How Much Electricity Does My Dishwasher Use? (2024)

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In a house full of energy hogs like a furnace, air conditioner and hot water heater, sometimes we overlook opportunities to cut back on utility costs that are hiding right under our noses. One appliance that seldom comes to mind when seeking to reduce electricity consumption is the dishwasher. This useful piece of equipment does use a decent amount of energy, however – after all, its main by-product is heat, which takes a substantial amount of power to produce. Read on for an eye-opening exploration of the question of just how much electricity does a dishwasher use.

How Much Electricity Does My Dishwasher Use? (6)

Do Dishwashers Use a Lot of Electricity?

Dishwashers frequently conceal their true energy consumption since the machine doesn't actually use very much in the way of electricity itself. The pump and control electronics require about 1200 watts, about the same as a blow dryer. Unless the appliance has its own onboard heater, which adds quite a bit to its power demands, that's it. The reason that the dishwasher is able to get away with such a low power profile is because it piggybacks off another one of your household appliances for as much as half of its energy consumption – the hot water heater.

How Much Water Does a Dishwasher Use?

Dishwashers need piping-hot water to do their job effectively, and that water has to come from somewhere. The gas or electricity that the water heater needs to supply the dishwasher should, by rights, count toward the dishwasher's total energy consumption. How much energy is required depends on the amount of water the appliance needs to clean the dishes, which in turn depends primarily on when the dishwasher was manufactured:

But How Much Energy Does a Dishwasher Use Per Load?

Take the estimates above as a general guideline, not set-in-stone figures. To provide a true estimate of how much energy a dishwasher uses is tricky, since the amount of power used by your model will vary widely depending on the manufacturer's design and which cycles you choose to run. Different settings for soil level and the type of dishes in the load will affect variables such as the water pressure and amount of water. You may also have an option for heated drying, which essentially doubles the base electrical cost to produce another round of heat. So, your mileage may vary, but by using the average consumption rates we can get an idea of how money the dishwasher adds to your monthly utility bills.

In Total, How Much Does It Cost to Run a Dishwasher?

A dishwasher's base electricity usage is pleasantly inexpensive. For a 1200-watt model and a load time of one hour, you use 1.2 kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is about 12 cents per load on a 10 cent per kWh electricity plan. If you run the appliance five days a week, you'll end up paying just $2.40 each month for basic electricity consumption.

Don't forget about the hot water, however. Assuming we've got an inlet temperature of 68°F and a target temperature of 120°F, the numbers work out as follows:

  • For a 1994 dishwasher using 10 gallons per load, you're looking at 1.27 kWh, or 12.7¢ per hour. That more than doubles the 12¢ cost to operate the machine's electric components, bringing your price to 24.7¢ total or $4.94 per month.
  • Older Energy Star dishwashers using five gallons per load will need 0.64 kWh, or 6.4¢ an hour. Adding the 12¢ operating cost comes to 18.4¢ per load, or $3.68 per month.
  • Finally, a new Energy Star dishwasher that uses 3.2 gallons per load only costs 0.38 kWh or 3.8¢ per hour, which comes to 15.8¢ when you add in the 12¢ operating cost. At 20 loads per month you're looking at only $3.16 in expenses.

How to Save Money When Using Your Dishwasher

You do have opportunities to whittle down the amount of money you spend on energy for your dishwasher and other kitchen appliances. Try out the following tips to keep your power usage to a bare minimum:

