How To Build a Successful Etsy Shop and Make Money From Home (2024)

Today we have an amazing interview with Christina who is the founder of Christina Ceo.In this interview, Christina shares tips and resources on how to build a successful Etsy shop and make full-time income right from home.

In 2014, Christina decided to open up an Etsy shop with little to no experience and within months she was able to quit her corporate career to work full-time from home. Now she earns six figures a year with her Etsy shop. This interview will show Etsy creators how to grow their businesses and make money from home.

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Table of Contents

1. Please give us a little background about yourself? How did you get started as an Etsy shop owner? How long have you been an Etsy shop owner? What type of product do you sell in your shop?

In 2014, I was working as a graphic designer for a corporate environment. It was an entry-level job so I wasn’t making much money. I decided to open an Etsy shop to try to earn a little extra income to help pay my bills.At first, I started with something that I love to do; design. I would design custom invitations for birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, etc. At first, I was only selling digital files of invitations that people would download. I thought it was so cool that I could do something I really enjoyed and actually get paid for it.

As more and more orders came through I realized I could make something out of this business and I just kept reinvesting the money until I was able to purchase machinery to sell printed invitations.So that’s what I sell on Etsy, custom printed invitations.

2. What exactly is an Etsy shop owner? What do they do? What does a normal day look like?

An Etsy shop owner is an individual that owns and operates a shop on Etsy. Etsy is an online handmade community! The items that you see listed for sale on Etsy are actually handmade by different people around the world.An Etsy shop owner may be a college student looking to make a few extra dollars with their crafts or they could be a stay at home mom with 3 children.
Each day as an Etsy shop owner is different. A normal day for me is working right from my exercise classwhile my daughters go todaycare.

My shop requires a lot of communication with buyers when designing custom invitations so I usually start with emails. Once I’m done with checking email I start printing orders that were approved by customers. After that, I go down to my basem*nt office to cut the invitations down to size, package them up and print out the shipping labels. Then the rest of the day I spend designing new designs.

3. What type of skill(s) does an individual need if they are interested in becoming an Etsy shop owner?

Having great customer service skills is a must when you become an Etsy shop owner. Etsy recently changed their layout and buyers constantly contact me asking questions about my products. It gets frustrating sometimes to answer the same questions that are already listed in the description, but I know it’s not the customer’s fault.You also have to be prompt and make sure that you are sending out orders on time. You haveto set a processing time for your products and Etsy holds each person accountable. If you’re not sending out orders on time they will “penalize” you by listing your products lower in search results.

4. How much can a person expect to make per month? How much can they expect to make after one full year?

It really depends on the product that you’re making. If you find a profitable item to sell then you could expect to earn a couple of hundred dollars a month just starting out. If you keep working on your shop and reinvest you could start seeing a good amount of money coming in after a year. I was making a couple of thousand dollars a month after one year of selling on Etsy.
 I know for a fact that there are multiple shops on Etsy that are earning well over a million dollars a year.

5. What do you like best about being an Etsy shop owner?

I love the fact that I can set my own hours. I can do what I want and when I want. I don’t have to answer phone calls all day long. Most importantly, I can spend more time with my girls.

6. What’s the best way to promote a new shop on Etsy?

In all honesty, I don’t spend too much time promoting my products. I know, that sounds weird and I really should, but I spend more time creating quality listings. I work really hard on SEO (search engine optimization) and creating quality products.

If there’s one platform I would really recommend promoting your handmade products it would be Pinterest.

7. What are 2 ways someone can find success on Etsy?

You can find success on Etsy if you really work hard on your Etsy shop. Spend as much time as you can to absorb any information that you can about selling with Etsy. Read books, blogs and listen to podcasts!

Secondly, pick a product to make that you absolutely love. If you don’t absolutely love the product that you make then you will get bored with your business or you will procrastinate and fall behind on orders because you don’t have the energy to create the products.You might start out selling one product that you think you love, and down the road, you might find something even more exciting to create.

8. What are your go-to resources for a shop owner?

Pinterest is my favorite resource to find advice related to selling on Etsy. I love to read blogs so that’s where I find a lot of great information. There are also a lot of helpful Facebook groups related to selling on Etsy. Facebook groups are so resourceful because you can ask questions and receive answers from other shop owners. They are great for getting personalized advice. Check out the Etsy Sellers Facebook group.

9. What advice would you give someone interested in this side hustle who is just starting out?

Just start NOW! Seriously, don’t hang on to the “what if’s”. Just create a handmade product and open a shop on Etsy. You don’t need anything else besides a camera and a computer or mobile phone to list your first product. The rest you will learn as you go 🙂

10. Any additional tips you would like to give someone interested in becoming an Esty shop owner?

Don’t always put all your eggs in one basket. Besides selling products on Etsy, you can also sell handmade products on Amazon. Always look for other platforms that you can sell your products on. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing and that’s why I highly stress to sell items on multiple platforms.

