How To Buy Rental Property With No Money Down In 2024 (2024)

Learn how to buy investment property with no money down

If you’re wondering how to buy a rental property with no money down, you’re not alone. Many aspiring real estate investors start with little cash flow.

Believe it or not, your current financial situation might not be a barrier.

Both renters and homeowners have the opportunity to become real estate investors, building wealth through home equity, even when they have little or no money for a down payment.

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In this article (Skip to...)

  • Rent primary residence
  • Tap home equity
  • Multi-unit rental
  • BRRRR method
  • Partnership
  • Lease purchase
  • Assume a mortgage
  • Seller financing
  • Hard money loan
  • Credit cards
  • FAQ

What does it mean to buy rental property with no money down?

When flippers, home buyers, and investors purchase rental property with “no money down,” it means they’re buying real estate without putting much or any of their own money into the upfront costs of the investment property.

Real estate investors may increase their odds that rental properties will have a favorable return on investment when less of their own money is used to fund ventures.

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While purchasing property typically requires a cash investment, understanding how to buy a rental property with no money can change the game. Using other funding channels, like home equity or co-borrowing, can be a great way to get started in real estate investing if your current savings are slim to none.

10 ways to buy rental a property with no money down

1. Invest in a new home and make your primary residence a rental

If you already own a home, you’re ahead of the game. One of the more common ways to become a real estate investor is by turning your current primary residence into a rental property. There are significant advantages to “backing into your first rental property” this way.

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  • Traditional investment property loans require a larger down payment and come with higher interest rates. Often times, you can expect a 20% down payment requirement
  • The interest rate on an investment property is generally higher than the rate on your primary residence by a half percent or more

The investment strategy is to rent out your current home and finance the next home you buy as a primary residence (meaning you’ll be living there full time). That way, you pay a lower interest rate on both properties. And if you’re still making mortgage payments on that first home, you can use the income you make from rent to cover part or all of the mortgage.

“Be prepared to provide a letter of explanation,” notes Jon Meyer, The Mortgage Reports loan expert and licensed MLO. “It may be requested depending on how long you have been in the original home.”

2. Leverage home equity with a HELOC or cash-out refinance

Using a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or cash-out refinance to buy property is another financing option for existing homeowners.

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HELOC or home equity loan

If you own a home, you may be able to use your home’s equity for a down payment on your next place. One way to do that is by borrowing cash secured against your home equity. Homeowners may be able to obtain a standard home equity loan or a HELOC to fund a down payment.

Using a HELOC, you secure a line of credit against your home and then draw on it whenever you need cash flow. And you can begin paying the loan back with rental income.

Cash-out refinance

The other type of loan that leverages your home equity is cash-out refinancing. A cash-out refinance lets you refinance your mortgage for a higher amount than you actually owe. Then, you take that extra loan amount out as a lump sum of cash.

In this scenario, the money advanced to you by a cash-out refinance can be used to make the down payment on an investment property. In other words, if you have enough equity in your current home, you may be able to start investing with no money out of pocket.

Verify your eligibility for a cash-out refinance or HELOC. Start here

3. Be a resident and the landlord: Buy a multi-unit home

Your primary residence doesn’t have to be a single-family home. Multifamily homes can be a great way for novice real estate investors and aspiring property managers to get started buying properties that generate income.

Check your eligibility for a multi-unit FHA loan. Start here

First, with the help of a professional, find a good real estate deal on a 2-4 unit property. These homes are typically known as multi-unit properties. While living in one unit, you’ll rent out the others. You can then use the rent payments to help offset your mortgage payment.

The key here is that you can buy a multi-unit property using an affordable financing option — like an FHA loan or VA loan— as long as you live in it, too.

Mortgage programs like FHA loans don’t just have good rates and terms. They also give you options for covering the down payment.

You may be able to obtain gift funds or perhaps even down payment assistance. And you can use these programs to buy a home without emptying your bank account.

If not, thanks to the Federal Housing Administration’s low down payment loan requirements, borrowers with good credit only need 3.5% of the purchase price for the down payment with either a traditional FHA mortgage or the FHA 203K loan, which is well-suited for fixer-uppers.

Although you might incur some out-of-pocket upfront costs, they will likely be significantly less than a traditional 20% down payment, especially when you’re investigating how to buy a rental property with no money.

4. Try the BRRRR Method

The BRRRR strategy refers to a traditional real estate investment strategy that requires initial cash but provides returns later. The acronym BRRRR stands for “buy, renovate, rent, refinance, and repeat.”

