How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (2024)

How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (1)

euros || creative commons photo by Images of Money

When you’re contemplating a trip to Italy, the main things that will be constraints are time and money. Usually, people have more of one than the other – and chances are good that even if you’ve got money to spare, you’d rather not spend more than you have to. So budget questions are a big deal when you’re planning an Italy trip.

The thing is, answering those questions is really tricky. I can’t lay out one Italy travel budget that will work for everyone, nor can I answer every individual question that comes up. What I’ll try to do here, then, is help you set parameters for figuring out how much your Italy trip will cost, based on the type of trip you’re planning. I’ll also offer money-saving tips where I can, as well as let you know when I think splurges are warranted.

Keep in mind, however, that any actual figures I’m listing below are either estimates or may have changed between when I wrote them down and when you’re reading them. Use this as a guide, but double-check actual prices as you go.

Okay, then, let’s take a look at the cost of the different elements of an Italy trip.


How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (2)

Milan Airport || creative commons photo by Tilemahos Efthimiadis

Airfare to Italy is almost always going to be the biggest expense of your trip, but the actual cost can vary quite a bit depending on the season and your airport of origin.

Italy’s high season is basically May-September (although there are sometimes slight dips in August and slight spikes around Christmas, Easter, and other major holidays), which is when flights will be most expensive. The cheapest flights tend to be in the winter months – November, January, and February in particular. That means putting up with some pretty damp and cold weather, though, so if you’re hoping for that middle ground of not-super-expensive flights and not-super-cold weather look at the shoulder seasons of spring and fall. April and October are generally thought of as the best of the shoulder seasons.

The further away your origin is from your Italian destination, the more costly your flight will be – that’s not rocket science. What’s inexplicable, however, is how flights from North America to Paris or London or Frankfurt are often quite a bit cheaper than flights to Rome or Milan. It’s annoying, and it’s just the way it is. If you’ve got the time and like puzzles, you can work out what I think of as a “two-step” flight plan to get to Italy – taking advantage of a cheap flight to, say, Amsterdam and then hopping on a European budget airline to get you to Italy.

Note that if your itinerary is basically moving in one direction through the country, you should look at what are called “open-jaw” tickets – flying into one city and out of another. They may be a little more expensive than a simple round-trip ticket, but the cost difference is often negligible. And, as far as I’m concerned, if an open-jaw ticket means you don’t have to backtrack and spend part of your precious vacation time in transit within the country, that’s a splurge that’s worth it.

Actual Numbers: The Cost of Airfare to Italy

In summer, fares from the US east coast to Rome can be $700-800, while fares from the US west coast can top $1,000-1,200 (or more). In the winter, prices are sometimes cut in half. There are often fare sales, especially in the shoulder and off-seasons, so if you’re still on the fence and looking for a deal then be sure to set up an email alert with your booking engine of choice. That way you’ll be kept in the know about the current fares, and you’ll be aware of when they start to drop – or rise.


How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (3)

Albergo Abruzzi || creative commons photo by Bruno

This line item can be all over the map, from a bunk in a hostel dorm to a 5-star hotel in Venice. Unlike airfare, however, this part of the budget varies primarily because of things within your control.

Accommodation in Italy follows roughly the same high and low seasons as airfare – May-September is high season, winter is low season. There are more mini-spikes and mini-dips in hotel prices, however, for seasonal holidays (there are spikes for Christmas, Easter, and Venice’s Carnevale, and there’s usually a dip in August), not to mention a point at which the hotels in your ideal price range are booked up well in advance of holidays. In some cities, weekend rates will be higher because they’re tourist destinations. In other cities, weekday rates will be higher because they draw a large number of business travelers.

You’ll need to make your decisions about the type of accommodation you’re looking at, and then start doing some research into what prices are in the places you want to visit. I’d caution you against looking at only a certain star-rating (the star rating system for hotels in Italy isn’t the same as it is elsewhere, nor is it consistent throughout the country), and I’d also suggest that you look at other types of lodging besides hotels. Some budget hotels and guesthouses are listed as “hostels,” although they’re not what we’d think of as hostels, and vacation rentals are becoming more and more common throughout the country.

Because I think you really need to spend one night in Venice in order to truly experience the city, I’m calling a Venice hotel a worthwhile splurge. Stay on the islands, not the mainland. It’ll cost you a little more, but it’s one night, and it’s Venice.

