How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Inherited Property (2024)

Inheriting a home or other property can increase the value of your estate, but it can also result in tax consequences. If the property you inherit has appreciated in value since the original owner purchased it, you could be on the hook for capital gains tax should you choose to sell it. That could result in a large tax bill if there’s a sizable gap between the original purchase price and the price you’re able to sell the property for. Here are some possibilities for how to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property, which are worth considering if you’re the beneficiary of an estate or trust.

A financial advisor can help you create a tax strategy for your estate.

Understanding the Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains tax applies when an investment is sold for more than its original purchase price. Typically, you might think about capital gains tax in terms of selling stocks or other securities you hold inside your investment portfolio. So if you bought a stock for $2 per share and sold it for $5 per share, you’d owe capital gains on the $3 in profit you realized from the sale.

Capital gains are taxed differently, depending on how long you hold the underlying asset. The short-term capital gains tax rate applies to investments or assets that are held for less than one year. The long-term capital gains tax rate applies to investments or assets that are held for more than one year. Capital gains tax generally applies when you sell an investment or asset for more than what you paid for it.

2024 Short-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates

Short-term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income. For tax year 2023, which you will file in 2024, the maximum you could pay for short-term capital gains is 37%. This is the same in 2024. The table below breaks down the 2024 federal income tax bracket for your short-term capital gains, with the 2024 bracket to follow:

Federal Income Tax Bracket for Tax Year 2024

RateSingleMarried Filing JointlyMarried Filing SeparatelyHead of Household
10%$0 – $11,600$0 – $23,200$0 – $11,600$0 – $16,550
12%$11,601 – $47,150$22,201 – $94,300$11,601 – $47,150$16,551 – $63,100
22%$47,151 – $100,525$94,301 – $201,050$47,151 – $100,525$63,101 – $100,500
24%$100,526 – $191,950$201,051 – $383,900$100,526 – $191,950$100,501 – $191,950
32%$191,951 – $243,725$383,901 – $487,450$191,951 – $243,725$191,951 – $243,700
35%$243,726– $609,350$487,451 – $731,200$243,726 – $365,600$243,701 – $609,350

For comparison, here’s a breakdown of the federal income tax bracket for short-term capital gains that applied in 2023:

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 2023

RateSingleMarried Filing JointlyMarried Filing SeparatelyHead of Household
10%$0 – $11,000$0 – $22,000$0 – $11,000$0 – $15,700
12%$11,001 – $44,725$22,001 – $89,450$11,001 – $44,725$15,701 – $59,850
22%$44,726 – $95,375$89,451 – $190,750$44,726 – $95,375$59,851 – $95,350
24%$95,376- $182,100$190,751 – $364,200$95,376- $182,100$95,351 – $182,100
32%$182,101 – $231,250$364,201 – $462,500$182,101 – $231,250$182,101 – $231,250
35%$231,251 – $578,125$462,501 – $693,750$231,251 – $346,875$231,251 – $578,100

2023 and 2024 Long-Term Capital Gains Rates

While short-term capital gains are based on your ordinary income tax rate, long-term capital gains are taxed at 0%, 15% or 20%, depending on your filing status and taxable income for the year. Here are the rates and brackets for 2024:

FederalLong-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates for Tax Year 2024

RateSingleMarried Filing JointlyMarried Filing SeparatelyHead of Household
0%$0 – $47,025$0 – $94,050$0 – $47,025$0 – $63,000
15%$47,026 – $518,900$94,051 – $583,750$47,026 – $291,850$63,001– $551,350

And, for a comparison, here are the rates for tax year 2023:

FederalLong-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates for Tax Year 2023

RateSingleMarried Filing JointlyMarried Filing SeparatelyHead of Household
0%$0 – $44,625$0 – $89,250$0 – $44,625$0 – $59,750
15%$44,626 – $492,300$89,251 – $553,850$44,626 – $276,900$59,751 – $523,050

Especially if you’re in a higher tax bracket, it typically makes more sense to hold investments longer to minimize the amount of capital gains tax you owe. Note that some states may also charge their own capital gains taxes. You should also keep in mind that the top capital gains tax rate may get raised in the futuredue to changes on Capitol Hill.

