone

Let’s help you take back your health! Connect with me and my fellow clinicians at my Thrive Wellness Clinic today and we will create a custom Blueprint healing plan to help you back on your feet in no time.

How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me (2024)


How to Detox Your Body from Mold: 10 Strategies That Worked for Me? ›

Some of the richest dietary sources of glutathione are spinach, avocados, asparagus, and okra. In addition to glutathione, quercetin and N-acetylcysteine support mold detox. If you're recovering from mold exposure, you may benefit from a concentrated dose of glutathione through supplement pills, inhalation or IV.

How to flush mold out of your system? ›

Some of the richest dietary sources of glutathione are spinach, avocados, asparagus, and okra. In addition to glutathione, quercetin and N-acetylcysteine support mold detox. If you're recovering from mold exposure, you may benefit from a concentrated dose of glutathione through supplement pills, inhalation or IV.

What kills mold in the body? ›

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal can be taken as a supplement for mold cleansing. Most people don't think about mold living in their bodies, but it can. Activated charcoal is a potent natural treatment. It traps toxins in the body, allowing them to be flushed out so the body doesn't reabsorb them.

How do you know your body is detoxing from mold? ›

These reactions occur when fungal organisms are eliminated from the body. Die-off reactions can lead to flu-like symptoms, fatigue, and a temporary worsening of symptoms. While uncomfortable, these reactions often indicate that the treatment is effectively addressing the root cause.

How do you get rid of mold and fungus on your body? ›

Treatment for skin fungus includes:
  1. Antifungal creams, many of which are available over-the-counter.
  2. Stronger prescription medications, which may work faster.
  3. Oral medicines, if the fungal infection is severe.

What is a natural mold remover? ›

One can create a natural mold cleaning solution by mixing 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with either two. cups of water or two cups of distilled white vinegar. Be prepared, as both the tea tree oil and vinegar can have a strong odor that can last for hours. The odor, however, is not harmful.

How long does it take to detox mold from the body? ›

And it's extremely important to make sure detoxification pathways are open and bowels are working properly. Detoxing out mold (after confirming the individual has a clean environment) takes around a year in most cases.

What kills 100% of mold? ›

Yes, bleach is a potent biocide that can be used to kill mold. The active ingredient in bleach, sodium hypochlorite, reacts with water to form hypochlorous acid, which kills mold by denaturing proteins, inactivating enzymes, disrupting nucleic acids, and destroying other cellular components.

What sickness is caused by mold? ›

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a kind of lung inflammation that occurs when people develop immune system sensitization to inhaled organic dust. Immune system sensitization is similar to an allergy. It can seem like pneumonia, but it does not get better with antibiotics for infection. Symptoms of HP can vary.

What are signs of mold sickness? ›

Although symptoms can vary, the most common symptoms seen in people exposed to mold indoors include:
  • Nasal and sinus congestion.
  • Eye irritation, such as itchy, red, watery eyes.
  • Wheezing and difficulty breathing.
  • Cough.
  • Throat irritation.
  • Skin irritation, such as a rash.
  • Headache.

What organs does mold affect? ›

Some types of mold are known to cause infections in immune-compromised people. Such infections can affect the skin, eyes, lungs or other organs. These are considered opportunistic infections that usually do not affect healthy people.

What are the neurological symptoms of mold exposure? ›

Mold exposure can cause a variety of neurological effects, including headaches and migraines, cognitive impairments, memory loss, confusion, impaired motor skills, depression, and other behavioral changes. Due to mold exposure, people with weakened immune systems may be more susceptible to neurological symptoms.

What happens to your body when there is mold in your house? ›

Some people are sensitive to molds. For these people, exposure to molds can lead to symptoms such as stuffy nose, wheezing, and red or itchy eyes, or skin. Some people, such as those with allergies to molds or with asthma, may have more intense reactions.

What are the weird symptoms of mold toxicity? ›

Mold illness causes many of the same symptoms as Lyme disease. Both trigger systemic inflammation and immune dysregulation leading to symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, headaches, joint pain, and anxiety.

How long does mold sickness last? ›

These symptoms usually first appear 2 to 9 hours after exposure and last for 1 to 3 days. Other affected persons have progressive shortness of breath and cough, as well as weight loss. Work-relatedness may only become apparent over long holidays if symptoms resolve and then recur on return to work.

What are the symptoms of mold in the gut? ›

A: Mold can cause diarrhea because it produces toxins that irritate the intestines. The symptoms of mold poisoning include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, fever, and fatigue. If you suspect that you have been exposed to mold, contact your doctor immediately.

What are the symptoms of black mold poisoning? ›

The most common black mold symptoms and health effects are associated with a respiratory response. Chronic coughing and sneezing, irritation to the eyes, mucus membranes of the nose and throat, rashes, chronic fatigue and persistent headaches can all be symptomatic of black mold exposure or black mold poisoning.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.