Actual Numbers: The Cost of Accommodation in Italy

Beds in hostel dorms can range from $15-40 per night – the more expensive ones are in the main tourist destinations – and prices rise if you want a private room. Hotels in the 2- and 3-star range (I usually start my hunting among the 2-star hotels) can start as low as $80 per night and go up to $200 or more. And, of course, if the hotel in question is more luxurious or overlooking a major attraction, the price of a room will shoot up dramatically. You can save money by staying in a hotel that’s a little further away from the main attractions (just make sure it’s near a bus or Metro stop), by traveling in the off-season, or by skipping the big tourist destinations in favor of less-visited places.

Transportation Within Italy

How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (4)

Milan Metro || creative commons photo by Matteo Mazziotti

Unlike some places (I’m talking to you, United States of America), there is a wealth of choice when it comes to transportation in Italy. You could rent a car in Italy if you’re seeking out more remote places, but most visitors are well-served by the country’s intricate train and bus network (not to mention the armada of boats that ferry people around the coast and islands). There is a transport method that fits every budget.

Most travelers get around Italy by train, which is sort of the happy medium between the most cost-effective and the most convenient. You can get individual train tickets as you go, or get an Italy Rail Pass before you leave home. There are good reasons for each one of those options, and to figure out which is the right choice for you there’s some math involved. (I’ve written about this in a separate article, “How to Decide Whether to Buy a Rail Pass or Point-to-Point Train Tickets in Italy.”)

Bus travel in Italy can be even cheaper, but there’s no national bus network serving the whole country, so it’s not always easy to get from one region to another by bus. Renting a car can be more cost-effective if you’re traveling with a group (it can also be a necessity if your itinerary includes a bunch of places without train stations.) Keep in mind that there are also “train + drive” rail passes, which allow you to use trains for most of your trip but include a few days of a car rental for when you get to (let’s say) Sicily or Umbria and you want a little more freedom to roam.

When it comes to transportation within a city, I’m a big fan of public transportation – Metro first, buses second – if walking isn’t the best option. I also choose trains or shuttle buses to get into the city from the airport, rather than paying for a taxi. But once I get into the city center, I’ll splurge on a taxi to get to my hotel or apartment if I’m carrying luggage. On one trip to Italy many years ago, I negotiated the trip from Milan’s Malpensa Airport to my Milan apartment with two medium-sized suitcases and a carry-on bag via the Metro and a 20-minute walk. Sure, I saved money, but I was exhausted, aching, and cranky when I finally arrived at my door. Being frugal at the expense of one’s sanity isn’t math that adds up properly, if you ask me.

Actual Numbers: The Cost of Transportation in Italy

There are many options for Italy Rail Passes, depending on how many days of train travel you need, but – at the top end of the spectrum – a rail pass good for eight days of train travel in a one-month period ranges between $373-$465 (adults) or $304-373 (youth). A pass good for only three train travel days in one month costs between $212-$264 (adults) or $174-$212 (youth). Adding up the cost of individual train tickets (plus reservations, when needed) for the trips on your itinerary will tell you whether a pass or tickets is the more budget-friendly option. (Again, I go into more detail about doing the math on a rail pass vs. train tickets here.) As for car rentals, the cost will vary depending on the size of car and the season in which you’re traveling. An economy-sized (i.e. very small) car rented for a few days of driving around Tuscany could be as little as $50-70 per day. Note that rental cars are almost all manual transmission in Italy – automatics cost more.


I’ve met some people for whom food is merely fuel. One guy even went so far as to tell me that he “wouldn’t cross the street for a good meal,” let alone travel across the planet. If this sounds like I’m describing you, feel free to skip this section – you’ll no doubt be content with whatever cheap grub you can find in Italy.

I, on the other hand, consider eating in Italy to be part of my souvenir-gathering process.

The good news for budget-conscious travelers is that even if you’ve got caviar tastes, you can eat pretty darned well in Italy without a trust fund. Some of Italy’s quintessential treats – espresso, pizza, gelato – are some of its least expensive. And, despite what traditional Italian menus will have you believe, there’s no need to order something from every course – antipasto, primo, secondo, contorno, dolce. The Italians rarely do it, so why should you?