How To Build a Successful Etsy Shop and Make Money From Home (3)

How To Build a Successful Etsy Shop and Make Money From Home (2024)


Can you realistically make money on Etsy? ›

Well, it depends on how much effort you're willing to put in. If you plan to use Etsy as a side gig, you'll likely only make side gig money. But if you treat Etsy like a business, you could wind up quitting your day job and start selling on Etsy full-time. Many sellers are pretty open with how much they earn on Etsy.

Can you make 10k a month on Etsy? ›

While starting an Etsy shop is easy, building it into a profitable business that generates consistent passive revenue takes work and strategic planning. However, with the right techniques and strategies, it is completely possible for Etsy sellers to earn $10,000 or more per month through passive income streams.

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How Much Does The Average Etsy Seller Make? The average successful seller on Etsy earns between $43,000 and $46,000 per year which is a fantastic foundation to build on as top earners make over $65,000 per month!

Can you make $1000 a month on Etsy? ›

At least in my experience, it is pretty hard. I currently have a revenue of about $1000 every month on Etsy (sometimes more, sometimes a little less). And let me tell you, it is not from selling products priced at $3. Let me share the five pricing strategies I use to price products and maximize revenue.

Why is it so hard to sell on Etsy? ›

One of the main reasons why your Etsy shop is not getting sales is that your products are not ranking high enough on Etsy search. This could be because your listings are not properly optimised. Search traffic is the main source of traffic for most Etsy shops.

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Transaction Fees

When you make a sale through, you will be charged a transaction fee of 6.5% of the price you display for each listing plus the amount you charge for shipping and gift wrapping.

Who is the highest paid Etsy seller? ›

Alicia Shaffer, often referred to as Etsy's richest seller, made numerous headlines for raking in $70,000 a month in sales. In 2015, her Etsy shop, Three Bird Nest, earned nearly $1 million on the platform.

Do you need an LLC to sell on Etsy? ›

If you're based in the US, you can either operate your Etsy shop as an unincorporated entity — a sole proprietorship or a general partnership — or you can incorporate and form a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC). Sole proprietorships and general partnerships are the two simplest options.

Is it cheaper to sell on Etsy or Shopify? ›

Etsy is generally cheaper than Shopify since there are no monthly costs and most of the features for creating a store are free. But in the long term, when your business grows and you get more orders, managing an Etsy store might cost you the same amount of money that Shopify does monthly.

Whats better Shopify or Etsy? ›

Shopify is the better choice for e-commerce businesses that sell manufactured goods, since Etsy's niche is handmade goods and handicrafts. Shopify is also a better fit for high-volume sellers, since its transaction fees are quite a bit cheaper than Etsy's.

Is Etsy a good side hustle? ›

Pricing items rightly is important. It should cover all costs but also leave room for profit. Verdict: An Etsy Side Hustle could be a good way to make extra money and you can even do drop-shipping using Etsy to sell the products also. But rest assured it won't be easy, you will need to stay dedicated.

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Top 10 Best Selling Items on Etsy
  • Handmade Home Décor. ...
  • Art Prints. ...
  • Craft Supplies. ...
  • Handmade Accessories. ...
  • Handmade Bags & Purses. ...
  • Personalized Gifts. ...
  • Wedding Accessories. ...
  • Custom Pet Gifts.
Jan 25, 2023

What is the most wanted item on Etsy? ›

Home goods. Home decor is hands down the most popular niche to sell on a marketplace platform like Etsy. In 2020, homeware and home goods generated $3.2 billion in sales on Etsy.

Do you need a business license to start an Etsy shop? ›

Etsy's seller policies do not require you to have a business license to sell on their platform. However, the inquiry doesn't end there. A seller of goods on Etsy may need a license or permit from municipal, county, state, or federal agencies regulating businesses. Your Etsy shop is either a business or a hobby.

Is selling on Etsy worth it? ›

Yes, selling on Etsy is worth it in 2024, especially if you combine it with other sales channels, like your own website and social media platforms. The marketplace gives you access to thousands of customers as soon as you set up your Etsy store.

How much profit should I make on Etsy? ›

Many successful Etsy sellers aim for a profit margin between 20% and 50%. It's not uncommon for some to achieve even higher margins, especially if they have a unique product with little competition and a strong brand presence.

What is the average sales in the first year of Etsy? ›

How Many Sales Do 1 Year Old Shops Make on Etsy? This question was the main point of this analysis, so let's finally answer it. Of those 797 shops that are about a year old: The average sales made were 938 (or 78 sales per month once normalized)

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.