  • Build up a full load of dirty dishes before your run your dishwasher to reduce the number of cycles you run in a week.
  • Don't over-fill the dishwasher, either, as the water needs room to circulate for the process to work effectively.
  • Open the door to your dishwasher as soon as its cycle completes and the dishes are still hot, which will accelerate the evaporation process. That allows you to avoid the heated dry setting and use much less energy.
  • Clean your dishwasher regularly to prevent the spray arm and filter from clogging with soap scum, lime scale and food particles, which will reduce efficiency and may hinder effective washing cycles.
  • Upgrade your dishwasher to a new energy saving model. As you saw from the examples above, modern dishwashers have improved their efficiency in leaps and bounds.
  • Avoid using the dishwasher during the hottest part of a summer day. Producing extra heat inside your house will make your air conditioner work that much harder, only increasing the amount of energy you're using.
  • Consider hand washing in certain circ*mstances. In most cases, using a dishwasher actually uses less water than washing dishes by hand, especially if you have a high-efficiency model. However, there are times when it makes sense to roll up your sleeves and do the job the old-fashioned way, such as if you have less than a full load to finish. Just try to limit the amount of time the faucet is running, and you can still come out ahead.

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As an energy expert with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, I can confidently dissect the information presented in the article about electricity usage, particularly focusing on the energy consumption of dishwashers. My expertise is rooted in a deep knowledge of household energy consumption, energy-efficient appliances, and cost-saving measures.

The article begins by offering a variety of electricity and natural gas plans for different states in the USA and Canada, covering locations such as Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington, D.C. The inclusion of these specific regions suggests an awareness of the diverse energy markets and regulations in different areas, showcasing a commitment to providing tailored energy solutions.

Moving on to the main content about dishwashers, the article explores the often-overlooked energy consumption of this household appliance. It reveals that dishwashers utilize about 1200 watts, equivalent to a blow dryer, for the pump and control electronics. However, a crucial factor in a dishwasher's energy consumption is its reliance on the hot water heater, which contributes to as much as half of the appliance's energy usage.

The article delves into the water consumption of dishwashers, highlighting variations based on manufacturing dates. Older models, predating 1994, might use 10 to 15 gallons per load, while newer Energy Star dishwashers can use less than 4 gallons. This information emphasizes the importance of considering both electricity and water usage when evaluating the overall impact of a dishwasher on utility bills.

To estimate the cost of running a dishwasher, the article provides a breakdown of electricity costs, considering a 1200-watt model running for one hour. It then incorporates the additional cost of hot water, showcasing the impact of water heater efficiency and dishwasher water consumption on overall expenses.

The article concludes with practical tips to save money while using a dishwasher, such as running full loads, avoiding over-filling, opening the door after a cycle for faster drying, regular dishwasher maintenance, and considering upgrading to energy-efficient models.

In summary, this article demonstrates a nuanced understanding of household energy consumption, considering both electricity and water usage in the context of dishwashers. The inclusion of specific regions and the detailed breakdown of costs showcase a depth of knowledge in the field of energy efficiency and conservation.

How Much Electricity Does My Dishwasher Use? (2024)


How Much Electricity Does My Dishwasher Use? ›

Dishwasher energy consumption may vary for older models, so check your machine's manual for further information. Dishwashers can use between 1200-2400 watts1, with the average dishwasher uses only about 1800 watts per cycle – roughly the energy used to power a hairdryer for ten minutes.

How do I calculate how much power my dishwasher uses? ›

To figure out how energy-efficient they are, simply find their wattage (usually listed in the manual, on the back, or online) and multiply it by the amount of time a wash takes. For example: 1800 (watts) x 1 (hour) = 1800 1800 / 1000 = 1.8 – this is how many kWh it uses.

Does using a dishwasher use a lot of electricity? ›

Overall, the average dishwasher consumes between 1.2kWh and 1.5kWh per load. You should be able to see your dishwasher wattage to the exact kWh on its energy-rating label. The most efficient dishwashers will have an energy rating of A or B, and the lower the kWh number, the less energy the appliance will use.

How much electricity does a dishwasher cost to run? ›

Dishwashers use between about 200 and 800 kWh per year of electricity—costing between $2 and $8 per month to operate (based on an average electricity cost of 12 cents per kWh). The exact amount of energy that your dishwasher uses depends on its age and design.

Is it cheaper to use a dishwasher every day? ›

With so many appliances in our household, it's often easy to overlook the ones we use on a daily basis – like the dishwasher. Fortunately, a dishwasher's regular usage is relatively inexpensive, especially if you opt for an energy efficient model.