The best Italian food is made from ingredients that are seasonal and found locally (both of which cut transport costs). You’d be smart to find an outdoor food market, even if you’re not stocking your own pantry – getting an idea of what’s fresh and local will help you order wisely in that town’s restaurants. You’d also be smart to avoid restaurants that cater specifically to tourists with their menus-in-many-languages and hawkers out front telling you you’re hungry as you walk by the front door. Not only is the food apt to be of lower quality, the prices in these places tend to be higher, too (often because they have views of or are near major attractions).

Getting a carafe of house wine is cheaper than ordering a bottle, and in Italy the house wine is almost universally exceptional. Asking for water means you’re buying bottled weater, unless you specify tap water (acqua del rubinetto). Tipping in Italy isn’t really a thing (no, really), so don’t factor that 15% tip into your food budget.

Actual Numbers: The Cost of Food in Italy

An Italian breakfast is a coffee and pastry, usually eaten standing at the bar (the same fare costs more if you get a table), which will only cost €2-3. (Your hotel or hostel may offer a breakfast with your stay at no extra charge, too.) Pasta dishes can cost from €7-15 (depending on where you are and what’s in it), meat courses from €10-25, and side dishes (vegetables or salad) from €4-10. The afternoon shot of espresso that Italians favor costs €1-2 (again, it’s more if you sit at a table), and a scoop of gelato costs from €1-2. One of Naples’ world-famous pizzas – a whole pizza to yourself – may only cost €5. The same dish at a restaurant often costs less at lunch than at dinner, so you can save money by having your largest meal at midday. You can also stock up on fabulous picnic items at the outdoor food markets – cheeses, cured meats, fresh bread, fruit – if you want to save even more money, eating one restaurant meal per day.

Attractions & Activities

How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (6)

St. Peter’s Basilica || creative commons photo by Dennis Jarvis

The variety of things on every traveler’s “what to do in Italy” list makes figuring out one budget for activities and attractions nearly impossible. One person will be content with sitting on a park bench and watching people walk by (cost – nothing!), while another will dream of helicopter trips over each major city (cost – astronomical!). What you can do, however, is narrow down your list of must-do activities and figure out what they will cost.

Browse the official websites for all the museums, monuments, art galleries, and churches on your itinerary to see what (if any) admission they charge. Some attractions are free, some offer free entry on certain days or at certain times. This is all good information to have when you’re planning your own trip. Note that even if a church doesn’t charge admission, the facilities cost quite a bit in upkeep – donations of a euro or two are always appreciated.

Consider the merits of getting a city pass for the places you’ll be visiting. Does the Roma Pass save you money over paying full price at the attractions you want to see, or will you not visit enough of them to make it a worthwhile expenditure? Keep in mind that these passes often include transportation, too, which can factor into your budget.

There are lots of DIY tours out there – you can follow along with a guidebook’s walk through a city, or download an audioguided tour of a museum – so look into those options before you leave home. Even with those free options, however, I’m a big fan of taking guided tours when I travel – whether it’s a walking tour of a city or neighborhood, or a tour of the highlights of a specific museum, expert guides almost always make me feel smarter and more engaged with a place. The cost of tours varies widely, which means there’s one for just about any budget, but this is another example of a part of my budget where I think a splurge is warranted. And don’t forget to tip your guides, you guys.

Actual Numbers: The Cost of Activities in Italy

As mentioned, you’ll want to look up current admission prices for the museums and attractions on your itinerary and do your own math. For reference, at the time of this writing, these are the admission fees for some of Italy’s top attractions:

  • Colosseum €12
  • Vatican Museums €16
  • Uffizi Gallery €14
  • The Last Supper €8
  • Climb the Leaning Tower of Pisa €18
  • Pompeii €11
  • 3-day Roma Pass €36


How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (7)

San Lorenzo Market in Florence || creative commons photo by Monica Arellano-Ongpin

What you choose to bring home to remember your Italy trip by is the only thing that will determine this part of your budget.

You could spend hundreds on a genuine painted ceramic plate from Deruta, or less than €20 on a fake Gucci handbag (made in China, not Italy) from a sidewalk vendor in Milan. You could pick up a gorgeous piece of handblown glass on the island of Murano for the cost of a night in a fancy hotel, or spend a few euro on a miniature statue of David. It just depends on what you want to schlep back home with you – and what will give you the most joy when you look at it years from now.