Capital Gains Tax Rules for Inherited Property

When inheriting property, such as a home or other real estate, the capital gains tax kicks in if you sell that asset at a higher price point than the person you inherited it from paid for it. Likewise, it’s possible to claim a capital loss deduction if you end up selling the property at a loss.

The difference with inherited property, however, is that the IRS allows you to use what’s known as a stepped-up basis for calculating capital gains tax liability. The step-up cost basis represents the value of the home when you inherit it versus its original purchase price.

For example, say your parents bought a home for $100,000 that’s worth $400,000 by the time you inherit it. Under ordinary capital gains tax rules, you’d owe tax on the $300,000 difference between what your parents paid for it and its current value.

That could result in a huge tax bill for you, which is why the IRS allows you to use the stepped-up basis instead. Assume that you don’t sell the home right away, for instance. You hold on to the property for two years, at which time you sell it for $450,000. Taking the step-up basis of $400,000 into account, you’d only pay capital gains on tax on the $50,000 in appreciation value.

That wouldn’t allow you to completely avoid paying capital gains taxes on inherited property, but using the step-up cost basis can reduce the amount of capital gains tax you’d owe.

How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Property

If you stand to inherit property and you want to avoid paying taxes on it, there are three possible options for minimizing or eliminating capital gains tax altogether.The first is to simply sell the property as soon as you inherit it. By selling it right away, you aren’t leaving any room for the property to appreciate in value any further. So if you inherit your parent’s home and it’s worth $250,000, selling it right away could help you avoid capital gains tax if it’s still only worth $250,000 at the time of the sale.

That may not be ideal, however, if it was your parents’ wish or your desire to keep the home in the family. In that scenario, there’s a second option you can consider.

Instead of selling the home right away, you could move into it and make it your primary residence. You could then sell the home two years later, potentially excluding some or all of the capital gains from the sale.

The IRS allows single filers to exclude up to $250,000 in capital gains from the sale of a home, increasing that to $500,000 for married couples filing a joint return. The key is that you have to live in the home for at least two of the five years preceding the sale. So if you can envision yourself living in your parent’s home for at least two years, this is another way you might be able to avoid paying capital gains tax on the property.

A third option is to not sell the property and rent it out instead of living in it. This can be a little tricky, however, since there are still tax rules you have to observe. An inherited home that’s treated as an investment property for tax purposes would still be subject to capital gains tax if you decide to sell it. But you could defer paying those taxes if you complete a 1031 exchange to purchase another investment property to replace the one you’re selling.

Disclaiming an Inheritance to Avoid Capital Gains Tax

There’s one more possibility for how to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property. That’s simply choosing not to inherit it at all.

This is called disclaiming an inheritance and it’s something you can choose to do if you’d prefer not to get entangled in tax issues related to someone else’s estate. The downside, of course, is that once you formally disclaim an inheritance, you can’t go back and change your mind. Whatever property you forfeited would be passed on to the next person in line to inherit.

Bottom Line

Inheriting property can trigger capital gains tax if you choose to sell it. And there are other taxes you may need to consider, such as state inheritance taxes. If the inherited property is a residence consider living in it for a few years before selling it. Alternatively, consider renting it. Talking to an estate planning attorney or a tax professional may be helpful if you stand to inherit assets from your parents or anyone else and you’re worried about owing Uncle Sam.

Tips for Estate Planning

  • Consider working with a financial advisor to put together an estate plan.Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free toolmatches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • Property taxes in America are collected by local governments as well as the federal government. The money collected is generally used to support community safety, schools, infrastructure and other public projects. A property tax calculator can help you better understand the average cost of property taxes in your state and county.

Photo credit: ©, © Vignjevic, ©

How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Inherited Property (2024)


How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Inherited Property? ›

Sell the Inherited Property Immediately

Is my inheritance from my parents house taxable? ›

You do not automatically pay taxes on any property that you inherit. If you sell, you owe capital gains taxes only on any gains that the asset made since you inherited it. You may want to talk to a professional advisor to make sure you plan your finances out correctly with the capital gains tax in mind.