Here is how the method works:

  1. Buy: You acquire a distressed property that needs remodeling with a renovation loan. The goal here is to find a property that, after some improvements, can generate a higher rent than its current condition.
  2. Rehab: The second step is rehabbing, or renovating, the property. This could involve minor cosmetic updates or major structural fixes. The aim is to improve the property’s condition and thus increase its value.
  3. Rent: Once the property has been improved, it is rented out to tenants. The rent collected should ideally cover all expenses such as mortgage payments, insurance, property taxes, and any maintenance costs.
  4. Refinance: After the property has been rented, you then refinance the property with a new mortgage. The new loan is ideally based on the property’s increased value post-rehab. In many cases, the new loan will be large enough to pay off the original mortgage used to purchase the property and cover the renovation costs.
  5. Repeat: The final step is simply to repeat the process with a new property. The cash-out funds from the refinance step are used to purchase another distressed property, and the cycle begins again.

The BRRRR method can be a powerful strategy for those who are exploring how to buy a rental property with no money down, but it does require significant real estate and financial knowledge to execute effectively. It also comes with risks, such as unexpected renovation costs, difficulty refinancing, or problems finding tenants. It’s important to do thorough research and possibly seek professional advice before embarking on this strategy.

Review your renovation loan options. Start here

5. Lack credit or funding? Partner up with a co-borrower

Maybe you don’t have enough money for a down payment or closing costs, but you want to start investing in rental properties. What’s more, you’re willing to do the research it’ll take to buy and manage these investments responsibly.

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Your friend, on the other hand, has money for a down payment. But they don’t have time to learn the ropes of buying rental properties.

This scenario could be a win-win for both you and your friend. You can go in on the investment together by acting as co-borrowers. You’ll share responsibility for monthly payments on the house, and you can also share profits that come from rent payments or equity buildup.

When considering how to buy a rental property with no money, remember that a co-borrower can be more than just a friend. They can also be a family member or even a stranger willing to act solely as a business partner in your real estate venture.

6. Look for a lease purchase option

If a traditional mortgage is not suited to your financial situation, another proven way to invest in real estate with no money is through what’s known as a lease option or a rent-to-own home.

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Under lease options, the property owner charges the buyer a monthly or yearly premium in the form of higher rental payments. The excess rental fee will then be channeled towards the purchase price of the home.

With this type of agreement, you may be able to invest in real estate with a slightly higher rental fee.

7. Assume an existing mortgage

An assumable mortgage is one where the buyer can take over the seller’s mortgage, typically with little to no change in terms or interest rate. Basically, the buyer receives the title to a property in return for making monthly payments on the seller’s mortgage.

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Using the seller’s existing financing can be especially effective if the current loan has a low interest rate. But keep in mind that this scenario requires a bit more research.

In particular, you will want to make sure there is no due-on-sale clause. This type of clause prohibits the new buyer from assuming the mortgage. And more often than not, assuming a mortgage will require lender approval. So you’ll still have to prove your creditworthiness and fill out some paperwork.

8. Look for seller financing

Another way to acquire property with no money down is with help from the seller. Known as “owner financing" or “seller financing,” this type of loan is an agreement where the seller handles the mortgage process instead of a financial institution. The borrower repays the loan as specified in its repayment terms, which are detailed in the formal agreement.

Check your mortgage eligibility. Start here

This works especially well with sellers who have no mortgage. For example, this can happen when someone inherits a property and does not want to keep it.

For sellers who are willing to take on the role of financier, owner financing can help sellers move a home faster with sizable returns on their investment.

9. Hard money loan

House flippers are known for using hard money lenders to help them house hack into a real estate deal. Hard money loans are non-conforming loans that are generally provided by private money lenders, individual investors, or groups that offer money upfront for short-term borrowing.

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Hard money loans are private money lent with high interest rates and short terms. They allow investors to secure financing based on the property’s current or even future value.

Hard money lenders may pull your credit score, but the underwriting process is typically less strict than with a traditional mortgage loan.

If you find a deal on a fixer-upper and you qualify for a hard money lender’s loan-to-value guidelines, you may be able to purchase it with little or no money down. Also, “if you are buying an investment property, you will need collateral, such as a separate property, to go this route,” says Meyer.

10. Use a credit card

Using a credit card to buy a rental property can be quite risky due to the high interest rates and potential for mounting debt. However, in some situations, it may be a feasible short-term solution, especially for relatively small amounts needed to close a deal.