Outdoor markets sometimes offer great souvenir-shopping opportunities – including inexpensive clothing, shoes, and leather goods. Those sidewalk vendors who sell knock-off designer brands from sheets or cardboard “tables” are selling illegally, and Italian police have the right to fine the buyer as well as the seller if they catch you – so think twice before you spend your money there.

There are a couple of official sales seasons in Italy – one in winter and one in summer – when every shop has what amounts to a clearance sale. Discounts usually start off at around 30% off, and drop throughout the sales period. If you’re visiting during one of those official sales, you may come home with some treasures obtained at bargain prices.

Also remember to do your research about what you’re allowed to bring home with you. This applies primarily to food and wine, as some foods can be confiscated at customs and with others you’re only allowed to bring home a certain amount. Each country’s rules differ on this, so you’ll have to find out what your home nation allows.

If you’re more of an “experiences as souvenirs” traveler, consider taking a class in Italy that will benefit you for years. Learn to make an authentic pizza in Naples, for instance, or take an intensive Italian language class in Siena – you won’t have anything to put in your suitcase afterward, but learning experiences like that outlast tangible souvenirs almost every time.

Actual Numbers: The Cost of Souvenirs in Italy

I can’t help you here, folks. This one is all on you. Happy shopping!

10 responses to “How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel”

  1. How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (8)Helene says:

    4 July 2016 at 15:11

    I am planning on visiting Abruzzo two times to see if I can retire there. I have read that the cost of living is less than other parts of Italy. I was thinking of perhaps settling in Sultano. I would have to rent an apartment because I do not have enough money to purchase anything at his time.It is very, very difficult get residency in Italy. The Italian Consulates expect Americans to be rich – they say this to your face. They expect that you have a minimum budget of $4000 a month. I am on a fixed income of less than $2000 a month. I am a retired teacher of English as a second language. Could I give private classes and be paid in cash? Is that against the law? I was thinking of settling in Sultano because it has a population of 25000. That is not too small but still feels like a town and not a busy city. I speak Spanish and am now learning Italian. I want to live with Italians and not other Americans. Do you know anything about the abruzzo region? Sultana? I was hoping to take the bus to Sacco to swim in the lake, but it may be small a population to live there. I cannot find their population. I know that the better prepared I am the better chance of success I will have. Ii am very sincere about wanting to live in Italy. I would appreciate any help that you can give me.


    • How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (9)Jessica says:

      6 July 2016 at 10:43

      Thanks for the note, Helene. As you’ve rightly said, this is a big decision and one for which you want to gather as much information as possible. I would highly recommend heading to your local library or bookstore to pick up the most recent copy of any number of books about living in Italy – there are a bunch of them (I used to own several), and the advice is largely similar, unless one is geared toward moving to Italy in order to work. I don’t know where you live, but you’ll need to do some of the paperwork through the Italian consulate for your area – so if that is close to you, you might want to make an appointment there and talk to someone in person about your options. This site lays out some of the details you would need to know about. I think the longer you can stay on your visits, the better you’ll know whether a place is right for you. You can currently stay 90 days without a visa, so perhaps you can rent an apartment for 2-3 months at a time to get to know a place. I hope that’s at least a bit helpful!


      • How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (10)Helene says:

        8 July 2016 at 08:50

        Thank you Jessica, everything that you suggested is very helpful – especially living three months in one location to see what it is actually like to live there. Thank you for your link to international living. I will order a subscription once I can afford to. Thank you also for explaining that I need to start at the Italian consulate and what documents I need to bring. I must travel 5 hours to get to an Italian consulate and it would have been extremely frustrating to arrive there without the basic papers necessary. It appears that the Italian consulates are telling Americans that they must be “rich” to obtain a residency permit. Apparently you must have an income of $4,000 per month, plus a lot of money in the bank account for the previous 6 months. There are Americans who have already purchased property but cannot obtain residency to live there! There is talk that, due to the large number of refugees coming into Italy, that the authorities do not want to take a chance that more people will become a burden on the government. Are there refugees trying to stay in Italy? What about in Abruzzo Province?
        Do you know of any English speaking bloggers in Abruzzo? It would be helpful to read of their experiences.
        Thank you again for all of your help. I hope that the information that I passed along to you will be helpful. I wish I could remember where I read this. If I can find a link I will pass it on to you. Helene Hensen


        • How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (11)Jessica says:

          8 July 2016 at 13:28

          I don’t know of any Abruzzo-based bloggers, unfortunately, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist! 🙂 Some clever web searching may reveal a few for you.