How to inherit a house without paying capital gains tax? ›

Here are five ways to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property.
  1. Sell the inherited property quickly. ...
  2. Make the inherited property your primary residence. ...
  3. Rent the inherited property. ...
  4. Disclaim the inherited property. ...
  5. Deduct selling expenses from capital gains.

What is the inherited capital gains tax loophole? ›

When someone inherits investment assets, the IRS resets the asset's original cost basis to its value at the date of the inheritance. The heir then pays capital gains taxes on that basis. The result is a loophole in tax law that reduces or even eliminates capital gains tax on the sale of these inherited assets.

What is the most you can inherit without paying taxes? ›

In 2024, the first $13,610,000 of an estate is exempt from taxes, up from $12,920,000 in 2023. Estate taxes are based on the size of the estate. It's a progressive tax, just like our federal income tax. That means that the larger the estate, the higher the tax rate it is subject to.

What happens when you inherit a house from your parents? ›

In the State of California, you won't owe any inheritance tax on the property, but if you sell the home, you'll likely owe capital gains tax on any value that exceeds what the house was worth at the time of your relative's passing.

Does inheriting a house count as income? ›

Inheritances are not considered income for federal tax purposes, whether you inherit cash, investments or property.

What is the first thing you do when you inherit a house? ›

Here are some actions you should certainly take right away, no matter what you plan to do with the property.
  1. Call your lawyer or family estate planner. ...
  2. Secure the property. ...
  3. Assess the condition of the property. ...
  4. Transfer the utilities. ...
  5. Pay any past-due taxes or utility bills. ...
  6. Get an appraisal.
Jun 28, 2023

Do you pay capital gains tax on a house after death? ›

Surviving spouses get the full $500,000 exclusion if they sell their house within two years of the date of the spouse's death, and if other ownership and use requirements have been met. The result is that widows or widowers who sell within two years may not have to pay any capital gains tax on the sale of the home.

Do I have to report the sale of an inherited home to the IRS? ›

Report the sale on Schedule D (Form 1040), Capital Gains and Losses and on Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets: If you sell the property for more than your basis, you have a taxable gain.

Do you have to pay capital gains after age 70? ›

Whether you're 65 or 95, seniors must pay capital gains tax where it's due.

How do I calculate taxes on the sale of inherited property? ›

How to Report the Sale of Inherited Property on Your Tax Return
  1. Calculate your capital gain (or loss) by subtracting your stepped up tax basis (fair market value of the home) from the purchase price.
  2. Report the sale on IRS Schedule D. ...
  3. Copy the gain or loss over to Form 1040.

What is the holding period for inherited property? ›

The holding period for property is the length of time that the taxpayer owned the property before disposing of it (IRC § 1223).

How to avoid capital gains on inherited property? ›

How Can I Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Property? There are four ways you can avoid capital gains tax on an inherited property. You can sell it right away, live there and make it your primary residence, rent it out to tenants, or disclaim the inherited property.

Does the IRS know when you inherit money? ›

Inheritance checks are generally not reported to the IRS unless they involve cash or cash equivalents exceeding $10,000. Banks and financial institutions are required to report such transactions using Form 8300. Most inheritances are paid by regular check, wire transfer, or other means that don't qualify for reporting.

Is it better to gift or inherit property? ›

Think twice about property as a gift

From a financial standpoint, it is usually better for your heirs to inherit real estate than to receive it as a gift from a living benefactor.

Do you have to report inheritance money to the IRS? ›

If you are a beneficiary of property or income from the estate, you could be impacted on your federal income tax return. You must report any income you receive passed through from the estate to you and reported on a Schedule K-1 (1041) on your income tax return.

Do beneficiaries get taxed on inheritance? ›

Some states have inheritance taxes, but California is not one. However, it's essential to be aware that even though there is no inheritance tax in California, there may still be federal estate tax to consider.

What happens when you inherit money from a trust? ›

When you inherit money and assets through a trust, you receive distributions according to the terms of the trust, so you won't have total control over the inheritance as you would if you'd received the inheritance outright.

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