For example, if you have a high enough credit limit, getting a cash advance to fund your down payment or closing costs is a viable way to buy real estate with a credit card.

Let’s say John found a bargain fixer-upper property for $50,000, and he estimates it will need $20,000 in renovations. He has the cash for the renovations but is a bit short on the purchase price. He has a credit card with a limit of $15,000 and an introductory interest rate of 0% for the first 12 months.

John decides to put $15,000 of the purchase price on his credit card, thus enabling him to buy the property. He then puts his cash towards the renovation. Once the work is complete, he rents out the property and starts to generate income.

John now has two primary goals:

  1. To refinance the property based on its new, higher value (the after-repair value, or ARV)
  2. And to pay off his credit card before the introductory rate period ends

He contacts a mortgage lender who specializes in rental properties. The property appraises at $90,000 after the renovations. John is able to get a new mortgage for 75% of that value, or $67,500. He uses a portion of the refinanced amount to pay off the $15,000 on his credit card well before the 0% interest rate period ends and then continues with the mortgage payments, which are covered by the rental income.

Using a credit card to buy a rental property does require a good deal of planning and risk management. It’s essential to have a solid understanding of all the costs involved, a clear plan for renovation and rental, and a strategy to refinance and pay off the credit card debt before higher interest rates kick in.

Pros and cons of buying rental property with no money down

When it comes to real estate investment, the idea of buying a rental property with no money down can be very appealing. However, like any investment strategy, it has its own set of advantages and challenges.


  • Minimal initial investment: One of the biggest advantages is the low barrier to entry. You can start investing in real estate without needing a significant amount of capital upfront, making it accessible for many aspiring investors. This is particularly true for owner-occupied properties, where living in one unit while renting out others can significantly reduce costs.
  • Potential for higher returns: With little to no initial investment, the potential return on your investment can be significant. This leverage can amplify your profits as the value of the property appreciates over time, especially in multifamily properties that can generate considerable passive income.
  • Learning opportunities: Starting with a no-money-down approach can be a great learning experience. It forces you to be creative with financing, perhaps utilizing private lenders, and to deeply understand the market and property investment strategies.


  • Higher risk: Purchasing a property with no money down often means taking on more debt, which can increase financial risk. If the property value decreases or if you face difficulties with tenants in multifamily properties, you might end up owing more than the property is worth.
  • Dependence on financing: This approach heavily relies on finding lenders willing to finance the entire purchase price, which can be challenging. Loan terms from private lenders might also be less favorable compared to traditional lenders.
  • Potential for negative cash flow: If the rental income from your property investment does not cover your mortgage payments and other expenses, you might face negative cash flow. This can put financial strain on your investment and personal finances.

In conclusion, while exploring how to buy a rental property with no money down can be a gateway to real estate investing and generating passive income, it’s important to weigh the potential risks against the benefits. Proper research, understanding of the market, and careful planning are essential to succeed in this investment approach.

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FAQ: How to buy a rental property with no money down

How can I buy a rental property with no money?

To buy a rental property with no money, you can explore various financing options like seller financing, lease options, or partnerships. Another strategy is to secure a mortgage that covers 100% of the property’s value. Exploring how to buy an investment property with no money down involves being resourceful and exploring creative financing methods.

What is the BRRRR method?

The BRRRR method stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. It’s a strategy used in real estate investing where you buy a property, renovate it, rent it out, refinance it to retrieve your initial investment, and then repeat the process. This method can be particularly effective for those interested in discovering how to buy a rental property with no money, as it focuses on recycling capital through refinancing.

What are the advantages of buying property without money?

Buying property with no money down has several advantages. It allows for portfolio expansion without substantial personal financial investment. This strategy can lead to positive cash flow, increased leverage, and accelerated wealth building. Learning how to buy a rental property with no money can open doors to investment opportunities that might otherwise be inaccessible.

How can I invest in property without a lot of money?

Investing in property with minimal funds is possible by using strategies like house hacking, where you live in part of the property and rent out the rest, or by partnering with other investors. Other options include seeking seller financing or using government-backed loan programs. Understanding how to buy an investment property with no money down makes real estate investment accessible to those with limited capital.

Discover how to buy a rental property with no money

Launching into real estate investment and wondering how to buy a rental property with no money? It’s simpler than you may think, even for beginners.

Don’t wait to become a seasoned real estate entrepreneur. Explore ways to buy property affordably and connect with a mortgage lender to learn more about your loan options.

Click the links below to begin your journey.

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How To Buy Rental Property With No Money Down In 2024 (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.