  2. How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (12)Virginia Campbell says:

    5 March 2017 at 12:51

    What about cash? How much cash do you need on hand and how many things can you purchase with a credit card? Do you exchange here or there? If there, is it easy to find a bank? I haven’t traveled for years and feel very rusty.


    • How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (13)Jessica says:

      5 March 2017 at 17:11

      I usually bring some euro bills with me, exchanged at home, and then plan to take more out at cash machines using my debit card when I’m traveling. Cash is still much more common in Italy than credit cards, even in restaurants, so you’ll probably be using cash much more often than you do at home. You’ll just need to make sure you notify your bank that you’re traveling, so they don’t freak out and shut down your account when they see foreign charges on it, and then you’ll be able to use cash machines at Italian banks like you do at home. Here are some travel safety tips for Italy, and you’ve reminded me that I really ought to write an article about using money in Italy. 🙂


  3. How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (14)Annita says:

    22 December 2017 at 05:06

    Great post, Jessica! Thanks for sharing. Budgeting and how to do it right is one of the hardest things to accomplish when it gets to travel. It is even harder if you are a compulsive buyer like myself. I am planning to get to Italy for the summer and I am going to find every pass available and make comparisons to save money. Thanks so much for this tip. This is what I did last summer in Greece. I found an e-pass for Greek Island Hopping at Hostelbay and I also booked passes for transportation and some museums. I want to discover everything there is about Tuscany, really looking forward to the wine tours 🙂 Where would you suggest I stay? Is Florence too expensive compared to Pisa, Lucca, Siena and Arezzo?


  4. How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (15)CRAIG says:

    29 January 2018 at 10:46

    Really enjoyable blog to read, am planning a trip for my birthday later this year and visiting some of the big metros. I’m European but the customs and culture of each country varies so it’s always good to read such articles as this


  5. How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (16)DMS says:

    11 February 2018 at 07:28

    Italy – not only my heritage (Minturno/maternal grandparent), but a beautiful country. We’ve been there three times and now that we are both retired educators (me just this past 2.1.18) one of our dreams is “rent a villa in Italy for a month.” We don’t need fancy, ideally “off the popular grid” beach town with typical Italian shops/eateries/etc. Our favorite Italy trip was a week in Florence living as a local…took my parents age 80…trip of a lifetime. So – looking for how best to find a small villa – we are spending this Feb 2018 in a Florida city, 1 bedroom condo near beach/pool, and finding the space just fine. Thanks for tips on “how to start the villa dream” – not in prime season, we’ve gone in May and found temps and costs just right!


    • How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (17)Jessica says:

      5 March 2018 at 17:21

      Many vacation rental sites have listings in Italy, so whatever service you used for your Florida rental may have just what you’re looking for. You may also want to try the agriturismo route.


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How to Create a Budget for Italy Travel :: Italy Explained (2024)


How to plan a trip to Italy on a budget? ›

How to explore Italy on a budget
  1. Fly into secondary airports or enter Italy overland. ...
  2. Shoulder season is the best season. ...
  3. Ditch the car and move around with public transport. ...
  4. Discounts are often available for train trips, if you know where to find them. ...
  5. Look out for lunch deals in trattorias. ...
  6. Stand up for your coffee.
May 20, 2023

How much budget for an Italy trip? ›

Planning a trip from India to Italy can be an expensive affair with flight tickets, accommodation, and sightseeing expenses adding up quickly. The cost of a 7-day trip to Italy may vary from Rs. 90,000 to Rs. 1.5 lakh per person, based on the season and the type of accommodation selected.

What's the cheapest way to travel in Italy? ›

Transportation in Italy on a budget

Public transport is an economical way to get around when traveling in Italy. Depending on the city, various options are available, including buses, trams, metro systems and even boats. Single-use tickets can range from €1.50 to €5, while daily passes usually cost between €4 and €15.