Is it cheaper to run a dishwasher at night? ›

But as a rule of thumb, the least expensive time to run the dishwasher is at night, when lights and TVs are generally turned off and the grid isn't in high demand. Note: For fire safety reasons, only run appliances like dishwashers while you're home and try to avoid running them when you're sleeping.

What runs up your electricity bill the most? ›

What costs the most on your electric bill? Heating and cooling are by far the greatest energy users in the home, making up around 40% of your electric bill. Other big users are washers, dryers, ovens, and stoves. Electronic devices like laptops and TVs are usually pretty cheap to run, but of course, it can all add up.

Is it cheaper to wash dishes by hand or use a dishwasher? ›

For most people, using a dishwasher can be more energy-efficient than hand washing dishes because it uses less hot water. Is it cheaper to hand wash or use a dishwasher? In most households, the dishwasher uses less water than hand washing and is, therefore, a cheaper alternative to washing dishes by hand.

Does a dishwasher increase the water bill? ›

Using your dishwasher is 'more efficient and beneficial' than washing by hand, plumber says. Running the dishwasher saves you time, but it can also save on water and keep your water bill low, experts say.

How much does it cost to run a dishwasher per week? ›

For a 1200-watt model and a load time of 1 hour, you use 1.2 kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is about 12¢ per load on a 10¢ per kWh electricity plan. If you run the appliance 5 days a week, you'll end up paying just $2.40 each month for basic electricity consumption. Don't forget about the hot water, however.

How much money do you save by not using a dishwasher? ›

Dishwashers Save You Money

Energy Star says that over the typical dishwasher's 12-year lifetime, washing your dishes by hand can cost you about $1,300 more than using an Energy Star-certified dishwasher. Combined energy and water costs for the average dishwasher amount to just $463 over the appliance's lifetime.

Which dishwasher cycle uses the least electricity? ›

The dishwasher cycle that consumes the least electricity is “Eco-mode”. Eco-mode lowers the temperature of the water, to cut down on energy use. While this does mean that the resulting cycle takes much longer, it results in far less energy being used to wash your dishes.

How often should you run a dishwasher to save money? ›

If saving water is a priority, then it makes sense to use your home dishwasher every day of the week. On the other hand, if eeking out those additional 2 or 3 years in dishwasher life expectancy is your priority, then it's best not to use it more than 5 times a week.

Should you run a dishwasher half full? ›

In order to wash a full load of dishes in two goes, you will need to use twice the amount of water and electricity. Half-filling your dishwasher effectively doubles the amount of water and electricity it uses! Instead, try to build up a full set of dishes before setting your dishwasher off.

How much electricity does a dishwasher use per month? ›

What is the cost and energy consumption of different dishwashers?
SizeAvg WattsCost per month*
Small1500 W$7.20
Medium (Most Common)1800 W$8.64
Large2400 W$11.52

How to determine how much electricity an appliance uses? ›

  1. Formula for Estimating Energy Consumption. Use this formula to estimate an appliance's energy use:
  2. (Wattage × Hours Used Per Day) ÷ 1000 = Daily Kilowatt-hour (kWh) consumption. ...
  3. Estimating Annual Cost to Run an Appliance. ...
  4. Examples:
  5. Window fan: ...
  6. Personal Computer and Monitor: ...
  7. Wattage. ...
  8. Typical Wattages of Various Appliances.

How do I calculate how much power my appliance uses? ›

If the wattage is not listed on the appliance, you can still estimate it by finding the electrical current draw (in amperes) and multiplying that by the voltage used by the appliance.

How to calculate kWh usage? ›

To calculate the kWh for a specific appliance, multiply the power rating (watts) of the appliance by the amount of time (hrs) you use the appliance and divide by 1000. This 60-watt lightbulb that we used for 90 hours in a month when we were charged $0.09/kWh cost us approximately 50 cents for the month.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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