How much money should you save for a trip to Italy? ›

A one week trip to Italy usually costs around $1,254 (€1,166) for one person and $2,508 (€2,332) for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing. A two week trip to Italy on average costs around $2,508 (€2,332) for one person and $5,016 (€4,663) for two people.

What is the cheapest month to go to Italy? ›

The best time to visit Italy for those traveling on a budget is the tourist off-season from November 1st to December 14th, and from December 24th to March 31st.

How to plan a trip to Italy for the first time? ›

How to plan an Italy trip
  1. Step 1 – Decide when you want to go and your budget. ...
  2. Step 2 – Do some preliminary research and preparation. ...
  3. Step 3 – Confirm your itinerary. ...
  4. Step 4 – Book your flights, inbound travel & insurance. ...
  5. Step 5 – Book accommodation and transport. ...
  6. Step 6 – Book Attractions, tours and activities.

What money is best to take to Italy? ›

You'll only be able to spend in euros in Italy. While you can carry cash in CAD and convert it on arrival, or get some EUR in cash before you leave, for many travellers using a specialised travel card for cash withdrawals in Italy as and when you need them is the easiest solution.

How much would a 10 day trip to Italy cost? ›

Most Popular Italy Tour Packages:
Tour Packages NameDurationPrice
Italian Charm With Amalfi8 Nights 9 DaysRs. 170 885
Swiss And Italy9 Nights 10 DaysRs. 206 205
Italian Delights (Summer 2024)8 Nights 9 DaysRs. 250 330
Fusion Europe (Summer 2024)10 Nights 11 DaysRs. 262 878
1 more row

How many days are enough for Italy? ›

The most suitable period of time to spend in Italy is no different than the ideal number of days to holiday in Greece. Seven to ten days is enough to experience the best of Italy. But as you can expect, much of that depends on your preferences, desired destinations, interests, and your budget.

What is the cheapest city to fly into Italy from USA? ›

But typically Rome (FCO) or Milan (MXP) will be cheapest in terms of flights. There are sometimes deals to Venice, Florence, or Naples but you just have to look regularly.

What is the best travel option in Italy? ›

Italy's regional trains, also known as local trains, offer an economical but slower alternative to high-speed trains. These trains connect all major cities with smaller towns, such as Florence with Pisa and Lucca, making them the ideal choice if you plan to explore the smaller cities and towns here.

How much does lunch cost in Italy? ›

You can find great deals as low as €9 that include water and coffee. Other great lunch options are the classic trattorias and osterias, offering pasta dishes ranging from €9–14, and second courses from €12–20. For a sit-down lunch at a traditional Roman restaurant, budget around €15–20 per person.

What is the best time of year to go to Italy? ›

The best time to visit Italy is during the spring (April-May) or early fall (September-October) when the weather is pleasant, the prices are low and the crowds are thin. Italy is fortunate to have a temperate climate most of the year, with the summer months (June, July, and August) being the hottest.

How much spending money for 1 week in Italy? ›

You'll need to budget around £70 per person per day or £490 per week for a trip to Italy, including all meals and excursions. Be sure to budget for more if you plan to eat in more upmarket restaurants.

What are the best months to visit Italy? ›

The best time to visit Italy is during the spring (April-May) or early fall (September-October) when the weather is pleasant, the prices are low and the crowds are thin. Italy is fortunate to have a temperate climate most of the year, with the summer months (June, July, and August) being the hottest.

Where is the cheapest place to visit in Italy? ›

For some of the most budget traveller-friendly places in Italy, head to Cinque Terre instead of Positano on the Amalfi Coast, Naples or Bologna instead of Milan or Rome, as well as countless charming small towns and villages throughout the countryside. Sicily is also very affordable all year round.

How many day should I spend in Italy? ›

The most suitable period of time to spend in Italy is no different than the ideal number of days to holiday in Greece. Seven to ten days is enough to experience the best of Italy. But as you can expect, much of that depends on your preferences, desired destinations, interests, and your budget.

How to afford to go to Italy? ›

If you want to save some money, plan your trip for the low season (November through March), when you'll find better rates and fewer crowds. Just keep in mind that while cities like Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan are year-round destinations, coastal destinations like the Amalfi Coast all but shut down in the winter.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.